I hope Arma II goes on sale so I can play this.
It most likely will seeing as the steam summer sale should start any day now.
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Yea there's not much point saving up gear quite yet. Constant nukers and hackers of all kinds.Got killed by server-side nuke on Dallas 30 today. Watch out for that server. That's the second time that happened on that server.
I still haven't played the mod mainly becuse of my lack of Arma 2 and Arma 2 OC, but I'll finally get it next month and from what iv'e seen it's gonna be worth it. I think i watched 5 hours of gameplay fotage for the mod so far and it looks fantastic, yes it has ALOT of bugs and glitches but jeez guys it's in Alpha,it's a mod,it's free and it has no funds backing it so you really can't complain all that much
Had a great 3 hours of DAYZ today. Found a Bike that worked and was ripping around very fast haha, it was fantastic.
I hit up the medical area and the armory. Got two nice guns now.
Took this one jump on my bike that was hilarious lol.
Bike got hit by a few zombies or ran out of gas so I had to ditch it, but nto before I went to a bunch of places and got some good supplies (only thing im low on is food, just used my last sardines). So next mission when I get on again will be to get a few more things of food.
I have only come across one hacker in all my time with the game to which has been nice. I stay mainly in the seattle servers, they seem to be not to bad.
stuck on top of this building, zombies coming up, took out 23 of them with my ak. Headshots hte second they got up the ladder. Ended up getting 3 food and some ammo from it all. First time in awhile I had 5 ammo of the gun I had, lately it seems I would have amom for other guns :P
Now if only I still had my bike... :P
Had a great 3 hours of DAYZ today. Found a Bike that worked and was ripping around very fast haha, it was fantastic.
I hit up the medical area and the armory. Got two nice guns now.
Took this one jump on my bike that was hilarious lol.
Bike got hit by a few zombies or ran out of gas so I had to ditch it, but nto before I went to a bunch of places and got some good supplies (only thing im low on is food, just used my last sardines). So next mission when I get on again will be to get a few more things of food.
I have only come across one hacker in all my time with the game to which has been nice. I stay mainly in the seattle servers, they seem to be not to bad.
You are making me want to play this mod so bad lol. I have been looking for a game like this for a really long time. I am definitely going to pick up ARMA II this week.
stuck on top of this building, zombies coming up, took out 23 of them with my ak. Headshots hte second they got up the ladder. Ended up getting 3 food and some ammo from it all. First time in awhile I had 5 ammo of the gun I had, lately it seems I would have amom for other guns :P
Now if only I still had my bike... :P
I had a bike in an earlier version, it made a lot of noise and attracted all the nearby zombies. In that version if you aggro'd a zombie it would never stop tracking you so I had a horde of like 50 following me. I ran into a metal barn and fought off as many as I could before getting overwhelmed.
I was going to say, I have loads of cooked meat and the required tools for getting more so I coulda helped you out, but it sounds like you found enough on the zombies you killed. You can find loads of AK mags if you brave the air fields or military tents in Stary Sober, but risk running into bandits.
Me, Nick and the swedes got into a crazy firefight in Stary a few days ago and our group ended up killing like 5 or 6 bandits, although we did lose one player.
Seattle servers are good for us BC folk, I get like 15 ping on most of them and they have daylight later than most other US servers.
Me, Nickprovs and the swedes check out a helicopter crash at night
Are vehicles only enabled on certain servers? I've been playing for a few days now and have yet to see one.
I'm assuming this was hacked into the mod, though. From what I understand, they were limited to a select few servers, but have since been enabled in all of them. I may be wrong though.
Are vehicles only enabled on certain servers? I've been playing for a few days now and have yet to see one.
You gotta fix vehicles most the time.
You can stumble across one thats all ready to go, but its only happened to me twice and ive been playign since this was released.
Been awhile since ive been drivign something in Dayz, but just the other day I found a mountain bike right outside this house. Was so fun ripping around haha.
Are vehicles only enabled on certain servers? I've been playing for a few days now and have yet to see one.
Vehicles are extremley rare. However, I've used this thread to help me find a few.http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=6347
Clans/Groups/Misc. People usually hide their cars in the woods far north. Vehicles are tied to each individual server and don't dissapear unless the server completley resets which it almost never does. If a vehicle is untouched for 6 days it respawns back where it was originally spawned.
A lot of people hide their cars like I said, here is a quick vid of our group finding a car with ridiculous loot in it.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rl4S5uAfwBAIt belonged to a group of 5 people when I stole it ;D
On day 7 of a great survival run.
Had a couple brushes with death; at one point a zombie broke my legs and caused me to bleed, I managed to escape with 3000 blood and had enough medical gear to get myself back on my feet.
