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Well I hope so too bc the next game will be a treyarch game, ugh. Maybe if the next one flops then activision will learn not to let treyarch touch the series. I've been tempted to buy MW2 but I am going to remain patient and wait for gamefly to do its thing and ship me the game. I hate all activision games with the exception of those made by IW and even those I could live without. CoD WaW > MW2 FactNo, I'm pretty sure that's opinion.[QUOTE="jyoung312"][QUOTE="Deadly_Fatalis"]I really hope that by doing this, people will finally realize how much they are being scammed out of their money and the next COD game will flop in sales. I can dream....GTR2addict
As I said before, Hahahahha to all you sheep
you guys make MW2 the best selling launch game and they repay you like this :lol:
CoD WaW > MW2 FactNo, I'm pretty sure that's opinion. WaW felt way ham handed with it's scripting. Game felt like it was trying too hard to be epic. Instead of letting the core gameplay and setpieces make the gameplay great, Treyarch ripped off all the slow-mo sequences of CoD4 and recycled those same sequences to the point that instead of being epic they were beating you over the head with the notion that "omg this sequence should be really kewl guys, be shocked!"[QUOTE="GTR2addict"]
[QUOTE="jyoung312"] Well I hope so too bc the next game will be a treyarch game, ugh. Maybe if the next one flops then activision will learn not to let treyarch touch the series. I've been tempted to buy MW2 but I am going to remain patient and wait for gamefly to do its thing and ship me the game. I hate all activision games with the exception of those made by IW and even those I could live without.heretrix
WaW felt way ham handed with it's scripting. Game felt like it was trying too hard to be epic. Instead of letting the core gameplay and setpieces make the gameplay great, Treyarch ripped off all the slow-mo sequences of CoD4 and recycled those same sequences to the point that instead of being epic they were beating you over the head with the notion that "omg this sequence should be really kewl guys, be shocked!"jyoung312The thing is, WWII was epic, veyr epic. The Battle of Stalingrad, omg. MW2 leaves any sense of realism that MW1 had and now is a pure fantasy shooter ala Gears of War.
Kotick and company are just laughing at gamers. Theyre treating them like crap, and the zealots are just lapping it all up like self-hating junkies. Sure, a lot of talk now about how Activision is this and that, but when it comes down to it, gamers are still gonna pay through the nose to play the next COD. beekayjayThat's exactly what Activision is banking on. Eventually they're going to go too far, and then they'll see poor sales. Of course, they'll just blame piracy...
The thing is, WWII was epic, veyr epic. The Battle of Stalingrad, omg. MW2 leaves any sense of realism that MW1 had and now is a pure fantasy shooter ala Gears of War. I haven't played MW2 yet so can't comment on that yet but MW1>WaW. I know WWII was epic (thus why it was such good video game material for such a long time) and WaW had some awesome gameplay especially when you are charging the Reichstag (sp?) and the Japanese temple but then Treyarch messed up awesome core gameplay and setpieces with stupid "epic" slowdown moments[QUOTE="jyoung312"]WaW felt way ham handed with it's scripting. Game felt like it was trying too hard to be epic. Instead of letting the core gameplay and setpieces make the gameplay great, Treyarch ripped off all the slow-mo sequences of CoD4 and recycled those same sequences to the point that instead of being epic they were beating you over the head with the notion that "omg this sequence should be really kewl guys, be shocked!"loco145
I posted this back during the summer when it was first announced.
COD's a great game but no way will I pay additional fees on top of an already unnecessary Xbox Live fee. Good thing I never cared much for CODs super casual friendly gameplay, I only play it to take a break from something better, like Halo 3, or to wait for something better like Bad Company 2.
Lol, this is funny cause he says, "super casual friendly gameplay" when describing CoD games and then quotes Halo 3 as being better.
Irony at it's finest.
As for me... I've hated the CoD franchise since CoD:MW, I didn't buy MW2 and I'm not planning on getting anymore CoD games. :P
Hey remember when PC gamers were all like "If you support MW2, more stuff like no dedicated servers will be coming" yeah this is what we were talking about.
Wow. Just wow.
I know that I shouldnt be surprised that gaming has come to this, just like many business mediums do when they get too big, they decide to rip off the consumers. Just like the insurance industry, and the auto industry, and the music industry, and the movie industry, and the news industry, and on and on etc.
Sad, because video gaming always seemed like it was about the consumers, and now we cant even count on the people who sell unreal things, to treat real people with respect.
I haven't got MW2 yet (I'm broke at the moment), but if this is true, than i won't buy unless there are goods like free maps and such for such a subscription.
I posted this back during the summer when it was first announced.
COD's a great game but no way will I pay additional fees on top of an already unnecessary Xbox Live fee. Good thing I never cared much for CODs super casual friendly gameplay, I only play it to take a break from something better, like Halo 3, or to wait for something better like Bad Company 2.
Lol, this is funny cause he says, "super casual friendly gameplay" when describing CoD games and then quotes Halo 3 as being better.
Irony at it's finest.
As for me... I've hated the CoD franchise since CoD:MW, I didn't buy MW2 and I'm not planning on getting anymore CoD games. :P
...are you implying that Halo 3 is more casual friendly than COD? Oh yeah, I forgot. No matter what any other game does, Halo must take priority in who gets hate more.[QUOTE="Classic24"]Uh this program would be on the PS3 and PC too :|sucks to be a 360 owner lol
yea but 360 is already paying for online now they have to pay the online fee + the activision fee = double the misery.
