Phew, I hadthought we were breaking rules calling all those 3rd party characters.
Magna looks around for a sign of a shuttle. "Ah dammit, where's that damn map!? I hope it didn't just pop out in the digital world and I forgot it there!" It eventually shows up holographicly. "Phew, that's a relieaf. Alright, to get to the shuttle we just need to travel right a few ways and turn to the nearest right side door. There we had straight through until we come across a door on the left. That's where the shuttle is." Magna notices moving dots. "Ah crap. I think we might have company. Either those are test subjects or more of those androids are coming."
Dem: No need, we can get rid of these pawns without them.
Dem fires an extremly hot fireball at the robots. The heat melts their armor and burns their circuits. They fall to the ground with a thud.
Dem: Where is the nearest shuttle?
As Eugene is typing, he comes across a peculiar line of code. "Huh...any idea what this 'Digital World' is?"
"Oh well, probably just some crazy place where monsters run around with little children causing all sorts of havoc..."
" watch too much T.V....."
"On the contrary, if I didn't see that, I wouldn't have been able to use it as a joke for now. You see, resources come in many different ways."
"......How much time do you spend around...NORMAL people..?"
He thinks for a second. "Not much...though I have no side effects to report". He smiles to himself.
A man walks in the room. "Hey, 'C', scratch that idea of yours, Marcus is grouping everyone together, guess he thinks we can all come up with something."
"C" turns to him. "What? Marcus? What the hell is going on around here?"
"Hey, 'C', have you even been paying attention?" "C" looks blankly. "Come on, I'll explain on the way."
They go to where everyone is regrouping. Eugene smiles. "What, no cake?" He starts fiddling with machinery scattered about the place.
The man turns to "C". "Hey, 'C', weren't you and Sven going to see Kain?"
"C" pauses for a moment. "They're both dead. I'd rather not talk about it."
They both look off in the distance. Who knows what will befall them next.
Eugene is a bit overwhelmed at the moment. "Magna, right? Good to see you! Glad to see there are still some good fighters out here." He turns to Cronic. "Let's see....Cronic, I remember now. I am equally pleased that you are safe."
*Just for the sake of getting on with it, let's just say he greets everyone else in a similar manner*
He turns back to Magna. "Oh, them? The tall guy, with the rather large gun...that' 'C', at least that's what he calls himself. Not sure who the other guy is though, I was just sort of...well, brought here."
He then motions for everyone to gather "round". "All right. It's at least safe to assume that we all know that we need to get out of here. But there is a problem. Besides saving our own hides, we also have to deal with that lovely little friend of ours. You see, it's enacting a thing I used to call Protocol 13, it would take me a rather large length of time to deliniate its actual meaning to you all, so let's just say that it's bad. That computer is using satelites for some fell purpose, of which I can only guess the worst. So, we've got to shut this thing down before we leave this place, any ideas?"
"C" steps forward. "How about, 'Who gives a s*** and let's get out of here before we all die'."
"Ahh, yes, wonderfully bright aren't you. Unless you haven't realized, this protocol is meant to go much farther than this little installation. No, judging by what I know of my program, it's going to try and affect the entire world. Of course, you can go ahead and leave now, but I can't really guarantee to you that there will be something left to go to. We can't risk this computer doing something drastic. Considering how easily it took over this facility, it will just be another step to take for this thing." He then pulls out his watch. The timer that he found before now reads: 2:34:09 "Time is running out, and we need to act."
Dem: Why mess with entering the sustem when we could just blow a big hole in the thing? If you want to help but that thing out of operation, follow me.
Dem heads towards where he last encountered Jade.
*Yes, "C" can be considered an NPC. I do have things I intend to do with him, but so long as no one kills him off, I'll be content :) *
Eugene smiles. "Sadly Dem, we will actually need them to go there. You see, we have to remember that we are dealing with a program, not a sentient lifeform. A program is nothing more than scraps of data compiled together, scraps which can be transfered instantaneously. Not only do we need to destroy its processor like you've suggested, but we also need to prevent it from transfering itself onto another system."
