[QUOTE="Cherokee_Jack"][QUOTE="PAL360"]Lem on system wars = someone who doesnt blindly bash 360. Got it ;)Heil68
That's actually true, all the real lems have abandoned ship.
I can see why.
True..2011 was the worst year yet for the 360 and even though I bought both exclusives that came out even with one flopping badly, it took a year for them since the release of Reach. PS3 has won 3 years in a row(as far as consoles) and 2012 is posed to be that way too. So, worst year, lets see
Skyrim best console version, i would not get it anywhere else
Crysis 1 best console version, i would not get it anywhere else
Crysis 2 best console version, i would not get it anywhere else
Bastion, before it got to PC
DIvinity 2 Dragon Saga, very good RPG
Grey Matter, great adventure game
Gears 3, amazing bosses, monsters, setting (crappy gameplay though)
Fable expansions (i love anything about Fable, so obviously that was huge for me)
Half Minute Hero Mega Neo
Clash of Heroes (what an amazing game, one of the best games this generation by miles)
Dark Souls best looking and playing version
Forza 4, one of the best racers
Halo CE Aniverssary, the best shooter of all time with next gen graphics, a true remake than a HD port
Sure, it was not the best year for 360, but for a slow year it did have more amazing games to play than anything else
Also i have not bought a single PS3 exluisve after Demons SOuls in 2009, so how has it "won" 3 years in a row exactly ? By having indifferent games ?
2010 was about Mass Effect 2, Halo REach, Fable 3, Limbo etc for me, nothing on PS3
2011 the same, i bought nothing on PS3
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