[QUOTE="Tikeio"]have you seen pics of her? i think it's apparent she does ZING!Should have stayed in the kitchen.....
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[QUOTE="Tikeio"]have you seen pics of her? i think it's apparent she does ZING!Should have stayed in the kitchen.....
[QUOTE="DarthBilf"][QUOTE="wewantdoom4now"]She doesn't need to be a gamer...she's a writer. I would wager that a decent amount of video game writers aren't huge gamers themselves. she might as well keep her mouth shut and not make stupid comments about skipping gameplay, then, especially when you have collossal failures of gameplay like DA2 and TORtanicim a gamer she isnt.
TORtanic...funny. Only in System Wars would people find a game with 1.7 million active subscribers a failure comparable to the Titanic.
What a bunch of sad and pathethic kids...screw that, what a bunch of a-holes.
"This is the kind of behavior that justifies the FOX News stereotype of the basement dwelling, antisocial nerd. This is the kind of behavior that makes the Spike VGAs look like the perfect gamer show — because it's crass, immature, and it sports the emotional depth of a wet paper towel. That's how gamers look when something like this happens."
This has to be one of the few times i'm agree with Jim Stearling.
You k'now, now I remember her and her borderline idiotic quotes...I don't condone harrassing or threatening her but it's in BW's best interest to keep that monstrocity away from writing the story. They do not need virgin fantasies over there.
And yet she wrote some of the better sections of Dragon Age Origins. :|
[QUOTE="Tikeio"]have you seen pics of her? i think it's apparent she doesShould have stayed in the kitchen.....
Seriously, what does that have to do with anything???
You k'now, now I remember her and her borderline idiotic quotes...I don't condone harrassing or threatening her but it's in BW's best interest to keep that monstrocity away from writing the story. They do not need virgin fantasies over there.
And yet she wrote some of the better sections of Dragon Age Origins. :|
She did? Explain how DAII's story was a total failure in all regards.This, the Bioware kids attacking her aren't Biodrones, the people that defend Bioware to death and their $200 million dollar failure are true Biodrones. I'm not defending what's happening to Hepler--it's pretty disgusting and mean--but anti-BioWare resentment has grown ever since EA came along and Dragon Age II was pushed out like the turd it is. Things have really come to a head with TORtanic and the Mass Effect 3 DLC.princeofshapeir
[QUOTE="Tikeio"]have you seen pics of her? i think it's apparent she doesShould have stayed in the kitchen.....
You k'now, now I remember her and her borderline idiotic quotes...I don't condone harrassing or threatening her but it's in BW's best interest to keep that monstrocity away from writing the story. They do not need virgin fantasies over there.
And yet she wrote some of the better sections of Dragon Age Origins. :|
She did? Explain how DAII's story was a total failure in all regards.DAII isn't DA:O
And what parts did she write for DA:O
You k'now, now I remember her and her borderline idiotic quotes...I don't condone harrassing or threatening her but it's in BW's best interest to keep that monstrocity away from writing the story. They do not need virgin fantasies over there.
And yet she wrote some of the better sections of Dragon Age Origins. :|
Worst sections.
You k'now, now I remember her and her borderline idiotic quotes...I don't condone harrassing or threatening her but it's in BW's best interest to keep that monstrocity away from writing the story. They do not need virgin fantasies over there.
And yet she wrote some of the better sections of Dragon Age Origins. :|
She did? Explain how DAII's story was a total failure in all regards.It wasn't that bad. I thought the story was alright. It was the horrible game design that was the problem. DA2 had some pretty good characters in it[QUOTE="wewantdoom4now"]
[QUOTE="Spartan070"] Don't need you on these forums but we deal don't we?...,.
im a gamer she isnt.
So you're akin to a fan of a sports team, while she's akin to a member of said sports team. Moreso, you're like an armchair GM who thinks he can do a better job than the people who are actually involved. You can express your displeasure with your wallet, but that's about it. So if you don't like it, DON'T BUY IT.
The attacks on her are exaggerated and she's party to blame for mocking those who are already upset with her. SAGE_OF_FIRESo that gives them the right to phone her house and utter death threats?
she might as well keep her mouth shut and not make stupid comments about skipping gameplay, then, especially when you have collossal failures of gameplay like DA2 and TORtanic princeofshapeirGo Go Bio-Drone Ranger!
[QUOTE="SAGE_OF_FIRE"] The attacks on her are exaggerated and she's party to blame for mocking those who are already upset with her. Shielder7So that gives them the right to phone her house and utter death threats?
she might as well keep her mouth shut and not make stupid comments about skipping gameplay, then, especially when you have collossal failures of gameplay like DA2 and TORtanic princeofshapeirGo Go Bio-Drone Ranger! You keep trying to look cool by saying Bio-drone and it just makes you look like a complete dumbass. If they are a Bio-drone as you like to call it they would be defending anything Bioware instead of bashing a employee. That is like calling someone a Sony fanboy for bashing Kaz Hirai.
