hopefully they arrested jennifer for being so stupid and saying story is more important than gameplay.wewantdoom4nowBut, it is?
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[QUOTE="wewantdoom4now"]hopefully they arrested jennifer for being so stupid and saying story is more important than gameplay.BadoshBut, it is? Really depends. You can have the best story in the world, but if your gameplay is busted no one is going to care. Similarly, a game like Mario shows that great gameplay can overcome a bad story in some cases.
Tor's writing is fantastic, I hope you know...[QUOTE="dreman999"][QUOTE="princeofshapeir"] She's not attractive, she made dumb comments about writing video games, and she's (partially) responsible for DA2's and TOR's writing. This is why she makes an easy target. PC4lifeman2233
So I guess BioWare's video games are good no matter what right? Defend BioWare, a company that sold it's soul to EA to the death!
How can Bioware have sold i's soul to EA when Bioware had no choice in the matter? EA bought Bioware's Parent company who also owned Pandemic.The hate of EA/Bioware on the internet really pisses me off. Let's see you, pardon my lack of a better word, trolls make video games like the folk at Bioware before spouting nonsense. I couldn't have said it better than this: "This is the kind of behavior that justifies the FOX News stereotype of the basement dwelling, antisocial nerd. This is the kind of behavior that makes the Spike VGAs look like the perfect gamer show - because it's crass, immature, and it sports the emotional depth of a wet paper towel. That's how gamers look when something like this happens." Saddens me really :(killa4lyfe
This kind of argument always makes me laugh. So, people who have not developed the skills to perform a certain task not being able to perform that task excuses the poor performance of people who have developed those skills?
If that's the case, you must excuse every example of piss poor performance on the planet, from garbage collectors that spill your trash all over the sidewalk to politicians being unable to do anything we need them to do.
[QUOTE="killa4lyfe"]The hate of EA/Bioware on the internet really pisses me off. Let's see you, pardon my lack of a better word, trolls make video games like the folk at Bioware before spouting nonsense. I couldn't have said it better than this: "This is the kind of behavior that justifies the FOX News stereotype of the basement dwelling, antisocial nerd. This is the kind of behavior that makes the Spike VGAs look like the perfect gamer show - because it's crass, immature, and it sports the emotional depth of a wet paper towel. That's how gamers look when something like this happens." Saddens me really :(Pug-Nasty
This kind of argument always makes me laugh. So, people who have not developed the skills to perform a certain task not being able to perform that task excuses the poor performance of people who have developed those skills?
If that's the case, you must excuse every example of piss poor performance on the planet, from garbage collectors that spill your trash all over the sidewalk to politicians being unable to do anything we need them to do.
It's a horrible counter argument that resorts on logical fallacies. Just because I can't do better myself doesn't mean I cannot recognize when something could be improved upon. My thoughts jump to critics in all media. Just because they are writers instead of programmers/directors/producers doesn't invalidate their opinion, it could just color that opinion. Now, if you never played another game before or knew nothing of the industry, that might invalidate your opinion, but not knowing the tech doesn't.And the irony is that any individual on the BioWare team likely cannot do better either, since games on that scale are by necessity a collaborative effort.[QUOTE="killa4lyfe"]The hate of EA/Bioware on the internet really pisses me off. Let's see you, pardon my lack of a better word, trolls make video games like the folk at Bioware before spouting nonsense. I couldn't have said it better than this: "This is the kind of behavior that justifies the FOX News stereotype of the basement dwelling, antisocial nerd. This is the kind of behavior that makes the Spike VGAs look like the perfect gamer show - because it's crass, immature, and it sports the emotional depth of a wet paper towel. That's how gamers look when something like this happens." Saddens me really :(Pug-Nasty
This kind of argument always makes me laugh. So, people who have not developed the skills to perform a certain task not being able to perform that task excuses the poor performance of people who have developed those skills?
If that's the case, you must excuse every example of piss poor performance on the planet, from garbage collectors that spill your trash all over the sidewalk to politicians being unable to do anything we need them to do.
