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[QUOTE="NorthlandMan"]A lot of the babies crying "racism" seem to be giving ff mixed emssages, as far as i can tell they are inferring one or all of the following
-there are no black people in haiti
-black people should not be in videogames
- a white person has never shot a black person before
- it's ok to shoot anyone but black peopleNinja-Vox
Nobody has said that at all. All you did with that post is make it blantantly obvious that you haven't the slightest clue what is being discussed here.
people seeing racism where there isn't any?
[QUOTE="6matt6"]well those posters need a reality check. I find people taking stuff at face value offensive cause i do not like it but it will happen anyway and i wont bag on those people for doing it,
BUT if you are telling i must find the game offensive then please leave.(not directed at anyone.)
Riiiight; that's why the TC left his thread with "so what do you guys think" and i said "regardless of whether or not you find this racist..."
Honestly, the only people telling other people "NO YOU'RE WRONG" are all the kids going on about how "black killing white is ok but white killing black isn't!?"
at face value this game is offensive, past face value and it isn't.
i apologise for not taking this game at face value, ill remember to do that next time.
[QUOTE="Ninja-Vox"][QUOTE="NorthlandMan"]A lot of the babies crying "racism" seem to be giving ff mixed emssages, as far as i can tell they are inferring one or all of the following
-there are no black people in haiti
-black people should not be in videogames
- a white person has never shot a black person before
- it's ok to shoot anyone but black peopleNorthlandMan
Nobody has said that at all. All you did with that post is make it blantantly obvious that you haven't the slightest clue what is being discussed here.
people seeing racism where there isn't any?
Don't try to argue with him NorthlandMan. He just wont stop until we all leave. This whole argument is bogus. If this is how the rest of America acts when the game gets close to release, we'll never see this GOTY contender.
[QUOTE="-Ninja_Dog-"]What ?
Anyone who sees this as killing black people is themselves racist.
I see him killing people.
Racisim will be around as long as people like you are around.
Placing tiltes on people is why racisim exist.
We are just people.
Give me a break. I dont know what planet you're on but we are not "just people." :roll: I guess the government has to have people appointed to make sure african americans aren't ignored in politics for no reason then? Seeing as we apparently live on such a just and fair planet according to you.
you are just so silly, Obama is running for President and has a great chance of winning. Seriously dawg , stop trying to make something out of nothing. Or do you just wanna keep sounding like a Winny lil (Fill in the blank)Well... I think they should have made the person you play as black too. I also think a lot of backward idiots are going to enjoy this game a lot more because they are killing black peoplegames_are_good_WOW , If you think theres someone Sad enough to enjoy killing a Fictious model in a game because of the color of his Polygons, then you my sir are thinking way to hard or maybe admiting that you would like to kill them. It's a game, in game world i have killed many Troll,taurens,orcs,Nightelfs,Human ,Black ,White , Spanish, German,Russian and many many many others. Where was the Black Brigade for GTA San Andreas . Was that game not offensive to the Black Community? in GTA SA they were depicting Thug Life, the Ghetto , Black guy killing people breaking the laws etc etc basically saying this is what we think black people act like. In RE5 this Small Town gets infected with a illness and are trying to eat the Hero , so he kills them, one is Completly Fictious , the other one based Loosely on real world events.
[QUOTE="Ninja-Vox"][QUOTE="-Ninja_Dog-"]What ?
Anyone who sees this as killing black people is themselves racist.
I see him killing people.
Racisim will be around as long as people like you are around.
Placing tiltes on people is why racisim exist.
We are just people.
Give me a break. I dont know what planet you're on but we are not "just people." :roll: I guess the government has to have people appointed to make sure african americans aren't ignored in politics for no reason then? Seeing as we apparently live on such a just and fair planet according to you.
you are just so silly, Obama is running for President and has a great chance of winning. Seriously dawg , stop trying to make something out of nothing. Or do you just wanna keep sounding like a Winny lil (Fill in the blank)He also has countless death threats and has had the secret service assigned to him faster than ANY presidential candidate in History..
Maybe I've just missed this in another thread, but I'm having serious issues respecting RE5 for what it represents. The world, and the US in particular, really has no need to have their 15 year olds pretending to be a white guy demolishing Afro-Caribbeans for being "infected" or whatever the term will be this time around.
agree, white guy kills black people who have been infected with virus (aids) to ethnically cleanse the country.
