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From gamespot blog. When gamespot going to review MGS4, the score should not be deducted because of the installation time, if so GTA4 should deserve the same fate and all games that require install time.
That would be fair, and you would exspect a fair review... But games are always getting shot down for flaws other games also suffer from, that ofcourse the reviwers decided to over look that time...
agree, basicaly all games need to be gta + cod4 = $$$$$. if thats the standard, its a damm shame.
[QUOTE="aka_aj03"]From gamespot blog. When gamespot going to review MGS4, the score should not be deducted because of the installation time, if so GTA4 should deserve the same fate and all games that require install time.
That would be fair, and you would exspect a fair review... But games are always getting shot down for flaws other games also suffer from, that ofcourse the reviwers decided to over look that time...
Any of you guys check time to time? check out this article main attraction is on page 2, their #1... Once you've read it go back to GS and see whats missing... A that along with this blog post... a sign of MGS4's low score to come?gekidami
So let it be, people who care about scores will keep arguing about it instead of playing it, I will be busy playing the game by the time GS reviews it.
dones't anybody see what GTA IV did. no other company will give this game a perfect score for hte fact that a game of that calibur has come out already. i will say this, if th egame didn't have MGO, they would get on the game for not adding nothing and just being the same old game. so they add MGO and they don't even care about it. "we came for the single player" yeah right, nto a good review IMO. you think GTA would of got a 10 if it was just a single player. if they had amde MGO just like COD4 they would of ripped it for that same reason. reviews are turing into lists of complaints about games.ocdog45
i think mgs4 has a respectable chance of a ten... i think theres a reason high scores have been flooding in for the last year or two, games have reached a level of "whoa", the bar just keeps being pushed higher and higher with every game, look at AAA's a year ago compared to AAA's now.
there's no way this game deserves less than a 9.0 on GS. MGS2 had the longest cutscenes, i think, of the MGS series and it got a 9.6. they gave MGS3 an 8.7 because of the rapid use of menus for food, camo, etc. MGS4 has improved pretty much every flaw the series has had and i'm not considering the cutscenes as a flaw. The game should be perfect if you're an MGS fan.
If you guys haven't already check out IGN AU's review (9.5). IGN AU seems to have higher standards for games (GTAIV - 9.8, Halo3 - 8.9).
The most notable line in the review: "Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots is the single most visually impressive game of this or any previous generation. It sets new standards in animation, acting and digital performance that really draws a defining line in the sand for all future games with cinematic ambitions. The bar has been raised."
Hmmmm.....if I use the example of GTAIV reviews, I'd say I cannot understand how or why it has been given a 10 by alot of parties. I didn't enjoy the GTA series because after awhile it seemed pointless. I thought GTAIV would be different but it turned out to be the same for me and just wasn't my cup of tea.
Just a lil' background info I played Mafia on the PC way back and I absolutely LOVED IT. I think the same goes for any other games. I did not mind the 'long cutscenes', I enjoyed them so much that I was not aware that it was 'long'. I loved MGS3 for what is was worth - it was epic and filled with emotions!! - I can't quite recall recent games to be able to convey that sort of experience for me. Perhaps I am just an overtly 'sensitive gamer' :)
Something else to note is perhaps this - a lot of the reviews that come through (not just in MGS series but I am sure there are others out there) always 'complain' that the lack of gameplay vs cutscenes etc. Here is my take on this 'issue', if the 'short' span of gameplay is of quality; of a standard that is superb, I don't think I will complain. I MIGHT hope that there be more of that BUT too much of a good thing is not often the best thing. In the case of MGS series - I LOVED the cutscenes and I LOVED the originality, unique, crazy times when I was 'playing' the game.
I might already be seen as a fan of the series, but I am trying to be as open as I can here. I love the series. I want to 'finish the fight' (COULDN'T HELP IT SORRY :p I don't particularly like Halo :P). MGS3 - 8.7, not in my books. MGS4, if there is a review that ends up giving it 3.5, I don't really mind - it's their experience not mine. :) Have fun everyone!!
Cool, thanks for the info!The beta was fun. The controls are very smooth and fluid.
The third person camera from MGS3 subsistence has carried over and it works very well.
Anyone here think snake will die in the game?
If so who do you want to be the main character?
I would choose cyborg raiden or ocelot!
Guys...there will be multiple installations in between acts not including the main installation. The main installation will take 8 minutes and the installations between acts will take around 2 minutes. There will only be about one or two installations between acts though. Good news?LuckyLyI personally think its good news, i would rather wait in between acts rather than during gameplay. Where did you hear this btw?
I personally think its good news, i would rather wait in between acts rather than during gameplay. Where did you hear this btw?[QUOTE="LuckyLy"]Guys...there will be multiple installations in between acts not including the main installation. The main installation will take 8 minutes and the installations between acts will take around 2 minutes. There will only be about one or two installations between acts though. Good news?kljohns2
"The game requires an eight minute install, as well as a number of two to three-minute installs between acts."