He turns to Cronic. "Good luck to you, we'll be waiting topside. Keep it distracted long enough, you'll know when it's time to strike. Just keep the thing from transferring any data."
He then returns his attention to Magna and Dem. "Now, this is going to be difficult. We can assume that this thing has defenses beyond our comprehension. In other words, it most likely has defenses installed, each to defeat a specific person, namely, us. How can we beat this, you may ask? Well, I have a solution."
He pulls out a small chip. "I destroyed the original program with a hidden termination entry I disguised in its main interface. Since this is just a copy made by Egg-head, I doubt it is aware of the entry. However, there is, once again, a set back. This chip will take some time to install, I'll even need an assistant to help me with it. I usually have one of my nodes help me, but this will be a bit more advanced for them. I also don't plan on being able to simply walk up to the thing, that's where I need your help. You've got to fight those defenses long enough for me to install the chip. Once it's activated, our friends in that 'Digital Reality' will be able to permanently destroy the program. Any questions?"
*He turns to follow Dem, if anyone has a question, now is the time to ask him*
Dem: I doubt there are still there. They weren't hosted on the server, they were on us. When we cut out so did they, I am sure of it. I have an idea. I get to the main processer, you protect the human as he gets to where he needs to go. I can more than handle it bymyself, now go.
Dem heads to the room he and Magna has their last battle in. He goes invisible and continues on his way.
Magna nods. "Good luck Dem." He looks over to Eugene. "Alright, you go where you need to install that chip, I'll guard you."
Dem makes his way to the room. He sneaks in there being as quiet as possible. An alarm goes off as 15 drones come in from above. They swoop around and fire at Dem. Dem's chaos shot doesn't do much damage as he shoots and dodges. He fires a few fireballs at them. The ones that hit knock the drones out of the sky. They transform as they hit the ground.
Dem: Great, this could have been a bad idea.
"I ag-ree with you there."
Dem: Not you again.
"I will not al-low you or your friends to de-feat me or leave."
Dem: I have no intentions of staying.
"I have a bit sur-prise for you, if you sur-vive these."
Dem: I hope it is an ice-cream cake.
"You will be more sur-pris-ed than you think."
Dem takes to the skys and homing attacks the drones in the sky. The impact knocks them to the ground and they transform.
Dem: This will take a while.
Dem fires some more fireballs at the transformed drones. They do no damage. He does something he hasn't done in a long time, he punches at one of them. It knocks him donw, but he gets right back up.
Dem: Why did I expect that to be more effective?
Lines of code appear on his visor, it moves to fast for him to interperate outside his processing systems. His right armglows red as a band comes around it. It has a split in the middle. The code disappears as Dem feels different. His arm feels stronger. He activates a new device he finds and his arm seperates at his elbow. The lower arm takes off and starts flying around the room, firing chaos shot at the drones. A blade comes out where his arm was, it is covered in chaos energy
Dem: How'd I get this?
????: It is a gift from us, use ti to defeat jade.
Dem: Who are you?
????: You true creator.
Dem: The good professor died long ago.
????: He takes the credit for my work, I don't want the bad publicity. Just use your gifts and stop that A.I.
Dem: Fine by me.
"You will ul-tim-at-ly fail young war-i-or"
Dem: Your voice seems more messed up than usual
"Our pre-vi-ous en-gage-ment dam-ag-ed my soft-ware."
Dem prepares for the battle ahead.
Dem is fighting a group of drones guarding Jade's CPU. He just acquired a new weapon (imported from a different RPG, but installed a much different way) and was about to use it.
Dem's blade glows with an erie red as he gazes upon his foremidable foes. His new weapon, untested, seems to be his only hope to defeat them.
