@kingtito said:
Shouldn't you be creating another "I'm butthurt about shitty PSVR sales and anyone that doesn't agree with me is a filthy lem"?
Cows have been absolutely rekt in this thread. This includes the meltdowns from quack which has turned into his defensive gif posting because of said reking
Hahahaha total dishonesty is the name of the game for lemmings..hahhahaa
The only things obvious here is that you lemmings are bitter about this,not only arstechnica article prove it with a HUGE ass sample of 1 million,but MS own numbers re confirm it.
In what planet 32 hours of gameplay in 1 year and 7 months it is consider great hell even average by any means?
According to MS own freaking data 50% of the lemmings who use BC have done it for exactly 3 and half minuted per day since it was introduce,and the other 50% hasn't even touch it.
It is clear that the feature is not use 500 million hours is abysmal when you divide the play time between the number of gamers the xbox one has that do use the feature and the time the feature has been out.
You have 2 options here you either admit that BC is not something that most people will even play outside a few minutes,or you go into denial and claim the feature is a success when MS own numbers prove other wise.
There is a reason why MS love to use millions of hours,and shit like that it is to try to make things seen bigger than they are,most people will simply focus on the 500 million hours and not anything else.
Want more proof of how abysmal those numbers are.?
In November 2015 the xbox one got backward compatibility with 360 games,by July 2016 they reach 100 million hours.
Basically 100 millions hours in 8 months.
Want another big number? The total player hours on SOCOM II is approaching 94 million hours, or 10,835 years of straight gameplay.
This is Socom 2 played hours,like BC it release on November but of 2003 and by July 2004 it had 94 million hours logged.
I bring this comparison because in 8 months BC on xbox one in a user base of probably 20 millions or a little more was getting getting 100 million hours,which is comparable to what Scoom 2 a game that sold like 2 or 3 million copies was getting on the early 2000's when online gameplay on consoles was on its infancy.
2 or 3 million players in socom were logging as much hours in 2003 2004 as BC is on xbox one in the first 8 months on a more than 20 million user base.
Socom 2 numbers back then were HUGE but by today's standards they are mighty weak.
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