Haha I guess, that is very much true. But still, to the extent that these people are going is a bit too far. It's like me going to each garbage collector and verbally harassing them every time they leave their house. It's just incredibly unreasonable and unfair. :?[QUOTE="Pug-Nasty"][QUOTE="killa4lyfe"]The hate of EA/Bioware on the internet really pisses me off. Let's see you, pardon my lack of a better word, trolls make video games like the folk at Bioware before spouting nonsense. I couldn't have said it better than this: "This is the kind of behavior that justifies the FOX News stereotype of the basement dwelling, antisocial nerd. This is the kind of behavior that makes the Spike VGAs look like the perfect gamer show - because it's crass, immature, and it sports the emotional depth of a wet paper towel. That's how gamers look when something like this happens." Saddens me really :(killa4lyfe
This kind of argument always makes me laugh. So, people who have not developed the skills to perform a certain task not being able to perform that task excuses the poor performance of people who have developed those skills?
If that's the case, you must excuse every example of piss poor performance on the planet, from garbage collectors that spill your trash all over the sidewalk to politicians being unable to do anything we need them to do.
Haha I guess, that is very much true. But still, to the extent that these people are going is a bit too far. It's like me going to each garbage collector and verbally harassing them every time they leave their house. It's just incredibly unreasonable and unfair. :?It definitely is too far. In fact, any personal attack on this lady or anyone else would be difficult to justify. What's more, it is odd to expect a writer for Bioware to value gameplay over story.
But, give an idiot a platform and you get entertainment. Give a legion of idiots a platform and a place to calloborate and you get a cesspool of unreason and douchery.
[QUOTE="dreman999"]I find it Ironic that people hate bioware for DA2 so much when they loved Da : o so much...A game published under EA.skrat_01It was well into development before the EA buyout, was it not? That being said I woudn't suggest EA is responsible for Bioware being 'worse' or 'better', studios are responsible for themselves, even if the mothercompany wants to pander to shareholders. Developmental ...Not production. As the publisher and owner of bw....EA can easily force changes into the game. It in the end was still mad under an ea banner with no problems to the game...But you got my point any way.... Studios are responsible for themselves.
To be honest, I think both sides are taking it too far. The trolls are abusing her because her writing and her view on game design might not be the best. But then she took it terribly and fell down to their level, feeding them only adding fuel to the fire.
Haters just need let it go, spend their energy doing something more productive. Hepler needs to stop as well, if she wants to prove that she is better than them all she has to do is to act a lot more civil than them and not post things regarding her you know what or telling people to GET OFF HER PLANET.
Someone with legit reasoning. Pretty rare find.Maroxad
Oh yes indeed. Writing a game is not thet same as writing a novel. If you dont have a solid understanding of game design or how games work, chances are something will suffer for it.
It not the same but the reason you stated is incorrect. Writers have little control over the game play, and they don't have exclusive control over the plot ether. Your forgetting that the game developer(Game director) has full control of what you stated. The writers have to work with them and then the game developers have full control of the game design.Some people have nothing better to do. How sad.istreakforfoodAgreed it's sad what society has come too.
So because she's a terrible writer she shouldn't be called out on it? the story for that game along with the dialogue was so painful. I think it's less about how she's a bad writer now, and more about how she brought her vagina into a conversation which I'm pretty sure no one thought she had. Which I agree shouldn't be the point of this. It's great she's getting called out though it might stop her next abomination at bioware. Maybe she'll just quit.One disturbing thing about this is the people that are trying to rationailze this by attacking her writing skills.Ok so as a writer she's terrible and may have ruined some part or parts of the games you like. That still does not condone any of this and topping it off by commenting on her looks...really?
So, she's unattractive. How does that make any of this right? I'm not defending her (she certainly didn't need to add that tweet to this) as much as condemning the actions of a group of people who, as this whole incident shows really have thin skin ABOUT EVERYTHING. God forbid anyone criticizes gamers or something they like. SH!TSTORM INCOMING.And here some of you actually have the balls to suggest that she needs to get over this. That's f*cking priceless.
