Yeah, good luck with that Activision :?
Their "hardcore fanbase" wants these changes? Who would that be? Most people who play MW adamantly are casual gamers who would drop support in a second if they were charged.
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Yeah, good luck with that Activision :?
Their "hardcore fanbase" wants these changes? Who would that be? Most people who play MW adamantly are casual gamers who would drop support in a second if they were charged.
Do I need the facepalm picture AGAIN? Lets break this down, one more time. If you don't get it now, you never will and I'm just wasting my time again. Lets once more use Gears of War as an example. Host advantage, I'm sure you've heard of this. Everyone has. Now I present the extremely simple question: Why would there be a host if the game is on dedicated servers? Here's the extremely simple answer: there aren't servers.[QUOTE="Jamex1987"]You are the one failing. Microsoft provides all the backend servers for all their games. Companies do not host anything like they have to do on PSN and PC. Skittles_McGee
But clearly reality isn't enough, so then there is this where one only needs to skim a bit to find this:
"Meanwhile, the Xbox 360 is already "one of the most successful" P2P platforms out there today, according to Microsoft's director for P2P networks. "Halo 3 is actually one of the most compelling (P2P games)," he contended. In Halo 3, he said, the XBox 360 platform works as a "broker" to match up players in ways intended to ensure high quality of service (QoS). "Players communicate in P2P," said Tan. "P2P is actually key to the whole experience." If thats not enough, you're just in denial and I'm wasting my time.
Dude you have no knowledge of networking so please stop trying. Even though the individual is a host in the game it still requires a backend server to keep players connected, create the matches, voip, stats etc. Where exactly did I mention anything about a dedicated server? Reading comprehension FTW! All i said is that Xbox Live provides all the backend for their games not the developers.Dude you have no knowledge of networking so please stop trying. Even though the individual is a host in the game it still requires a backend server to keep players connected and create the matches. Where exactly did I mention anything about a dedicated server? Reading comprehension FTW!Jamex1987
You are the one who doesn't know anything about networking.
And I'm still waiting for that "all X360 online games are hosted on XBL servers" link.
[QUOTE="Jamex1987"]This is for PC and/ or PS3. Notthing to do with the xbox 360 as the service runs off of Xbox Live servers. RadecSupreme
No...... it runs off Infinity ward servers.
No. This is from Fourzerotwo, community manager at Infinity Ward (the PR representative). Xbox Live has matchmaking servers, which Infinity Ward is using to link players. However, the actual hosting of the match on ALL PLATFORMS (PC, PS3, 360) is done by players themselves. On Playstation 3 and PC the matchmaking is done by, in 402's words, third parties. The actual hosting on ALL PLATFORMS, I repeat, is done by players, and Xbox Live's matchmaking servers are, according to 402, run by Microsoft.[QUOTE="Mograine"][QUOTE="Jamex1987"] It does NOT. reyad-u
It makes much more sense that it runs on IW servers.
I was under the impression that they were both P2P. I doubt that IW would make a loss by providing servers without charging. ALL VERSIONS ARE P2P. Almost all games on Xbox Live and Playstation Network are P2P. There ARE NO SERVERS. The only servers that exist on any platform are matchmaking servers, which are totally inconsequential and have nothing to do with the actual hosting of the games. If you own a PS3 or an Xbox 360, upwards of 80-95% of all of the games on your platform are P2P. THERE ARE NO SERVERS.[QUOTE="Skittles_McGee"]Do I need the facepalm picture AGAIN? Lets break this down, one more time. If you don't get it now, you never will and I'm just wasting my time again. Lets once more use Gears of War as an example. Host advantage, I'm sure you've heard of this. Everyone has. Now I present the extremely simple question: Why would there be a host if the game is on dedicated servers? Here's the extremely simple answer: there aren't servers.[QUOTE="Jamex1987"]You are the one failing. Microsoft provides all the backend servers for all their games. Companies do not host anything like they have to do on PSN and PC. Jamex1987
But clearly reality isn't enough, so then there is this where one only needs to skim a bit to find this:
"Meanwhile, the Xbox 360 is already "one of the most successful" P2P platforms out there today, according to Microsoft's director for P2P networks. "Halo 3 is actually one of the most compelling (P2P games)," he contended. In Halo 3, he said, the XBox 360 platform works as a "broker" to match up players in ways intended to ensure high quality of service (QoS). "Players communicate in P2P," said Tan. "P2P is actually key to the whole experience." If thats not enough, you're just in denial and I'm wasting my time.
