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You make it sound like a 50% rate is hard to believe.[QUOTE="ocstew"]No, no, no. When you say 50%, you mean 50%. Okay, if 7 mill is too high for you how about a mere 3 million. You would realise that's 1.5 million downloads? Also recent PC shooters? Besides say, Black Ops, COD which doesn't nearly have the same fanbase as Crysis?
Black Ops pc had over 4 million pirated downloads. The piracy rate was over 80%. Yes that means a majority didn't pay for it.
Yes I am predicting at least 50% for Crysis 2.
Pirated downloads? Or pirated players? Because someone could be downloading it for the LEOs, you know? Or simply seeing what's there without actually playing it. Or maybe they're forced into piracy because the legitimate copy's locked them out for some fluke (re-installed too many times because of installation bugs, reconfigured computers, etc.).Do you have a problem that BF3 is a ground up DX 11 game with 64 player support on PC? Oh those shooters and the piracy rate. Because every pirated copy is a lost sale, amirite?[QUOTE="GeneralShowzer"]
How am I clinging? I'm predicting that Crysis 2 will have a piracy rate of over 50%.
Given the piracy rates of recent pc shooters that is a conservative estimate. The Tweakguides look at pc piracy looks at those rates in detail.
I'm making a prediction based on statistics. Do you have a problem with that?DerpyMcDerp
That's pretty much because Battlefield games don't really have single player campaigns. I'm sure if pirates could play online with their pirated copies of Bad Company 2, the sales numbers would be astronomically lower.
Does the term "black server" ring a bell?Well given how badly Black OPS pc was pirated that shouldn't be a surprise.[QUOTE="Zero_epyon"] I feel bad for PC gamers right now. They're all seen as pirates first and gamers second. Sad..dc337
Wasn't it also pirated on X360 before it was even release?
[QUOTE="dc337"]And you base that on what? Wishful thinking?[QUOTE="MIYAMOTOnext007"]
thats a pretty low number especially considering that I honestly think 50% of those who downloaded are honestly going to buy thereal game when it is released :D
Crysis 2 on pc will have a piracy rate of over 50%. That is just the way it goes for the pc these days.
What's that based on? Oh wait, it's just a PC fakeboy's take on things. No, its a fairly conservative estimate based on the fact that crytek estimates that 95% of Crysis downloads were pirated.[QUOTE="ocstew"][QUOTE="dc337"] And you base that on what? Wishful thinking?What's that based on? Oh wait, it's just a PC fakeboy's take on things. No, its a fairly conservative estimate based on the fact that crytek estimates that 95% of Crysis downloads were pirated. Crysis was pirated 28 million times? Please give me a source. If you don't have a source you've been exposed for making stuff up.Crysis 2 on pc will have a piracy rate of over 50%. That is just the way it goes for the pc these days.
No, its a fairly conservative estimate based on the fact that crytek estimates that 95% of Crysis downloads were pirated. Crysis was pirated 28 million times? Please give me a source. If you don't have a source you've been exposed for making stuff up.[QUOTE="DarthBilf"][QUOTE="ocstew"] What's that based on? Oh wait, it's just a PC fakeboy's take on things. GeneralShowzer
It isn't a problem?
Crysis was pirated 28 million times? Please give me a source. If you don't have a source you've been exposed for making stuff up.[QUOTE="GeneralShowzer"]
[QUOTE="DarthBilf"] No, its a fairly conservative estimate based on the fact that crytek estimates that 95% of Crysis downloads were pirated.DarthBilf
It isn't a problem?
Where does it say that 95 % was pirated? NOWHERE. Crysis sold 3 million which is about 2 million more than KZ2. :OIt's a problem, but it was just a justification for them to go multi-plat.
Know what's a bigger problem? Used game sales. Those are actual customers that are actually willing to pay for their games, and companies like Gamestop takes all the profit.
[QUOTE="GeneralShowzer"] Crysis was pirated 28 million times? Please give me a source. If you don't have a source you've been exposed for making stuff up.
It isn't a problem?
