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Looks the same to me.[QUOTE="Slimmin360"][QUOTE="AMD655"]
I prefer solid accurate controls, welcome to my world.
Proven blind.
30FPS, lower than low settings, and 24 players.
Dat auto aim.
No, it's proven that you guy's are too friggin' anal about framerates and player numbers, if the gameplay is fun and flowing, it's just one else cares about the crap your nitpicking. Even if they do, problem solved with newest consoles coming to market in november.[QUOTE="Vaasman"]There's quite a difference between being computer illiterate and being computer utterly-braindead. If you don't know by now that you can adjust the control settings in the options menu, then just give up on all forms of gaming, forever. I'm not talking about myself , i'm talking about your average gamer, especially those used to gaming on consoles, that was the point being made, anyone making the switch to PC gaming would not know right away how to do or where to go to do those configurations.....and that in itself is yet another thing any gamer should not have to be bothered with. You should just put the game on and be able to play,...and on a console it's that simple.So the only possible way your argument works is if we assume that the average person who starts PC gaming has:[QUOTE="Slimmin360"] For the average person who just think's they can put a game in the computer and be able to control it without configuring anything....yeah it is difficult, you can't assume everyone is 18 to 30 years old and completely computer literate, there are people out there who have enough trouble getting around windows period without worrying about having to going into game options and binding keys.Slimmin360
A. Never played a PC game before in their life.
B. Never used a PC before in their life.
C. Never played any form of game or used basic software at any point.
D. Has the patience of a toddler with chronic ADD.
Seems like sound logic to me.
[QUOTE="AMD655"][QUOTE="Slimmin360"] Looks the same to me.
Proven blind.
30FPS, lower than low settings, and 24 players.
Dat auto aim.
No, it's proven that you guy's are too friggin' anal about framerates and player numbers, if the gameplay is fun and flowing, it's just one else cares about the crap your nitpicking. Even if they do, problem solved with newest consoles coming to market in november.Â
BF4, 30fps/720p, and it is confirmed..
[QUOTE="AMD655"][QUOTE="Slimmin360"] Looks the same to me.
Proven blind.
30FPS, lower than low settings, and 24 players.
Dat auto aim.
No, it's proven that you guy's are too friggin' anal about framerates and player numbers, if the gameplay is fun and flowing, it's just one else cares about the crap your nitpicking. Even if they do, problem solved with newest consoles coming to market in november. What fun do you get out of 25FPS? :lol:[QUOTE="Slimmin360"][QUOTE="AMD655"]No, it's proven that you guy's are too friggin' anal about framerates and player numbers, if the gameplay is fun and flowing, it's just one else cares about the crap your nitpicking. Even if they do, problem solved with newest consoles coming to market in november. What fun do you get out of 25FPS? :lol: Really PS4's Call of Duty Ghosts will be running at 25FPS,,,,don't think so.Â
Proven blind.
30FPS, lower than low settings, and 24 players.
Dat auto aim.
[QUOTE="faizan_faizan"][QUOTE="Slimmin360"] No, it's proven that you guy's are too friggin' anal about framerates and player numbers, if the gameplay is fun and flowing, it's just one else cares about the crap your nitpicking. Even if they do, problem solved with newest consoles coming to market in november.Slimmin360What fun do you get out of 25FPS? :lol: Really PS4's Call of Duty Ghosts will be running at 25FPS,,,,don't think so.
Oh lord...
You deserve a real face shatteringly hard slap for that.
Comparing COD to BF.
You are a disgrace.
[QUOTE="145ty"][QUOTE="heretrix"]The thing I noticed a lot this gen as far as hyping console graphics is how people tend to miss the compromise devs make to make games look good on consoles. Take Killzone for instance, the graphics look great for the most part but usually you are playing in small cutoff areas with an FOV the size of a mailslot. Sure you can make these games look great but you have to do tricks to get that effect. On a PC you really don't have that and if your box isn't powerful to handle the graphics (or physics) you can dial it down.Or a modded Skyrim.. I recently modded Skyrim (runs decent 30ish FPS on my 560 Ti) and that game honestly looks better then ANY next-gen game showed yet and it was open world. Oh great here come all the PC fanboys with there laundry list of hardware specs.......Intel I7 3.6ghz..blah blah and 32gbs of ddr3ram...blah blah, and 2 terabyte HD blah blah...who the heck cares? Turn on a PC, wait for it to boot up, drop in a game disc or start up a dowloaded game on Steam and sit through various updates, logins and load times and tell me how long it is before your actually playing your game hunched over your computer monitor with all your super specs on your PC. Console, sit across the living room in your big recliner, in front of my 50-inch plasma, power on system put disc in or select downloaded game, 5 to 10 seconds loaded, press start and your playing....beat that PC fans. lolol My PC from off to in game is faster than any console today and the PS4 as well, I'm willing to bet. You gotta install plenty of games on consoles as well, dont see how this is an argument against PC, especially since install is a one time thing. There are no "updates" to sit through, the entire updated game is downloaded at once. Steam update takes about a whole 10 seconds, and Windows updates are done at 3am, genius. And from off to in game, I'd say maybe 2 minutes I'm in game and load times are SIGNIFICANTLY shorter on PC. Also, I too can enjoy from the living room recliner and the 50" Plasma with my PC via a HDMI cable and Xbox for Windows controller. Difference is, Skyrim on console is full of jagged sh*t and looks like someone vomited all over the TV, on my PC with 50+ visual mods, it's next gen gaming now, all at 40-50fps, not 20-30fps on PS3/xbox with jaggies and sub resolution textures. gross.The reason why you still see Crysis brought up so much is because it's a very good example of uncompromised graphical game design and how it can stand up through an entire console generation without peer. It still looks better than most console games.