I managed to stumble into Stary Sobor where a intense firefight was going down between some people and my group and a bunch of random bandits. I re-broke my legs and knocked myself unconscious when I tried crawling into a shed; I was at 1500 blood with broken legs and was still unconscious when a swedish angel came to my rescue with medical gear.
Post apocalyptic life can be tough :(On day 7 of a great survival run.
Had a couple brushes with death; at one point a zombie broke my legs and caused me to bleed, I managed to escape with 3000 blood and had enough medical gear to get myself back on my feet.
I managed to stumble into Stary Sobor where a intense firefight was going down between some people and my group and a bunch of random bandits. I re-broke my legs and knocked myself unconscious when I tried crawling into a shed; I was at 1500 blood with broken legs and was still unconscious when a swedish angel came to my rescue with medical gear.
Don't mind me, just riding my bike with a night vision sniper on the back....
Nice screenshot dude :D
Thanks :). I actually fell off/glitched off the top of a 100 foot tower at green mountain with 'with teeth' and lost all that stuff. But I actually killed a bandit this morning and got boatloads of gear.
Killed 2 people today, one was a bandit im 100% sure and the other person I was honestly 50/50 on.
I was up high in a staircase 4 stories up and he snuck up behind me as I was about to go down a ladder, I stopped and heard footsteps still and that freaked me out so I turned around and saw this guy looking like he was grabbing somethign from his bag. Now he could have been healing or what ever but the other day I got axed so I wasnt gonna let that happen again. Ended up turnign around and shooting him in the head with a headshot.
Then later on got a bandit after he killed someone, very very fun games of dayz today :P
Also if you have not seen the PC GAMER stream with the dayz creator playing dayz as he does an interview, check it out, very entertaining.
The first hour and a half things seemed to be going very good and then they got jumped, needless to say the last half an hour or so of the broadcast was very interesting :P
Nice to hear him answering these questions while playign dayz, sounded like a good guy and some awesome ideas seems for the future of dayz.
I finally have got the hang of sneaking around and getting some gear last night. I was struggling to find any sort of weapon this morning but finally I found a makarov in Elektro. Two seconds later I get shot down by a bandit :(
I love that you dont know if you can trust people. I saved a guy from around 10 zombies with my axe and in return he took me to an AKS-Cobra that I could have. The whole bandit/survivor aspect really makes it fun to me. :D
I love that you dont know if you can trust people. I saved a guy from around 10 zombies with my axe and in return he took me to an AKS-Cobra that I could have. The whole bandit/survivor aspect really makes it fun to me. :D
Hell yeah, the first 3-4 times i met people it went well, but later on after saving two groups of people with a friend, one of them shot us lol.
It definatly is a unique feeling in this game as you are not sure who will do what to you. And when I hear gunshots oh man my heart starts to go fast haha.
Lost my M9SD and M14 in a barn when I tried to drop them to re-arrange my inventory. They simply vanished. I ventured into the NW airfield to get some new guns but got attacked by a zombie which broke my legs. Spent ages crawling aronnd different servers trying to find morphine in the hangars and barracks, and finally found a crashed helicopter in the middle of the airfield with a box full of medical supplies.
Got hold of a AKM, MP5SD(without ammo) and a revolver for my troubles, in addition to loads of medical gear.
I love that you dont know if you can trust people. I saved a guy from around 10 zombies with my axe and in return he took me to an AKS-Cobra that I could have. The whole bandit/survivor aspect really makes it fun to me. :D
Hell yeah, the first 3-4 times i met people it went well, but later on after saving two groups of people with a friend, one of them shot us lol.
It definatly is a unique feeling in this game as you are not sure who will do what to you. And when I hear gunshots oh man my heart starts to go fast haha.
I keep finding people without guns right now so I have gotten pretty lucky. I try to be friendly and help people find a weapon so that they can survive but after that it is hard to trust them.
One of my encounters today: I saw a guy ducking down hiding from zombies, so I gave him some supplies and pointed him in the direction of a gun. After a while I circled back around and found a dead guy that had the same skin as the guy I met earlier. It made me kind of sad thinking I got the poor guy killed but also it made me laugh because the situation played out like a movie haha. No clue if it was really him but he was in the area I pointed and he had a rifle in his hand.
Lost my M9SD and M14 in a barn when I tried to drop them to re-arrange my inventory. They simply vanished. I ventured into the NW airfield to get some new guns but got attacked by a zombie which broke my legs. Spent ages crawling aronnd different servers trying to find morphine in the hangars and barracks, and finally found a crashed helicopter in the middle of the airfield with a box full of medical supplies.