Where does it say that 95 % was pirated? NOWHERE. Crysis sold 3 million which is about 2 million more than KZ2. :O It's a problem, but it was just a justification for them to go multi-plat. lol, and you are accusing others of making stuff up ?!! Look to the mirror man, you will know how is making the stuff up.[QUOTE="DarthBilf"]
[QUOTE="GeneralShowzer"] Crysis was pirated 28 million times? Please give me a source. If you don't have a source you've been exposed for making stuff up.
It isn't a problem?
Where does it say that 95 % was pirated? NOWHERE. Crysis sold 3 million which is about 2 million more than KZ2. :OIt's a problem, but it was just a justification for them to go multi-plat.
Know what's a bigger problem? Used game sales. Those are actual customers that are actually willing to pay for their games, and companies like Gamestop takes all the profit.
"It's crazy how the ratio between sales to piracy is probably 1 to 15 to 1 to 20 right now. For one sale there are 15 to 20 pirates and pirate versions, and that's a big shame for the PC industry."
De Nile isn't just a river in Egypt.
Where does it say that 95 % was pirated? NOWHERE. Crysis sold 3 million which is about 2 million more than KZ2. :O[QUOTE="GeneralShowzer"]
It isn't a problem?
It's a problem, but it was just a justification for them to go multi-plat.
Know what's a bigger problem? Used game sales. Those are actual customers that are actually willing to pay for their games, and companies like Gamestop takes all the profit.
"It's crazy how the ratio between sales to piracy is probably 1 to 15 to 1 to 20 right now. For one sale there are 15 to 20 pirates and pirate versions, and that's a big shame for the PC industry."
De Nile isn't just a river in Egypt.
Oh hahaha. It's just an estimate by a disgruntled developer who believed he can sell 10 million units. Without any backing of any kind. If you want to believe that Crysis was pirated 60 million times, you are free to do so. Starcraft II which was the biggest PC game of last year was pirated 3 million times and sold more than that.BC2 sold 2.5 million units on PC and was pirated about 4 million times.
I would guess the piracy ratio is somewhere average 1.5 or 2 to 1. It would be a big problem...If pirates were willing/able to pay for anything. But they aren't. :o
[QUOTE="GeneralShowzer"] Where does it say that 95 % was pirated? NOWHERE. Crysis sold 3 million which is about 2 million more than KZ2. :O
It's a problem, but it was just a justification for them to go multi-plat.
Know what's a bigger problem? Used game sales. Those are actual customers that are actually willing to pay for their games, and companies like Gamestop takes all the profit.GeneralShowzer
"It's crazy how the ratio between sales to piracy is probably 1 to 15 to 1 to 20 right now. For one sale there are 15 to 20 pirates and pirate versions, and that's a big shame for the PC industry."
De Nile isn't just a river in Egypt.
Oh hahaha. It's just an estimate by a disgruntled developer who believed he can sell 10 million units. Without any backing of any kind. If you want to believe that Crysis was pirated 60 million times, you are free to do so. Starcraft II which was the biggest PC game of last year was pirated 3 million times and sold more than that.BC2 sold 2.5 million units on PC and was pirated about 4 million times.
I would guess the piracy ratio is somewhere average 1.5 or 2 to 1. It would be a big problem...If pirates were willing/able to pay for anything. But they aren't. :o
You've got no way of knowing whether that is true or not. The problem far exceeds what you see it as. A more concrete example is the fact that pirated versions of World of Goo outsold legit versions 10 to 1.
And people who own PCs capable of playing Crysis/BC2/ Starcraft 2 can't afford the $50 to buy the actual game? Yeah...that a very bad argument.
Oh hahaha. It's just an estimate by a disgruntled developer who believed he can sell 10 million units. Without any backing of any kind. If you want to believe that Crysis was pirated 60 million times, you are free to do so. Starcraft II which was the biggest PC game of last year was pirated 3 million times and sold more than that.[QUOTE="GeneralShowzer"]
"It's crazy how the ratio between sales to piracy is probably 1 to 15 to 1 to 20 right now. For one sale there are 15 to 20 pirates and pirate versions, and that's a big shame for the PC industry."