Dem charges in with his sword ready. The drones charge in as well, some take to the skies to fend off Dem's flying ally (his arm). Dem's swipes miss as the agile drones bob and weave aroudn his swings. One counters with a solid punch to the stomach. It knocks Dem back a little. He stands and plans his next move, waiting for an opportunity to strike. He controls his arm as it dogfights the flying drones.
It manages to take a few back to the ground before they get up and continue their pursuit. A plan comes to Dem as his arm flies past. It fires upon several enemies. They turn to face the arm. Dem dashes in and slices at them while they are distracted. His blades cuts through them like butter as they fall apart and explode on the ground.
Dem: 3 down, only a dozen more to go.
He notices a drone on his arm's 6 (directly behind it). He slings parts from the fallen enemies at it. It gets knocked off pursuit and as it falls to the ground, Dem cuts it in two. The 8 on the ground all charge at Dem while the 3 others attempt to take out his arm. They attack recklessly as they make mistakes, mistakes that lead to their demise. Dem knocks the remaining ones back. There are only 3 left on the ground and the three in the sky. Dem goes airborne and intercepts on of the dogfights with a hard cut. It explodes in mid-air as a second one crashes into Dem. It knocks him on the ground, but it gets disabled from impact. It crashes on the ground and slides into the wall.
Eugene smiles. "This will be fun...."
He stares at the large mainframe. "'ve gotten bigger..."
"Hel-o Seph-or-ous, I am glad that you came to see me in per-son".
"Yeah, what're friends for? And don't call me Sephorous."
"But that is your name is-n't it? At least, that is what you us-ed to be call-ed."
Eugene is silent. "I no longer go by that name. Magna, you ready?"
He runs up to the mainframe, only to have a rocket shot near his feet, he stumbles back. "Ung...Hey, 'buddy', mind taking care of that?"
He runs towards the mainframe again, expecting Magna to strike.
"C" walks up to Marcus. "Marcus? What the hell is going on here? I thought you were back at your station, and now I find you pulling some evac group together!" He pauses for a moment. "In fact, what is going on in general!? I'm starting to feel like those idiots who got stuck here in the first place!"
Dem: 4 more, this has gotten easier.
"The next chal-len-ge won't be as eas-y"
Dem: I don't want any more challenges, I just want to kill you and go home.
"You will like the next one, I prom-ise."
Dem turns his attention back at the remaining 4 drones. The last flyer has his arm on it's 6 as the 3 grounded troops plan an attack. Their planning is cut short as they too are cut short. A wide arc slash suts off their heads. They fall on the ground. Dem times his boost and swipe carefully as his arm drives the last drone towards him. His timing is perfect as the drone flies into his blade and practically cuts itself in half. His arm cuts upwards and lands back in place.
Dem: That wasn't so hard.
"You fin-al-ly us-ed your best mov-es."
Dem: I finally got my best moves.
"You have a vis-i-tor"
A door opens as smoke rolls out in a dramatic special effect.A familiar voice sounds.
?????: Long time no see, friend.
Dem: You were destroyed twice. Once by a military and once by me.
?????: You don't like it do you, the fact that you just can't kill me.
Dem: I will make sure you die this time.
?????: Don't be so sure. YOu have gotten stronger, but I know everything you can do. Jade has been a big help.
Dem: I'd imagine she has, but I am still too much for you.
?????: We shall see you die. Then your friends will fall as well.
Dem: Easy there Gegan, you aren't strong enough to take me, and Magna would tear you apart.
Gegan: Gegan is dead, I am Mechan, the real deal. You took away my flesh, I will take away everything of yours.
Dem: Mechan? You will still die.
Mechan draws a sword similar to Dem's. Dem launches his arm and draws his blade.The arm flies around the room, waiting to attack. Jade pulls out a turret and starts firing at the arm. The arm is shot out of the sky. It lies on the ground, unable to function. Dem charges at Mechan, their swords meet as the stand face to face. Dem fires some chaos shot out of his left hand as he punches Mechan. Mechan is knockedbackwards and Dem homing attacks him. Mechan pulls out a .357 energy Magnum and fires. It hits Dem's sword and is knocked away. Mechan fires it as fast as he can. Dem easily avoid the slow and powerful slugs as he lunges at him. Dem's blade sstabs into the barrel and cuts the gun in half.
