It's more of criticizing you, rather than defending him. But if I remember, Amazon is also a PC fan.
I know he's a PC fan. I'm just calling him out for the constant MS bashing while letting Sony skate on issue like the online pay to play.
He hasn't created 1 anti Sony thread yet page after page of his anti MS threads are here.
He's still acting like a major cow because frankly, PC fanboys have no reason to hate on MS this much. Most hermits have problems with all consoles and not just focusing on 1.
So he must bash both sides equally? Â I understand it sucks being the one hit on, but if he has a valid point it's still valid even if he is only bashing MS.
Doesn't have to be equal. Don't think i ever said that but find me 1 thread he created bashing Sony. Now find me all the threads he created bashing MS. Notice anything?
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