So she may have ruined one of your favorite games and exposed the truth about some of you in her tweet. Death threats and all of this other crap is just too much.
Lets be honest here, if what she said wasn't true for some of you bozos, the backlash wouldn't be so severe. Oh, I forgot she's ugly. How dare she, because I'm sure the lot of you spend all this time on the interwebs because you're sexy.
And here some of you actually have the balls to suggest that she needs to get over this. That's f*cking priceless.It's not one of my favourite games...I don't own any BW game so I really have no "stake" in this. Death threats are going to far but getting a reaction from her is what trolls exactly wanted and her unprofessional reaction isn't helping either. As I said before, I don't condone the death threats but she needs to grow a pair when it comes to dealing with the internet.So she may have ruined one of your favorite games and exposed the truth about some of you in her tweet. Death threats and all of this other crap is just too much.
Lets be honest here, if what she said wasn't true for some of you bozos, the backlash wouldn't be so severe. Oh, I forgot she's ugly. How dare she, because I'm sure the lot of you spend all this time on the interwebs because you're sexy.
[QUOTE="istreakforfood"]Some people have nothing better to do. How sad.HaloPimp978Agreed it's sad what society has come too. 500 years ago we'd call her a witch and be done with it. How is it any different nowdays?
What happened to Jennifer is sad and ridiculous and people should know better but it has little or nothing to do with a sense of entitlement. Rather it's a matter of internet anonymity, sexism, and other factors. Indeed, the true irony is the sense of entitlement that many Women have in typically male dominated fields. Did you all forget the tweet aimed at Men saying "They're just angry I'm a Woman with a vagina Two things they'll never have." or something similar? In my ten years of visiting Kotaku I have never once read a front-page article about a male developer suffering a vicious verbal attack, though I have personally been witness to countless around the internet. On-top of that, she really isn't qualified to write for Video-Games. That's like saying you want to be a comic artist but hate drawing/painting. You're missing out on of the key elements of what makes your particular field unique. Why would she be hired when she blatantly is the exact opposite of qualified for her job is beyond me. And to add onto Kotick. Bobby was called under question of his appreciation for video games many times, and people were annoyed. He seemed to be in the business for more of a potential for loads of money than to make a successful video game company. This went on for months and still does, but the height of this far passed. Bobby Kotick was also called a cancer, a plight onto video games and everything just as bad as hepler. He too also had acient interviews that were brought up. Except you had the media in a general agreement is that he was a dick but not one worthy of bashing. He painted a bad picture for Activision among gamers that STILL, to this day is clung onto. Hepler is doing the same, being the exact opposite of an industry worker that has no appreciation for what she does. She wrote The Deep Roads for Dragon Age, a section so terrible Bioware had to make it a selling point that in the sequel that it WOULDN'T SUCK. She is deserving of it all, and I don't feel bad for her.
People went too far with her while she was unprofessional about it, not to mention a poor writer not meant for the gaming industry by the sounds of it. Also calling her fat and a virgin is real mature people, grow up.
[QUOTE="heretrix"]So because she's a terrible writer she shouldn't be called out on it? the story for that game along with the dialogue was so painful. I think it's less about how she's a bad writer now, and more about how she brought her vagina into a conversation which I'm pretty sure no one thought she had. Which I agree shouldn't be the point of this. It's great she's getting called out though it might stop her next abomination at bioware. Maybe she'll just quit.One disturbing thing about this is the people that are trying to rationailze this by attacking her writing skills.Ok so as a writer she's terrible and may have ruined some part or parts of the games you like. That still does not condone any of this and topping it off by commenting on her looks...really?
So, she's unattractive. How does that make any of this right? I'm not defending her (she certainly didn't need to add that tweet to this) as much as condemning the actions of a group of people who, as this whole incident shows really have thin skin ABOUT EVERYTHING. God forbid anyone criticizes gamers or something they like. SH!TSTORM INCOMING.And here some of you actually have the balls to suggest that she needs to get over this. That's f*cking priceless.
