just wondering, seems to me that battlefield is superior in every category, from graphics to gameplay to realism. maybe im wrong, can you give specifics?
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just wondering, seems to me that battlefield is superior in every category, from graphics to gameplay to realism. maybe im wrong, can you give specifics?
call of duty stomps all over battlefield.just wondering, seems to me that battlefield is superior in every category, from graphics to gameplay to realism. maybe im wrong, can you give specifics?
call of duty stomps all over battlefield.[QUOTE="russiaAK47"]
just wondering, seems to me that battlefield is superior in every category, from graphics to gameplay to realism. maybe im wrong, can you give specifics?
my point exactly, you cant give me a specific detail. have you played BF?
most people I know play both, I don't understand these brand loyalties sometimes
It's not brand loyalty.
Some of us just don't enjoy playing bad games like MW3, or paying for the same thing for the fourth time.
Probably because COD requires no skill, and when they play BF it will be evident that they had none.
call of duty stomps all over battlefield.[QUOTE="Gotham-Calls"]
just wondering, seems to me that battlefield is superior in every category, from graphics to gameplay to realism. maybe im wrong, can you give specifics?
my point exactly, you cant give me a specific detail. have you played BF?
yep i play battlefield, but the experience just does not measure up to call of duty. heres why.1) matches take no longer than 10 minutes(quick accesible and i can just play and stop whenever)
2)battlefield does not take more skill, in fact no game takes any skill. just becoming comfortable with how the game feels and controls. i easily adapted my cod game to battlefield.Always top 3 on the scoreboard.
3)customization is way better and easier to do.silencer on whatever gun, not just for certainn guns.
4) Gameplay just feels better, smooth and quick.
5)no teammate aspect on most modes. I don't have to rely on my teammates.
6)search and destroy is fast paced and exciting to play. you never know whats going to happen.
7)Doesn't try to do things it can't, such as try to be too realistic. its an arcade military shooter, fast paced and addictive.
CoD is fast, you get in and do a quick match or two in 10-15 minutes. It's smooth and easy. And some people just into CoD's gameplay and don't want to change.
And I don't understand the argument about skill. So what, does Bad Company 2 take so much skill?
I play games to escape reality if i wanted to feel what real war was like ill join the army or at the very least
play Military paintball. For me there is nothing better than getting home from a long day of work hoping on COD owning
some noobs with some friends and feeling like rambo while i do it.
[QUOTE="Gotham-Calls"] call of duty stomps all over battlefield.
my point exactly, you cant give me a specific detail. have you played BF?
yep i play battlefield, but the experience just does not measure up to call of duty. heres why.1) matches take no longer than 10 minutes(quick accesible and i can just play and stop whenever)
2)battlefield does not take more skill, in fact no game takes any skill. just becoming comfortable with how the game feels and controls. i easily adapted my cod game to battlefield.Always top 3 on the scoreboard.
3)customization is way better and easier to do.silencer on whatever gun, not just for certainn guns.
4) Gameplay just feels better, smooth and quick.
5)no teammate aspect on most modes. I don't have to rely on my teammates.
6)search and destroy is fast paced and exciting to play. you never know whats going to happen.
7)Doesn't try to do things it can't, such as try to be too realistic. its an arcade military shooter, fast paced and addictive.
ok so cod takes less skill, since your #7 point says try to be too realistc. um i like realism. i dont like fake and bs respawns and bs shooting. i like to think about tactics, i dont like to run and gun like a mindless zombie. ok thanks
Probably because COD requires no skill, and when they play BF it will be evident that they had none.
O NO i own in both but still enjoy COD more i must be a god gamer
yep i play battlefield, but the experience just does not measure up to call of duty. heres why.[QUOTE="Gotham-Calls"]
my point exactly, you cant give me a specific detail. have you played BF?
1) matches take no longer than 10 minutes(quick accesible and i can just play and stop whenever)
2)battlefield does not take more skill, in fact no game takes any skill. just becoming comfortable with how the game feels and controls. i easily adapted my cod game to battlefield.Always top 3 on the scoreboard.
3)customization is way better and easier to do.silencer on whatever gun, not just for certainn guns.
4) Gameplay just feels better, smooth and quick.
5)no teammate aspect on most modes. I don't have to rely on my teammates.
