[QUOTE="Zhengi"] Nobody said anyone had a conspiracy going. subrosian
You said "third parties need to step it up". If third parties aren't performing the way we'd like on the Wii it is Nintendo's fault for not providing the funding and incentives to perform. Third parties on other systems are doing fine, coincidence? No. It is because they *strive* to get third party games on other systems.
I said 3rd parties need to step it up, but that doesn't suggest a conspiracy like you were trying to make it seem. And third parties are doing okay on the other systems, but devs like EA have reported 6 consecutive quarters of losses in profits and they've primarily released games for the HD consoles. Really, so they're doing very well according to you? At least look at the facts first. EA has said they need to do more for the Wii and 3rd party devs are starting to realize they need to.
And thanks for conveniently ignoring everything else I posted about Nintendo doing what they needed to do to lure 3rd party devs. Thankfully, the shift is happening and you continue to ignore the games that were announced at TGS for the Wii.
[QUOTE="Zhengi"] And you ask what Nintendo has done? Only provided them with the largest install base that rivals even the 360 in its software purchasing.subrosian
If that were true third parties would put every game on the Wii. It's not. EA sales research showed that the 360 was the number one platform for purchasing their software, followed by PC and PS3. The number one software sales platform in the world in volume is the PC. In terms of attach rates for *core* games, the 360 blows the Wii out of the water. If those genres sold as well as they do on the 360 / PS3, then the Wii would be the primary target plaform.
The shift is already happening, except you're too busy whining to notice it. Look at TGS. I ask you again, since EA was heavily invested in the 360, then why did they still record 6 consecutive quarters of losses? Yeah, I'm sure EA is happy selling all that software and losing all that profits. And you're really using attach rate? Really? Oh man, you know nothing about software sales if you're going to stoop that low and use attach rate. That is an MS PR talking point. It has very little relevance especially as the gen continues to mature. Do you really think a 7 game attach ratio on a 30 million install base really compares to a 4 game attach ratio on a 100 million install base?
[QUOTE="Zhengi"]They have nothing to do with Lost Odyssey, Gears II, Ninja Gaiden 2, and Kingdom under Fire.subrosian
Microsoft *paid* for and *pushed for* those games. Nothing to do with them? MS paid the bill for them. MS published them. MS created ad campaigns for them. MS has more to do with the existance of, and success of, these games than they did with Halo 3. Microsoft is *directly responsible* for the existence of Lost Odyssey. Anyone who knows even the *tiniest bit* about the game knows how hard MS worked on making that game possible
Microsoft spends hundreds of millions with Microsoft Games Studio's publishing efforsts alone. That doesn't even include the millions more they spend funding games and content they don't publish, like the upcoming Rockstar DLC, intial funding for Infinite Undiscovery, and deals to allow games to go multiplat to their system that wouldn't otherwise.
You really don't seem to know what you're talking about with regard to Microsoft's publishing efforts. Microsoft paid for all of the games I listed, plus the 13 XBLA titles (games like Castle Crashers and the Banjo & Kazooie port) on top of spending millions more getting games they don't publish onto their platform. :|
I asked you which MS developed games did they make. At least read what the question properly when I ask it. I didn't ask for MS funded games as those are not even 1st party games. Sheesh, at least read first before going all self righteous like you're always right.
[QUOTE="Zhengi"] So one AAA game from Sony all year long and you're happy? Wow, Nintendo released an AAA game early this year and a AA in mid year and you're all crying about it. Seriously, your hypocrisy is showing.subrosian
No, I'm standing by my belief that review scores don't matter. If you know *anything* about me you'd be aware, I don't consider review scores or sales to be meaningful measures. Show me an argument for the Wii that doesn't involve review scores or sales, otherwise you've conceded that you don't have one.
Microsoft and Sony both have some of the best games of the generation on their platform this year. On the PS3 we've got Little Big Planet, Metal Gear Solid 4 as serious contenders for "game of the year". On the 360 we have Gears 2, Fable 2, Lost Odyssey, and a new Banjo title. On top of that they've fostered third party games that *won't* be on the Wii. You won't be seeing the highly anticipated Fallout 3, Resident Evil 5 (the real version), Left 4 Dead, Mirror's Edge (this year's Portal), etc... and that's just listing the "good games".
