its pointless because the people in this forum arent realistic. Im a pc gamer but I know console gaming is doing much better, its as clear as day
Except that...
PC digital downloads represented close to half of unit sales across digital and retail at 48 percent in 2009, and accounted for 36 percent of dollar sales.
And i highly doubt you're an actual PC gamer.
i build computers and have a pc gaming rig. I download from steam but the fact that you guys think DD is enough to beat out consoles is laughable. PC gaming is not on the same level, my links are from reputable sources, yours not so much and alot of lack of real numbers also hurt your argument. Keep thinking that PC gaming is doing great, thats fine, but its not doing better than consoles, not by a longshot, and MS which is in both PC gaming and COnsole gaming would completely agree with me, and not you.
The PC has more high scoring exclusives then almost all consoles combined. It has a much larger library then probably all consoles combined. That means more dev support. Now how can the consoles, that get LESS dev support, be doing better then the PC? Your logic doesn't make sense.
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