Dem's arm starts to reactivate. It flies back to Dem andconnects to his left arm, giving him a double-barrel weapon that can fire his Chaos Cannon and Fury Fire as well as the basic versions. The energy emited from the arm forms a sheild on his arm. Dem is quite impressed with his new upgrade.
????: Fight like a warrior my son.
Dem: You again?
????: Yes, you need to win.
Dem: I was planning on it. You should tell me who you are.
????: In due time. Destroy your rival and defeat the A.I. That is your only option.
Dem: Thatnks for the update Captian Obvious, I already know that.
Mechan: Come on.
"You will fa-il, just give up"
Dem: NEVER!!
recap please.shadow_17705Basically everyone is trying to destroy Jade competely before the decompression in ship begins which will kill everyone aboard yet there's shuttles to save them but they still need to move with time on there watch till Decompression. Cronic and Wist went to the Digital Reality distracting the A.I so its less harder for the others mess him up from the outside namely Eugean since he gonna insert a program to nullify the system allowing Cronic and Wist to finsh it on the inside right now it looks like everyone is in a tight spot.
Dem and Mechan scan each toher's bodies, looking for a weak spot. Dem can't find one and he knows he has plenty on him, since has been in a constant battle for the entire time he has been here. He is still scared from battles before his arrival on this place. Without warning, he fires chaos shot at Mechan's head. Mechan covers his head and Dem takes the oppurtunity. he goes invisible and moves swiftley around the room.
Mechan: I can detect your energy, you should know that by now.
Dem: There are many energies to detect, but which is mine.
Dem fires some chaos shot randomly as he moves about. He targets the ground with some and Mechan with the rest. All the energy flying around confuses Mechan's detectors. He can't pinpoint Dem. Dem knows his plan is working perfectly. He moves behind Mechan.
Dem: Good night.
He stabs his former ally in the back, and swipes to the right. He makes a large gash in Mechan's core. Mechan falls to the ground. Dem prepares to finish this battle once and for all, but he is interupted by a new robot. This one looks hastily built and never tested.
New Machine: You want a peice of me?
Dem: No I don't want Apiece of you, -He boosts towards the machine- I want two.
His blade cuts through the machines armor like it wasn't there. It falls into two seperate piles of junk and exlodes at Dem's feet. Dem turns to Mechan, ready to end it all, butMechan is gone.
Dem: Fools. Anything else Jade?
-No answer-
Dem: I figured that much. Magna, tell the human to send word when he is ready for me to destroy the CPU, I have gotten rid of its defenses. Along with a past rival.
[QUOTE="shadow_17705"]recap please.Seanronnie22Basically everyone is trying to destroy Jade competely before the decompression in ship begins which will kill everyone aboard yet there's shuttles to save them but they still need to move with time on there watch till Decompression. Cronic and Wist went to the Digital Reality distracting the A.I so its less harder for the others mess him up from the outside namely Eugean since he gonna insert a program to nullify the system allowing Cronic and Wist to finsh it on the inside right now it looks like everyone is in a tight spot. Wow. Everyone's doomed except Rival. He already got out of the place.
Suddenly, a siren sounds.
Eddie: What's that suppose to mean?
Lyra: We have to get out of here! It's seems that your friends have found a way out of the testing chambers.
Eddie: Good. Where do we need to go?
Lyra: I suggest that you find one of your friends first before doing anything else?
Eddie: Does this place have like some sort of shuttle that can travel anywhere in this place?
A dot blinks on the map of his visor.
Eddie: Ah.