So basically what you're basing off your Wii Music hate is your ignorance? You haven't played it and you won't consider reviews, and yet you are adamantly complaining about it? Wow, this picture is so you:
I'm not here to defend Wii Music. I just have problems with your attitude... like you're some elite gamer. You're just showing a lot of hypocrisy when you're not even putting the same type of standards on MS and Sony. Those two have done little for their line up. Yes, they have great 3rd party devs, but they, themselves, have not done much. I'm not okay with the bashing in this case cause I'm using your same standards and applying it to MS and Sony and I don't see how those two can get a free pass.
[QUOTE="Zhengi"] Yeah, if this was the Nintendo from the N64 era, then you'd have some argument. Why aren't they pushing 3rd parties away from the DS? Nintendo stands to make a whole bunch more and yet they invite 3rd parties to the DS. Your nonsense is just that, nonsense. 3rd parties need to start taking the Wii more seriously and develop for it. Nintendo isn't stopping them from developing on their console. They've become more 3rd party friendly and they need to take advantage of that. subrosian
Nintendo treats their handheld and console markets differently, and the price tag and development costs for a handheld game are not nearly as high as for a console title. Nintendo sets the tone for the console - Sudo 51 has complained about the situation with publishing on the Wii, and he's one of the favored developers. As far as "friendly" goes - it's a situation of friendly hostility. Third parties aren't fanboys, they just want to make games. Were Nintendo enabling them to do so, you would have the games. Since you don't, they're not. End of story.
Wow, now you're just talking more nonsense. The development costs of a Wii title are one third of those of a 360 and PS3 game, maybe even less. Like that's not an incentive to make games for it. :lol: Also, console games are priced higher than handheld games. Handheld games are usually $20-$25 dollars, and Wii games are $50. Yeah, the Wii is not conducive to 3rd party devs and the DS when Nintendo is USING THE EXACT SAME procedures as both except for a few regarding their Miis and Wii trademarks.
I find it funny you're bringing Suda 51 into your argument especially considering that he just had his best selling game ever on the Wii with No More Heroes. Yeah, that includes all the games he released on the PS2 which has an install base of 120 million users. Chew on that for a while.
And again you mention nothing about TGS. Oh man, I guess you just want to keep believing that 3rd parties aren't making games for the Wii. The tides are turning and there are more 3rd party games coming. They just fail miserably this year cause they didn't have much prepared.
[QUOTE="Zhengi"] As for core gamers, who's pushing them away? It's just all the little whiney ones who were complaining about E3 when Nintendo already explained that E3 wasn't about hardcore games.subrosian
When a gaming show that has been reduced in scope, and is mainly followed by gaming outlets and core gamers, is used to discuss a product that is intended for an audience that doesn't watch game shows, you have sent a clear message to core gamers - "you don't matter". It's not just E3, it has been *two years* where, at nearly every trade show, Nintendo gives the finger in terms of dedicating time / money to their longtime audience.
As far as your *insults* go, can you make a point without calling people names? Or do you feel it somehow improves your argument to call the majority (yes, majority) of dedicated gamers "whiners"? Gamers have every right to demand a product that meets their expectations. Dedicated, longtime gamers have every right to be upset at what Nintendo is doing. And it's costing Nintendo billions of dollars. They're profitable - but those sales going to PC, 360, and PS3 gaming combined are huge, absolutely huge - and that is the core audience consuming tailor made software. It's funny that Nintendo has written off even seriously trying in that market.
Yeah, and what message did MS and Sony send? Their E3 sucked as well. E3 is no longer the same gaming convention it used to be. It's just people trying to hold onto what little they have left of what used to be an awesome gaming convention.
Also, I find it funny that you say that Nintendo gave the finger to its core group when it has released more core games for their audience than either MS and Sony from a 1st party perspective. Yeah, that's giving them the finger.
And it's not really an insult if the boot fits the foot. Gamers definitely have the right to do that, but then they turn around and not demand the same of other first party devs and that's when hypocrisy shows up. I find it funny that you even try to go to profits as part of your arguments. Nintendo is the most profitable game company in the world right now. They're even more profitable than MS and Sony. This is just another example of you not know what you're talking about when you try to go the sales/profit route.
I also find it funny how you have to combine the PC/360/PS3 to even have a semblance of an argument. Oh yeah, those are big alright, but then you add PC/Wii together and they're going to overshadow the PC/360/PS3 soon. And once more before you continue with your bad arguments. Nintendo is abandoning nobody. They're working on Zelda, Pikmin, Mario, and other core franchise games. How long are you going to continue to ignore this? This is why people accuse you of whining. Nintendo said they were making those games you love and yet you continue to complain. Seriously, why are you complaining?