Dude you have no knowledge of networking so please stop trying. Even though the individual is a host in the game it still requires a backend server to keep players connected and create the matches. Where exactly did I mention anything about a dedicated server? Reading comprehension FTW! First of all, can you actually present your point without direct or indirect insults at others? At any rate, the entire discussion is about the service of playing the game in question, which is done by the company or in this scenario P2P. Regardless, the method for actually playing the game is in question, thus dedicated servers would be the subject. As you said, reading comprehension FTW, right? But I'm done with this. You aren't debating, you're throwing out insults at anyone who shows you're wrong and then refusing to listen to reason. Its childlike and pointless.Are you ******* serious, Activision? We're paying to play online for a shooter that also has single player, which are usually free to play online? *facepalm*
Do I need the facepalm picture AGAIN? Lets break this down, one more time. If you don't get it now, you never will and I'm just wasting my time again. Lets once more use Gears of War as an example. Host advantage, I'm sure you've heard of this. Everyone has. Now I present the extremely simple question: Why would there be a host if the game is on dedicated servers? Here's the extremely simple answer: there aren't servers.[QUOTE="Skittles_McGee"]
[QUOTE="Jamex1987"]You are the one failing. Microsoft provides all the backend servers for all their games. Companies do not host anything like they have to do on PSN and PC. Jamex1987
But clearly reality isn't enough, so then there is this where one only needs to skim a bit to find this:
"Meanwhile, the Xbox 360 is already "one of the most successful" P2P platforms out there today, according to Microsoft's director for P2P networks. "Halo 3 is actually one of the most compelling (P2P games)," he contended. In Halo 3, he said, the XBox 360 platform works as a "broker" to match up players in ways intended to ensure high quality of service (QoS). "Players communicate in P2P," said Tan. "P2P is actually key to the whole experience." If thats not enough, you're just in denial and I'm wasting my time.
Dude you have no knowledge of networking so please stop trying. Even though the individual is a host in the game it still requires a backend server to keep players connected, create the matches, voip, stats etc. Where exactly did I mention anything about a dedicated server? Reading comprehension FTW! All i said is that Xbox Live provides all the backend for their games not the developers. Microsoft does indeed provide backend DEDICATED servers for the storing of stats, but the most important use of them is the use of matchmaking, I.E. every time you click "Find Match" on the PS3, 360, or PC version of Modern Warfare 2, that request is sent over the internet to a dedicated server which links together players that also sent that request. The only difference is that on Xbox 360 (versus Playstation 3 and PC), these matchmaking servers (which have nothing to do with hosting the matches) are provided by Microsoft.[QUOTE="RadecSupreme"][QUOTE="Jamex1987"]This is for PC and/ or PS3. Notthing to do with the xbox 360 as the service runs off of Xbox Live servers. Brownesque
No...... it runs off Infinity ward servers.
