Did they release any info on what kind of mod tools? Like if you can make maps or new guns?
Sadly not yet. I really hope for maps, but something tells me Activision won't let that fly. Treyarch: Uh, Mr Kotick, sir? Do we have your permission to allow the players to create their own maps yet?
Kotick: *Throws glass of wine at wall* Maps? MAPS?! You expect me to allow those bumbling idiots to make maps!? For Gods sakes Treyarch, it's always 'dedicated servers' this, and 'lean' that, you always whine and ask for unnecessary garbage!
Treyarch: Well, yeah, except that lean and dedicated servers are, you know, pretty important, and mod tools ar--
Kotick: SILENCE! PC gamers are little puppets, and I, dear Treyarch, I am the puppet master! I have control over everything, and every god **** one. You say the players... The filthy, little dirty rats that we call our 'fans' want mod tools, hmm?
Treyarch: Yeah, well, of course.
Kotick: So, they probably want their beloved mod tools to make user content, correct? Free content, my boys. I'm afraid that just don't fly around Activision. They want more maps? Go make a map pack. 3 new maps, 2 old ones from World at War. 15 bucks.
Treyarch: Um, that's just stupid, sir.
Kotick: Then my work here is done.
What if it turns out you have to pay for the mod tools? :S Definitely some Activision thinking there.
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