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[QUOTE="dgsag"]I love your spin in the thread title : PS2 sells the same as 360 sounds kinda bias, like ur a Sony fan. Cause clearly ur trying to mask the shame of PS2 AND 360 outselling PS3 by 50k each.Apr-09
PlayStation 2 172K
PlayStation 3 127K
PSP 116K
Xbox 360 175K
Wii 340K
Nintendo DS 1.04M
Yes, you read that right.
The PS2 sold as much as the 360 and the PS3 was only 50K behind.
Top 10 SKU's April 2009
Publisher Platform Rank # Units
and hy should anyone listen to a level 1? oh and last time i checked the ps2 is still owned by sony so every dollar they make off of that still sony! so its more like the ps3/2 outsold the 360, i know that is very fanboyish sounding but its still better logic then what you have used
Wow depressing week, just shocking:?
Anyone have last years numbers?
April'09 April '08 March'09 MoM YoY
DS 1004 415 563 78% 142%
PS2 172 124 11254% 39%
360 175 188 330-47% -7%
PS3 127187 218 -42% -32%
PSP 116 193168 -31% -40%
Wii 340 714601 -43% -52%
Yeah, like I was saying, why the heck do people think these kind of drop offs are normal? This is absolutely absurd for MoM/YoY
Horrible numbers all round, how on Earth can even the Wii drop so badly? And even then, who THE HELL IS BUYING PS2s! It just doesnt make sense, by now youd thought everyone would have one. I also think the 360 drop was because of the PS2. the PS2 price cut will wear off in May.[QUOTE="LosDaddie"]
Another great month for the X360 and Wii :)
actually it as a horrible month for the 360 and wii, not that it was any better for the ps3 but still it wasnt nearly as good for the 360 or the wii compaired to most of the time
The Wii still outsold the X360 & PS2 combined. And X360 was only down 7% YoY
That's pretty darn good considering we're in a recession.
[QUOTE="hyperboy152000"][QUOTE="NPD5623"] then let me reassure you that 360 has been outselling PS3 in Europe since the september 2008 price drop and any losses in Japan can be easily offsetted by NA and Europe 360 figures :)NPD5623
funny thing is that there are no official numbers outside the UK so what again?
there is the occasional MS press release. I belive its on kotaku somewhere. Its dead even in mainland europe, its the UK that edges 360 out. Or you cna pretend this doesnt exist and go back to your fantasy world where PS3 outsells 360 in Europe :)huh fanboys... too bad i never implied that
the only thing i said that there was only official numbers for the UK and you cant really tell how well the compition performed if its only MS reporting on numbers so yea keep talking like a flamming fanboy
Another great month for the X360 and Wii :)
actually it as a horrible month for the 360 and wii, not that it was any better for the ps3 but still it wasnt nearly as good for the 360 or the wii compaired to most of the time
The Wii still outsold the X360 & PS2 combined. And X360 was only down 7% YoY
That's pretty darn good considering we're in a recession.
That doesnt explain how it had crazy high numbers last two months[QUOTE="LosDaddie"]
Another great month for the X360 and Wii :)
Uh, no :| The wii is down freaking 50 precent from last year. The 360 is down about 7 percent from last year and the MOM sales are absolutely crap. They are most definitely not doing well atleast this month.
Like I said above, the Wii outsold the X360 & PS3 combined. And the X360 only saw a 7% decline YoY
You can look at MoM, but a better indication is YoY. All things considered, the Wii & X360 had a good month.
actually it as a horrible month for the 360 and wii, not that it was any better for the ps3 but still it wasnt nearly as good for the 360 or the wii compaired to most of the time
The Wii still outsold the X360 & PS2 combined. And X360 was only down 7% YoY
That's pretty darn good considering we're in a recession.
That doesnt explain how it had crazy high numbers last two monthsApril is traditionally a very slow month for sales. That's why you look at YoY
But yeah, the Wii had a crazy run so far. IMO, it's time for a price cut. Just look at Wii's japan sales. It's time.
[QUOTE="NYrockinlegend"][QUOTE="NPD5623"] MS claims that the 299 Pro is the best selling, not the Arcade. We just assume its the Arcade that sells the most. I recall that the PS3 slightly edged out 360 in early 2008 NA sales. Let me ask you a question: Did PS3 fans brag unecessarily when PS3 outsold 360 by lower margins then 50k?NPD5623Well, when PS3 suddenly takes the lead, it's always shocking news, because that's NOT supposed to happen. That would mean the PS3 has the edge at the time, for whatever reason that be. Anyway, I'm not bragging, just analyzing the data and drawing conclusions from that. I'm not sure if we'll see better in summer compared to last year. Well, let's see how Sony does with their Infamous PS3 plans for June. I'm eager to see how THAT turns out.;) Infamous will cause a small spike but i doubt its real system selling abilities. Its a new IP, certainly didnt have the hype as KZ2 (and KZ2 didnt even perform that well for a AAA title). But at least itll get good reviews.