Got hold of a AKM, MP5SD(without ammo) and a revolver for my troubles, in addition to loads of medical gear.
hahaha, nice man.
That sounds pretty epic, sticking with it and getting to other places crawling cuz of your broken leg, awesome :P
I love that you dont know if you can trust people. I saved a guy from around 10 zombies with my axe and in return he took me to an AKS-Cobra that I could have. The whole bandit/survivor aspect really makes it fun to me. :D
Hell yeah, the first 3-4 times i met people it went well, but later on after saving two groups of people with a friend, one of them shot us lol.
It definatly is a unique feeling in this game as you are not sure who will do what to you. And when I hear gunshots oh man my heart starts to go fast haha.
I keep finding people without guns right now so I have gotten pretty lucky. I try to be friendly and help people find a weapon so that they can survive but after that it is hard to trust them.
One of my encounters today: I saw a guy ducking down hiding from zombies, so I gave him some supplies and pointed him in the direction of a gun. After a while I circled back around and found a dead guy that had the same skin as the guy I met earlier. It made me kind of sad thinking I got the poor guy killed but also it made me laugh because the situation played out like a movie haha. No clue if it was really him but he was in the area I pointed and he had a rifle in his hand.
hahaha, just reading this made me smile and picture it in a movie :lol:
Some moments ive gone through in DayZ I dont think I will ever forget, heart racing, nerves on edge, great times :cool:
Hell yeah, the first 3-4 times i met people it went well, but later on after saving two groups of people with a friend, one of them shot us lol.
It definatly is a unique feeling in this game as you are not sure who will do what to you. And when I hear gunshots oh man my heart starts to go fast haha.
I keep finding people without guns right now so I have gotten pretty lucky. I try to be friendly and help people find a weapon so that they can survive but after that it is hard to trust them.
One of my encounters today: I saw a guy ducking down hiding from zombies, so I gave him some supplies and pointed him in the direction of a gun. After a while I circled back around and found a dead guy that had the same skin as the guy I met earlier. It made me kind of sad thinking I got the poor guy killed but also it made me laugh because the situation played out like a movie haha. No clue if it was really him but he was in the area I pointed and he had a rifle in his hand.
hahaha, just reading this made me smile and picture it in a movie :lol:
Some moments ive gone through in DayZ I dont think I will ever forget, heart racing, nerves on edge, great times :cool:
It definitely gets intense! Especially when you find something nice and it looks like there is no way out lol
I've been playing for about 2 hours and I've scavenged through dozens of towns and only ever found 2 axes, some ammo and some useless miscellaneous items along with dozens of empty cans and tins. No food, no drink, no guns. The fact you start without a weapon is a bit annoying because if you get spotted by a zombie you just have to run until you lose the trail. I've died twice, both times after being desperately thirsty and hungry (how you can starve after only an hour of not eating is beyond me). I've only seen two other people and a cow (in a full server), one had no weapons or anything else like me and the other had broken legs and was crawling around on the ground in a sorry state. I know this is meant to be hyper realistic and extremely hard but seriously, 2 hours of sprinting around through over a dozen towns and finding just 2 axes is kind of pointless, what am I doing wrong?JC_Spot
It's really all about knowing where to go in DayZ. Try to figure out where you are on this map next timehttp://www.teamfackin.com/moocow/dayz/map/.
From that point try and get to large towns like cherno and elektro. They have a few key buildings that spawn gear better than any other places. Firehouses for military weapons, Medical Tents for Supplies/Weapons, Hospitals for Supplies, and Supermarkets for all your general needs (food, water, ammo, compass, watch, in-game maps, ammo, etc.)
After I loot a major city (and survive hopefully) I usually go to either a military airfield or berezino, and along the way look for these things called deer huts which spawn military loot and stop by each small city on the way to check civilian buildings for ghillie suits if I don't already have one. Airfields (especially the North-West Airfield) have the best gear. The only other loot spawns that have better gear are crashed helicopters which randomly spawn throughout the map on each server.
Good Luck!
[QUOTE="JC_Spot"]I've been playing for about 2 hours and I've scavenged through dozens of towns and only ever found 2 axes, some ammo and some useless miscellaneous items along with dozens of empty cans and tins. No food, no drink, no guns. The fact you start without a weapon is a bit annoying because if you get spotted by a zombie you just have to run until you lose the trail. I've died twice, both times after being desperately thirsty and hungry (how you can starve after only an hour of not eating is beyond me). I've only seen two other people and a cow (in a full server), one had no weapons or anything else like me and the other had broken legs and was crawling around on the ground in a sorry state. I know this is meant to be hyper realistic and extremely hard but seriously, 2 hours of sprinting around through over a dozen towns and finding just 2 axes is kind of pointless, what am I doing wrong?Nickprovs
It's really all about knowing where to go in DayZ. Try to figure out where you are on this map next timehttp://www.teamfackin.com/moocow/dayz/map/.