No. This is from Fourzerotwo, community manager at Infinity Ward (the PR representative). Xbox Live has matchmaking servers, which Infinity Ward is using to link players. However, the actual hosting of the match on ALL PLATFORMS (PC, PS3, 360) is done by players themselves. On Playstation 3 and PC the matchmaking is done by, in 402's words, third parties. The actual hosting on ALL PLATFORMS, I repeat, is done by players, and Xbox Live's matchmaking servers are, according to 402, run by Microsoft. That is exactly what I was telling them. Xbox Live has their own servers to link players, voip, create matches etc. The PC and the PS3 have to rely on the game developers to provide this service and they can disconnect them at any time. There are many Ps2 games that cannot be played online because servers were disconnected.Yes, it does. Both Xbox Live and PSN only have dedicated servers for some first party games. Any other game is run on the servers of its respective company(ies). except sony makes the devs pay while ms makes the player pay. This is not true, almost all games on Xbox 360, first or third party, are 100% P2P. YOU ARE HOSTING YOUR OWN MATCHES. Where do you think the term "host advantage" comes from? It comes from the fact that there is one persistent model of the state of the match on one players Xbox, who is called the host and acts as a server. Because all the information is stored locally on his Xbox, he has zero latency access time to the information, whereas all the other players are limited by the upload speed of the server and their download speed as well as the number of hops between their respective Xboxes. Almost all games on PSN are similarly P2P, the only exception is the overwhelming majority of first party titles (Uncharted 2 being a notable exception). ALL third party games (with the notable exception of UT3) run via P2P networking.[QUOTE="Skittles_McGee"][QUOTE="Jamex1987"] It does NOT. SAGE_OF_FIRE
[QUOTE="SAGE_OF_FIRE"]except sony makes the devs pay while ms makes the player pay. This is not true, almost all games on Xbox 360, first or third party, are 100% P2P. YOU ARE HOSTING YOUR OWN MATCHES. Where do you think the term "host advantage" comes from? It comes from the fact that there is one persistent model of the state of the match on one players Xbox, who is called the host and acts as a server. Because all the information is stored locally on his Xbox, he has zero latency access time to the information, whereas all the other players are limited by the upload speed of the server and their download speed as well as the number of hops between their respective Xboxes. Almost all games on PSN are similarly P2P, the only exception is the overwhelming majority of first party titles (Uncharted 2 being a notable exception). ALL third party games (with the notable exception of UT3) run via P2P networking.[QUOTE="Skittles_McGee"] Yes, it does. Both Xbox Live and PSN only have dedicated servers for some first party games. Any other game is run on the servers of its respective company(ies).Brownesque
I would still like a link. It doesnt matter if you are a good poster or you make sense. You could be making this up. Please link information.
This is not true, almost all games on Xbox 360, first or third party, are 100% P2P. YOU ARE HOSTING YOUR OWN MATCHES. Where do you think the term "host advantage" comes from? It comes from the fact that there is one persistent model of the state of the match on one players Xbox, who is called the host and acts as a server. Because all the information is stored locally on his Xbox, he has zero latency access time to the information, whereas all the other players are limited by the upload speed of the server and their download speed as well as the number of hops between their respective Xboxes. Almost all games on PSN are similarly P2P, the only exception is the overwhelming majority of first party titles (Uncharted 2 being a notable exception). ALL third party games (with the notable exception of UT3) run via P2P networking.[QUOTE="Brownesque"][QUOTE="SAGE_OF_FIRE"] except sony makes the devs pay while ms makes the player pay.
I would still like a link. It doesnt matter if you are a good poster or you make sense. You could be making this up. Please link information.
You can also tell by when you get disconnects due to the host leaving (which I've experienced in Uncharted 2 and you can replicate it if you like) or due to host changes (I can link you to a video there).
I can also link you to 402 explaining how MW2 networking works on all platforms and I can possibly find you a blog post on Bungie's website explaining how Halo 3's networking works...
Aside from that I don't have the time to fill out the rest of this post, sorry.
Activision is awesome. They are totally capitalizing on everyone's addiction to gaming. I'm quite frankly really pleased they are doing this. Its good to have a company that will try to push their customers to see how far they are willing to go. Maybe this will finally be the straw that breaks the camel's back, or it will just continue to prove out that the majority of gamers are just so pathetic that they will let corporations walk all over them. Either way, I'll just sit back, watch and laugh my ass off.beekayjayI Will be rich when i create a device that lets you stab people through the internet.
[QUOTE="reyad-u"]Sometimes I think that Acti is simply trying to find out how much of an idiot consumers can be.Espada12
I wouldn't doubt it .. they are probably honestly working with the rest of the industry and they decided to be the sacrificial lamb to see how far they could push it before people wised up.
thats exactly how i see it. if they succeed at this, who knows what will happen (well its pretty obvious, other companies will follow). i get the feeling consumers will purchase this...TIS IS BOOLSHET MON! *jamican accent* LOL!
If you guys can't afford $5 to play online you shouldn't be gaming, am I right lemmings?EmperorSupreme
well not in this state of the economy, we need to save money and spend wisely
[QUOTE="EmperorSupreme"]If you guys can't afford $5 to play online you shouldn't be gaming, am I right lemmings?resevl4rlz
well not in this state of the economy, we need to save money and spend wisely
I think it was a shot at xbox live subscribers who make such claims every once in a while.