Umm if I have to start paying to play Call of Duty online then I'm done. **** it. I don't care how good it can be sometimes there's no ****ing way I would pay for it. They would lose a good amount of players, but they don't give a **** because several of the addicted fools would pay for it and they would be getting even more money shoved up thier asses. **** you Activision.
Sorry about that. :oops:
Umm if I have to start paying to play Call of Duty online then I'm done. **** it. I don't care how good it can be sometimes there's no ****ing way I would pay for it. They would lose a good amount of players, but they don't give a **** because several of the addicted fools would pay for it and they would be getting even more money shoved up thier asses. **** you Activision.
Sorry about that. :oops:
No probs; couldnt have said it any better :P
"We have great experience also on Call of Duty with the success we had on Xbox Live and PlayStation Network. A lot of that knowledge is getting actually built into the Battle.Net platform and the design of that," he added.
Epic fail.. I guess we were right.. all those buying map packs as DLC is going to kill gaming in the end.
Haha, great use of the picture there! Too bad that news definitely makes me anxious. :?
Why do people keep going for CoD?
MW2 is nothing that great. Stop buying the rehashes cos your only going to be worse off...christ sakes.
Everyone who picked up CoD MW 2 and is now acting like this is the last straw I blame YOU!
They are just going to keep buying it and playing it and Activision knows it. How many game of the year awards will MW 2 get? I will still game next gen I will just stay a generation behind and forget about most MP games. It's not like I'm not sick of the annoying kids online these days, anyway. I will have enough games from this generation to last me another six years.
Xbox Live users pay for Xbox Live, why are they now mad about Activision charging to play online? You allow MS to charge you up the A$$, why not Activision? The hypocrisy is killing me.
If it's a product worth paying for, I'll gladly pay.
I rest my case.
Xbox Live users pay for Xbox Live, why are they now mad about Activision charging to play online? You allow MS to charge you up the A$$, why not Activision? The hypocrisy is killing me.
If it's a product worth paying for, I'll gladly pay.
I rest my case.
Well, atleast xbox live is somewhat worth paying for. Paying to play an FPS online? Hell no!
Horrible, why are they doing this! I just wanna play the game online casually and have fun.
It is exactly that kind of mentality that activision would even dare to capitalize on. If they do make CoD a pay-to-play service, they're just going to taking it further and further. Eventually they will charge people extra for that extra slice of pizza and can of pop that accompanies the gamer's playtime, and even make you pay to have a seat to be playing the game, and to go to the bathroom during your game time. They want to take every bit of money from you if it is within their ability.
So stop..supporting...activision. :evil:
Xbox Live users pay for Xbox Live, why are they now mad about Activision charging to play online? You allow MS to charge you up the A$$, why not Activision? The hypocrisy is killing me.
If it's a product worth paying for, I'll gladly pay.
I rest my case.
Well, atleast xbox live is somewhat worth paying for. Paying to play an FPS online? Hell no!
You do realise that when you pay for Xbox Live you are paying to play the FPS online right? I really can't see supporters of paying for Xbox Live mad about Activision charging them since they don't mind paying for Xbox Live. If your fine with paying for Xbox Live, this should not bother you, I mean, Xbox Live is the superior online system and now you get a "superior" FPS online system right? God I love this. :lol: It's so amusing to see all the 360 fanboys backing Microsoft and Xbox Live and how they gladly pay for it, but then Activision wants to charge you to play online with MW2 and all the fanboys cry foul. I love this. :lol:
I rest my case.
Well, atleast xbox live is somewhat worth paying for. Paying to play an FPS online? Hell no!
You do realise that when you pay for Xbox Live you are paying to play the FPS online right? I really can't see supporters of paying for Xbox Live mad about Activision charging them since they don't mind paying for Xbox Live. If your fine with paying for Xbox Live, this should not bother you, I mean, Xbox Live is the superior online system and now you get a "superior" FPS online system right? God I love this. :lol: It's so amusing to see all the 360 fanboys backing Microsoft and Xbox Live and how they gladly pay for it, but then Activision wants to charge you to play online with MW2 and all the fanboys cry foul. I love this. :lol:
Im not an xbox fanboy at all :|. One of the reasons I sold my 360 is paying for live.. All I'm saying is the even though both are wrong, paying for an online service that gives a few features is better than paying for an online FPS. Either way theyre both wrong, but I'm just pointing out..
Well, atleast xbox live is somewhat worth paying for. Paying to play an FPS online? Hell no!
You do realise that when you pay for Xbox Live you are paying to play the FPS online right? I really can't see supporters of paying for Xbox Live mad about Activision charging them since they don't mind paying for Xbox Live. If your fine with paying for Xbox Live, this should not bother you, I mean, Xbox Live is the superior online system and now you get a "superior" FPS online system right? God I love this. :lol: It's so amusing to see all the 360 fanboys backing Microsoft and Xbox Live and how they gladly pay for it, but then Activision wants to charge you to play online with MW2 and all the fanboys cry foul. I love this. :lol:
Im not an xbox fanboy at all :|. One of the reasons I sold my 360 is paying for live.. All I'm saying is the even though both are wrong, paying for an online service that gives a few features is better than paying for an online FPS. Either way theyre both wrong, but I'm just pointing out..
I didn't mean to direct the Xbox fanboy to you. I apologize if it seemed that way. It was meant to be directed at all the Xbox Live supporters. Sorry for the confusion.
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