From that point try and get to large towns like cherno and elektro. They have a few key buildings that spawn gear better than any other places. Firehouses for military weapons, Medical Tents for Supplies/Weapons, Hospitals for Supplies, and Supermarkets for all your general needs (food, water, ammo, compass, watch, in-game maps, ammo, etc.)
After I loot a major city (and survive hopefully) I usually go to either a military airfield or berezino, and along the way look for these things called deer huts which spawn military loot and stop by each small city on the way to check civilian buildings for ghillie suits if I don't already have one. Airfields (especially the North-West Airfield) have the best gear. The only other loot spawns that have better gear are crashed helicopters which randomly spawn throughout the map on each server.
Good Luck!
Yeah I did end up in Cherno and went through a whole bunch of buildings to only find a pistol with 1 clip..... EVERY other place just has empty cans and stuff. Might try some other servers I guess. Didn't find any people for about 1.5 hours as well. Boring as, and there are too many zombies to not give anyone guns at the start. If you get seen you just have to sprint away, it's dumb.I've been playing for about 2 hours and I've scavenged through dozens of towns and only ever found 2 axes, some ammo and some useless miscellaneous items along with dozens of empty cans and tins. No food, no drink, no guns. The fact you start without a weapon is a bit annoying because if you get spotted by a zombie you just have to run until you lose the trail. I've died twice, both times after being desperately thirsty and hungry (how you can starve after only an hour of not eating is beyond me). I've only seen two other people and a cow (in a full server), one had no weapons or anything else like me and the other had broken legs and was crawling around on the ground in a sorry state. I know this is meant to be hyper realistic and extremely hard but seriously, 2 hours of sprinting around through over a dozen towns and finding just 2 axes is kind of pointless, what am I doing wrong?JC_Spot
Make sure you search in houses and barns which are usually near spawn points on the coast. I couldn't find anything either but then I started to know where to look and I almost always have a gun within 15 minutes of spawning. If you have zombies after you it is sometimes possible to run around the town and find some supplies. There have been a lot of times where I am running for my life but then I find a gun and kill the ones that are after me.
Yeah I did end up in Cherno and went through a whole bunch of buildings to only find a pistol with 1 clip..... EVERY other place just has empty cans and stuff. Might try some other servers I guess. Didn't find any people for about 1.5 hours as well. Boring as, and there are too many zombies to not give anyone guns at the start. If you get seen you just have to sprint away, it's dumb.JC_Spot
Sounds to me like you were in a bad server. Most servers reset every few hours which re-spawns all the items. Normally on a run through cherno I find a good backpack, a decent weapon (sidearm and primary), map, compass, food, drink etc. Try checking the Cafe's, there are loads in Cherno and they spawn a ton of great basic loot like drinks, backpacks and beginner weapons like colt 1911's and Winchester rifles which rock hard.
Once you get a hatchet, hunting knife, and matches you can kill animals (even with the hatchet of need be), take meat off them and cook it which makes survival much much easier.
Stick with it, I found myself frustrated quite often early on but once you get the hang of it you will love it.
Got into a firefight at the Northeast Airfield with some derp taking pot shots at me with a Lee Enfield. He missed his first shot, I sprinted to safety, flanked around, and gunned him down from 300meters with my AKM. Found a GPS, another M9SD to replace the one i lost in a barn, and some ammo for the MP5SD I found yesterday.
Met up with nickrovs after that and we took a cruise along the shore to Berezino
Okay I managed to find some ammo, food and drink this time round in Elecktro, but still no guns. I was looting various buildings with some other noobs who had pistols then some bandits came up in a car and gunned us down....JC_Spotdayzmap.info ..... go there, read how it works. guns have a % chance in different areas. Played the game for a good 20 hours now, was quite addicted but im beggining to see how pointless and frustrating it is. when i was looking at the game originally there was a "humanity" metre .... what is there now? its gone. Its too safe and too easy to be a bandit. everyone just guns you down on site. I have the same problem as JC_spot where you have to go through that boring stage of having no guns because outside of Chern and Elektro there is very slim pickings in the self defence department, but guess what? every armed no consequences idiot is there waiting to gun you down and take everything in the usual places. Cant under stand the design decisions. 1) I can see why certain loot drops at certain places, but very basic weaponry and survial essentials should not be as rare as they are currently, anyone spawning in small towns has a hard frustrating time... 2) Bandit penalties ..... GET SOME. 3) sort out the godamn hit detection and lag, ok its alpha great, but one must wonder if he will port it to arma 3 because arma 2 engine sucks. Just a rant, im not care bear, I just dont value walking around for 2 hours initially with nothing only to die to players with no consequenes that have just farmed a building while carrying ak47s against unarmed players. GIVE THEM A REASON TO BE FURTHER IN THE MAP.