I have to agree with ya. If KZ2 didn't move consoles (and it didn't since the PS3 had sales decline YoY) in the FPS-loving USA, then I highly doubt inFAMOUS will either.
But who knows. inFAMOUS could rock the gaming world. I'm looking forward to renting it. :)
[QUOTE="LosDaddie"]You can look at MoM, but a better indication is YoY. IronBassNot really. The sudden change of the MoM figures is an alarming indicator. The YoY are too relative because the time diference is big (one year). MOM is wrong because: A. The April NPD is composed of less days then the March NPD B. April is factually the worst gaming sales month of the year. YOY is a better indicator as both months take place in April. 360 down 10k YOY and PS3 down 50k YOY. Thats what counts.
That doesnt explain how it had crazy high numbers last two months[QUOTE="FirstDiscovery"][QUOTE="LosDaddie"]
The Wii still outsold the X360 & PS2 combined. And X360 was only down 7% YoY
That's pretty darn good considering we're in a recession.
April is traditionally a very slow month for sales. That's why you look at YoY
But yeah, the Wii had a crazy run so far. IMO, it's time for a price cut. Just look at Wii's japan sales. It's time.
Offcourse, but i mean how the 360 sold record numbers in those months YOY DESPITE the recessionMadworld didn't chart again. That means at the very most it could've sold no more than 203,527 units, but I highly doubt it did that well. Kinda sad on a userbase of 50+ million, and for a hardcore game with lots of advertising. Good job though sheep.
[QUOTE="IronBass"][QUOTE="LosDaddie"]You can look at MoM, but a better indication is YoY. NPD5623Not really. The sudden change of the MoM figures is an alarming indicator. The YoY are too relative because the time diference is big (one year). MOM is wrong because: A. The April NPD is composed of less days then the March NPD B. April is factually the worst gaming sales month of the year. YOY is a better indicator as both months take place in April. 360 down 10k YOY and PS3 down 50k YOY. Thats what counts.
Yes and no. You have to realize what actually released last year. Mariokart and Grand Theft Auto 4. That is an absurb month to beat YOY, in fact its beastly. MoM is more accurate because even with April being the worst gaming month the drop for the consoles is just crazy. Way too much of a drop, this isn't healthy. Who cares about the stupid 360 vs PS3 war that is already over? This whole drop is far more interesting.
[QUOTE="LosDaddie"]You can look at MoM, but a better indication is YoY. IronBassNot really. The sudden change of the MoM figures is an alarming indicator. The YoY are too relative because the time diference is big (one year).
NPDabove already hit on the points I was going to make. But April is always a very slow month for sales and it has less days than the March NPD.
YoY is best. Probably a horrible analogy, but when I helped manage a restuarant in college, we always judged our sales performance for a particualr day or week by YoY, not MoM.
MOM is wrong because: A. The April NPD is composed of less days then the March NPD B. April is factually the worst gaming sales month of the year. YOY is a better indicator as both months take place in April. 360 down 10k YOY and PS3 down 50k YOY. Thats what counts.[QUOTE="NPD5623"][QUOTE="IronBass"] Not really. The sudden change of the MoM figures is an alarming indicator. The YoY are too relative because the time diference is big (one year). ActicEdge
Yes and no. You have to realize what actually released last year. Mariokart and Grand Theft Auto 4. That is an absurb month to beat YOY, in fact its beastly. MoM is more accurate because even with April being the worst gaming month the drop for the consoles is just crazy. Way too much of a drop, this isn't healthy. Who cares about the stupid 360 vs PS3 war that is already over? This whole drop is far more interesting.
"Who cares about the stupid 360 vs PS3 war that is already over?" I agree with you 100% but im sure that many PS3 fans arent giving up on this "war" just yet :)Madworld didn't chart again. That means at the very most it could've sold no more than 203,527 units, but I highly doubt it did that well. Kinda sad on a userbase of 50+ million, and for a hardcore game with lots of advertising. Good job though sheep.
okami ps2 anyone ?
good job 120 million ps2 users :roll:
MOM is wrong because: A. The April NPD is composed of less days then the March NPD B. April is factually the worst gaming sales month of the year. YOY is a better indicator as both months take place in April. 360 down 10k YOY and PS3 down 50k YOY. Thats what counts.[QUOTE="NPD5623"][QUOTE="IronBass"] Not really. The sudden change of the MoM figures is an alarming indicator. The YoY are too relative because the time diference is big (one year). ActicEdge
Yes and no. You have to realize what actually released last year. Mariokart and Grand Theft Auto 4. That is an absurb month to beat YOY, in fact its beastly. MoM is more accurate because even with April being the worst gaming month the drop for the consoles is just crazy. Way too much of a drop, this isn't healthy. Who cares about the stupid 360 vs PS3 war that is already over? This whole drop is far more interesting.