I'm a huge fan of the series thus far, but this turn is just wrong IMO.
What do you guys think?
Don't try to argue with him NorthlandMan. He just wont stop until we all leave. This whole argument is bogus. If this is how the rest of America acts when the game gets close to release, we'll never see this GOTY contender.
The only point of contention i could POSIBLY see is the portrayal of haiti as a dictatorship, but unfortunately that is the reality of the situation (or at least it was). Ninja-Vox needs to read up on Papa Doc and how he kept his people in the grip of fear before he starts casting aspersions on this game
Because you know Africa is full of white people...
Honestly, there is nothing racist there unless you look at it with a racist point of view. It is all about location. The last RE games have taken place in places with mostly white people, so white people are getting turned into zombies and shot. Now the game is set in Africa, where the overwhelming majority of people are black. Nothing racist about locations.
[QUOTE="peacebringer"][QUOTE="Ninja-Vox"][QUOTE="-Ninja_Dog-"]What ?
Anyone who sees this as killing black people is themselves racist.
I see him killing people.
Racisim will be around as long as people like you are around.
Placing tiltes on people is why racisim exist.
We are just people.
Give me a break. I dont know what planet you're on but we are not "just people." :roll: I guess the government has to have people appointed to make sure african americans aren't ignored in politics for no reason then? Seeing as we apparently live on such a just and fair planet according to you.
you are just so silly, Obama is running for President and has a great chance of winning. Seriously dawg , stop trying to make something out of nothing. Or do you just wanna keep sounding like a Winny lil (Fill in the blank)He also has countless death threats and has had the secret service assigned to him faster than ANY presidential candidate in History..
I havn't heard of any Death Threats to Obama, he would release any info if he did, did you send him a death threat , cause how can you be so sure, if he's never publicly said anything about it? ever President Canidate gets Security , you might be the president one day so they protect you.(so they protect the canidates they think have a good chance at winning) Even if true, if he wins what does that say about america , death threats or not thats a huge accomplishment, don't let the few handfull of racist , distort the truth that there very few Racist extremist left. If Obama is President he won't get touched.[QUOTE="akuma303x"]Nobody cared when you killed all Germans in WW2 shooters. This is no different.hummer700
Once again, germans aren't a race
WTF, so i guess Spanish isn't a race, cause we have white skin? so thats why it's ok to kill Spanish in RE4 cause it's not a race?[QUOTE="OhSnapitz"][QUOTE="peacebringer"][QUOTE="Ninja-Vox"][QUOTE="-Ninja_Dog-"]What ?
Anyone who sees this as killing black people is themselves racist.
I see him killing people.
Racisim will be around as long as people like you are around.
Placing tiltes on people is why racisim exist.
We are just people.
Give me a break. I dont know what planet you're on but we are not "just people." :roll: I guess the government has to have people appointed to make sure african americans aren't ignored in politics for no reason then? Seeing as we apparently live on such a just and fair planet according to you.
you are just so silly, Obama is running for President and has a great chance of winning. Seriously dawg , stop trying to make something out of nothing. Or do you just wanna keep sounding like a Winny lil (Fill in the blank)He also has countless death threats and has had the secret service assigned to him faster than ANY presidential candidate in History..
I havn't heard of any Death Threats to Obama, he would release any info if he did, did you send him a death threat , cause how can you be so sure, if he's never publicly said anything about it? ever President Canidate gets Security , you might be the president one day so they protect you.(so they protect the canidates they think have a good chance at winning) Even if true, if he wins what does that say about america , death threats or not thats a huge accomplishment, don't let the few handfull of racist , distort the truth that there very few Racist extremist left. If Obama is President he won't get touched.Are you F*ing serious! What the hell planet do you live on... Because I'll take a one-way ticket there...