De Nile isn't just a river in Egypt.
BC2 sold 2.5 million units on PC and was pirated about 4 million times.
I would guess the piracy ratio is somewhere average 1.5 or 2 to 1. It would be a big problem...If pirates were willing/able to pay for anything. But they aren't. :o
You've got no way of knowing whether that is true or not. The problem far exceeds what you see it as. A more concrete example is the fact that pirated versions of World of Goo outsold legit versions 10 to 1.
And people who own PCs capable of playing Crysis/BC2/ Starcraft 2 can't afford the $50 to buy the actual game? Yeah...that a very bad argument.
It really shows the misconceptions of PC gaming. You are able to play BC2 on a budget home PC. Not everyone lives in the US, not everyone can afford 50 $ for a game, especially where i live, the average salary is 300$. That's why the majority of gamers here are PC gamers, consoles are looked on as luxury. Oh, and world of goo, really get on with the times. Bring up "The PS3 has no games" while you're at it. Indie developers are making a killing nowadays, that DD is more widespread than ever.Crysis has been the most technically advanced game for four years. It has sold 3+ million copies in that time. A lot of those copies have been at reduced price (it costs $15 today, but have been $10 at sales). Compare this to the less advanced console exclusive RDR, which has sold 8M+ copies in less than a year (much higher average price). Blops sold almost that (7M) in 24h (95% console sales)! No wonder that Crytek, with the superior product, feels disapointed!SushigluttonKillzone 2 has the best graphics on consoles and a similar metascore, and it sold 1 million. Graphics have nothing to do with it. RDR probably had five times the budget Crysis had. Not to mention marketing budget. GTA IV costed about 100 million to make, and RDR looks just as expensive. You don't sell ten million copies with a new IP,a game that people could barely run at the time . And you don't know how much of those copies were reduced price, does it unclude digital numbers....
Where does it say that 95 % was pirated? NOWHERE. Crysis sold 3 million which is about 2 million more than KZ2. :O[QUOTE="GeneralShowzer"]
It isn't a problem?
It's a problem, but it was just a justification for them to go multi-plat.
Know what's a bigger problem? Used game sales. Those are actual customers that are actually willing to pay for their games, and companies like Gamestop takes all the profit.
"It's crazy how the ratio between sales to piracy is probably 1 to 15 to 1 to 20 right now. For one sale there are 15 to 20 pirates and pirate versions, and that's a big shame for the PC industry."
De Nile isn't just a river in Egypt.
There is no concrete evidence in that statement, and the fact that he's saying "probably" shows that he's ballparking it, and with no guarantee of accuracy either. And that's pretty easy to believe - the implications of that guess are that the Witcher was pirated 15 million times and S.T.A.L.K.E.R. got downloaded 25 million times, which would make them 4-6 times more heavily pirated than the most pirated game of 2010. Of course, that would also mean that Crysis and Warhead got pirated 67.5 million times, making them about 15 times more heavily pirated than said most pirated game of 2010.
Now, I don't know about you but given the growing size of the PC market, that doesn't sound like a very plausible idea.
Crysis has been the most technically advanced game for four years. It has sold 3+ million copies in that time. A lot of those copies have been at reduced price (it costs $15 today, but have been $10 at sales). Compare this to the less advanced console exclusive RDR, which has sold 8M+ copies in less than a year (much higher average price). Blops sold almost that (7M) in 24h (95% console sales)! No wonder that Crytek, with the superior product, feels disapointed!SushigluttonShow me where you can buy Crysis for 15 dollars.
You've got no way of knowing whether that is true or not. The problem far exceeds what you see it as. A more concrete example is the fact that pirated versions of World of Goo outsold legit versions 10 to 1.
And people who own PCs capable of playing Crysis/BC2/ Starcraft 2 can't afford the $50 to buy the actual game? Yeah...that a very bad argument.
What about people in China, or Vietnam, or some African country, who cannot buy the game at all? Also, why not focus on actual piracy? There are thousands if not millions of counterfeit games out there, being sold in third world countries or just shady places. Last time I went to China, I saw a store literally filled with software that was being sold at 10RMB per disk. For anything. You don't think that's a bigger problem than some kids downloading ilegitimate copies of games that they may or may not have ever paid for?
