well said..
Someone with legit reasoning. Pretty rare find.DrTrafalgarLaw
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Which reminds me, people call Gabe Newell fat and make countless memes...yet in the end we all acknowlegde him and his work. So why should we get worked up over Hepler?
Which reminds me, people call Gabe Newell fat and make countless memes...yet in the end we all acknowlegde him and his work. So why should we get worked up over Hepler?
Partly because hamburger helpers work isn't worth acknowledging.
What has been done,cannot be undone....
So lets look at the positive side!!!
Maybe she will quit bioware because of this and their games will no longer have those stupid and unnecesary romance sub-plots!
So is Hamburger Helper a writer for Mass Effect 3? I have not followed this too much so I have no idea. I hope she is only on TOR.
Which reminds me, people call Gabe Newell fat and make countless memes...yet in the end we all acknowlegde him and his work. So why should we get worked up over Hepler?
Gabe has an bargining chip. He has HL2: Ep3. All criticism will pretty much stop the momment he annouces it. No matter how much we make fun of him, he still has our ***** in a vice.
Dragon age 3's soundtrack got leaked out of spite for hamburger helper. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLP5xqnn8WM
well said.. No, it's not. People who think like the person who wrote that no nothing about game design. Everythningin the game that's prossesed by 3 teams. 4 teams if you include the art team. The story is done by the programers, the game designers and the writer....With the game designer having the most power over the assembaly. The game designer plans the quest and gameplay, the writer fills the gaps. Writer for games have no power over the gameplay element you find fun, they only have control over on motivation. You can care for producing story only in game production, that's what writers do. Gameplay is all in the hands of the game designer[QUOTE="DrTrafalgarLaw"]
Someone with legit reasoning. Pretty rare find.lawlessx
You do realize the romance have been in since NG2? There not going anywhere.What has been done,cannot be undone....
So lets look at the positive side!!!
Maybe she will quit bioware because of this and their games will no longer have those stupid and unnecesary romance sub-plots!
[QUOTE="Vari3ty"]She's not attractive, she made dumb comments about writing video games, and she's (partially) responsible for DA2's and TOR's writing. This is why she makes an easy target. Tor's writing is fantastic, I hope you know...While I agree that Hepler shouldn't be the focus of the hate, Bioware itself has certainly become more than deserving of it.
So basically your path is to discredit the heavy chick so that it makes the socially retarded morons that are issuing death threats and doing other stupid crap to her look like "oh they are just having fun on the internet." The heavy chick should man up, right?[QUOTE="heretrix"]
I feel this is only slightly relevant, but worth posting here.
I don't give a flying sh!t if she said that all gamers are turds and their moms are the b!tches that crapped them out, she shouldn't be getting death threats for that.
We are talking GAMES here. This sh!t is ridiculous. Grow the f*ck up.
It's no wonder people outside this hobby think you're all idiot 14 year olds. Enjoy the VGAs because that's pretty much what the people outside of our hobby think of us.
You are a baby.People are calling her house, that goes beyond "internetz lawlz".
I feel like by responding to these trolls she is just incurring more trolling and nasty comments. You would think someone involved in game development would know not to feed the trolls, but like she said, she's a writer, not a game developer. She should just ignore and write a decent story for once, that would shut the trolls up.[QUOTE="princeofshapeir"][QUOTE="DrTrafalgarLaw"] That did happen once, someone got a webcam picture of me and made fun of me on the interwebz. I got pissed offcourse but that taught me that nobody is to be trusted and anyone will find a way to make fun of you without rhyme or reason, trolls/malevolent basement dwellers are born that way. Nothing worth living for in their real lives so they take it out on other people on the internet.DrTrafalgarLaw
You do know trolls never go away or shut up.
You are a baby.[QUOTE="Vaasman"]
[QUOTE="heretrix"]So basically your path is to discredit the heavy chick so that it makes the socially retarded morons that are issuing death threats and doing other stupid crap to her look like "oh they are just having fun on the internet." The heavy chick should man up, right?
I don't give a flying sh!t if she said that all gamers are turds and their moms are the b!tches that crapped them out, she shouldn't be getting death threats for that.
We are talking GAMES here. This sh!t is ridiculous. Grow the f*ck up.
It's no wonder people outside this hobby think you're all idiot 14 year olds. Enjoy the VGAs because that's pretty much what the people outside of our hobby think of us.
People are calling her house, that goes beyond "internetz lawlz".
yea did everyone just forget this.
Whoever is on the hate bandwagon should be ashamed of themselves. I'm not against just disagreeing with her opinion but to actually harass her over a bloody video game.... Its no wonder that there are people out there who bomb themselves just for the sake of hate.