[QUOTE="akuma303x"]Nobody cared when you killed all Germans in WW2 shooters. This is no different.hummer700
Once again, germans aren't a race
mongoloids/Sinoids are as are Caucasoids. (see Red Steel and San Andreas respectively). this is no different from those games
[QUOTE="hummer700"][QUOTE="akuma303x"]Nobody cared when you killed all Germans in WW2 shooters. This is no different.peacebringer
Once again, germans aren't a race
WTF, so i guess Spanish isn't a race, cause we have white skin? so thats why it's ok to kill Spanish in RE4 cause it's not a race?You were killing german soldiers in those WWII games... I don't recall killing any German civilians in that game... :| And let's not forget what the German army did and what they stood for... Holocaust anyone?
I havn't heard of any Death Threats to Obama, he would release any info if he did, did you send him a death threat , cause how can you be so sure, if he's never publicly said anything about it? ever President Canidate gets Security , you might be the president one day so they protect you.(so they protect the canidates they think have a good chance at winning) Even if true, if he wins what does that say about america , death threats or not thats a huge accomplishment, don't let the few handfull of racist , distort the truth that there very few Racist extremist left. If Obama is President he won't get touched.
Which source do you want?
Barack Obama Gets Secret-Service Protection, Racist Death Threats
Obama Under Threat, Under Secret Service Protection
[QUOTE="peacebringer"]I havn't heard of any Death Threats to Obama, he would release any info if he did, did you send him a death threat , cause how can you be so sure, if he's never publicly said anything about it? ever President Canidate gets Security , you might be the president one day so they protect you.(so they protect the canidates they think have a good chance at winning) Even if true, if he wins what does that say about america , death threats or not thats a huge accomplishment, don't let the few handfull of racist , distort the truth that there very few Racist extremist left. If Obama is President he won't get touched.
Which source do you want?
Barack Obama Gets Secret-Service Protection, Racist Death Threats
Obama Under Threat, Under Secret Service Protection
THANK YOU FOR POSTING THAT! I live near the guy and he has secret service all over the place..
WTF do you expect? A bunch of white zombies in africa? It's taking place in AFRICA for God's sake. DA_B0MBSeriously this is ridiculous.
[QUOTE="covhunter"]People who see racism in everything need to be shot. I'm getting fed up of this BS on the news and now in GS. RE5 you are in some afro-caribbean country, who the hell are you going to shoot? The French? The British? No you're going to shoot black people because surprise surprise the denizens of those countries happen to be black.
Umberella is screwing up the whole world, not just countries largely populated by white people. If every RE game was white zombies only, and Capcom being a Japanese (i.e. oriental) company, could we claim racism against whites?
Well, whether it's racist or not, yours is a ridiculous argument. You're acting as if the setting and characters were thrust upon the developers against their will, as if they had no choice as to who was getting shot and who was shooting and where their game would take place. Give me a break.
They chose to have the game take place in Africa, and to set up the story so that you, the player, would be controlling a white guy who is shooting bad guys who look like everday Africans (as opposed to mutated beasts or something).
Whatever the backstory of the game, the gameplay is a white guy walking down the street, shooting into a photo-realistic crowd of African men and women.
Now where did I ever say that?Of course developers have a choice, and they chose Haiti, so what? If they made Chris Redfied black and he ran around the Yorkshire Dales shooting simple white farmers would you call that racist? You probably wouldn't because you like all the lawyers and politicians seem to see race as a one way thing, whites shooting anyone else.
They also chose to have a standard white US cop run around a village in Spain shooting everyone in sight. That was ok? It wasn't until later in the game you found out they were being controlled by a parasite. Guess what, RE5 is going to have a similar theme. So shooting those ofHispanic origin is perfectly ok yet when you make them black it's instant racism regardless of circumstance according to your logic. And yes, last time I checked, on the last official document I filled in, Hispanic is considered a race.
How does Barack Obama (unsurprisingly) receiving death threats from the more undeesirable elements of society prove that RE5 is racist?NorthlandMan
It doesn't.. but it does prove that alot of posters in this thread are completely blind to the world around them. As far as RE5.. it look incredible and definately a MUST BUY on my list, BUT I do understand how some people may be alittle uncomfortable with the game.. Not saying that it's "racist" or anything but that the images can be unsettling to some... Hell I'm as hardcore as they come and I felt alittle uneasy playing Manhunt.. I eventually got over it and enjoyed the game, but it was VERY graphic.
