[QUOTE="Texas2089"]Just out of curiosity, I had heard that with the Japanese version when you unlocked certain trophies you also unlocked a PS3 theme. I was just curious if 1. This was true 2. If this is being carried over for the US version too If not, has anybody heard anything about maybe a dynamic theme or something?hazelnutman1. Yes, some trophies unlock themes. Yes, themes - that's a plural. For example, you get the Fang theme for getting the trophy for beating all 64 missions with 5 stars, Snow's theme for getting the trophy for holding all weapons/accessories, and Serah's theme for getting the plat. Really cool system in my opinion, since this finally gives me motivation to go after those trophies. 2. Not sure if this same system will be in the North American version, but I can't imagine them taking it out. Ah good to hear. I don't think they'd take it out of the NA version either I was just curious if it had been confirmed or not. I was already planning on Platting this (my first one :D) but you're right, this does give people a little extra incentive to go for the trophies. Can't wait to get the Lightning one. I've had a Lightning wallpaper on my Lightning PS3 since I got it but a new theme would be awesome.
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