So basically your path is to discredit the heavy chick so that it makes the socially retarded morons that are issuing death threats and doing other stupid crap to her look like "oh they are just having fun on the internet." The heavy chick should man up, right?[QUOTE="heretrix"]
I feel this is only slightly relevant, but worth posting here.
I don't give a flying sh!t if she said that all gamers are turds and their moms are the b!tches that crapped them out, she shouldn't be getting death threats for that.
We are talking GAMES here. This sh!t is ridiculous. Grow the f*ck up.
It's no wonder people outside this hobby think you're all idiot 14 year olds. Enjoy the VGAs because that's pretty much what the people outside of our hobby think of us.
You are a baby. Maybe a little overboard but big picture he's right.Brah, quit white knighting, she's not even the least bit attractive.Whoever is on the hate bandwagon should be ashamed of themselves. I'm not against just disagreeing with her opinion but to actually harass her over a bloody video game.... Its no wonder that there are people out there who bomb themselves just for the sake of hate.
I have yet to see, hear or read one comment, post, opinion or pic that has been in any way funny. :|
People are still loling about this? It's like some of you guys have never been in society, THERE ARE A LOT OF PEOPLE WHO TALK OUT THEIR A$$ AND SAY DUMB THINGS, like Jennifer Hepler.
So she mentioned her vagina STOP THE MOTHERTRUCKIN PRESSES!!!!!!:o:o:o
[QUOTE="exiledsnake"]Brah, quit white knighting, she's not even the least bit attractive.What does that have to do with anything? :?Whoever is on the hate bandwagon should be ashamed of themselves. I'm not against just disagreeing with her opinion but to actually harass her over a bloody video game.... Its no wonder that there are people out there who bomb themselves just for the sake of hate.
...or focus that direction towards Bellview Hospital.Anyone who gets fired up enough about a video game to call death threats probably needs to reevalute the direction of their life.
It's like some of you guys have never been in society, THERE ARE A LOT OF PEOPLE WHO TALK OUT THEIR A$$ AND SAY DUMB THINGS, like Jennifer Hepler.
not in this town
The general public thinks all gamers are fourteen year olds, or thirty something neck beards living in Mom and Dad's basement. (you know, that overweight smelly guy who hangs out at GameStop all day and has awkward conversations with people who are trying to move away from the overwhelming odor) This incident isn't helping.RandolphIt's unfortunately providing immense validation for gamer critics. :(
[QUOTE="princeofshapeir"][QUOTE="Vari3ty"]She's not attractive, she made dumb comments about writing video games, and she's (partially) responsible for DA2's and TOR's writing. This is why she makes an easy target. Tor's writing is fantastic, I hope you know... LOL keep droning, biodrone...While I agree that Hepler shouldn't be the focus of the hate, Bioware itself has certainly become more than deserving of it.
[QUOTE="princeofshapeir"][QUOTE="Vari3ty"]She's not attractive, she made dumb comments about writing video games, and she's (partially) responsible for DA2's and TOR's writing. This is why she makes an easy target. Tor's writing is fantastic, I hope you know...While I agree that Hepler shouldn't be the focus of the hate, Bioware itself has certainly become more than deserving of it.
So I guess BioWare's video games are good no matter what right? Defend BioWare, a company that sold it's soul to EA to the death!
You are a baby.[QUOTE="Vaasman"]
[QUOTE="heretrix"]So basically your path is to discredit the heavy chick so that it makes the socially retarded morons that are issuing death threats and doing other stupid crap to her look like "oh they are just having fun on the internet." The heavy chick should man up, right?
I don't give a flying sh!t if she said that all gamers are turds and their moms are the b!tches that crapped them out, she shouldn't be getting death threats for that.
We are talking GAMES here. This sh!t is ridiculous. Grow the f*ck up.
It's no wonder people outside this hobby think you're all idiot 14 year olds. Enjoy the VGAs because that's pretty much what the people outside of our hobby think of us.
People are calling her house, that goes beyond "internetz lawlz".
I fail to see what that has to do with anything I've said in this thread.I love how everyone but "teh PC elitists" are defending her.
ahhhhh hermits you never fail to disappoint and make me loss faith in the PC gaming community
Tor's writing is fantastic, I hope you know...[QUOTE="dreman999"][QUOTE="princeofshapeir"] She's not attractive, she made dumb comments about writing video games, and she's (partially) responsible for DA2's and TOR's writing. This is why she makes an easy target. PC4lifeman2233
So I guess BioWare's video games are good no matter what right? Defend BioWare, a company that sold it's soul to EA to the death!