So she may have ruined one of your favorite games and exposed the truth about some of you in her tweet. Death threats and all of this other crap is just too much.
Lets be honest here, if what she said wasn't true for some of you bozos, the backlash wouldn't be so severe. Oh, I forgot she's ugly. How dare she, because I'm sure the lot of you spend all this time on the interwebs because you're sexy.
Critiquing her writing and insulting her physical appearance and sending death threats are two different things. :|
Although I do not find any point in people reacting the way that they did, she not only responded (mistake), she responded in kind (big mistake).
[QUOTE="heretrix"]So because she's a terrible writer she shouldn't be called out on it? You clearly don't understand. Know one is saying you can't criticize her. We are say don't hound and harass her. Just because you don't like how she writes and thinks does not mean it's ok to stuff her twitter and face book with hate mail and curses.One disturbing thing about this is the people that are trying to rationailze this by attacking her writing skills.Ok so as a writer she's terrible and may have ruined some part or parts of the games you like. That still does not condone any of this and topping it off by commenting on her looks...really?
So, she's unattractive. How does that make any of this right? I'm not defending her (she certainly didn't need to add that tweet to this) as much as condemning the actions of a group of people who, as this whole incident shows really have thin skin ABOUT EVERYTHING. God forbid anyone criticizes gamers or something they like. SH!TSTORM INCOMING.And here some of you actually have the balls to suggest that she needs to get over this. That's f*cking priceless.
So she may have ruined one of your favorite games and exposed the truth about some of you in her tweet. Death threats and all of this other crap is just too much.
Lets be honest here, if what she said wasn't true for some of you bozos, the backlash wouldn't be so severe. Oh, I forgot she's ugly. How dare she, because I'm sure the lot of you spend all this time on the interwebs because you're sexy.
Hell, the whole issuse is not even about how she writes, it about he ideals in game design....And She's a writer who has no power over game design. Real logic to hate on that.:roll:
...I don't own any BW game so I really have no ........:| And you've been putting some of the most hate in this thread.....You just as bad as the people trolling her.[QUOTE="heretrix"]And here some of you actually have the balls to suggest that she needs to get over this. That's f*cking priceless.
So she may have ruined one of your favorite games and exposed the truth about some of you in her tweet. Death threats and all of this other crap is just too much.
Lets be honest here, if what she said wasn't true for some of you bozos, the backlash wouldn't be so severe. Oh, I forgot she's ugly. How dare she, because I'm sure the lot of you spend all this time on the interwebs because you're sexy.
So because she's a terrible writer she shouldn't be called out on it? You clearly don't understand. Know one is saying you can't criticize her. We are say don't hound and harass her. Just because you don't like how she writes and thinks does not mean it's ok to stuff her twitter and face book with hate mail and curses.[QUOTE="ReadingRainbow4"][QUOTE="heretrix"]
One disturbing thing about this is the people that are trying to rationailze this by attacking her writing skills.Ok so as a writer she's terrible and may have ruined some part or parts of the games you like. That still does not condone any of this and topping it off by commenting on her looks...really?
So, she's unattractive. How does that make any of this right? I'm not defending her (she certainly didn't need to add that tweet to this) as much as condemning the actions of a group of people who, as this whole incident shows really have thin skin ABOUT EVERYTHING. God forbid anyone criticizes gamers or something they like. SH!TSTORM INCOMING.And here some of you actually have the balls to suggest that she needs to get over this. That's f*cking priceless.
So she may have ruined one of your favorite games and exposed the truth about some of you in her tweet. Death threats and all of this other crap is just too much.
Lets be honest here, if what she said wasn't true for some of you bozos, the backlash wouldn't be so severe. Oh, I forgot she's ugly. How dare she, because I'm sure the lot of you spend all this time on the interwebs because you're sexy.
Hell, the whole issuse is not even about how she writes, it about he ideals in game design....And She's a writer who has no power over game design. Real logic to hate on that.:roll:
well no **** I never hounded or harassed her. I just laughed at the hamburger helper memes and comments. Also writers do have some influence over game design, to think otherwise is quite funny actually.
