I WANT to play Day Z, but with it becoming Standalone in September, I just don't know if $30 is worth it. Do you think it will be standalone at the start or near the end of September? Also do you think it will be $30 or so when in its standalone alpha? Also, is there reason to get it at present? Is it still buggy as? What about War Z, do you think there would be reason to own both? Also, hows the Arma 2 Aussie community? If I buy it for Day Z, then buy Day Z standalone, I would like Arma 2 to be still a valid game to play. Thanks!creaturemagic
ArmA II, especially Operation Arrowhead, which is included in combined ops, is a great stand-alone game. It gives you complete freedom to make scenarios in a very large sandbox. It's very easy to make some simple missions by just plopping down ai of seperate factions. The base game still has a very large community and is top in its class for military simulation.
At the end of the day I would say dropping $30 bucks into the game is worth it. I've gotten literally 200 hours out of DayZ. It's pretty much the only game I've played for the last 3 months. The War Z is a clear carbon copy of DayZ because DayZ has opened up an untapped market in zombie survival. However, I've heard that War Z will only cost 30 bucks so I'll probably purchase it.
Because I love the zombie survival feel of DayZ I would say dropping 30-90$ on the genre would be worth it. I would justify purchasing ArmA II and DayZ by saying I enjoy it more so than almost anything I've played and that I'm not spending money on other games at the moment.
I've said this before but the value is in the quality plus quantity of time you get out of something. As long as you realize DayZ is an alpha and go into it with an open mind, I think you may find that the purchase(s) would be worth it.
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