[QUOTE="SAGE_OF_FIRE"] The attacks on her are exaggerated and she's party to blame for mocking those who are already upset with her. Shielder7So that gives them the right to phone her house and utter death threats?
she might as well keep her mouth shut and not make stupid comments about skipping gameplay, then, especially when you have collossal failures of gameplay like DA2 and TORtanic princeofshapeirGo Go Bio-Drone Ranger! The guys that are blasting her aren't Bioware fans, not since TEH CONSOLIZATION!1!
She did? Explain how DAII's story was a total failure in all regards.DrTrafalgarLaw
She didn't write the story. She wrote some characters, side quests and Legacy. David Gaider was lead and mostly responsible for the story.
Says the guy with a mass effect avatarYou keep trying to look cool by saying Bio-drone and it just makes you look like a complete dumbass. If they are a Bio-drone as you like to call it they would be defending anything Bioware instead of bashing a employee. That is like calling someone a Sony fanboy for bashing Kaz Hirai.
Go Go Bio-Drone Ranger!
This has got to involve /b/(Anonymous) for sure.http://www.themarysue.com/inclusion-what-jennifer-heplers-story-is-all-about/
So forgive me if this has been posted before but in a nut shell a Bio-ware writer who has written a lot of content for DAO, SWTOR and other games, had an interview 5 years ago and how she feels that story to her is more important than game play. Recently some gamers took screenshots of those things and Photoshopped them next to a picture of that person, where her quotes were butchered and completely taken out of context next thing you know.
Go Go Bio-Drone Rangers
So anyways long story short the Bio-drones went off like a fuse calling the person "the cancer that is killing Bioware." That they hope she gets cancer, thats she dies in a fire on top of a mountain of other things. Than she made the grave mistake of fighting back and using "Common Sense" and....
Mega Thunder Bio-Drone Zord GO!
And the harassment went as far as to actually calling her house and leaving death threats which also lead to her closing down her twitter account. Well here's one link to the story they're probably more.
go go bio-drone rangers...........
[QUOTE="R3FURBISHED"][QUOTE="MBirdy88"]this reminds me of that jade raymond lady that worked on assassins creed... the rude images made of her. lets be honest, most guys on the internet are annon thugs thinking they can say what they want.MBirdy88the internet is all about anonymity sadly. Not in China. :)
[QUOTE="GeneralShowzer"]As long as her vagina remains intact.Chrome-
Oh don't worry about that trust me.
Omg that's just epic, rofl!
If she was a man nobody would care.
People only defend her because she's a woman.
If a man made those dumb-ass comments ("I have a penis and a game industry job and you can't get either") they would have been fired from Bioware.
Misandry is acceptable apparently.
[QUOTE="R3FURBISHED"] the internet is all about anonymitySpartan070
The very essense of being a real life punk.
True that. If your not gonna visit the person and do it in there face..don't do it. Then again, i'm old school and don't believe in hiding behind the internet if i attack a person.
[QUOTE="ZombieKiller7"]But what if she was a man BUT ALSO a retard like you?If she was a man nobody would care.
People only defend her because she's a woman.
If a man made those dumb-ass comments ("I have a penis and a game industry job and you can't get either") they would have been fired from Bioware.
Misandry is acceptable apparently.
It's all because she has dem man boobs.
[QUOTE="R3FURBISHED"] the internet is all about anonymityxOMGITSJASONx
The very essense of being a real life punk.
True that. If your not gonna visit the person and do it in there face..don't do it. Then again, i'm old school and don't believe in hiding behind the internet if i attack a person.
Not many of us left thoughThere is already a thread on this non-news isn't there?
I could probably just copy/paste my comment from the actual news article.
I will.
"Quit being a bunch of babies every time someone gets trolled. Welcome to the internet, people with anonymity attempting to troll don't really care about logic or feelings or empathy, they're in it to get a rise out of you. They succeeded, way to go Bioware. If you had just shut up the trolls would have gotten bored with it and quit the harassing, but the fact that you acknowledged them as any kind of legitimate problem was your mistake.
On a more personal note, Hepler is an extremely uncharismatic person and has no business representing the company in any way. The way she responded to these attacks is pretty much evidence of that. It's fine if she writes well (she doesn't) but that hardly means she should enter the public spotlight.
As for the article itself, it's odd that you defend the crass and unprofessional response of Bioware's senior employees. Imagine if someone like a senator responded to their critics and heckler's by calling them a ****ing moron, instead of encouraging civilized behavior. Their support would drop off completely. A petty individual with power can be a dangerous thing.
If you can't learn to shrug off a cheap shot, what business do you have representing your company? I think Muzyka's response was much more appropriate, but of course by then the damage had been done."
Says the guy with a mass effect avatar[QUOTE="CanYouDiglt"]
You keep trying to look cool by saying Bio-drone and it just makes you look like a complete dumbass. If they are a Bio-drone as you like to call it they would be defending anything Bioware instead of bashing a employee. That is like calling someone a Sony fanboy for bashing Kaz Hirai.
Go Go Bio-Drone Ranger!