[QUOTE="Zhengi"] They already announced a new Zelda and Pikmin in the works. Who cares how long it takes to complete? It's like you gamers never waited a long time for a good game to come out.subrosian
Two games don't cut it. I want new IPs and the focus of the system to be on core gamers. They're making Zelda and Pikmin as broad games, they're not releasing mature, adult-oriented titles for longtime gamers. You're not seeing a project like Eternal Darkness being the focus of their development efforts - at best things like Disaster are side-projects that are often delayed.
And time is *everything* - my youngest brother spent two years on the preorder list for Twilight Princess - he was reduced to tears as Nintendo jerked him around so (as we now know) they could delay that game until the Wii. What an ass thing to do to a kid. What an ass thing to do to their fans. "We'll give you the games you expected when you bought the Wii... eventually". Not, as we see on every other system, "yeah, every Fall we're going to have an awesome game for that audience, and we want to have as many games as we can all year for you guys!". No it's, "here's our two core games, we call them core, they're not really, but they're your only choices, so shut the hell up and play them!"
If represents a freedom of choice that is beaten by your average prison.
This just continues to prove that you know nothing. Did you miss out Nintendo's list of games they showed before TGS? Here's the list you convienently keep forgetting exists:
- Let's Tap (Sega)
- Karaoke Joysound (Hudson)
- Klonoa (Namco)
- Taiko no Tatsujin Wii (Namco)
- "Start with 100 Words!"
- Punch-Out! (Nintendo)
- Another Code (Nintendo)
- "Kensakusu"
- "Cosmic Walker"
- "Spawn Smasher"
- "Dynamic Combat"
- "Wand of Magic"
- Sin and Punishment 2 (Treasure)
- "Forever Blue 2: Beautiful Ocean" (sequel of Endless Ocean)
- "Line Attack Heroes"
- Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time (Square)
- "Samurai Warriors 3″
- New 'Tales of' game.
It's unedited cause I don't feel like looking up which ones are only Nintendo's :)
And yeah, the only core games are mature-themed games :roll: Nintendo isn't about that. 3rd parties need to get to it on this matter cause they will have virtually no competition at all from Nintendo in that sector... but then, Nintendo is also bringing games like Fatal Frame 4 from Tecmo, but that's not a Nintendo developed game. As for delays, those are to improve the quality of their games. It's always been a staple of Nintendo games and now you're complaining about them? How long of a long time fan are you?
And wow, you quickly went from whining to victim status in a hurry. :lol: Seriously, if Nintendo causes you so much pain, just sell the Wii and you'll never have to deal with them again.
[QUOTE="Zhengi"]And no one is saying Nintendo is innocent, however, the way you paint them as complete villians is inaccurate either. 3rd parties are not innocent either. Look at Ubisoft. They have a successful core game that sold a million and yet they're concentrating on their Z games. Yeah, that's ALL Nintendo's fault according to you. At least there are some sensible 3rd party devs who are coming around and making good games for the Wii like Marvelous and Platinum Games. subrosian
They have small budgets for third parties that can't afford to compete on the 360 / PS3, and they have big publishers shovling games like Madden and Red Steel in the hopes of cashing in on the Wii. That's not a positive thing. Ubisoft has done a terrible job, they've spent the majority of their effort putting games like Petz and Raving Rabbids on the system. They spent more money advertising Raving Rabbids than they did No More Heroes.
Those third parties don't even agree with you - Sudo 51 has complained numerous times about Nintendo and the Wii softare situation. You're praising Marvelous, and yet they *agree with me*.
Exactly, and who's fault is that? It's 3rd party's fault. They need to release core games and it's starting to happen more and more.
And how are Marvelous agreeing with you? By releasing 90% of their games on the Wii instead of the other two? What kind of backwards agreement is that? And it's Suda 51, not Sudo 51. And he complained before his game, No More Heroes, had become the best selling game he has ever had. Yeah, Suda 51 is so upset that he only announced No More Heroes 2 at TGS. Yeah, he's definitely complaining about the Wii and its software by releasing a sequel to his best selling game ever. Once more, did you even follow TGS or do you just like complaining and whining?
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