6)search and destroy is fast paced and exciting to play. you never know whats going to happen.
7)Doesn't try to do things it can't, such as try to be too realistic. its an arcade military shooter, fast paced and addictive.
ok so cod takes less skill, since your #7 point says try to be too realistc. um i like realism. i dont like fake and bs respawns and bs shooting. i like to think about tactics, i dont like to run and gun like a mindless zombie. ok thanks
BF in not real my friend in any way shape or form
I like both but prefer CoD. Battlefield feels "weird", the movement is kind of robotic and I hate the hit detection. It feels a bit like a gamble when you go 1 vs 1 with someone, in CoD it's easier to tell when you're going to down them.
Also, vehicles are overrated. I much prefer quick and fluid infantry combat over large scale battles. Not that I hate them.
It's mainly the vehicles I don't like. There's no work other than running there first at the beginning of the game and even if you die you spawn off back at the start and wait for it to pop back again trying to beat out anyone else happening to be waiting for it too, leading you to get kills in the 200 range and above while every one else has under 80. There are no-vehicle servers but that's just dull. COD put in killstreaks and at least you have to work for them (except for W@W with the stupid tanks) while also adding the threat of having vehicles able to devestate a team. Also there's way more game modes (even with the added gamemodes in BC2 it's still far less than half of what COD offers). Litterally the only good points are the number of players and the sizes of the maps.
Getting both so instead of being a little whiner I get the best of both worlds.
After seeing COD's spec ops, I just had to buy the game
battlefield is the same thing as call of duty. conquest is full of a bunch of spawn killer campers and such. not realistic, not even close. battlefield woul'dnt even be where it is now if it weren't for call of duty.
Probably CoD is easier to get into and more addicting for casual gamers.
How so? They both do the same things..One just feels heavier then the other..BF feels slower..COD is a little faster..not a lot different otherwise...
I doubt any of the COD fanboys will switch to BF because they like to bash it and COD is the only game they play.
These forums remind me of everyday life...Everyone is worried what everyone else is doing instead of minding their own business. Always trying so hard to convince everyone else that THEIR ways are right and everyone elses is wrong..
COD or BF? honestly who cares?
Halo or KZ? really? Does it matter to you?
Christian or Atheist? not your business
xbox vs ps3 vs nin vs pc? They all play games and all have pretty much the same games...so what?
eh, people get on my nerves...bet I get a TOS for this...even though its just the truth..
[QUOTE="theuncharted34"]QFT! Exactly what Im saying. COD doesn't require skill. BF on the other hand.... BF: pick engineer class, grab tank, stay well back from the action while keeping a good line of sight, shoot at anything that moves. When you run out of ammo move to ammo box, when damaged back up, jump out and start repairing....rinse and repeat. You could create a freaking flowchart off of that.Probably because COD requires no skill, and when they play BF it will be evident that they had none.
[QUOTE="Rayne718"][QUOTE="theuncharted34"]QFT! Exactly what Im saying. COD doesn't require skill. BF on the other hand.... BF: pick engineer class, grab tank, stay well back from the action while keeping a good line of sight, shoot at anything that moves. When you run out of ammo move to ammo box, when damaged back up, jump out and start repairing....rinse and repeat. You could create a freaking flowchart off of that.Probably because COD requires no skill, and when they play BF it will be evident that they had none.
thankyou BF is not realistic in any way shape or form
I'm more of a fan of COD, but i'm getting both. I will say though I find BF hard to get in to when the matches I'm in are always one sided. And having bad teammates not doing their jobs makes the game extremely frustrating. One of the reasons I do like BF is because its a completely change of pace and feels fresh than what I'm regularly used to with COD. Getting it for the 360 as some of my friends are actually considering buying it this time.
No, you're right. It is superior in every way.just wondering, seems to me that battlefield is superior in every category, from graphics to gameplay to realism. maybe im wrong, can you give specifics?
No, you're right. It is superior in every way. no your'e wrong its inferior in everyway.[QUOTE="russiaAK47"]
just wondering, seems to me that battlefield is superior in every category, from graphics to gameplay to realism. maybe im wrong, can you give specifics?
