[QUOTE="Scarletred"][QUOTE="Art_424"][QUOTE="Scarletred"][QUOTE="Art_424"][QUOTE="ginglejangle"][QUOTE="Art_424"] Cows paid $600for a 30fps.... Another Cow Ownage thread.:lol:
bu bu but teh one year 360 advantage!!!:cry:
bu bu but EA is teh Biased!!!:cry:
dude the 360 had an extra year of madden, of course it will have the advantage.
next year it wont be the case......
Thats such a lame excuse, since the PS3 is the beefier console. its been a year out already, they should have fixed this already.
So madden 07 for 360 shouldn't have had 30fps right?
Its wasnt being pushed by another console at that moment to have higher than 30fps, and it shows they improved fps to 60with the competition of PS3.
Not being madefor another console? Wrong. Not being made for another next gen console? Right. Then again I would have still expeted them to try and optimize it for the 360 since the PS2 had such a large user-base. Also you make it sound like MS decides when they want to optimize it? If PS3 orWiididn't come out till late 07 would that have meant that Madden 08 would still have only 30fps for 360 since there was no competition?
Do PS2 Madden 07 look exactly like Madden 07 on 360?.....Im referring about this generation consoles, not last. Nothing was pushing the 360 to improve at the moment.
Yea and according to you PS3 version of 08 should be running at 60fps in less than a year. So I asked "Should 07 for 360 been at 60fps". No madden 07 for ps2 does not look like 360 version. However, IMO, I would think that the fact that the PS2 version of 06 scored higher than 360 version and the fact that the PS2 had a much bigger user-base would push them to make the 360 version better to make more copies. Then again you might use the excuse that cows use (not saying that it isn't credible) and say that EA is lazy.
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