Straight from Ryan Payton of Kojima Production.
,i went into EBGames last night to get them to price match and see if theyre having a midnight launch
i get there and im told theres NO MIDNIGHT LAUNCH!
like... WTF what a ripoff MGS4 is the PS3s benchmark title. Halo 3 got a midnight launch and that game was xbox's thing
GTA4 gotta midnight launch... that game sucked after day 2
but why shouldnt mgs 4 get a midnight launch?
i feel jacked i have to wait till 9am to get the game
thanks for nothing EB
not enough preorders. maybe you should help and pre order it.,i went into EBGames last night to get them to price match and see if theyre having a midnight launch
i get there and im told theres NO MIDNIGHT LAUNCH!
like... WTF what a ripoff MGS4 is the PS3s benchmark title. Halo 3 got a midnight launch and that game was xbox's thing
GTA4 gotta midnight launch... that game sucked after day 2
but why shouldnt mgs 4 get a midnight launch?i feel jacked i have to wait till 9am to get the game
thanks for nothing EB
[QUOTE="snake_9909"]not enough preorders. maybe you should help and pre order it.,i went into EBGames last night to get them to price match and see if theyre having a midnight launch
i get there and im told theres NO MIDNIGHT LAUNCH!
like... WTF what a ripoff MGS4 is the PS3s benchmark title. Halo 3 got a midnight launch and that game was xbox's thing
GTA4 gotta midnight launch... that game sucked after day 2
but why shouldnt mgs 4 get a midnight launch?i feel jacked i have to wait till 9am to get the game
thanks for nothing EB
i preordered it the day eb games got a price on it about... 6 month ago
Guys...Metal Gear Online will be region locked.LuckyLy
meaning the game or online will be like US can only play US and OZ play OZ only?
CONFUSED i thought the ps3 was region free
Guys...Metal Gear Online will be region locked.LuckyLydamn... I want to play against kojima and he lives in japan.
Alright, one last question from me.
The 80GB would be backwards compatible, right? I have about 20 PS2 games here that I'm dying to play but too lazy to hook up the other system haha.
Haha! Well, yes the 80GB can indeed play PS2 as well as PS1 games. :)
so i plan to buy the bundle if there are any left, any other good exclusives you guys have in mind? ive played resistence but nothing elseamscheip1
Folklore and Ratchet and Clank Future. Tools Of Destruction, and DO NOT FORGET TO purchase Uncharted Drakes Fortune for your Ps3 its the best next gen gaming experience I've had with my Ps3 so far.
[QUOTE="snake_9909"][QUOTE="LuckyLy"]Guys...Metal Gear Online will be region locked.LuckyLy
meaning the game or online will be like US can only play US and OZ play OZ only?
CONFUSED i thought the ps3 was region free
that is clearly a stupid move... who will i have to play against in aus?
[QUOTE="LuckyLy"]Guys...Metal Gear Online will be region locked.snake_9909
meaning the game or online will be like US can only play US and OZ play OZ only?
For the US that is the case, though Austraila will most likely get hooked up to the European servers.
Konami may unregion the servers like Insomniac did with RFoM, i guess we just have to keep on demanding it somewhere official...
hey why can't this thread be like this? It pwns this thread in every way shape and form, it has everything and I mean evrything (except spoilers) its where I got like 10 kick A wallpapers and my new avatar.poomonger613
Holy crap! That's like an MGS4 fans dream thread :shock:
Call me crazy, but shouldn't all discussion of Metal Gear Solid 4 be on the Metal Gear Solid 4 board? Or is that too radical of an idea?_Classic_Gamer_
The MGS4 board is full with spoiler of the game, and most people don't want to know what will happen until they play it themselves, and I don't really like that place some people come up with theories which don't make sense, like the old man is not Solid Snake is Big Boss and if you correct them they will attack and say you know nothing about the series.
Eurogamer MGS4 review
This review kind of killed my hype slightly ... (8/10)
anyone else?
"An unbelievably lengthy and self-indulgent epilogue - you can't call it a cut-scene, it's an entire film in its own right, and a deeply boring one too - is how Solid Snake's career comes to a close."
"Guns of the Patriots is a frustrating, fractured game that turns Metal Gear Solid's world upside down several times over, but never changes it."
I believe in my own opinion. not some stupid review
although GS and IGN are exceptions:)
ive recently obtained a copy of the soundtrack for the game and lets just say my god it is truly wonderful, harry gregson-williams fails to let me down once again. that man is truly a god in the world of music
highly reccomend you get yourself a taste a copy a sample a TbB (which is what mine unfortunatly is until our local import shop gets my copy in DONT JUDGE ME I DO NOT SUPPORT ILLEGAL DOWNLOADING)
[QUOTE="snake_9909"][QUOTE="LuckyLy"]Guys...Metal Gear Online will be region locked.gekidami
meaning the game or online will be like US can only play US and OZ play OZ only?