[QUOTE="JC_Spot"]Okay I managed to find some ammo, food and drink this time round in Elecktro, but still no guns. I was looting various buildings with some other noobs who had pistols then some bandits came up in a car and gunned us down....MBirdy88dayzmap.info ..... go there, read how it works. guns have a % chance in different areas. Played the game for a good 20 hours now, was quite addicted but im beggining to see how pointless and frustrating it is. when i was looking at the game originally there was a "humanity" metre .... what is there now? its gone. Its too safe and too easy to be a bandit. everyone just guns you down on site. I have the same problem as JC_spot where you have to go through that boring stage of having no guns because outside of Chern and Elektro there is very slim pickings in the self defence department, but guess what? every armed no consequences idiot is there waiting to gun you down and take everything in the usual places. Cant under stand the design decisions. 1) I can see why certain loot drops at certain places, but very basic weaponry and survial essentials should not be as rare as they are currently, anyone spawning in small towns has a hard frustrating time... 2) Bandit penalties ..... GET SOME. 3) sort out the godamn hit detection and lag, ok its alpha great, but one must wonder if he will port it to arma 3 because arma 2 engine sucks. Just a rant, im not care bear, I just dont value walking around for 2 hours initially with nothing only to die to players with no consequenes that have just farmed a building while carrying ak47s against unarmed players. GIVE THEM A REASON TO BE FURTHER IN THE MAP. Totally agree with the points here. Guns should random spawn in random buildings all around the map instead of certain hotspots. In a game I just played I had no gun and went into the cathedral thing in Elecktro and there were 4 players with guns. I said I was friendly and had nothing and as I was leaving one just shot me in the back and I died. Fvcking ridiculous, there SHOULD be penalties for cold blooded murder, like a drop in humanity which causes zombies to be more aware of your position or something. I did find TWO cars in the same spot at one point though. I decided to not be too harsh and only steal one. I went for a joy ride before hiding it in my own spot :P Currently there is no reason to go wandering out into the middle of nowhere because there is practically no loot, this could be because the map was designed for ARMA then made into a zombie map. If in ARMA 3 there is to be a built in Day Z they should make the map far more balanced and have more places with random loot. Starting with no weapon is a bloody pain as well, why did they get rid of it?
[QUOTE="JC_Spot"]Okay I managed to find some ammo, food and drink this time round in Elecktro, but still no guns. I was looting various buildings with some other noobs who had pistols then some bandits came up in a car and gunned us down....MBirdy88dayzmap.info ..... go there, read how it works. guns have a % chance in different areas. Played the game for a good 20 hours now, was quite addicted but im beggining to see how pointless and frustrating it is. when i was looking at the game originally there was a "humanity" metre .... what is there now? its gone. Its too safe and too easy to be a bandit. everyone just guns you down on site. I have the same problem as JC_spot where you have to go through that boring stage of having no guns because outside of Chern and Elektro there is very slim pickings in the self defence department, but guess what? every armed no consequences idiot is there waiting to gun you down and take everything in the usual places. Cant under stand the design decisions. 1) I can see why certain loot drops at certain places, but very basic weaponry and survial essentials should not be as rare as they are currently, anyone spawning in small towns has a hard frustrating time... 2) Bandit penalties ..... GET SOME. 3) sort out the godamn hit detection and lag, ok its alpha great, but one must wonder if he will port it to arma 3 because arma 2 engine sucks. Just a rant, im not care bear, I just dont value walking around for 2 hours initially with nothing only to die to players with no consequenes that have just farmed a building while carrying ak47s against unarmed players. GIVE THEM A REASON TO BE FURTHER IN THE MAP.
Guns are not really that rare. I find at least a pistol in nearly every town I've been in that has enterable buildings. Also, there is still a penalty for being a bandit. If you look at them, your heart starts to race and you can hear it in-game. Avoid those people. Also, there is incentive for bandits to go up North because that's where all the good loot is.
ie: Heli Crashes/North-West and North-East Airfields/Berezino/More Large Towns With Supermarkets
I do think that the percentage of guns could be raised a tad bit, but I usually find at least a hatchet and a pistol in smaller towns even.
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