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Too bad the mods have gone nuts and wont lock this abomination.[QUOTE="call_of_duty_10"][QUOTE="balfe1990"]
Unnecessary thread is unnecessary.
They locked his last list one a few weeks back, just use the report option.
what exactly is he doing wrong to report him for? people arent allowed to talk about upcoming games on a gaming site anymore?? :? some of u guys got to stop getting so butthurt over the guy...he never does anything wrong he just promotes his system of choice and u guys act like he's acting as vulgar and wrong as you act toward him lol. he just states his swears or insults like you guys do him. ur obsessing n just hating. if anything you guys are the ones trolling and should be moderated...not him.
its a game site...why shouldnt he be allowed to talk about games lol. get over it...because truthfully, everyone hating on him are the ones being the problem and acting foul...not him.
[QUOTE="call_of_duty_10"] Too bad the mods have gone nuts and wont lock this abomination.woodenfork21
They locked his last list one a few weeks back, just use the report option.
what exactly is he doing wrong to report him for? people arent allowed to talk about upcoming games on a gaming site anymore?? :? some of u guys got to stop getting so butthurt over the guy...he never does anything wrong he just promotes his system of choice and u guys act like he's acting as vulgar and wrong as you act toward him lol. he just states his swears or insults like you guys do him. ur obsessing n just hating. if anything you guys are the ones trolling and should be moderated...not him.
its a game site...why shouldnt he be allowed to talk about games lol. get over it...because truthfully, everyone hating on him are the ones being the problem and acting foul...not him.
Are you aware of the previous users user names, history etc?
Notice how looser stopped posting after this popped up
Bet he's crying right now.
Complete list of PC exclusives
1. Guild Wars 2
2. Tribes Ascend
3. Deep Black Reloaded
4. Dota 2
5. Arma 3
6. Firefall
7. Hawken
8. Microsoft Flight
9. Neverwinter
10. Path of Exile
11. Planetside 2
12. Torchlight 2
13. SC2 Heart of the Swarm
14. Diablo 3
15. Command & Conquer generals 2
16. Legends of Dawn
17. Colbat ( new game from Mineraft devs )
18. Kings Bounty: Warrior of the North
19. Natural Selection 2
20. Ravaged
21. Krater
22. Robot Unicorn Attack Evolution
23. Jagged Alliance
24. Phantasy Star Online 2
25. Wakfu
26. Naval Warfare Arctic Circle ( aweseome sim! )
27. Warlock Masters of the Arcane
28. War of the Roses
29. The red Solstice
30. End of Nations
31. War Thunder World of planes
32. Super Monday night Combat
33. Warface
34. Carrier Command
35. Dear Esther
36. The Spire
37. Hard reset extended edition
38. Fray
39. Mechwarrior Online
40. X-Rebirth ( **** yeah! )
41. Overgrowth
42. Lucius
43. Grim Dawn
44. Crusader Kings 2
45. Xenonauts
46. Fallout Online
47. Ontagion ( aweseome Fear like shooter, not action michael bay console crap)
48. Shogun 2 Rise of the Samurai
49. Auto Club Revolution
50. Gettysburg Armored Warfare
51. Shootmania Storm ( From the makers of Trackmania. Make your own call of duty! )
52. Blacklight Retribution
53. Infinity the Quest for Earth
54. The Secret World
55. Dead State
56. Fortune Summoners
57. Umbra
58. X-Plane
59. Blade & Soul
60. Iron Front Liberation 1944 ( Also possible graphics king )
61. WoW Mists of Pandaria
62. Warhammer 40K Dark Milennium
63. Cobalt ( Platformer made by Minecraft devs )
64. The Whitness
65. Toren ( Another Marvelous Artsy game )
THis list is much better, thanks to however posted it first
who cares whats missed, look at the lovely colors and game logos, you realy should start to see the big picture.
This has been on my sig for awhile.. Yes, there are missing stuff, but I would believe this a lot more than anything that Loosey would put up. Loosey credibility check? click on that other link on my sig. :lol:
[QUOTE="Heil68"][QUOTE="LastRambo341"]Very informative, LoosingEnds. Haters gonna hateLastRambo341nothing to hate with no games..:( Then what does the list consist of on the first page? Food? Playing cards?
actually a bunch of xbla games, dlc and kinect games xD
real games that are not fail or multiplat are probably 2 or 3 at most. i mean class 4 zombie mmo? happy wars? bioforge? sine mora? :lol: google is your friend
Then what does the list consist of on the first page? Food? Playing cards?[QUOTE="LastRambo341"][QUOTE="Heil68"] nothing to hate with no games..:( Krelian-co
actually a bunch of xbla games, dlc and kinect games xD
real games that are not fail or multiplat are probably 2 or 3 at most. i mean class 4 zombie mmo? happy wars? bioforge? sine mora? :lol: google is your friend
you're judging/degrading you haven't played or because they're digital? awesomeMost of those games you listed are Kinect and multiplats, I mean it's like your not even trying to....*sigh* you know what? I'm too tired to deal with this, you have fun with your list of Kinect and multiplats and uhh...Halo 4. It's not worth my time anymore tryng to deal with you.