You're an idiot. I've kept telling you that Biodrones are the ones that defend Bioware, not the ones attacking the company yet you refuse to listen.she might as well keep her mouth shut and not make stupid comments about skipping gameplay, then, especially when you have collossal failures of gameplay like DA2 and TORtanic[QUOTE="princeofshapeir"][QUOTE="DarthBilf"] She doesn't need to be a gamer...she's a writer. I would wager that a decent amount of video game writers aren't huge gamers themselves.svetzenlether
TORtanic...funny. Only in System Wars would people find a game with 1.7 million active subscribers a failure comparable to the Titanic.
Subscribers say nothing about how crappy the game is. The game is a failed WoW clone in every respect.She did? Explain how DAII's story was a total failure in all regards.[QUOTE="DrTrafalgarLaw"][QUOTE="Lionheart08"]
And yet she wrote some of the better sections of Dragon Age Origins. :|
DAII isn't DA:O
And what parts did she write for DA:O
A good chunk of the Dwarf Lore, Dwarf Commoner Origin, Anvil of the Void.
Hell, even DA2 didn't suffer that bad of a story. Act 3 was when everything started falling apart.
[QUOTE="Shielder7"][QUOTE="princeofshapeir"] This, the Bioware kids attacking her aren't Biodrones,princeofshapeirYes they were they were they were the ones saying she is "the cancer that is killing Bioware." and blaming her for DA 2 even tho she had very little to do with the steam pile of crap that was DA2. See Bio-Drones can't even admit who they are any more. BioDrones = BioWare fanboys who defend the company and their games no matter what, hence the "drone" part. If you want to trace the history of the title it began with /v/ and Dragon Age II, where everyone with a brain thought the game was crap but the BioWare fanboys kept insisting it was amazing. People who break free from the mold and start criticizing the company then cease to be BioDrones.
thats a bit unfair to say. I thought the game was good just not mindblowing and to say everyone who didint think was crap is a drone is a bit over the top.
I honestly don't understand how what she said was ever considered newsworthy. It's not like she's working on the gameplay, she wrote some of the romances in some of the Bioware games... who cares what she thinks?
I mean I know it's a slow time of the year for gaming news and releases but damn Internet, why so serious?
I feel this is only slightly relevant, but worth posting here.
Thanks for posting that. Unlike BioWare, ArenaNet knows how to make good MMOs with interesting lore.
I feel this is only slightly relevant, but worth posting here.
Thanks for posting that. Unlike BioWare, ArenaNet knows how to make good MMOs with interesting lore.
I'm 100% convinced that the president of BioWare must have stolen your lunch money and beat you up as a kid, and in between beatings he kicked your puppy.
You have a serious issue with BioWare that seems almost unhealthy.
I feel this is only slightly relevant, but worth posting here.
Thanks for posting that. Unlike BioWare, ArenaNet knows how to make good MMOs with interesting lore.
Hot vs. Not :P
I'm 100% convinced that the president of BioWare must have stolen your lunch money and beat you up as a kid, and in between beatings he kicked your puppy.You have a serious issue with BioWare that seems almost unhealthy.
Some people are still struggling to deal with the fact that most developers have realized that console gaming is far more profitable than the PC counterpart and they're running out of ways to justify their rage.
You know guys, some of you make some general valid complaints and criticism then you instantly lose the integrity of your statements when you a crack a "she's a fattie" "she's definently a virgin" "she's ugly".
Often times the way i feel is if one makes it apparent of their special demographic when doing their job, the more they unintentionally direct it to becoming an issue.
But then i look at comments on this forum and those vicious attacks and instantly understand WHY they make it a big deal.
If you were going to complain about her writing or what she chooses to do with her characters then by all means complain away. But do so because of her writing not because she's a woman.
So basically your path is to discredit the heavy chick so that it makes the socially retarded morons that are issuing death threats and doing other stupid crap to her look like "oh they are just having fun on the internet." The heavy chick should man up, right?I feel this is only slightly relevant, but worth posting here.
I don't give a flying sh!t if she said that all gamers are turds and their moms are the b!tches that crapped them out, she shouldn't be getting death threats for that.
We are talking GAMES here. This sh!t is ridiculous. Grow the f*ck up.
It's no wonder people outside this hobby think you're all idiot 14 year olds. Enjoy the VGAs because that's pretty much what the people outside of our hobby think of us.
The hilarious part of all of this is she said a lot of this stuff 5 or 6 years ago.I honestly don't understand how what she said was ever considered newsworthy. It's not like she's working on the gameplay, she wrote some of the romances in some of the Bioware games... who cares what she thinks?
I mean I know it's a slow time of the year for gaming news and releases but damn Internet, why so serious?
[QUOTE="MLBknights58"]I'm 100% convinced that the president of BioWare must have stolen your lunch money and beat you up as a kid, and in between beatings he kicked your puppy.
You have a serious issue with BioWare that seems almost unhealthy.
Some people are still struggling to deal with the fact that most developers have realized that console gaming is far more profitable than the PC counterpart and they're running out of ways to justify their rage.
what on earth does that have to do with bioware :lol:Please Log In to post.
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