What would I have to lose by quitting video games? What would I be missing out on, really?
Nothing. Gamers don't want to admit it, but video gaming is just a waste of time. Any entertainment is a waste of time, but I'd say reading a book is better.
Or what about exercising / working out or video games? Working out is better.
What about going out with friends and socializing? Better than video games.
I know there are gamers out there who are good people, but hanging out on sites like this one and reading how seriously lots of people take games makes it seem a lot worse.
Gaming is not a waste of time. Its a hobby, people enjoy it. By saying gaming is a waste of time you could say any & everything is a waste of time.
Going out & scoializing would be considered a waste of time, having sex would be considered a waste of time ( i enjoy both of these things ), anything that isnt productive like working your job, scavenging for items ( shopping ) to survive, it would be considered a waste of time.
Gaming is just another activity that we as humans enjoy. I dont consider socializing, sex or games to be a waste of time. I enjoy it all.
Oh & BTW i agree with being ashamed to be a gamer as well. Gamers act like a bunch of bratty, little, self centered, narcistic, rotten , little school girls. Some of them ar really bad human beings. It is very pathetic. At least there are some of us that aren't in that category
That's what I mean. It's like a spoiler in a video game. You don't want to accidently read a spoiler, because then it detracts from your desire to play the game. Or when you research a game so much, watch videos, look at screen shots, read reviews, read previews, it takes away from the experience when you actually play the game.
Sometimes, some things are better off left unread, not seen.
I kinda wish I didn't just see how damn pathetic a lot of gamers are. A lot of people here on the Gamespot forums are bad, but the Youtube comments make them look great. It makes me not want to be a part of the gaming community. It makes me not want to play online because I would be somehow involved with this trash.
I know what you're saying, any hobby can be considered a waste of time, and I even said that myself before you said it. It's just that I consider a plethora of hobbies more constructive than video games.
What do video games teach these kids? How to be a sore loser? How to blame everything on other people? How to be self centered little school girls like you said? Oh yeah, great, they're getting hand eye coordination, but the bad far outweighs the good.
Reading a book would be 100 times more productive. Sex is much healthier and better for you than video games. Working out and maintaining an in shape and healthy body is way more productive than playing video games. Have you seen how out of shape some gamers are? Hell, they don't even have proper hygiene. Getting out and socializing with people in the real world is infinitely more valuable than socializing behind a TV set or a monitor with a headset on, talking to complete strangers, having conversations that consist of why they're so 1337 and how the only reason they lost was because of hacks, glitches, exploits, team balancing.
Gamers make me sick to my stomach.
Is this dumbass going to shut the fvck up? For someone that hates gamers and games he really likes to visit a gaming website (where the users are gamers) and write fvcking essays.
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