Show me where you can buy Crysis for 15 dollars. Hrrrm looking more carefully it was euros *blushes*:[QUOTE="Sushiglutton"]Crysis has been the most technically advanced game for four years. It has sold 3+ million copies in that time. A lot of those copies have been at reduced price (it costs $15 today, but have been $10 at sales). Compare this to the less advanced console exclusive RDR, which has sold 8M+ copies in less than a year (much higher average price). Blops sold almost that (7M) in 24h (95% console sales)! No wonder that Crytek, with the superior product, feels disapointed!DragonfireXZ95
[QUOTE="DragonfireXZ95"]Show me where you can buy Crysis for 15 dollars. Hrrrm looking more carefully it was euros *blushes*: The game is 9 pounds on Amazon which is about 15 dollars so it is selling for cheap in a lot of places.[QUOTE="Sushiglutton"]Crysis has been the most technically advanced game for four years. It has sold 3+ million copies in that time. A lot of those copies have been at reduced price (it costs $15 today, but have been $10 at sales). Compare this to the less advanced console exclusive RDR, which has sold 8M+ copies in less than a year (much higher average price). Blops sold almost that (7M) in 24h (95% console sales)! No wonder that Crytek, with the superior product, feels disapointed!Sushiglutton
[QUOTE="Sushiglutton"][QUOTE="DragonfireXZ95"] Show me where you can buy Crysis for 15 dollars.Hrrrm looking more carefully it was euros *blushes*: The game is 9 pounds on Amazon which is about 15 dollars so it is selling for cheap in a lot of places. Says $25 for digital download and $34 for lowest new retail on Amazon US. Are the retailers different over there? Those are the lowest I can find on Amazon.bobbetybob
To see if it'll work properly on our machines, doesn't contain any game-breaking bugs, and is actually cool enough to be worth buying (and no demo provides enough information to help determine any of the three). Those are just lame excuses. You can judge a game just by watching youtube videos of other people playing.[QUOTE="HuusAsking"][QUOTE="BodyElite"] Whats the point of stealing a game if you are going to purchase it the next day? :roll:dc337
People pirate because they don't want to pay. PC games that had 90% piracy rates did not have a following surge of sales after those pc gamers "tried out" the game.
haha you clearly have no idea how pc gaming works, watch youtube videos :lol: that only works for consoles im afraid
[QUOTE="Sushiglutton"]Crysis has been the most technically advanced game for four years. It has sold 3+ million copies in that time. A lot of those copies have been at reduced price (it costs $15 today, but have been $10 at sales). Compare this to the less advanced console exclusive RDR, which has sold 8M+ copies in less than a year (much higher average price). Blops sold almost that (7M) in 24h (95% console sales)! No wonder that Crytek, with the superior product, feels disapointed!GeneralShowzerKillzone 2 has the best graphics on consoles and a similar metascore, and it sold 1 million. Graphics have nothing to do with it. RDR probably had five times the budget Crysis had. Not to mention marketing budget. GTA IV costed about 100 million to make, and RDR looks just as expensive. You don't sell ten million copies with a new IP,a game that people could barely run at the time . And you don't know how much of those copies were reduced price, does it unclude digital numbers.... Clearly Crytek wasn't satisfied with PC sales and decided to go multiplat. Can we agree on that? I don't think KZ2 is the best looking console game, so don't know what to say to that. No one today would buy that game just to see what the ps3 could do as new rig owners do with Crysis. GTA4 has sold over 17million, only a couple of them on PC (bad port). Rockstar decided it wasn't worth it to release games on PC at all after that. You are correct I don't know how many were reduced price. But can we agree it was a much higher percentage than for RDR or Blops?
