I see accusations of "MS paid' flying around often but I rarely actually, scratch that, never, see any proof for it...
And...let's not act like the 360 doesn't have a great deal of first party content coming...
Absence of Proof isn't Proof of Absence. Deals are being made, it's fine, that's the tactic that's chosen, but it's a no brainer to see what's happening, especially with GOOGLE available, and just reading about Fallout 3 DLC, for starters, or MV2 DLC on Google. It's not a big deal, but if you don't believe these companies are working out deals then, don't.As far as 1st party content, there is a lot less than their should be and has been in the past...but I guess it all works out, since all these companies are so gracious to give DLC and Timed Exclusives, it all works out. I didn't mean the 360 had no 1st party content, my bad, I was quick to type, since I'm in multiple forums right now.
Somehow the stars are aligned. HEre's a link, although I don't know if any links will convince you short of seeing Bill Gates handing over a briefcase of money in a parking lot to an Activision Employee wearing Guitar Hero Peripherals. It's all good.
Like I said, it's all good. :)
Never said there wasn't any proof, just that I haven't seen any, ever.
As far as whether or not deals are being made, that much is obvious. Whether or not these deals involve money changing hands, remains to be seen.
When it comes to 1st party content, E3 showed us that there's plenty of that on the way in the form of Crackdown 2, Forza 3, Halo ODST, Halo: Reach and so on. As far as whether or not that's "enough" is purely opinion based.
Money whether in the form of advertising, or just a direct deposit. Eh.
Those 4 games you mentioned are nice (Especially since we knew about most before E3), but that's not much. It's not like those games are coming out this year.Less 1st party, more 3rd party timed exclusives/DLC, is what I see.
I read Rare has been assigned to Natal, which will take up that Devs time, if one doesn't dig or buy Natal.
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