@GarGx1: Still waiting for your evidence.
You're clearly triggered by women in leading roles. Why? Why are you so afraid of women?
No you're just not someone worthy of having a discussion with tonight.
So, no evidence, then? As expected.
@GarGx1: Still waiting for your evidence.
You're clearly triggered by women in leading roles. Why? Why are you so afraid of women?
No you're just not someone worthy of having a discussion with tonight.
So, no evidence, then? As expected.
@GarGx1: Still waiting for your evidence.
You're clearly triggered by women in leading roles. Why? Why are you so afraid of women?
No you're just not someone worthy of having a discussion with tonight.
So, no evidence, then? As expected.
My opinion needs evidence now?
Sit down and be quiet.
@GarGx1: Still waiting for your evidence.
You're clearly triggered by women in leading roles. Why? Why are you so afraid of women?
No you're just not someone worthy of having a discussion with tonight.
So, no evidence, then? As expected.
My opinion needs evidence now?
Sit down and be quiet.
So, nothing, then?
When you claim something, you have to have evidence to support your claim.
Just like @tryit said, you're making things up and taking stuff out of your ass. You have NO EVIDENCE whatsoever that leading women and LGBT characters in gaming is pandering.
You're just triggered because you're a conservative person.
What's up with these delicate men that are fickle with women in positions of power?
Seriously, you are trying too hard.
Actually, he is not.
This whole discussion is happening because people like you are whining about women in leading roles.
What's up with these delicate men that are fickle with women in positions of power?
Seriously, you are trying too hard.
You're not trying too hard to be forever alone though.
@recloud: I don't mind women in leading roles. As long as it is not forced and makes sense. You guys trolling and trying to trigger people does nothing to further the conversation.
There's nothing forced about any women in leading role as videogame is fantasy and doesn't need to be accurate or necessarily represent reality.
Speaking of women in war, there were some. But they're either supporting or have support roles or rebels/resistance fighters.
Never did an army have women on the frontlines.
Except for Russia, cos they're mofucking Russia.
Anyway, don't tell me that this is so NOT out of place in a ww2 settings lol
@recloud: I don't mind women in leading roles. As long as it is not forced and makes sense. You guys trolling and trying to trigger people does nothing to further the conversation.
There's nothing forced about any women in leading role as videogame is fantasy and doesn't need to be accurate or necessarily represent reality.
I think for me the issue (and i've not been following this topic closely so might be tangential to what you have been talking about) is that Dice were talking about immersion and realism in the pre-amble to the trailer reveal, then blatantly throw that out the window.
if Dice said "yea we are going to do a crazy alt-history version of WW 2!" then showed that trailer, I'd be totally fine with it.
keep in mind, I'm equally annoyed by the fact the other character in the trailer had a samurai sword on his back (plus all the other cosmetic shit) as I am about the prominence of female soldiers.
If you are going to make a historical game, make it fucking historically accurate to at least SOME degree. claiming to make a historical game then adding in shit that drastically misrepresents history is something that annoys me (it annoyed me with BF1 as well).
@recloud: I don't mind women in leading roles. As long as it is not forced and makes sense. You guys trolling and trying to trigger people does nothing to further the conversation.
There's nothing forced about any women in leading role as videogame is fantasy and doesn't need to be accurate or necessarily represent reality.
I think for me the issue (and i've not been following this topic closely so might be tangential to what you have been talking about) is that Dice were talking about immersion and realism in the pre-amble to the trailer reveal, then blatantly throw that out the window.
if Dice said "yea we are going to do a crazy alt-history version of WW 2!" then showed that trailer, I'd be totally fine with it.
keep in mind, I'm equally annoyed by the fact the other character in the trailer had a samurai sword on his back (plus all the other cosmetic shit) as I am about the prominence of female soldiers.
If you are going to make a historical game, make it fucking historically accurate to at least SOME degree. claiming to make a historical game then adding in shit that drastically misrepresents history is something that annoys me (it annoyed me with BF1 as well).
Well, it's fine to be annoyed by misrepresenting history, that's actually sound complain, even more if they said they'd do it accurately, I'm fine with it.
I'm not fine with gamers DEMANDING gaming to be real JUST BECAUSE women "wouldn't normally be on these kind of situations", that's BS and conservative talk, like, this is a medium where you have youngsters with huge swords saving the world using magic, nobody ever demanded realism in this. It's fiction, it doesn't have to be real.
@recloud: I don't mind women in leading roles. As long as it is not forced and makes sense. You guys trolling and trying to trigger people does nothing to further the conversation.