[QUOTE="GeneralShowzer"][QUOTE="Sushiglutton"]Crysis has been the most technically advanced game for four years. It has sold 3+ million copies in that time. A lot of those copies have been at reduced price (it costs $15 today, but have been $10 at sales). Compare this to the less advanced console exclusive RDR, which has sold 8M+ copies in less than a year (much higher average price). Blops sold almost that (7M) in 24h (95% console sales)! No wonder that Crytek, with the superior product, feels disapointed!SushigluttonKillzone 2 has the best graphics on consoles and a similar metascore, and it sold 1 million. Graphics have nothing to do with it. RDR probably had five times the budget Crysis had. Not to mention marketing budget. GTA IV costed about 100 million to make, and RDR looks just as expensive. You don't sell ten million copies with a new IP,a game that people could barely run at the time . And you don't know how much of those copies were reduced price, does it unclude digital numbers.... Clearly Crytek wasn't satisfied with PC sales and decided to go multiplat. Can we agree on that? I don't think KZ2 is the best looking console game, so don't know what to say to that. No one today would buy that game just to see what the ps3 could do as new rig owners do with Crysis. GTA4 has sold over 17million, only a couple of them on PC (bad port). Rockstar decided it wasn't worth it to release games on PC at all after that. You are correct I don't know how many were reduced price. But can we agree it was a much higher percentage than for RDR or Blops? They wen't multi-plat because they will sell more on multi-plat. They clearly had the funds from the sales of the PC version to make a new multi-plat engine, buy out new studios, ect.. If GTA IV sold so low on PC, there wouldn't be EFLC on PC. RDR is not the same stuido as IV. Rockstar San Diego have not worked on a PC game ever, and don't even have PC programmers.
[QUOTE="GeneralShowzer"] Where does it say that 95 % was pirated? NOWHERE. Crysis sold 3 million which is about 2 million more than KZ2. :O
It's a problem, but it was just a justification for them to go multi-plat.
Know what's a bigger problem? Used game sales. Those are actual customers that are actually willing to pay for their games, and companies like Gamestop takes all the profit.GeneralShowzer
"It's crazy how the ratio between sales to piracy is probably 1 to 15 to 1 to 20 right now. For one sale there are 15 to 20 pirates and pirate versions, and that's a big shame for the PC industry."
De Nile isn't just a river in Egypt.
Oh hahaha. It's just an estimate by a disgruntled developer who believed he can sell 10 million units. Without any backing of any kind. If you want to believe that Crysis was pirated 60 million times, you are free to do so. Starcraft II which was the biggest PC game of last year was pirated 3 million times and sold more than that.BC2 sold 2.5 million units on PC and was pirated about 4 million times.
I would guess the piracy ratio is somewhere average 1.5 or 2 to 1. It would be a big problem...If pirates were willing/able to pay for anything. But they aren't. :o
Blizzard came out and said it wasn't pirated 3 million times, they just use torrents to distribute their games.It was a sarcastic post. Almost nobody downloaded it, 10 k is a very very small number.this is why the hermits lose their IPs. pretty sad really.
Crysis has been the most technically advanced game for four years. It has sold 3+ million copies in that time. A lot of those copies have been at reduced price (it costs $15 today, but have been $10 at sales). Compare this to the less advanced console exclusive RDR, which has sold 8M+ copies in less than a year (much higher average price). Blops sold almost that (7M) in 24h (95% console sales)! No wonder that Crytek, with the superior product, feels disapointed!SushigluttonDevs make similar profit when when PC games (digital) are sold at $20 as they would when console games are sold at retail for $60.
[QUOTE="GeneralShowzer"][QUOTE="Sushiglutton"]Crysis has been the most technically advanced game for four years. It has sold 3+ million copies in that time. A lot of those copies have been at reduced price (it costs $15 today, but have been $10 at sales). Compare this to the less advanced console exclusive RDR, which has sold 8M+ copies in less than a year (much higher average price). Blops sold almost that (7M) in 24h (95% console sales)! No wonder that Crytek, with the superior product, feels disapointed!SushigluttonKillzone 2 has the best graphics on consoles and a similar metascore, and it sold 1 million. Graphics have nothing to do with it. RDR probably had five times the budget Crysis had. Not to mention marketing budget. GTA IV costed about 100 million to make, and RDR looks just as expensive. You don't sell ten million copies with a new IP,a game that people could barely run at the time . And you don't know how much of those copies were reduced price, does it unclude digital numbers.... Clearly Crytek wasn't satisfied with PC sales and decided to go multiplat. Can we agree on that? I don't think KZ2 is the best looking console game, so don't know what to say to that. No one today would buy that game just to see what the ps3 could do as new rig owners do with Crysis. GTA4 has sold over 17million, only a couple of them on PC (bad port). Rockstar decided it wasn't worth it to release games on PC at all after that. You are correct I don't know how many were reduced price. But can we agree it was a much higher percentage than for RDR or Blops? This seems to be a difficult concept for you, so i'll make it nice and simple: 3 is a higher number than 1.
