Because by all accounts it probably was. At the same time SMT4 doesn't look near as good so it will be a standards drop.
why is it with nintendo haters always cowering behind the standards excuse whenever on of their platforms does well? A good game is a good game, deal with itWhat? There's obviously a drop in standard going from a home console to a handheld..... the battles are cards FFS.
Yeah there is always some sort of standard drop going form console to a nintendo handheld. Look at Castlevania SOTN, and Final Fantasy Tacitcs... The 4 metroidvania games on GB-Ds all paled in comparison to SOTN... They weren't as large of games, the sprite never really changed. In SOTN you had different colored cloaks, each weapon was unique 4-5 slots for equipment (dedicated for body part), and tons of spells and relics. Everything was cut in half down to the lack of equipment slots.
FF Tactics on PS1 was a masterpiece, and the remake on PSP was as well (same with Tactics Ogre on PSP), but look at FF tactics on GBA - DS... they turned a mature story with great characters into a children's story with snowball fights, and bs animal raced characters to cater to kids... Which is down right dumb as kids don't like FF. At least not in the states (I should know , I have tried getting my own kids and my younger cousins into jrpgs and FF and such and they can't stand them, never even heard of them... and would rather play fast twitch games like Cod )
So yeah, just about everytime something goes to the DS brand handhelds (3ds not excluded) it gets nerfed. I can't tell you how many times I played a game on DS-3ds and wished it was on the psp or vita... It would of looked and played so much better. There is a reason why this is. the DS/3ds line lacks video ram and rom cart size is pittifully small. Not saying there isn't good games on those platforms, there is and I own them, but the games would be better on better hardware.
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