Anyways its not really the 5 dollars that i'm against its the fact other games with online multiplayer won't have this fee. I'll just go play them.
but if that model works others will follow it too. are you willing to give up all new games till such a model fails?I think it was a shot at xbox live subscribers who make such claims every once in a while.
Anyways its not really the 5 dollars that i'm against its the fact other games with online multiplayer won't have this fee. I'll just go play them.
[QUOTE="Console_Gamer93"]but if that model works others will follow it too. are you willing to give up all new games till such a model fails?I think it was a shot at xbox live subscribers who make such claims every once in a while.
Anyways its not really the 5 dollars that i'm against its the fact other games with online multiplayer won't have this fee. I'll just go play them.
Well as long as there is an alternative i'll use that. PSN over XboxLive for example.
When im left with one choice i'll pay. I guess that makes me sound cheap lol. I just don't see how much content they can give you while forcing you to pay. Some people are content with what they get on the disc and always have the option to buy DLC.
Funny thing is that they'll get a hefty number of people to go along with this, provided they add some additional content to the mix to rase the "perceived value" of the package. Hardcore FPS players have a lot more in common with their MMO cousins than they want to admit. They both play 1 game almost exclusively and for months at a time, level up, seek out gear to differentiate them from the "n00bs" all around, form guilds (clans) and make websites to apply for membership and setup events... heck both hardcore factions even often have requirements that you be on so many hours a week, and at certain times.
I'm not saying that CoD as they release it now would succeed with a subscription. However, if they added regular content updates, more items to work for, themed events, and integrated many of the external "clan battle" setup and tracking into the service, I bet we'd still see millions of gamers bite at the offer.
maybe not for MW2 but i could see them try it for mw3....and i know ppl will buy it. and since ppl buy map packs and xbox live they know there online players are willing to pay.How long do you think people will play CoD MW2 if it went to that? It would be dead in a few days.
Dear Lord, Activision just takes it too far ever time, this is horrible. :| Activision is ruining gaming, I hate saying Variable X is ruining gaming, but there is no denying Activision is become too large, too greedy, and very anti-consumer, hell I would almost consider them anti-game as well. Their CEO came out and said he doesn't want to publish games he doesn't think they will be able to exploit with yearly sequels. Activision is turning into the Evil Galatic Empire more and more every day.
Guys, IW Confirmed it won't happen krazy-blazer
It doesn't matter, Activision will force them, or make Treyarch do it.
Guys, IW Confirmed it won't happen krazy-blazerGood one.
[QUOTE="krazy-blazer"]Guys, IW Confirmed it won't happen DarkGamer007
It doesn't matter, Activision will force them, or make Treyarch do it.
I think he was joking.
Jesus christ.....does anyone know what peer 2 peer actually is? I see one person here that understands the concept and that is it. There are no servers that physically handles transfer of information from server to client, Peer 2 peer is a system of nodes without a central infrastructure. You all share the data from one another unlike a more traditional client to server where the server feeds data and the client consumes. xXDrPainXxGamers don't care. In their eyes, if there isn't a separate machine actually hosting the game and doing nothing but that, then there is no dedicated host. This means a gamer (a peer) is running the show--so it is (to them) peer-to-peer. After all, even P2P networks have some kind of infrastructure and hierarchy (so that one peer knows how to locate other peers), with peers connecting to specific other peers in order to request specific bits of information.
Activision is awesome. They are totally capitalizing on everyone's addiction to gaming. I'm quite frankly really pleased they are doing this. Its good to have a company that will try to push their customers to see how far they are willing to go. Maybe this will finally be the straw that breaks the camel's back, or it will just continue to prove out that the majority of gamers are just so pathetic that they will let corporations walk all over them. Either way, I'll just sit back, watch and laugh my ass off.beekayjayI actually agree with this haha.
Yeah, I voted that's business. Because business isn't personal. Like Gordon Gekko said in Wall Street , don't get emotional over money. It's not against the law for these companies to do this, and with the success of WoW and Live, it is looking like money left on the table to these companies. Now should this start, I simply won't buy. But I won't say what's right or wrong for any company I don't own.cainetao11But it's like fleecing becoming a bad habit. Saying you'll switch companies when your company cheats on you is one thing, but what happens when you discover that every company is doing the same thing?
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