SW for the time I have been here hasn't been able to give a clear consensus on what game actually is the "console graphics king", everyone has always had a different opinion on what it is. Now is no different
You bring up lemmings and all that but what does that have to do with anything I have said? As you said I am not a lemming and quite a few posters here consider me to be unbias (or at least as close to it as one can get). So that has absolutely no relavance here and Idon't know why you bought it up. I couldn't care less which console has the CGK, my favourite game on the PS3 is yakuza 3, which looks pretty bad most of the time. All the games that are up for the CGK title hold little interest for me. Even crysis 2 was only worth a single playthrough, they might have the best graphics but they aren't always the best games.
Also why bring up someone elses opinion who posts on the forum if you're not willing to accept that people can think that crysis 2 is CGK? His opinion holds as much relavance as theirs and according to you their opinion doesn't matter.
You don't trust system war polls but their polls are somehow better?
Your last paragraph leads me to believe you don't fully know what my point has been all this time. As I have always said on this forum, the CGK is completely opinionated and the difference is generally so minimal which is why people here can never decide. I never said crysis 2 was CGK, I have always been saying that it all comes down to opinion which one is the best. Which is why we all these CGK threads around the place.
You don't trust system war polls but their polls are somehow better?
You said:
"until you stop bringing up your opinion/other opinions and stay in the realm of Wesrcks13 and you can bring me another analysis/video from another place like Digital Foundry for example, (Isn't this how SW decides the best looking game on consoles in the first place?) or whatever the names of those other sites are that I see credible, that proves LOT wrong, I don't want this KZ3 vs. Crysis 2 (X360) discussion to continue"
Why does it matter if YOU see it as credible, why not formulate an opinion of your own by playing the game? Why do we need to have a site judge for us which is better and which isn't? I have played crysis 2 and it looks pretty damn good in motion and just as that site said, you never really notice any of the FPS drops or the pop in while playing. The game looks fantastic. If you disagree with what I said then that's your opinion and just like everyone else you are entitled to it but others opinions aren't wrong just because a single site and some people say otherwise :)
The part about lemmings wasn't towards you. :P You didn't have to read that part. :)
I don't trust System Wars polls for many reasons, and in this case the polls could be voted by many users who haven't played either game. Alts, and other factions that just want to see the PS3 game lose... (Kinda like the HYPE threads for exclusives) And most of those polls were during Crysis 2's launch so the HYPE for that game was there, I think I even remember Alan Wake threads/polls claiming it was better than Uncharted 2's graphics during the Alan Wake HYPE, The LOT staff overall decided Killzone 3 was better technically, yes one staff thought Crysis 2 (X360) is better, and there are many here that believe Crysis 2 (X360) is better too. Here's the problem with those users, I just don't accept their opinion without doing a comparison/analysis/video/etc. To support their claim, and show me their points. Until then, I have to stick with LOT. But you're right, it is an opinion if the user's opinion is credible or not. :P
I also don't follow CGK threads, but they are all over System Wars... So you can get an idea on what's going on, right now I think Uncharted 2/Gears 3 are fighting over the crown. :P But, this is something I want to say, there are no more threads on Crysis 2 (X360) and I think if a thread today had the topic asking if Crysis 2 (X360) was the best looking game on consoles to date, I'm sure it won't win.
I have played Killzone 3 and I thought it looked fantastic, with everything going on and the framerate never taking a hit, just like the video/analysis said. I'm almost certain that System Wars has some kind of way to decide what is the official graphics king, maybe not I guess. It's true, one site and some people can't break the balance between opinion and fact here. :)
So I think we can come to an agreement of sorts here, which is good.Alan Wake may not look as good as the best on consoles but the game still looks amazing and I'm pretty sure the only people after launch saying it looked better than UC2 were... well a certain type of user :wink:
Whether you accept them or not doesn't mean they are wrong in their opinion. I enjoyed Yakuza 1 and 2 far more than most AAA games, just because a review thinks it's only worth A doesn't mean my opinion is wrong but nor does it mean theirs is wrong either.
If we were to have a thread today it probably wouldn't win in votes but it will still have people voting for it and thus meaning there are people who have the opinion that it is the best looking game on consoles. Also there is no "official" way to decide what the overall CGK is, generally people just use polls but most of the time the winner changes and people have completely differing opinions on which looks better. Even with the PS3 exclusives they find it hard to decide which further just proves the point it's all just an opinion. You will never get SW to agree on anything, or at least they agree on next to nothing.
Also no bold :o
I preferred the visuals of Alan Wake over UC, and I thought were on par with UC2. I didn't think Crysis 2 was close to being the best looking console game, or even best looking 360 game either. I also think KZ2 looked better than KZ3. Maybe it's the color palette they used. Either way each system has it's share of great looking games.
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