A case can be made for what's the best indicator to go by. I believe it's YoY since March and April don't include the same number of days and because April has always been a slow month.
Either way, it really doesn't matter. Overall hardware sales were down 8%. IMO, that isn't horrible.
Wow....well outside of the DS and PSP I don't see much "Claims of Ownage" or typical damage control this time. :P
Hopefully the the games coming out later this year will help the PSP out. It's in a dire need of a good market campaign.
Madworld didn't chart again. That means at the very most it could've sold no more than 203,527 units, but I highly doubt it did that well. Kinda sad on a userbase of 50+ million, and for a hardcore game with lots of advertising. Good job though sheep.
okami ps2 anyone ?
good job 120 million ps2 users :roll:
thing is with okami is that the ps2 has a surplus of great games and some of them may be overlooked. Okami also had zero advertising, whereas madworld was advertised to hell and back. so again good work sheep.
edit- I was one of the people who bought okami on ps2.
Madworld didn't chart again. That means at the very most it could've sold no more than 203,527 units, but I highly doubt it did that well. Kinda sad on a userbase of 50+ million, and for a hardcore game with lots of advertising. Good job though sheep.
okami ps2 anyone ?
good job 120 million ps2 users :roll:
thing is with okami is that the ps2 has a surplus of great games and some of them may be overlooked. Okami also had zero advertising, whereas madworld was advertised to hell and back. so again good work sheep.
edit- I was one of the people who bought okami on ps2.
I think sheep are almost extinct. The Wii userbase is made up of people that are anything but sheep. Hell, I was a sheep but converted to 360 this gen :)[QUOTE="FirstDiscovery"]
Wow depressing week, just shocking:?
Anyone have last years numbers?
April'09 April '08 March'09 MoM YoY
DS 1004 415 563 78% 142%
PS2 172 124 112 54% 39%
360 175 188 330 -47% -7%
PS3 127 187 218 -42% -32%
PSP 116 193 168 -31% -40%
Wii 340 714 601 -43% -52%
Yeah, like I was saying, why the heck do people think these kind of drop offs are normal? This is absolutely absurd for MoM/YoY
Well this is the first month for the 360 to drop on its year to year sales and it was only 7%. The Wii dropped a lot but still sold the most and a healthy 340k. The PS3 numbers are getting freaky scary now though since every single month its year to year sales are down and this month down by 32%[QUOTE="habkeinbock"]
okami ps2 anyone ?
good job 120 million ps2 users :roll:
thing is with okami is that the ps2 has a surplus of great games and some of them may be overlooked. Okami also had zero advertising, whereas madworld was advertised to hell and back. so again good work sheep.
edit- I was one of the people who bought okami on ps2.
I think sheep are almost extinct. The Wii userbase is made up of people that are anything but sheep. Hell, I was a sheep but converted to 360 this gen :) Me too! lol. I used to be a hardcore Nintendo fan.. until the Wii came out, I bought it, got bored of it, and was disgusted by the games that were shoveled onto the system... now it mainly collects dust next to my over active 360.[QUOTE="habkeinbock"]
Madworld didn't chart again. That means at the very most it could've sold no more than 203,527 units, but I highly doubt it did that well. Kinda sad on a userbase of 50+ million, and for a hardcore game with lots of advertising. Good job though sheep.
okami ps2 anyone ?
good job 120 million ps2 users :roll:
thing is with okami is that the ps2 has a surplus of great games and some of them may be overlooked. Okami also had zero advertising, whereas madworld was advertised to hell and back. so again good work sheep.
edit- I was one of the people who bought okami on ps2.
okami sold better on the wii than on the ps2 :lol:
okami ps2 anyone ?
good job 120 million ps2 users :roll:
thing is with okami is that the ps2 has a surplus of great games and some of them may be overlooked. Okami also had zero advertising, whereas madworld was advertised to hell and back. so again good work sheep.
edit- I was one of the people who bought okami on ps2.
okami sold better on the wii than on the ps2 :lol:
Do I really have to go dig up the Capcom statement where Svenn basically flatout says it did not?
