if you think there will be enough cutscenes and story to last for more than a month is just lol, the only way a mmorpg can survive its if the gameplay is amazing, which in the old republic is not
So u say the gameplay is bad from hands-on experience? Did u play the beta or at a conference? Tell us more about how it plays.Looks like it plays like WoW. And the idea that there will be meaningfull dialogue, choice and cutscenes to last you long is silly imho......
Either you go somewhat hardcore and get a dedicated userbase or you go mainstream and get a userbase that spends their time running in circles in orgrimmar 3 weeks after reaching the level cap.
Even if Bioware intends to implement KOTOR sequels as SP packs for ToR they'll still be crap because they're designed around an mmo engine with mmo mechanics rather than being proper SP rpgs.
DISCLAIMER: I'm not indicating that that's their intention, merely that they claim that ToR is KOTOR 3,4,5,6----,78,79,80,etc, which is a ludicrous statement.
Edit: Don't take this as blind hate... I started playing WoW during vanilla and ended up dead inside after Cata turned out to continue the WOTLK traditions despite Blizzards promises. Obviously, one can never judge a game properly without trying it but if you've practically been married to WoW you're certainly able to notice the lovehandles on ToR before ever riding it.
Why is it so ludicrous to everyone?
Look at LOTRO, it does story telling marvellously, and it just keeps bringing out new "books" to continue the story forward.
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