[QUOTE="king-micky207"][QUOTE="Matt-4542"][QUOTE="king-micky207"][QUOTE="supersnake930"][QUOTE="king-micky207"] OMFG!! guys i just got back from my store and got MGS4!! im freaking playing it as im typing this!
Prove VVV , anyone wants the other copy? :P
how is it? i cant believe im going to ask this, but does it live up to the hype king-mickey? how good are the physics and graphics?
so far absolutely amazing, it's defiantly the best MGS game in the series and is by far the most fun game out all them, i always felt that the MGS series was boring when it comes to gameplay but this game amazingly manges to keep you having fun and blown away by the story, the flash backs are great because they help you remember/know who the hell are these guys and yeah, they only get activated if you press O (i have a Japanese console so it should be X for US consoles) which is a good thing cause most of the people who are going to play this game have probably finished all MGS games and it would be annoying to constantly be reminded of the story/characters, and about the hype question I'm gonna be honest , the game doesn't live up to the hype, nothing does really there is no game out there that live up to it's hype no matter what but MGS4 is no disappointment in any way, it's easily the best game i have played, the only thing I'm disappointed in is the graphic, they aren't any better than MGO which will annoy some people who expected it to look 10x better than it , though i noticed that the characters/enemies models have high textures and are rather impressive and there is no framerate drops what so ever , the physics are fantastic and are pretty much just like in MGO so when you play this game you won't notice a lot of deference's between MGO and MGS4 ,other than the stuff i mentioned MGS4 can go ahead and get that 10/10 cause it deserves it :) GOTY!!
As long as I can pause cutscenes :lol:yes you can, no need to worry about having a bottle near you once you reach the ending :P
Lol, I could care less about the bathroom issue (Although it is a +), but knowing my luck I'd get to a cutscene 20 minutes before work and it would be 30 minutes or something. Then I'd have to turn it off and start all over when I got back.To pause do you just press the Start button or what?
Oh, and I have 1 major question. O Button or X Button to confirm?!
yeah you just press the start button, 2 options will appear "Resume" and "Skip", and for me the confirm button is O, and thanks :D
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