lol, I don't. I present facts people get mad and use their opinion to disagree. I only get nasty with people who get nasty with me personally, never has anything to do with PS3 kiddo just overy --(overly)-- aggressive and fanboyish posters who get mad at what ever I say.
You call me a Ps3 fanboy...but why? Do you konw --(know)-- what a fanboy is?
You spazing --(spazzing)-- out in a discussion and calling me a fanboy for presenting you with nothing but facts and objective reasoning paints a diffrent picture of who the fanboy is.
I have never been a PS3 fanboy, I would love for you to defend that despeate --(desperate)-- accusation with some facts since you think you know so much.
It's terrifying to think he believes this is what actually happens.I know, it's kinda sad.
seriously? I can link back to the thread that I was posting links, giving facts and proving all my points. you say it's kinda sad? Man this is why don't respond to alot of users. You are a waste of my time, you were in a debate with me and the points we brought up were either valid and supported by solid evidence or not. In the end you resorted to saying things like "blind fanboy" and "gods" and all kinds of other bullsh!t, lol I was like damn where did that come from.
Using the "uz a cow, lem, hermit, sheep" isn't an arugment peice brainiac. That's the only thing weak minded users can use to fall back on when their argument is no longer solid and they get mad that they can't say anything else to make a valid point...jut like you did.
And that's what you ended up doing because when you had an inability to continue the discussion after I backed up my view points with valid sources...all you could counter with was your weak opinion *no no nut uhh* and call me some kind of fanboy? Please get off your high horse, making piss poor arguments and getting your panties in a bunch and call me a fanboy because you can't defend your arguemt. I tired to give you some credit but you turned out to be another bitter and desperate poser who wines and cries and resorts to calling people fanboys when they can't defend their own fragile points.
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