I think it's racist of you to even notice the game people's skin colors. So no, I don't think it's kinda wrong.
I didn't see anyone complaining when whitey was getting blown away en masse in the previous Resident Evils or when Spainards were being shot up specifically in RE4.
This game wasn't made by the KKK people. It's Capcom--And I sincerely doubt they ever use the term "koku-jin" within the game.
where are the black protagonists. I'm always getting stuck playing with a pretty boy.SupraGT
Jacobs in Mercenaries is cool.
Or if you're dead set on a Resident Evil theme, Outbreak has a black character you can play as.
....Although I'm not sure why it matters.
Its in Africa......since when in 2007 was the majority of ppl in Africa white.......... oscar530Its coming out in 2008 or 2009 isn't it? Maybe these people who are claim this is racists are from the future!:shock:
[QUOTE="games_are_good_"]Well... I think they should have made the person you play as black too. I also think a lot of backward idiots are going to enjoy this game a lot more because they are killing black peoplepeacebringerWOW , If you think theres someone Sad enough to enjoy killing a Fictious model in a game because of the color of his Polygons, then you my sir are thinking way to hard or maybe admiting that you would like to kill them. It's a game, in game world i have killed many Troll,taurens,orcs,Nightelfs,Human ,Black ,White , Spanish, German,Russian and many many many others. Where was the Black Brigade for GTA San Andreas . Was that game not offensive to the Black Community? in GTA SA they were depicting Thug Life, the Ghetto , Black guy killing people breaking the laws etc etc basically saying this is what we think black people act like. In RE5 this Small Town gets infected with a illness and are trying to eat the Hero , so he kills them, one is Completly Fictious , the other one based Loosely on real world events.
Listen man, the world isn't as perfect as you think, and there IS people that sad and worse out there. If you can't accept that then you are in denial. You say I would enjoy it? My father is black and my mother is white. I am biased to neither. Get your facts right before you start making accusations
Don't try to argue with him NorthlandMan. He just wont stop until we all leave. This whole argument is bogus. If this is how the rest of America acts when the game gets close to release, we'll never see this GOTY contender.
You haven't put forward a single arguement at all. And i've said numerous times that i'm open to interpretation. Just because you fail at getting any point across doesn't mean i "wont stop until everyone leaves".
Maybe I've just missed this in another thread, but I'm having serious issues respecting RE5 for what it represents. The world, and the US in particular, really has no need to have their 15 year olds pretending to be a white guy demolishing Afro-Caribbeans for being "infected" or whatever the term will be this time around.
I'm a huge fan of the series thus far, but this turn is just wrong IMO.
What do you guys think?
Stop being racist, seriously.
OMG there's blacks in Haiti!!!! No WAY!!! If it was a black guy shooting white guys would it be better? Would it be better if it was all whites he was shooting, even though he's in Hait?
Maybe I've just missed this in another thread, but I'm having serious issues respecting RE5 for what it represents. The world, and the US in particular, really has no need to have their 15 year olds pretending to be a white guy demolishing Afro-Caribbeans for being "infected" or whatever the term will be this time around.
I'm a huge fan of the series thus far, but this turn is just wrong IMO.
What do you guys think?
People that think that way are what creates racism. The game is set in an area where the people.... are black. So the infected people... are black. Was RE4 racist because it had a white american killing spanish people? Seriously people need to understand the difference between racism and..... nothing.
Honestly, for all the people who've just missed the point completely, allow me to clarify. There are several groups of people posting here:
It's not racist fools! What if it was a black guy shooting a white guy eh? What then!? - that is not the point.
Yeah well it's AFRICA, they HAVE to be black -- that is not the point
They're just zombies; capcom aren't making it your objective to kill black people -- no the point... and no **** sherlock.
THE POINT for all the people making such useless comments, is not that the game is racist. Racism is hatred based on race; of course the game isn't racist. It'd be banned instantly. What the game has however, is a disturbing undertone which makes resident evil unsettling in a way it has never been before.
It's desturbing in that it's horribly similar to the genocide in Rwanda; a mob of African people wielding machete's being gunned down in droves? Also, the realism has finally shown us that games are growing up. You're no longer shooting a gang of goofy zombie villagers; this is incredibly realistic shooting of african men and women by a white guy, and with it comes natural connotations that would only really affect those in western countries where there is history of racial tension.