He exits out of the main control room and heads donw a flight of stairs avoiding all the personnel trying to escape. He finds a shuttle and enters it trying to see how he can activate it.
Eddie: (looks around) Great! Now what?
Then, an image pops up in front of him.
???: Ah. So you must be the wolf with all the mystical powers within. I'm Jade.
Eddie: Jade?
Jade: Yes. I'm sure we'll become great friends......once you're already dead.
Lyra: Don't listen to her. She's brought so much despair on those that she's lead to their death.
Eddie: Look, Jade. I don't have time for this. I must get out of here, and you're not going to stand in my way.
Jade: Gee, that's too bad. I really wanted to have so much fun with you. It's a shame that you can't go anywhere now that I have control of this ship.
The shuttle starts moving at a fast speed along a long corridor.
Jade: In about a minute, you'll die, and that will seal our bond in friendship.
Eddie: (growls) You're a sick and twisted A.I.
Jade: (laughs) Oh, you're no fun.
Lyra: Eddie, quick! I need you to connect me to this system's computer.
Eddie: (thinks) But won't she take control over you?
Lyra: Don't worry. I have something she doesn't.
Eddie quickly takes off his head visor and connects it to the ship's computer. Startled by his action, Jade bursts out a scream before disappearing. Then, Eddie takes control of the ship and stops it before it hits the wall.
Eddie: (sighs and places his visor on) What did you do?
Lyra: You could say I sent out a small virus to Jade causing to die slowly. You see I was built for something like this.
Eddie: Why?
Lyra: It's a long story. I'll tell you if we ever get out of this place alive. (dot blinks on an area of the map) Go here. I think there's a fox and a human over there.
Eddie: A fox? I wonder if it's that same fox I saw earlier.
You want a piece of me!
No, I want two!
You totally stole that off Transformers when Jazz said that to Megatron, because when Megatron responds it's exactly what Dem said before he split Jazz in half. Lol:D
Magna blasts his gatling guns at the defense turret and blows it to bits just as he receives Dem's transmission. "So your still functional? Good work Dem, I'll inform Eugene of your success. Over and out." Magna turns to Eugene. "Now, go install that chip! Hurry, there isn't much time!"
He winks. "Right. Just install here....reroute the main acuator....followed by a reverse transit incission....with a little...and it. Virus installed. The sleeper cell is activated."
"What? That has GOT to be the dumb-est thing I have ev-er seen in my life. You think you did some...woa...WOA...WHOA!!....Two plus two is.....ten.....I feel can feel it...Seph-or-ous...."
"A parent always knows the weaknesses of his child. And don't call me Sephorous."
"I don't blame you.....good-night....friend..." The machinery begins to stop moving.
"Alright Magna, it's now up to the others, we should get back to the shuttle before....hello..?" He starts fiddling with the machinery.
"S*** s*** s*** S***!!!!! We are in some SERIOUS trouble here Magna!"
He starts to pace back and forward, obviously worried. "Looks like we now have two more situations. Firstly, YOU need to regroup with everyone and start pulling some SERIOUS detective work. Our 'friend' was able to transmit itself before we even got here, someone with machinery now has that d*** thing hidden inside their systems. Whether it's active or not, I don't know. I'll need to stay here, however, because it seems that with our 'friend' dead, there is no way to monitor the currently escaping oxygen in the station, creating an ever increasing depressurized zone of death. I can do a little bit to stall it, but it will mostly be prolonging the inevitable. I can buy you guys some time, but you need to get out of here NOW! I'll send you one of my nodes, it should prove helpful. *A node pops out and follows Magna*. Hurry, find a way to get everyone out of here! There isn't much time left. GO!"
"C" growls. "Whatever works for you. I myself am not going to wait around here to get myself killed." He jumps in the front seat of the shuttle. "Look, you can either get in here now and live, or waist your time and die. Don't keep me waiting, because I'm launching this thing as soon as possible." He keeps his gun out, ready to shoot at any sign of hampering his progress.
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