There's nothing forced about any women in leading role as videogame is fantasy and doesn't need to be accurate or necessarily represent reality.
I think for me the issue (and i've not been following this topic closely so might be tangential to what you have been talking about) is that Dice were talking about immersion and realism in the pre-amble to the trailer reveal, then blatantly throw that out the window.
if Dice said "yea we are going to do a crazy alt-history version of WW 2!" then showed that trailer, I'd be totally fine with it.
keep in mind, I'm equally annoyed by the fact the other character in the trailer had a samurai sword on his back (plus all the other cosmetic shit) as I am about the prominence of female soldiers.
If you are going to make a historical game, make it fucking historically accurate to at least SOME degree. claiming to make a historical game then adding in shit that drastically misrepresents history is something that annoys me (it annoyed me with BF1 as well).
Well, it's fine to be annoyed by misrepresenting history, that's actually sound complain, even more if they said they'd do it accurately, I'm fine with it.
I'm not fine with gamers DEMANDING gaming to be real JUST BECAUSE women "wouldn't normally be on these kind of situations", that's BS and conservative talk, like, this is a medium where you have youngsters with huge swords saving the world using magic, nobody ever demanded realism in this. It's fiction, it doesn't have to be real.
yea thats exactly right, it doesn't have to be real. so I'm not sure why EA/Dice are intent on walking this line of making "historical" games, but only following history when its convenient and ignoring it when its not
Soviet Union has women sniper teams.
The Soviet Union was pretty much unique among major powers in WWII to field large numbers of women in direct combat roles. About 2,000 female snipers graduated from the academies and saw frontline fighting, and they had a survival rate of just 25%. The most successful, Ludmilla Pavlichenko, was credited with 309 kills before being wounded by mortar fire in 1942 and pulled off the lines to do a publicity tour in the US and teach as a sniper instructor. During her time in the US she became close friends with Eleanor Roosevelt, and received widespread recognition. Of course, the press was more concerned with how unstylish her uniform was, rather than what she actually did.
I'm not exactly sure what your point is here.
"Front line soldiers were never women" is not true for the Soviet Union.
@recloud: I don't mind women in leading roles. As long as it is not forced and makes sense. You guys trolling and trying to trigger people does nothing to further the conversation.
There's nothing forced about any women in leading role as videogame is fantasy and doesn't need to be accurate or necessarily represent reality.
I think for me the issue (and i've not been following this topic closely so might be tangential to what you have been talking about) is that Dice were talking about immersion and realism in the pre-amble to the trailer reveal, then blatantly throw that out the window.
if Dice said "yea we are going to do a crazy alt-history version of WW 2!" then showed that trailer, I'd be totally fine with it.
keep in mind, I'm equally annoyed by the fact the other character in the trailer had a samurai sword on his back (plus all the other cosmetic shit) as I am about the prominence of female soldiers.
If you are going to make a historical game, make it fucking historically accurate to at least SOME degree. claiming to make a historical game then adding in shit that drastically misrepresents history is something that annoys me (it annoyed me with BF1 as well).
Well, it's fine to be annoyed by misrepresenting history, that's actually sound complain, even more if they said they'd do it accurately, I'm fine with it.
I'm not fine with gamers DEMANDING gaming to be real JUST BECAUSE women "wouldn't normally be on these kind of situations", that's BS and conservative talk, like, this is a medium where you have youngsters with huge swords saving the world using magic, nobody ever demanded realism in this. It's fiction, it doesn't have to be real.
@recloud: I don't mind women in leading roles. As long as it is not forced and makes sense. You guys trolling and trying to trigger people does nothing to further the conversation.
There's nothing forced about any women in leading role as videogame is fantasy and doesn't need to be accurate or necessarily represent reality.
I think for me the issue (and i've not been following this topic closely so might be tangential to what you have been talking about) is that Dice were talking about immersion and realism in the pre-amble to the trailer reveal, then blatantly throw that out the window.
if Dice said "yea we are going to do a crazy alt-history version of WW 2!" then showed that trailer, I'd be totally fine with it.
keep in mind, I'm equally annoyed by the fact the other character in the trailer had a samurai sword on his back (plus all the other cosmetic shit) as I am about the prominence of female soldiers.
If you are going to make a historical game, make it fucking historically accurate to at least SOME degree. claiming to make a historical game then adding in shit that drastically misrepresents history is something that annoys me (it annoyed me with BF1 as well).
