Why would I have to do that? They are making a comparison it is their job to do that comparison not mine. If it was a full technical analysis they would have broken it down comparing all the different lighting techniques each game uses, actually showed off the games textures rather than using small pictures which don't represent a game. All they did was state a few things and say this is better and this isn't, not really a technical analysis. So no I'm not going to waste my time doing it. You keep bringing up these other sites saying crysis 2 looks better but I have never mentioned them (bar IGN once). It's odd they say that? It's a flat out lie and anyone with even some slight knowledge of the tech behind these games would know that. If these guys are so amazing at knowing the tech behind these games they would have never made a statement like that but they did which also shows a lack of knowledge. The congress being members not the staff. I said that because a staff member believes that crysis 2 looks better which would in turn prove that it's an opinion as to which looks better not fact as you so like to believe. Also by the mere fact there is a poll would also prove that it's opinion, if they thought their opinion was fact (like you do) they would never put a poll up.Also if you love polls so much, SW has had many stating that crysis 2 is the best looking game on consoles, in the end though they don't account for much.Wesrcks13
I see that you have learned something about the ToU and you understand now ;), I hope this will help you in future! :)
1) I thought you would be willing to compare the both of them yourself, since I can tell you don't like the LOT article for that PC statement (and maybe it's conclusion by the staff? ;) ) but I understand you don't want to take the time to do so. The video was enough, Crysis 2 (X360) is not consistant enough, sub HD, fps drops, Killzone 3 having much more going on while the fps never taking a hit, etc. You can talk about the textures, the lightning, but you might as well take them into a huge pile and toss them out, because the LOT video comparison already proves at this point Crysis 2 (X360) is already beat, and like tormentos said:
Killzone is doing more,with more enemies on screen at once,no tear,no frame drops,and with better particle effects,look at how Crysis 2 rifle barely make sparks,that Killzone 3 rifle actually make one big X in parks every time you shoot it. How can people still claim that Crysis 2 look better than Killzone 3 blows my mind away,also Crysis 2 has to much fog,which we all know is been use for ages to cover imperfections.tormentos
Killzone 2, Uncharted 2, God of War 3, and Killzone 3 all beat Crysis 2 (X360) technically. Really, Crytek is at a disadvantage here, due to Crysis 2 being a multiplat, while Naughty Dog, Santa Monica, and Epic Games; All get to push their games on one platform.
2) You know I don't trust SW polls... :P
Why do I now see lemmings (Not calling you a lemming Soulitane) starting to say: "LOT is not credible" or "You can't go by LOT" :?....but in the past, when lensoftruth made many articles proving an X360 multiplat being superior to the PS3 version, many many times. They were credible then weren't they? ;) ...............Weren't they? :P Like, I don't understand.. Does it make lemmings mad, that they started off having the best looking games on consoles (Gears 1 and Gears 2), now that the Sony first party devs for the PS3 exclusives: Killzone 2, Uncharted 2, God of War 3, and Killzone 3 were blowing the best looking Xbox 360 exclusives out of the water and that the developers for the X360 exclusives weren't touching the PS3 exclusives in terms of visuals for like 3 years, and that lems had to rely on third party developers, hoping multiplat games like: Mass Effect 2, Splintercell: Conviction, Metro 2033, Red Dead Redemption, and now Crysis 2 (X360), would take the crown. But they still aren't able to beat out the PS3 exclusives? Is that what it is? ;) That's what it is isn't it? :) :lol:
Now, I'm sure if lensoftruth comes out with an article proving Gears 3 is technically the best looking game on consoles to date, Lensoftruth will matter now. :lol: I won't be trying to bring up the PC statement or any of that, I'll just accept it and move on, like it makes a difference to me. This thread has been going on for like a week now, and until you stop bringing up your opinion/other opinions and stay in the realm of Wesrcks13 and you can bring me another analysis/video from another place like Digital Foundry for example, (Isn't this how SW decides the best looking game on consoles in the first place?) or whatever the names of those other sites are that I see credible, that proves LOT wrong, I don't want this KZ3 vs. Crysis 2 (X360) discussion to continue. ;)
Conclusion: NO! :P Crysis 2 (X360) is NOT technically the best looking game on consoles, sorry... You may think it is..... ;) Some user can say Castlevania: Lords of Shadow is the best looking game on consoles, but it isn't accepted like that here on SW, this is basically what I am getting from you. I mean let's face it, Crysis 2 (X360) has been in out for about half a year now, you can just make a poll and see if the poll results will be the same during the Crysis 2 HYPE. :)
SW for the time I have been here hasn't been able to give a clear consensus on what game actually is the "console graphics king", everyone has always had a different opinion on what it is. Now is no different
You bring up lemmings and all that but what does that have to do with anything I have said? As you said I am not a lemming and quite a few posters here consider me to be unbias (or at least as close to it as one can get). So that has absolutely no relavance here and Idon't know why you bought it up. I couldn't care less which console has the CGK, my favourite game on the PS3 is yakuza 3, which looks pretty bad most of the time. All the games that are up for the CGK title hold little interest for me. Even crysis 2 was only worth a single playthrough, they might have the best graphics but they aren't always the best games.
Also why bring up someone elses opinion who posts on the forum if you're not willing to accept that people can think that crysis 2 is CGK? His opinion holds as much relavance as theirs and according to you their opinion doesn't matter.
You don't trust system war polls but their polls are somehow better?
Your last paragraph leads me to believe you don't fully know what my point has been all this time. As I have always said on this forum, the CGK is completely opinionated and the difference is generally so minimal which is why people here can never decide. I never said crysis 2 was CGK, I have always been saying that it all comes down to opinion which one is the best. Which is why we all these CGK threads around the place.
You don't trust system war polls but their polls are somehow better?
You said:
"until you stop bringing up your opinion/other opinions and stay in the realm of Wesrcks13 and you can bring me another analysis/video from another place like Digital Foundry for example, (Isn't this how SW decides the best looking game on consoles in the first place?) or whatever the names of those other sites are that I see credible, that proves LOT wrong, I don't want this KZ3 vs. Crysis 2 (X360) discussion to continue"
Why does it matter if YOU see it as credible, why not formulate an opinion of your own by playing the game? Why do we need to have a site judge for us which is better and which isn't? I have played crysis 2 and it looks pretty damn good in motion and just as that site said, you never really notice any of the FPS drops or the pop in while playing. The game looks fantastic. If you disagree with what I said then that's your opinion and just like everyone else you are entitled to it but others opinions aren't wrong just because a single site and some people say otherwise :)
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