So forgive me if this has been posted before but in a nut shell a Bio-ware writer who has written a lot of content for DAO, SWTOR and other games, had an interview 5 years ago and how she feels that story to her is more important than game play. Recently some gamers took screenshots of those things and Photoshopped them next to a picture of that person, where her quotes were butchered and completely taken out of context next thing you know.
Go Go Bio-Drone Rangers
So anyways long story short the Bio-drones went off like a fuse calling the person "the cancer that is killing Bioware." That they hope she gets cancer, thats she dies in a fire on top of a mountain of other things. Than she made the grave mistake of fighting back and using "Common Sense" and....
Mega Thunder Bio-Drone Zord GO!
And the harassment went as far as to actually calling her house and leaving death threats which also lead to her closing down her twitter account. Well here's one link to the story they're probably more.
go go bio-drone rangers...........
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