A voice command feature in Mass Effect counts as a console exclusive? Really? It's not even worth bragging about. MrSelf-DestructUh yes it is, its something that the Ps3 and PC versions don't have
^ PC + PS3 = WIN!
who needs a sh*tbox
Typical PS3 fanboy maturity :lol:
Well, with that marvelous combo, you would miss about the same number of quality exclusives you would with a 360 + PC. Go do your math, kid...
He's a herm.
Then what does the list consist of on the first page? Food? Playing cards?[QUOTE="LastRambo341"][QUOTE="Heil68"] nothing to hate with no games..:( Krelian-co
actually a bunch of xbla games, dlc and kinect games xD
real games that are not fail or multiplat are probably 2 or 3 at most. i mean class 4 zombie mmo? happy wars? bioforge? sine mora? :lol: google is your friend
And what if Trials Evolution outscores Twisted Metal? I wouldnt be surprised, honestly...
^ PC + PS3 = WIN!
who needs a sh*tbox
Typical PS3 fanboy maturity :lol:
Well, with that marvelous combo, you would miss about the same number of quality exclusives you would with a 360 + PC. Go do your math, kid...
He's a herm.
A herm wouldnt praise PS3 and bash 360, two similar consoles in every aspect, like that!
He's a herm.
A herm wouldnt praise PS3 and bash 360, two similar consoles in every aspect, like that!
He's just upset because of loosingends, that's all.
I care about precisely one of them.
Trials Evolution, that is. Halo 4 = yawn.
Oh, and Capsized looks gorgeous in 1080p on my PC. Tough luck lems. :(
Games listed are as bad as what you get on Wii since 06... Why is this list full of sh***y waggle games that 56 people may buy (51 of them under 10y old) and arcade crap? Gimme something big or don't bother showing something no1 wants to see.silversix_Gotta love the generalization/stereotype for motion-controlled games :lol: waggle? seriously?
He's a herm.
A herm wouldnt praise PS3 and bash 360, two similar consoles in every aspect, like that!
He's just upset because of loosingends, that's all.
Upset? lol. I'm just trolling lems, they are easy to catch :)[QUOTE="harshv82"]
^ PC + PS3 = WIN!
who needs a sh*tbox
Typical PS3 fanboy maturity :lol:
Well, with that marvelous combo, you would miss about the same number of quality exclusives you would with a 360 + PC. Go do your math, kid...
I don't own a PS3 or 360. Jokes on you ;)Upset? lol. I'm just trolling lems, they are easy to catch :)harshv82
Call me when you're even remotely close to being in my category :cool:
[QUOTE="harshv82"]Upset? lol. I'm just trolling lems, they are easy to catch :)waltefmoney
Call me when you're even remotely close to being in my category :cool:
Please, that whole loosingENDS is a girl thing was over the top. You need to learn art of trolling. :oPlease, that whole loosingENDS is a girl thing was over the top. You need to learn art of trolling. :oharshv82
"Please don't act like you're not impressed"
^ PC + PS3 = WIN!
who needs a sh*tbox
Typical PS3 fanboy maturity :lol:
Well, with that marvelous combo, you would miss about the same number of quality exclusives you would with a 360 + PC. Go do your math, kid...
I don't own a PS3 or 360. Jokes on you ;)Doesnt change the fact you are biased, if you think 360 and PS3 are any different!
A herm wouldnt praise PS3 and bash 360, two similar consoles in every aspect, like that!
He's just upset because of loosingends, that's all.
Upset? lol. I'm just trolling lems, they are easy to catch :)Lem on system wars = someone who doesnt blindly bash 360. Got it ;)
Lem on system wars = someone who doesnt blindly bash 360. Got it ;)PAL360
That's actually true, all the real lems have abandoned ship.
I can see why.
I don't own a PS3 or 360. Jokes on you ;)[QUOTE="harshv82"][QUOTE="PAL360"]
Typical PS3 fanboy maturity :lol:
Well, with that marvelous combo, you would miss about the same number of quality exclusives you would with a 360 + PC. Go do your math, kid...
Doesnt change the fact you are biased, if you think 360 and PS3 are any different!
Are you f****** kidding me? I just said I don't own those consoles. How can I be biased if I don't own them??
And why would I be biased?
Doesnt change the fact you are biased, if you think 360 and PS3 are any different!
Are you f****** kidding me? I just said I don't own those consoles. How can I be biased if I don't own them??
And why would I be biased?
How can you??
^ PC + PS3 = WIN!
who needs a sh*tbox
Oh boy...
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