So having caught up I see a writer saying a couple facepalm worthy comments and a bunch of immature dumbasses that are taking this situation to a all new low, but it teh internet so it not that surprising and it pretty much them that started this whole idiocy. Oh looks like Bioware overallalso gotten into this mess. Man I just want hit my head on a desk mutiple times.
[QUOTE="MagnusTheOne"]I like to see how you would react to being hounded like she was...She only acted human.Although I do not find any point in people reacting the way that they did, she not only responded (mistake), she responded in kind (big mistake).
Nah dude, when normal women are called out on their **** they don't say, "But I have a vagina "lawlz". That's feminist BS. women have had the same opportunities as guys for a long time now.
that's not human, that's idiotic and honestly made no sense. I looked over some of those tweets and most were about how horribad she was at her job.
I agree calls to her house are just stupid, but I'm actually glad she got called out on how bad she is at her job, hopefully it will make some room for better writers. Lord knows bioware needs it.
You clearly don't understand. Know one is saying you can't criticize her. We are say don't hound and harass her. Just because you don't like how she writes and thinks does not mean it's ok to stuff her twitter and face book with hate mail and curses.[QUOTE="dreman999"]
[QUOTE="ReadingRainbow4"] So because she's a terrible writer she shouldn't be called out on it? ReadingRainbow4
Hell, the whole issuse is not even about how she writes, it about he ideals in game design....And She's a writer who has no power over game design. Real logic to hate on that.:roll:
well no **** I never hounded or harassed her. I just laughed at the hamburger helper memes and comments. Also writers do have some influence over game design, to think otherwise is quite funny actually.
Some influence....But the least on the team. The majority of the control goes to the game designer(game director, game producer). The game lead designer, lead programmer, lead artist and lead writer make the plot and story concept together, then they add more to the team to cover filling the gap of the details and full summary of the game. Then really focus on the fine tune details of the game from gameplay details, dialogue, final art design, and construct of the game to make sure it works. The thing is Helper is part of the filling story gaps and fine tuning part of the processed, not the game planning part of the process. She really wouldn't have any real say to anything but details in the story. Understand? Hating he on her comment on game play design has no ground because she has no say in it any way. And you adding to the problem of laughing along with these trolls who don't understand anything but there base need. Your promoting harassment. Understand?It does not help that this was handled very unprofessionally by BW, best course of action would have been to do nothing, and let it blow over. Led_poison
exactly, what was she hoping to accomplish. Bioware PR should of helped with this lol.
It does not help that this was handled very unprofessionally by BW, best course of action would have been to do nothing, and let it blow over. Led_poisonLet blame the person acting like a person being harassed for acting like they are being harassed....Makes sense.:roll:
Let blame the person acting like a person being harassed for acting like they are being harassed....Makes sense.:roll:[QUOTE="Led_poison"]It does not help that this was handled very unprofessionally by BW, best course of action would have been to do nothing, and let it blow over. dreman999
Blaming the company, not the person :|.
Take Bioware Edmonton general studio manager Aaryn Flynn for example,
Aaryn Flynn gave up any hope of a civilized conversation earlier this week, retorting with "Whatever, f***ing moron" in reply to a tweet about Hepler's "pig disgusting fetishes." The backlash was immediate: tweets filed in calling BioWare unfaithful to its community, arguing that the company "treated its loyal fans like crap" after they offered "genuine criticism."gamespot
...I don't own any BW game so I really have no ........:| And you've been putting some of the most hate in this thread.....You just as bad as the people trolling her. Point out said hate?[QUOTE="DrTrafalgarLaw"]
[QUOTE="heretrix"]And here some of you actually have the balls to suggest that she needs to get over this. That's f*cking priceless.
So she may have ruined one of your favorite games and exposed the truth about some of you in her tweet. Death threats and all of this other crap is just too much.
Lets be honest here, if what she said wasn't true for some of you bozos, the backlash wouldn't be so severe. Oh, I forgot she's ugly. How dare she, because I'm sure the lot of you spend all this time on the interwebs because you're sexy.