Well, it's fine to be annoyed by misrepresenting history, that's actually sound complain, even more if they said they'd do it accurately, I'm fine with it.
I'm not fine with gamers DEMANDING gaming to be real JUST BECAUSE women "wouldn't normally be on these kind of situations", that's BS and conservative talk, like, this is a medium where you have youngsters with huge swords saving the world using magic, nobody ever demanded realism in this. It's fiction, it doesn't have to be real.
I fully support the beach volleyball babe class to be in BFV :D
@nomadic8280: This is fiction, it doesn't necessarily have to be accurate, isn't that what you people say about Lara Croft? That she can be sexy because she's not a real woman?
And WTF, so in which universe would you think you'd see a man with a huge sword killing monsters like in JRPGs? That's really unlikely to happen as MONSTERS don't exist.
So, no, nothing forced about that. It's an artistic and design choice. You don't like it? Don't buy it.
"You people"?
I thought I may have prevented things from exploding ^_^ But I suppose not.
Oh well. Just to repeat: Most of the controversy you will see will be caused by the marketing saying this game is telling stories of WW2 and offering takes on WW2 you haven't seen before, and then showing a pretty wild trailer that contains lots of elements that seem (full game not out yet) out of place. Combine that with the fact that most people thought they were looking at a scripted scene that represents how online multiplayer battles will work (it was actually the 2-player co-op that they showed), and you get a recipe for controverse. I don't think it's odd that some people feel like there is some pandering going on given that situation. Honestly, ask yourself what this event+trailer looked like if you do care about the tone or authentic feel of a BF game, even if you purrsonally don't.
If you want to diffuse the situation, the best thing to do is realize that the marketing event conflicts with the trailer and that will cause some people to get mad. The characters in that trailer may not even be like the characters in online play. I bet a very small percentage of criticism will actually be people who are against women being portrayed in games at all. Most will be about the tone of the game or the conflicting messages of what this game actually is. So I don't think there is all that much to be angry about. Maybe we can be angry at the marketing event and the few people who actually are against having women in games because... why?
(I don't like the argument that authenticity does not matter in games as a result of unrealistic elements being present in games. We all know that a game can never be completely authentic. Especially multiplayer games will struggle. But that doesn't mean that authenticity automatically becomes moot. That argument could be used for anything in games from graphics to story and it doesn't work, it's not black/white like that. I think Kingdom Come was a good example of a game that is praised mostly for its authenticity. It is something that can be of value, so losing it can mean something too.)
I dont care about the BF series but its disgusting how they force this SJW agenda to the game. We see it all over society today, movies games, everywhere. Men and women are too different things, not the same. Women fighting in WWII is just dumb and unrealistic. Will dogs soon also fight in WWII? Hey i think they used them as suicide bombers... they have rights too to be in the cover!
I'm not exactly sure what your point is here.
"Front line soldiers were never women" is not true for the Soviet Union.
Considering there were 30+ million front line soviet soldiers. I'm going to stick with my generalization that there were not women among them. There were situations sure, but when the Soviets were plowing through Poland chasing the Nazi forces, you would be very hard pressed to find any female soldiers there.
@KillzoneSnake: "Women fighting in WWII is just dumb and unrealistic."
Choose one.
You know what else is unrealistic? Taking a lot of shots, getting cover and regenerating to full health in a matter of seconds.
I don't see you complaining about that.
@GarGx1: Still waiting for your evidence.
You're clearly triggered by women in leading roles. Why? Why are you so afraid of women?
No you're just not someone worthy of having a discussion with tonight.
Yup, you know absolutely nothing about me, nor do you have any comprehension about what I'm saying. Actually try reading my posts.
I'll repeat for you in simpler language.
I'm saying is that they can put as many female characters in games as they want, it does not bother me in the slightest, I don't care what gender a player character is.
However, EA are simply trying look like "good guys" with this poorly disguised marketing gimmick and you're falling for it hand over fist. This is not "equality" nor is it empowering for women. Making masculine female characters is not something the majority of female gamers I've known want. I've been gaming a long, long time and have many female gamer friends from lots of different games, including FPS's but mostly MMO's, not a single one of them actually wants to play a hard assed man and a hard assed man in a girl costume is no better, in fact it's insulting. Not as insulting as people who think EA are being all progressive though.
read this part very closely
you are projecting and assuming. You are saying 'I have no problem if they put in a female lead (which they just did) but you dont like it because they did it for X reason'
problem is...YOU DONT KNOW WHY THEY DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what is the difference between this female lead and Lara Croft?