I find it Ironic that people hate bioware for DA2 so much when they loved Da : o so much...A game published under EA.So.. I'm confused, are you accusing the biodrones for her closing down her twitter acc.or the people harassing her?http://www.themarysue.com/inclusion-what-jennifer-heplers-story-is-all-about/
So forgive me if this has been posted before but in a nut shell a Bio-ware writer who has written a lot of content for DAO, SWTOR and other games, had an interview 5 years ago and how she feels that story to her is more important than game play. Recently some gamers took screenshots of those things and Photoshopped them next to a picture of that person, where her quotes were butchered and completely taken out of context next thing you know.
Go Go Bio-Drone Rangers
So anyways long story short the Bio-drones went off like a fuse calling the person "the cancer that is killing Bioware." That they hope she gets cancer, thats she dies in a fire on top of a mountain of other things. Than she made the grave mistake of fighting back and using "Common Sense" and....
Mega Thunder Bio-Drone Zord GO!
And the harassment went as far as to actually calling her house and leaving death threats which also lead to her closing down her twitter account. Well here's one link to the story they're probably more.
go go bio-drone rangers...........Shielder7
[QUOTE="Vaasman"]You are a baby.
People are calling her house, that goes beyond "internetz lawlz".
I fail to see what that has to do with anything I've said in this thread. Yes it does. You basically saying it ok for group of people to harass someone in dire way for making a comment that effects no one.[QUOTE="Vaasman"]I fail to see what that has to do with anything I've said in this thread. Yes it does. You basically saying it ok for group of people to harass someone in dire way for making a comment that effects no one.Ok so you didn't read what I wrote thanks for sharing.[QUOTE="topgunmv"]
People are calling her house, that goes beyond "internetz lawlz".
[QUOTE="exiledsnake"]Brah, quit white knighting, she's not even the least bit attractive. WHOOOOOOSHHH.Whoever is on the hate bandwagon should be ashamed of themselves. I'm not against just disagreeing with her opinion but to actually harass her over a bloody video game.... Its no wonder that there are people out there who bomb themselves just for the sake of hate.
Some Bioware fans are just plain weird. I went to the Bioware forums to read up on some news, and saw a thread where some posters were attacking a TC for saying Miranda had a weird and sometimes goofy smile in ME2. They were defending their "love interest". Now I'm as big as a me fan as you can get, but that's just plain strange. She's not A REAL PERSON!!!! you don't need to white knight a fictional video game character..lol
I feel this is only slightly relevant, but worth posting here.
Hepler actually plays tabletop RPGs.
I find it Ironic that people hate bioware for DA2 so much when they loved Da : o so much...A game published under EA.dreman999It was well into development before the EA buyout, was it not? That being said I woudn't suggest EA is responsible for Bioware being 'worse' or 'better', studios are responsible for themselves, even if the mothercompany wants to pander to shareholders.
To be honest, I think both sides are taking it too far. The trolls are abusing her because her writing and her view on game design might not be the best. But then she took it terribly and fell down to their level, feeding them only adding fuel to the fire.
Haters just need let it go, spend their energy doing something more productive. Hepler needs to stop as well, if she wants to prove that she is better than them all she has to do is to act a lot more civil than them and not post things regarding her you know what or telling people to GET OFF HER PLANET.
Someone with legit reasoning. Pretty rare find.DrTrafalgarLaw
Oh yes indeed. Writing a game is not thet same as writing a novel. If you dont have a solid understanding of game design or how games work, chances are something will suffer for it.
One disturbing thing about this is the people that are trying to rationailze this by attacking her writing skills.Ok so as a writer she's terrible and may have ruined some part or parts of the games you like. That still does not condone any of this and topping it off by commenting on her looks...really?
So, she's unattractive. How does that make any of this right? I'm not defending her (she certainly didn't need to add that tweet to this) as much as condemning the actions of a group of people who, as this whole incident shows really have thin skin ABOUT EVERYTHING. God forbid anyone criticizes gamers or something they like. SH!TSTORM INCOMING.And here some of you actually have the balls to suggest that she needs to get over this. That's f*cking priceless.
So she may have ruined one of your favorite games and exposed the truth about some of you in her tweet. Death threats and all of this other crap is just too much.
Lets be honest here, if what she said wasn't true for some of you bozos, the backlash wouldn't be so severe. Oh, I forgot she's ugly. How dare she, because I'm sure the lot of you spend all this time on the interwebs because you're sexy.
Thats genius.Dragon age 3's soundtrack got leaked out of spite for hamburger helper.
This is what happens when average Joe makes his voice heard.
Most people don't deserve any influence whatsoever.
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