Listen man, the world isn't as perfect as you think, and there IS people that sad and worse out there. If you can't accept that then you are in denial. You say I would enjoy it? My father is black and my mother is white. I am biased to neither. Get your facts right before you start making accusationsgames_are_good_No is saying racism doesn't exist. We are simply saying that this kind of thinking is both paranoid and arrogant.
[QUOTE="tarzanell"]Maybe I've just missed this in another thread, but I'm having serious issues respecting RE5 for what it represents. The world, and the US in particular, really has no need to have their 15 year olds pretending to be a white guy demolishing Afro-Caribbeans for being "infected" or whatever the term will be this time around.
I'm a huge fan of the series thus far, but this turn is just wrong IMO.
What do you guys think?
Stop being racist, seriously.
OMG there's blacks in Haiti!!!! No WAY!!! If it was a black guy shooting white guys would it be better? Would it be better if it was all whites he was shooting, even though he's in Hait?
Again, that is a rediculous arguement. You're acting as if the setting and characters were thrust upon the developers against their will, as if they had no choice as to who was getting shot and who was shooting and where their game would take place. Give me a break.
They chose to have the game take place in Africa, and to set up the story so that you, the player, would be controlling a white guy who is shooting bad guys who look like everday Africans (as opposed to mutated beasts or something).
Again, that is a rediculous arguement. You're acting as if the setting and characters were thrust upon the developers against their will, as if they had no choice as to who was getting shot and who was shooting and where their game would take place. Give me a break.
They chose to have the game take place in Africa, and to set up the story so that you, the player, would be controlling a white guy who is shooting bad guys who look like everday Africans (as opposed to mutated beasts or something).Ninja-Vox
Stop trying to sound so self-righteous and enlightened. You're trying to thrust a catch-22 on all forms of media by saying every instance of blacks dying is an under-the-radar form of racism--Which is absolute retardation. **** off. Your libel isn't welcome.
Your subtlety in telling us developers should not be allowed to set a shooting game in Africa is just disgusting in its indifference to how it abuses free speech.
[QUOTE="Ninja-Vox"]Again, that is a rediculous arguement. You're acting as if the setting and characters were thrust upon the developers against their will, as if they had no choice as to who was getting shot and who was shooting and where their game would take place. Give me a break.
They chose to have the game take place in Africa, and to set up the story so that you, the player, would be controlling a white guy who is shooting bad guys who look like everday Africans (as opposed to mutated beasts or something).Pariah_001
Stop trying to sound so self-righteous and enlightened. You're trying to thrust a catch-22 on all forms of media by saying all forms of killing black individuals is an under-the-radar form of racism--Which is absolute retardation. **** off.
I'm not saying i'm enlightened at all. Quit being so defensive. I'd also love for you to point out where i said all forms of killing black people = racism. Heck, didn't i say the exact opposite a few posts ago?
:lol: I love that you rebut a point which hasn't been made.
[QUOTE="trix5817"][QUOTE="tarzanell"]Maybe I've just missed this in another thread, but I'm having serious issues respecting RE5 for what it represents. The world, and the US in particular, really has no need to have their 15 year olds pretending to be a white guy demolishing Afro-Caribbeans for being "infected" or whatever the term will be this time around.
I'm a huge fan of the series thus far, but this turn is just wrong IMO.
What do you guys think?
Stop being racist, seriously.
OMG there's blacks in Haiti!!!! No WAY!!! If it was a black guy shooting white guys would it be better? Would it be better if it was all whites he was shooting, even though he's in Hait?
Again, that is a rediculous arguement. You're acting as if the setting and characters were thrust upon the developers against their will, as if they had no choice as to who was getting shot and who was shooting and where their game would take place. Give me a break.
They chose to have the game take place in Africa, and to set up the story so that you, the player, would be controlling a white guy who is shooting bad guys who look like everday Africans (as opposed to mutated beasts or something).
Just like in the LA riots, two black guys beat a White truck driver almost to death on live TV, oh but thats fine? It's a freaking game, if you don't like it go play Barbie horse adventures, oh I'm sorry, she's white, well just stop playing games then.
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