No, you're right. It is superior in every way. no your'e wrong its inferior in everyway. Definitely not graphics and sound...and teamplay.[QUOTE="Phazevariance"]
just wondering, seems to me that battlefield is superior in every category, from graphics to gameplay to realism. maybe im wrong, can you give specifics?
no your'e wrong its inferior in everyway. Definitely not graphics and sound...and teamplay. Half your team waiting around a vehicle spawn is not teamplay. And frankly the classic Battlefield game mode takes about as much teamwork as domination in COD (which isn't a whole lot) and can't even touch gamemodes like Demolition, CTF or Sabotage etc. Graphics and sound it definitely has the edge though can't argue with that.[QUOTE="Gotham-Calls"]
[QUOTE="Phazevariance"] No, you're right. It is superior in every way.
CoD takes almost no skill (faster reflexes arent skill in my book). CoD is easier and more accessible to casuals.tommyas
Tell that to martial artists..lol..no skill..so I guess that means someone whos never played it can boot it up and hang with the pros right? Thats like saying Tetris take no skill..or checkers..What makes BF take more skill...running around shooting, throwing grenades,dying,spawning? Oh thats in every game..lol..crazy.
[QUOTE="mitu123"]Definitely not graphics and sound...and teamplay. Half your team waiting around a vehicle spawn is not teamplay. And frankly the classic Battlefield game mode takes about as much teamwork as domination in COD (which isn't a whole lot) and can't even touch gamemodes like Demolition, CTF or Sabotage etc. Graphics and sound it definitely has the edge though can't argue with that. Don't forget better gunplay. I've played both games long enough to know that unless you party up with friends in any of the objective modes in Call of Duty, you are 90% gonna end up with a team full of lone wolfs who are looking for top KDRs. So, yes Battlefield does have better team-play as well as better graphics, sound, gunplay/gameplay[QUOTE="Gotham-Calls"] no your'e wrong its inferior in everyway.
CoD takes almost no skill (faster reflexes arent skill in my book). CoD is easier and more accessible to casuals.tommyas
[QUOTE="mitu123"]Definitely not graphics and sound...and teamplay. Half your team waiting around a vehicle spawn is not teamplay. And frankly the classic Battlefield game mode takes about as much teamwork as domination in COD (which isn't a whole lot) and can't even touch gamemodes like Demolition, CTF or Sabotage etc. Graphics and sound it definitely has the edge though can't argue with that. What about Titan and Rush?[QUOTE="Gotham-Calls"] no your'e wrong its inferior in everyway.
[QUOTE="tommyas"]CoD takes almost no skill (faster reflexes arent skill in my book). CoD is easier and more accessible to casuals.Dark4ever01
CoD = let autoaim do the work, pull the trigger, very VERY imbalanced.
Battlefield = have to aim with no auto aim to help you, small hitboxes that aren't stupidly large to compensate for auto-aim or controllers, bullet spread, bullet travel, bullet weight, normalized weapons so no one has a big advantage.
Battlefield doesn't take much thought, but in comparison with the thought CoD? It might as well be a complex game of chess for CoD players. Have to focus on objectives and teamwork? NOOO I WANT TEH KILLSTREAKS!!!
[QUOTE="Ilikemyname420"][QUOTE="mitu123"] Definitely not graphics and sound...and teamplay.Half your team waiting around a vehicle spawn is not teamplay. And frankly the classic Battlefield game mode takes about as much teamwork as domination in COD (which isn't a whole lot) and can't even touch gamemodes like Demolition, CTF or Sabotage etc. Graphics and sound it definitely has the edge though can't argue with that. Don't forget better gunplay. I've played both games long enough to know that unless you party up with friends in any of the objective modes in Call of Duty, you are 90% gonna end up with a team full of lone wolfs who are looking for top KDRs. So, yes Battlefield does have better team-play as well as better graphics, sound, gunplay/gameplay No way is a team in a game mode like CTF or sabotage just going to go for kills, the game would end in less than 2 minutes. And comparing that to battlefield: how many times do you see someone grab a tank and literally do nothing but sit back and go for kills for the entire game? or the guy that grabs the jet then doesn't do a damn thing to help his team out? And don't even get me started on recon classes.... You get lone wolves and KDR/score whores in both games, but there's no way BF has more teamwork than COD unless you are just comparing it to TDM.ChupacabraIII
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