Anyone have a link to show how many times Crysis (1) has been pirated? I googled it and I didn't get anything. Someone in this thread said it was 2-3 million and I just don't believe that.DudeNtheRoomWhy is that hard to believe when Black OPs pc past 4 million last year?
I'm not going to say that I didn't try it, but I have my game pre ordered at Gamestop. Plus I think I played it for like 1 minute and deleted it which I'm sure many will follow suite. Crytek are like the only developers still making solid pc games.
If GTA IV sold so low on PC, there wouldn't be EFLC on PC. RDR is not the same stuido as IV. Rockstar San Diego have not worked on a PC game ever, and don't even have PC programmers.GeneralShowzerIf Rockstar wanted RDR on the PC it would happen. The decision is made up top, not by a studio. They could have had Rock Star North or another company handle the port.
[QUOTE="Sushiglutton"]Crysis has been the most technically advanced game for four years. It has sold 3+ million copies in that time. A lot of those copies have been at reduced price (it costs $15 today, but have been $10 at sales). Compare this to the less advanced console exclusive RDR, which has sold 8M+ copies in less than a year (much higher average price). Blops sold almost that (7M) in 24h (95% console sales)! No wonder that Crytek, with the superior product, feels disapointed!SAGE_OF_FIREDevs make similar profit when when PC games (digital) are sold at $20 as they would when console games are sold at retail for $60. That's only if they sell them directly. Steam takes a 40% cut of every sale.
Devs make similar profit when when PC games (digital) are sold at $20 as they would when console games are sold at retail for $60. That's only if they sell them directly. Steam takes a 40% cut of every sale.[QUOTE="SAGE_OF_FIRE"][QUOTE="Sushiglutton"]Crysis has been the most technically advanced game for four years. It has sold 3+ million copies in that time. A lot of those copies have been at reduced price (it costs $15 today, but have been $10 at sales). Compare this to the less advanced console exclusive RDR, which has sold 8M+ copies in less than a year (much higher average price). Blops sold almost that (7M) in 24h (95% console sales)! No wonder that Crytek, with the superior product, feels disapointed!dc337
Agreed. Even though lolsoles aren't the best for gaming, everybody should have one for that random console exclusive.
No chance in hell, Bulletstorm will outsell it on the 360 and PS3 gamers have Killzone 3.I just hope Crysis 2 sells more than Cod black ops
Devs make similar profit when when PC games (digital) are sold at $20 as they would when console games are sold at retail for $60. That's only if they sell them directly. Steam takes a 40% cut of every sale.[QUOTE="SAGE_OF_FIRE"][QUOTE="Sushiglutton"]Crysis has been the most technically advanced game for four years. It has sold 3+ million copies in that time. A lot of those copies have been at reduced price (it costs $15 today, but have been $10 at sales). Compare this to the less advanced console exclusive RDR, which has sold 8M+ copies in less than a year (much higher average price). Blops sold almost that (7M) in 24h (95% console sales)! No wonder that Crytek, with the superior product, feels disapointed!dc337
The average amazon rating was 1.0, and the gamespot user rating 5.0. I remember.
Why is that hard to believe when Black OPs pc past 4 million last year? It just sounds really high.[QUOTE="DudeNtheRoom"]Anyone have a link to show how many times Crysis (1) has been pirated? I googled it and I didn't get anything. Someone in this thread said it was 2-3 million and I just don't believe that.dc337
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