NOTHING...only the ASSUMPTION it was done for some agenda.
That's not a lead, that's an optional, almost definitely customisable, player character in a multiplayer, likely co-op, scripted trailer. "She's" also a re-skinned bloke and the reasons are entirely transparent, it's EA not something complex and world shifting.
The agenda is "lets try and lose some of the bad guy image and make more money from drones who think we're on their side"
Get over yourself.
is that very seriously the best response you can come up with?
Good enough to stop you in your tracks it seems.
'thats not a lead'
is really all you have...?
@GarGx1: Still waiting for your evidence.
You're clearly triggered by women in leading roles. Why? Why are you so afraid of women?
No you're just not someone worthy of having a discussion with tonight.
So, no evidence, then? As expected.
My opinion needs evidence now?
Sit down and be quiet.
it would absolutely help you.
Here is the claim:
There is an army of Feminists out there calling up these developers and applying all matters of social pressure forcing the developers to do something they do not want to do so that they can be free of such pressure.
My Question:
Who are these feminists that are doing this? point to where they are. point to the pressure, how is it applied? so evidence that there is pressure
these people you implicitly claim to have all this power....do not exist
@tryit: this is all but paranoia, he can't deal with the fact that times are changing, that the world is changing and the media see the need and the demand to be more inclusive.
His paranoia made him believe there's a conspiracy, not that this is something that is bound to happen, one way or the other.
@tryit: this is all but paranoia, he can't deal with the fact that times are changing, that the world is changing and the media see the need and the demand to be more inclusive.
His paranoia made him believe there's a conspiracy, not that this is something that is bound to happen, one way or the other.
either that or he is listening to much AM radio on the drive home and just believing anything they say without thinking about it.
one of the two
it would absolutely help you.
Here is the claim:
There is an army of Feminists out there calling up these developers and applying all matters of social pressure forcing the developers to do something they do not want to do so that they can be free of such pressure.
My Question:
Who are these feminists that are doing this? point to where they are. point to the pressure, how is it applied? so evidence that there is pressure
these people you implicitly claim to have all this power....do not exist
Army? Where did I say Army? Pretty sure I said "noisy minority", those are not anything like the same thing.
I also never mentioned feminism, that's entirely you putting your agenda in to my complaint against EA. Which is, they are simply re-skinning male characters to pander to a noisy minority. They should make female characters, with female personalities, not men with boobs like the example in the trailer video. If you like your women to be manly, that's your choice, I hope you enjoy it but all the female gamers I know, want to play female characters, who are actually representative of females, and that includes my wife and daughters.
You want an example of the noisy minority with a voice in the media and, for some unfathomable reason, able to put pressure on developers? By the way she's just a conman taking cash from vulnerable and impressionable fools.
it would absolutely help you.
Here is the claim:
There is an army of Feminists out there calling up these developers and applying all matters of social pressure forcing the developers to do something they do not want to do so that they can be free of such pressure.
My Question:
Who are these feminists that are doing this? point to where they are. point to the pressure, how is it applied? so evidence that there is pressure
these people you implicitly claim to have all this power....do not exist
Army? Where did I say Army? Pretty sure I said "noisy minority",...
where is the 'noisy minority' that have such power.
I claim those people do not exist.
and giving me a link to gamespot front page isnt going to cut it
@tryit: Wrong link, not sure how I managed that. Try this one. I can point you to many more of these trolls.
nope that links to somethign about Yahoo Oath.
look, just give us your interpenetration highlighting the obvious indicators of a "noisy minority" who has a lot of power to make people do what they do want to do and it would be helpful to explain how they contain such power influence
@tryit: Wrong link, not sure how I managed that. Try this one. I can point you to many more of these trolls.
nope that links to somethign about Yahoo Oath.
look, just give us your interpenetration highlighting the obvious indicators of a "noisy minority" who has a lot of power to make people do what they do want to do and it would be helpful to explain how they contain such power influence
That's your end dude, you're being diverted by Yahoo because the new GDPR rules that came into effect today.
Here's a Google one
@tryit: Wrong link, not sure how I managed that. Try this one. I can point you to many more of these trolls.
nope that links to somethign about Yahoo Oath.
look, just give us your interpenetration highlighting the obvious indicators of a "noisy minority" who has a lot of power to make people do what they do want to do and it would be helpful to explain how they contain such power influence
That's your end dude, you're being diverted by Yahoo because the new GDPR rules that came into effect today.
