TheONLY reason Nintendo fans try so hard to distance themselves from graphics is because they dont have them, and they know they cant argue with Lems and Cows, so they distance themselves from it altogether.
Anybody ever notice that? How Nintendo fans try so hard to attach a negative connotation to the notion of having better hardware, as if more power = a bad thing?Last gen, all Nintendo fans ever talked about was graphics. Metroid Prime? Resident Evil? etc.
It is situations like this that go to show fanboys dont care about ANYTHING other than the label on the box. NOTHING more.
Very true, the next tactic would be to trash popular genres on other consoles as "dudebro" stuff as an attempt to belittle people that play them or the games themselves.
true. This is another tactic Ive seen sheep do alot. They always make fun of games likeGears of WarandCall of Duty, like thats the only game on HD consoles, and all we care about is violence, and splosions....."brogamers" etc....They also conveniently leave out games like Mass Effect, Bioshock, Red Dead Redemption, Metal Gear Solid, Dead Space, L.A. Noire, etc.....
If anything Nintendo franchises are MORE shallow than those games, as they are generally very simple games with very little plot development. Seriously, the mario games have all been the same game since Mario 64 (butwith an added gimmick each time). Lemme guess......I have to.......save the princess in the next one ;)
dude get off your high horse this is SYSTEM WARS everybody talks about everybody and every gamer talks about every game genre stop singling sheep out
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