[QUOTE="Led_poison"] Let blame the person acting like a person being harassed for acting like they are being harassed....Makes sense.:roll:
Blaming the company, not the person :|.
Take Bioware Edmonton general studio manager Aaryn Flynn for example,
Aaryn Flynn gave up any hope of a civilized conversation earlier this week, retorting with "Whatever, f***ing moron" in reply to a tweet about Hepler's "pig disgusting fetishes." The backlash was immediate: tweets filed in calling BioWare unfaithful to its community, arguing that the company "treated its loyal fans like crap" after they offered "genuine criticism.".Don't take this the wrong way.. but the Man has balls of steel.gamespot
[QUOTE="heretrix"]So because she's a terrible writer she shouldn't be called out on it? the story for that game along with the dialogue was so painful. I think it's less about how she's a bad writer now, and more about how she brought her vagina into a conversation which I'm pretty sure no one thought she had. Which I agree shouldn't be the point of this. It's great she's getting called out though it might stop her next abomination at bioware. Maybe she'll just quit.it's all good to call her wriing which I agree is terrible, I'm just saying that people are taking this way too far with the personal attacks and death threats. I thought I was prety clear on that. I said her tweet about her vagina was a bad idea.One disturbing thing about this is the people that are trying to rationailze this by attacking her writing skills.Ok so as a writer she's terrible and may have ruined some part or parts of the games you like. That still does not condone any of this and topping it off by commenting on her looks...really?
So, she's unattractive. How does that make any of this right? I'm not defending her (she certainly didn't need to add that tweet to this) as much as condemning the actions of a group of people who, as this whole incident shows really have thin skin ABOUT EVERYTHING. God forbid anyone criticizes gamers or something they like. SH!TSTORM INCOMING.And here some of you actually have the balls to suggest that she needs to get over this. That's f*cking priceless.
So she may have ruined one of your favorite games and exposed the truth about some of you in her tweet. Death threats and all of this other crap is just too much.
Lets be honest here, if what she said wasn't true for some of you bozos, the backlash wouldn't be so severe. Oh, I forgot she's ugly. How dare she, because I'm sure the lot of you spend all this time on the interwebs because you're sexy.
Don't take this the wrong way.. but the Man has balls of steel.dreman999
No, thats not balls of steel but incredibly stupid, not only did he try to argue/civilized conversation with trolls but got reduced to their level. Snowballing this into a bigger problem as evident by gamers calling out BW about their loyality to its fans.
You can hate BioWare and their games all you want, but doing this to a Women who is just doing the best she can? Her family must be very upset seeing their daughter/sister getting death threats. No one should have to go through that.
[QUOTE="Rockman999"]I feel that Jennifer had a good idea, include an option in games to skip certain parts of the gameplay, there are games like Uncharted 3 where you just want to play for the story but you have to put up with three or four very boring combat sequences before you can get to the next plot sequence. AncientDozerTo be fair, if that's the case, why not watch a movie or show instead of playing a game. Part of being a game is being able to interact and play. But. There's actually a whole genre, though, that focuses more on story than actual game play that's popular in Japan. . kind of. Visual novels.Is that the same case with made with HEAVY Rain..The thing about games are that they are interactive. And the thing with bioware stories in games is that they are also interactive....Can't the story also be the game?
that the same case with made with HEAVY Rain..The thing about games are that they are interactive. And the thing with bioware stories in games is that they are also interactive....Can't the story also be the game?dreman999
Yeah, it can, but only if that "bioware" is a misspelling of "black isle".
[QUOTE="dreman999"]that the same case with made with HEAVY Rain..The thing about games are that they are interactive. And the thing with bioware stories in games is that they are also interactive....Can't the story also be the game?N30F3N1X
Yeah, it can, but only if that "bioware" is a misspelling of "black isle".
I'm sorry. Bioware happens to write deep stories,too. The world doesn't revolve around planescape.Please Log In to post.
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