TC removing Gears...lulz. I can show you 3-4 polls here where Crysis 2 annihilated KZ3 for CGK. Then I posted a simple comparison that shows C2 looks every bit as good as TLoU in like-for-like scenarios. C3 is gonna take it to both of those games. What's ironic is that id and Crytek are doing these games on 3 platforms and still matching or outdoing Sony 1st-party.
C2 vs KZ3...
Then you have this poll where Gears 3 f*cked up any PS3 exclusive. TC got owned like a b!tch by his own fanboy agenda, then DC'd to show his true pathetic colors. All in your head, man. All in your head.

For you peeps dissing Rage, here's KZ3 running 60fps(actually below at times)...

Compared to Rage at 60fps...

I'm tellling you, cows have never been able to handle the reality of direct feed shots. Never.
ND just now equaling C2 after 6yrs+ of exclusive PS3 development...and we're supposed to worship them like it's something amazing. C3 will own TLoU. Crytek is still an amazing dev and they do it on every major platform. id is the same way. With a 30fps engine, they would ruin these other games.
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