thing is with okami is that the ps2 has a surplus of great games and some of them may be overlooked. Okami also had zero advertising, whereas madworld was advertised to hell and back. so again good work sheep.
edit- I was one of the people who bought okami on ps2.
okami sold better on the wii than on the ps2 :lol:
Do I really have to go dig up the Capcom statement where Svenn basically flatout says it did not?
yes and at the same time you can dig out some core games for the wii that sold well ;)
okami ps2 anyone ?
good job 120 million ps2 users :roll:
thing is with okami is that the ps2 has a surplus of great games and some of them may be overlooked. Okami also had zero advertising, whereas madworld was advertised to hell and back. so again good work sheep.
edit- I was one of the people who bought okami on ps2.
okami sold better on the wii than on the ps2 :lol:
whoa a great game in a sea of filth sells better than the same game but against other incredible games. do go on sir
okami sold better on the wii than on the ps2 :lol:
Do I really have to go dig up the Capcom statement where Svenn basically flatout says it did not?
yes and at the same time you can dig out some core games for the wii that sold well ;)
There's your Capcom link. I'll work on the core wii games that sold well one next.
thing is with okami is that the ps2 has a surplus of great games and some of them may be overlooked. Okami also had zero advertising, whereas madworld was advertised to hell and back. so again good work sheep.
edit- I was one of the people who bought okami on ps2.
okami sold better on the wii than on the ps2 :lol:
whoa a great game in a sea of filth sells better than the same game but against other incredible games. do go on sir
running out of arguments ? :roll:
thing is with okami is that the ps2 has a surplus of great games and some of them may be overlooked. Okami also had zero advertising, whereas madworld was advertised to hell and back. so again good work sheep.
edit- I was one of the people who bought okami on ps2.
okami sold better on the wii than on the ps2 :lol:
whoa a great game in a sea of filth sells better than the same game but against other incredible games. do go on sir
You are way too bitter. Good Wii games can sell, some fail some won't, it happens. I really don't see why when 360/PS3 games bombs its fine but when wii games bomb it is some huge deal. Some don't sell grat, it happens. (waits for predictable answer)
okami sold better on the wii than on the ps2 :lol:
whoa a great game in a sea of filth sells better than the same game but against other incredible games. do go on sir
running out of arguments ? :roll:
apparently. "Lastly, Okami Wii is not on track to outsell the PS2 version. The worldwide Okami Wii number might get to the US Okami PS2 number at some point though..." Thanks ArticEdge for the link . Running out of arguments ? :roll:
So, is it the recession to blame, or is it a lack of good games? DS domination is awesome as usual.
It the lack of high-profile, "must-buy" games like Mario Kart Wii, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, and Grand Theft Auto IV.
With the Wii's outselling both the Xbox 360 and PS3, this means 19th months of console domination for the Wii in the U.S.
Impressive DSi numbers.
okami sold better on the wii than on the ps2 :lol:
whoa a great game in a sea of filth sells better than the same game but against other incredible games. do go on sir
You are way too bitter. Good Wii games can sell, some fail some won't, it happens. I really don't see why when 360/PS3 games bombs its fine but when wii games bomb it is some huge deal. Some don't sell grat, it happens. (waits for predictable answer)
Considering how bad the wii lineup is, when they get a game it should sell.
whoa a great game in a sea of filth sells better than the same game but against other incredible games. do go on sir
running out of arguments ? :roll:
apparently. "Lastly, Okami Wii is not on track to outsell the PS2 version. The worldwide Okami Wii number might get to the US Okami PS2 number at some point though..." Thanks ArticEdge for the link . Running out of arguments ? :roll:
not really :D
lets use your INSTALL BASE argument.
did okami on the ps2 sold 3 time better than the wii version ? NO ! ;)
whoa a great game in a sea of filth sells better than the same game but against other incredible games. do go on sir
You are way too bitter. Good Wii games can sell, some fail some won't, it happens. I really don't see why when 360/PS3 games bombs its fine but when wii games bomb it is some huge deal. Some don't sell grat, it happens. (waits for predictable answer)
Considering how bad the wii lineup is, when they get a game it should sell.
That's not how sales work though. Good game doesn't equal sales even if the library is crap. The good games with mass appeal, advertising and hype sell alright though. Also most wii games are slow burners, they don't sell butt loads the first month. Boom Blox, House of the Dead 2+3, Star Wars force unlleashed, Call of Duty World at War, Tiger Woods all were slow burners that went on to sell well. The wii has over 50 million sellers, but yeat the number of wii games from third parties to ever chart in the top 10 s less than 20. Its not like the other consoles so the same curve does not apply to it.
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