If it was so damaging to the industry, then publishers would have acted harsher on used games - none of this £10 online pass nonsense. At least with used games it's locked to one user at one time - and that one copy has been paid for. I buy used games all the time, and whilst I'd buy more new games if they were cheaper to benefit devs...I do not think it is fair to claim it's = piracy.
Because no one who buys a second hand game sells it again?
How the publishers react to it is irrelevant, the fact that it has been legitimized via its legality makes it worse as far as I'm concerned. There are retailers that make a lot of their money through 2nd hand sales, they encourage people to swap their older games for newer ones; to help buff out their second hand section with recent titles.
Someone who enjoys a game from a 2nd hand sale is causing the exact same damage as someone who enjoys it via piracy, the people who made the game see none of the money. And who knows how many hands that second hand game changes through in today's disposable game culture, where they just sell off games they don't play regularly.
Anyone who says otherwise is downplaying as far as I'm concerned. Has probably purchased 2nd hand games, and are trying to rationalize it in a manner that doesn't make them feel guilty. Isn't nice is it? Being accused of hurting the games industry. Now they know how every PC gamer feels, when someone decides to blame and punish them for piracy; when their entire collection is legit.
The thing is, why do used media need to be quashed when there is a used market for practically everything (even diapers---unused ones, mind you)? Why don't car dealers gripe about used car lots? Why don't appliance makers complain about thrift stores that sell appliances? Closer to home, what about book and movie publishers and the secondhand books and movies that trade hands regularly?
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