[QUOTE="Geminon"] it is far from the worst launch ever.... dont be so dramatic. if you can get in the game, it works fine. zero lag, very few bugs.... its just the logging in part that sucks. and that isnt a bug, it is a limitation on the number of people that can be on the server. there have been MANY MANY MANY MMO launches where the game has legitimately been broken. this is not the case.MBirdy88
Sorry but when people cannot log into a game for a week, and many cannot even create characters due to server lockouts.....that is a **** launch. I have played every major MMO since UO, this is absolutely one of the worst I have seen. What good is a bug free optimized game if you can't log in to play it??? And yes there are people on some of the more busy servers using autohotkey and still taking 30-60 minutes to get in the queue, then it is not uncommon to get booted from it as well. Last night I could not even get the NA servers to show up. It is a mess, and people like you trying to make it less than that is getting on my nerves...seriously.
I know it will be fixed but the complaints this past week are 100% legit, and it is so bad the head guy actually cried while apologizing lol. Tears dude....for what is not one of the worst launches ever? I have had one other game in memory I could not play for the first week, that was D3. This game I could not play for the first 3 days or so, then had some luck getting in here and there after that. Not as bad as D3, but bad nonetheless. Thankfully it is an easy fix once they actually do it.
Errr wut. Yoshi didn't cry apologizing. that speech was nothing about apology (well a quick reference), that speech was about the effort put into the project.
Enitrely remake a failed game from the bottom up (except art assests obviously) into a game people would love. well only time will tell but so far my expecatations were met, and the possibiltiies of where this can go are stellar.
Never in recetn years have I been challenged by leveling dungeon content (well some of them at least) .... and the 8 mans that are currently in are awesome. soon 2 24 mans and more 8 mans....
Housing, chocobo breeding, gold saucer (FF7 giant theme park/casino/amusement area of the game with minigames) confirmed Chocbo racing, and likely built in card game.... are just all little things that make the experiance that much better.
Apperently Odin at 10% starts charging Zantendesukin (sp?) if hes not killed in the following 10 seconds he instantly slices EVERYONE in 2 instantly killing everyone who is in combat with him. and he wanders around zones! and makes his own weather effect "Hopelessness".
ITs the ultimate fan service for any final fantasy fan, and its a damn good theme park mmo. more so than the crock that has come in recent years.
Reading your posts really make me want to play the game.
Seems like it is a pretty good final fantasy game AND a good themepark mmo (I actually dont mind themeparks, as long as they are well done, despite my inner cravings for a good sandbox).
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