For the US that is the case, though Austraila will most likely get hooked up to the European servers.
Konami may unregion the servers like Insomniac did with RFoM, i guess we just have to keep on demanding it somewhere official...
i hope so... i cant see too many ppl in oz getting in on this if we cant even get a midnight launch
OH and an update on that i received an email saying not enough preorders as compared to wow and such and that midnight launches cost alot of money to do... ill post the email when i get to work on tuesday as its on our work exchange and mondays a public holiday in oz
what i want to know is whats with them metal gear things withe those two kind of synthetic legs. they bleed and moo like a cow for some reason so if anyone knows about them please answer.arrowace
the following is pinched off the neogaf forum i take NO CREDIT for it link is below in another post
Gekko (g QI, GekkO?, meaning "moonlight") is the codename of the new generation of mecha that Solid Snake must face in Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots.
They are mass-produced unmanned bipedal units manufactured by ArmsTech Corp (the makers of Metal Gear REX), and the US military designates them by the name
"Irving"; their frequent use by PMCs has caused it to be a replacement for tanks as a means of conducting armored warfare in Urban areas. The Gekko is used particularly
by the Praying Mantis company.
Although not a literal Metal Gear, the top half of this mecha is reminiscent of the Metal Gear REX design while the organic legs are somewhat similar to that of Metal Gear
RAY. It is unmanned and uses two large cameras as its "eyes", one mounted on its head, the other at the front of its hip assembly. These are backed up by other sensors,
mostly passive. New features include a small robotic tentacle used to pick up small objects or grab targets. The Gekko is incredibly agile and maneuverable, thanks to a pair
of flexible limbs that can act as either legs or arms. It can pick up a man and throw him hard enough to penetrate a brick wall, deliver a kick that can overturn a 6x6 truck,
dodge an RPG and kill its shooter (as shown in one of the latest trailers), climb walls, crouch to enter buildings, run at speeds equivalent to a motor vehicle, and leap
huge distances through the air. This model comes in two variants. While both carry anti-personnel machine guns mounted inside the "nose", one carries heavier machine guns
and missile launchers, while the other variant is equipped only with a radar.
Similar to combat against traditional Metal Gear models, Snake will most likely need heavy firepower to actually destroy one. A quick blast with an assault rifle may cause
one to trip if shot in the legs, but they appear to be well armored and quite dexterous - the mecha can quickly regain its footing even if tipped onto its head. They make
good use of sound in psychological warfare, particularly animal noises (such as cicadas while on the prowl to create an atmosphere of unease, and a bull in direct combat for
sheer intimidation). They feature characteristics that are biomechanoid to some degree, as they have been shown to "bleed" when sliced at the legs (understandably as the
machine could use a blood-like self-repairing nanopaste like the RAY), though severe wounds on seemingly mechanical components have been known to "bleed" as
well. In addition, they expel an unknown green liquid while roaring savagely in certain situations.
In a recent interview, Metal Gear director Hideo Kojima stated that the Gekkos are not the game's titular Metal Gears, stating that they are more like a jeep or a tank
compared to the actual Metal Gear.
[QUOTE="supersnake930"]i just cant wait to finish up the saga. also i want to know who the patriots are. Matt-4542I know 2 of them thanks to that kid posting spoilers the other day. If you want to know who 2 of them are, just PM me.
D: some kid spoiled it?...
where were the moderators for that huh?
I know 2 of them thanks to that kid posting spoilers the other day. If you want to know who 2 of them are, just PM me.[QUOTE="Matt-4542"][QUOTE="supersnake930"]i just cant wait to finish up the saga. also i want to know who the patriots are. snake_9909
D: some kid spoiled it?...
where were the moderators for that huh?
We can't be everywhere, so if people don't report things, there's no guarantee that we'll see it. That's even more true on the MGS4 board, when you report it to the GF mods.[QUOTE="snake_9909"]I know 2 of them thanks to that kid posting spoilers the other day. If you want to know who 2 of them are, just PM me.[QUOTE="Matt-4542"][QUOTE="supersnake930"]i just cant wait to finish up the saga. also i want to know who the patriots are. MAILER_DAEMON
D: some kid spoiled it?...
where were the moderators for that huh?
We can't be everywhere, so if people don't report things, there's no guarantee that we'll see it. That's even more true on the MGS4 board, when you report it to the GF mods.oki im semi reporting it i do not dare to look for it because i will most likely jump off a bridge if this game is ruined for me
(in praise to many of the mods i abuse)
so yeh if found kill the post ^.^ thanks moddos :D
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