Here's a Google one
you going to have to do a LOT better then a link of a conservative keyword that points to tons of videos of ONE WOMAN who does nothing other than state facts in her videos that everyone already knows is true.
you havent actually ever watched any of her videos have you?
ONE WOMAN...is doing all of this?
@recloud: I don't mind women in leading roles. As long as it is not forced and makes sense. You guys trolling and trying to trigger people does nothing to further the conversation.
There's nothing forced about any women in leading role as videogame is fantasy and doesn't need to be accurate or necessarily represent reality.
I think for me the issue (and i've not been following this topic closely so might be tangential to what you have been talking about) is that Dice were talking about immersion and realism in the pre-amble to the trailer reveal, then blatantly throw that out the window.
if Dice said "yea we are going to do a crazy alt-history version of WW 2!" then showed that trailer, I'd be totally fine with it.
keep in mind, I'm equally annoyed by the fact the other character in the trailer had a samurai sword on his back (plus all the other cosmetic shit) as I am about the prominence of female soldiers.
If you are going to make a historical game, make it fucking historically accurate to at least SOME degree. claiming to make a historical game then adding in shit that drastically misrepresents history is something that annoys me (it annoyed me with BF1 as well).
Well, it's fine to be annoyed by misrepresenting history, that's actually sound complain, even more if they said they'd do it accurately, I'm fine with it.
I'm not fine with gamers DEMANDING gaming to be real JUST BECAUSE women "wouldn't normally be on these kind of situations", that's BS and conservative talk, like, this is a medium where you have youngsters with huge swords saving the world using magic, nobody ever demanded realism in this. It's fiction, it doesn't have to be real.
LOL so it begins XD
@tryit: Wrong link, not sure how I managed that. Try this one. I can point you to many more of these trolls.
nope that links to somethign about Yahoo Oath.
look, just give us your interpenetration highlighting the obvious indicators of a "noisy minority" who has a lot of power to make people do what they do want to do and it would be helpful to explain how they contain such power influence
That's your end dude, you're being diverted by Yahoo because the new GDPR rules that came into effect today.
Here's a Google one
you going to have to do a LOT better then a link of a conservative keyword that points to tons of videos of ONE WOMAN who does nothing other than state facts in her videos that everyone already knows is true.
you havent actually ever watched any of her videos have you?
ONE WOMAN...is doing all of this?
I shown proof of non a gamer with influence in games development, now you prove me wrong. I've seen nothing from you to show that EA are not pandering to a noisy minority, or that the "female" characters in the trailer are nothing more than re-skinned males with a female voice over.
@GarGx1: so you're afraid of women. Ok, now let us Know WHY you're afraid of them.
Yes you got me, I'm afraid of women. Including my wife, daughters, mother, sister, cousins, friends and colleagues.
Come back when you're mature enough to hold an adult conversation.
nope that links to somethign about Yahoo Oath.
look, just give us your interpenetration highlighting the obvious indicators of a "noisy minority" who has a lot of power to make people do what they do want to do and it would be helpful to explain how they contain such power influence
That's your end dude, you're being diverted by Yahoo because the new GDPR rules that came into effect today.
Here's a Google one
you going to have to do a LOT better then a link of a conservative keyword that points to tons of videos of ONE WOMAN who does nothing other than state facts in her videos that everyone already knows is true.
you havent actually ever watched any of her videos have you?
ONE WOMAN...is doing all of this?
I shown proof of non a gamer with influence in games development, now you prove me wrong. I've seen nothing from you to show that EA are not pandering to a noisy minority, or that the "female" characters in the trailer are nothing more than re-skinned males with a female voice over.
@GarGx1: so you're afraid of women. Ok, now let us Know WHY you're afraid of them.
Yes you got me, I'm afraid of women. Including my wife, daughters, mother, sister, cousins, friends and colleagues.
Come back when you're mature enough to hold an adult conversation.
that was not remotely even in a general hemisphere of 'proof'
anyone can link a video of a womans name, it doesnt mean that woman is actually behind the choices game developers make.
make the connection, you havent
any random person making a comment in a video does not mean they have influence over what they say with friggin anyone!
you have to proof that part
@tryit: Counter it with proof then. Go on prove me wrong.
just because a person says something on a video does not mean they have influence over anyone.
your bias on this subject is painfully clear.
so no...you lost and miserably i might add
@GarGx1: mature conversation? You can't provide any evidence for your claims and are whining about women in videogames.
I think you should look at the mirror.
I'm still waiting for the proof that these women, and that of the video, have any influence whatsoever on gaming development
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