This is my response to the OP
"A ford mustang GT is way better than a Dodge Viper because they are both sports cars but the mustang is 3.5 times CHEAPER. Plus it gets better gas milage and the maintenance is cheaper tooo! I don't get why people would waste their money on a sports car like the Viper when you can just get a ford mustang." ==== Some people just don't get gaming at all.
The thing is that i got a decent PC (not to say a crappy one for nowdays) more than 4 years now and im still playing on decent resolutions (1024x768) almost max settings games like COD4.
I play multiplayer games in a better way than any console gamer.
I play games and i pay almost "half-price" than any console game out there (not to mention for PC gamers tha use copies)
I play 100% free online games (MMORPGs and not only) via internet.
I play ALL your ports when they arrive on PC plus my own "exclusives" in half-price and better resolution-graphics(on my HDtv with PS pad,so i dont loose anything from the game cause of controls or monitor,exaclty same or better than console)
I play 123123123123 Mods of my favorites games free or even online (counterstrike its an example)
I have some of the best games ever created as exclusive
I enjoy FPS the most :P Key+mouse for the win plus the high resolutions or better,HDTV makes them superior to any console)
Not to mention the 12312123 other capabilities/multimedia/programs i can use for my own enjoyment (free from internet)
Some genres are PC only (or at least play best) and very competitive thru net (RTS- FPS - MMORPG)
Well thats it cant think something else to add.Thats why i never compare PC to any console. PC > any console.Thats why its more expensive too though. IMHO,PC is ownage. If you cant afford it though then consoles are for you,because of the low price. Thats the only difference.IMO
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