Sonic and Babylon were still inside the digital world
Sonic: ive never been digitized before, so i dont know what to do right now!
Babylon: no worries, at least i can try to remember some of the things my Friend Yuri taught me about computers. lets see... she said technology was becoming advanced enough for absolutely everything to be done by voice, so maybe i can find a way to get us out of here that way.
Sonic: whatcha gonna do, just say hey computer gimme some chili dogs and a large soda!, and its gonna happen?
a voice was heard saying "processing" and suddenly a badly pixelized chily dog and a soda materialize in front of sonic.
Sonic: well, what do you know! *takes bite* eww, thats horrible!
Babylon: lets try something different. *clears throat* Computer...materialize exit map.
after a second a sort of map meterialized in front of babylon. it showd the maxe, and some sort of capsule at the end.
Babylon: exit map
voice: Now printing... printing complete.
Babylon: that actually worked? how did it print...never mind
Sonic: okay so how do we get out of here?... hey,computer...get us out of here will ya? or at least give us some better tasting chili dogs...
nothing happens
Babylon: computer... run exit program
Voice: invalid commands
Babylon: computer...initialize digital exit procedure
Voice: command confirmed...on one condition.
Sonic: whats that?
AL: be my friend, help me escape, please!
a human figure materializes in front of Babylon and Sonic.
AL: please, ive been stuck here for far too long, please take me with you!
Babylon: umm... ... ... okay, well take you with us.
AL: thank you, first youll have to find my body. once youre on the outside, follow the red dot on the map, and my instructions...youll be out of here in no time.
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