Oh, and aside from my new video card, did I mention my PC is 5 years old? A new PC being built today would absolutely demolish next gen consoles without a sweat, I cant wait to build my new one once Skylake is released.
Really PS4's Call of Duty Ghosts will be running at 25FPS,,,,don't think so.[QUOTE="Slimmin360"][QUOTE="faizan_faizan"] What fun do you get out of 25FPS? :lol:AMD655
Oh lord...
You deserve a real face shatteringly hard slap for that.
Comparing COD to BF.
You are a disgrace.
Fine battlefield 4 on PS4 will be 60fps, and online play will have every bit the amount of players as PC.[QUOTE="Slimmin360"][QUOTE="AMD655"]Looks the same to me. Its ShadowMoses!Â
I prefer solid accurate controls, welcome to my world.
[QUOTE="AMD655"][QUOTE="Slimmin360"] Really PS4's Call of Duty Ghosts will be running at 25FPS,,,,don't think so.Slimmin360
Oh lord...
You deserve a real face shatteringly hard slap for that.
Comparing COD to BF.
You are a disgrace.
Fine battlefield 4 on PS4 will be 60fps, and online play will have every bit the amount of players as PC.Nope, it is confirmed 60fps/720p.
Enjoy your low res gaming.
Fine battlefield 4 on PS4 will be 60fps, and online play will have every bit the amount of players as PC.[QUOTE="Slimmin360"][QUOTE="AMD655"]
Oh lord...
You deserve a real face shatteringly hard slap for that.
Comparing COD to BF.
You are a disgrace.
Nope, it is confirmed 60fps/720p.
Enjoy your low res gaming.
yuck, 720p just looks like shit after gaming on 1080p. You just cant go back to that sub standard trash.Isn't it obvious?[QUOTE="clyde46"][QUOTE="lostrib"]
it's been so long i can't remember :P hmm, maybe if we insult israel and zionism...
>Comes up with vague excuses to trash the PC >Claims not to see the difference between 720p and 1080p >Avoids questions Sure looks like ShadowMoses in here.[QUOTE="lostrib"][QUOTE="clyde46"] Isn't it obvious? clyde46
it's been so long i can't remember :P hmm, maybe if we insult israel and zionism...
>Comes up with vague excuses to trash the PC >Claims not to see the difference between 720p and 1080p >Avoids questions Sure looks like ShadowMoses in here.yeah, shadowmoses confirmed.Â
Fine battlefield 4 on PS4 will be 60fps, and online play will have every bit the amount of players as PC.[QUOTE="Slimmin360"][QUOTE="AMD655"]
Oh lord...
You deserve a real face shatteringly hard slap for that.
Comparing COD to BF.
You are a disgrace.
Nope, it is confirmed 60fps/720p.
Enjoy your low res gaming.
So you think this news is unusual for first release new console launch titles,,,game and framerate performance always improves the longer the dev's have the dev kits,, and a few months into the Xbox-One and PS4's life cycle and there won't be any difference between the console and PC versions of a multiplat games.[QUOTE="Vaasman"]There's quite a difference between being computer illiterate and being computer utterly-braindead. If you don't know by now that you can adjust the control settings in the options menu, then just give up on all forms of gaming, forever. I'm not talking about myself , i'm talking about your average gamer, especially those used to gaming on consoles, that was the point being made, anyone making the switch to PC gaming would not know right away how to do or where to go to do those configurations.....and that in itself is yet another thing any gamer should not have to be bothered with. You should just put the game on and be able to play,...and on a console it's that simple.[QUOTE="Slimmin360"] For the average person who just think's they can put a game in the computer and be able to control it without configuring anything....yeah it is difficult, you can't assume everyone is 18 to 30 years old and completely computer literate, there are people out there who have enough trouble getting around windows period without worrying about having to going into game options and binding keys.Slimmin360
if they're used to console games then they're used to pushing the start button and going to settings. all console games i can think of have this. it's absolutely no different from what you do with pc games.
I'm not talking about myself , i'm talking about your average gamer, especially those used to gaming on consoles, that was the point being made, anyone making the switch to PC gaming would not know right away how to do or where to go to do those configurations.....and that in itself is yet another thing any gamer should not have to be bothered with. You should just put the game on and be able to play,...and on a console it's that simple.[QUOTE="Slimmin360"][QUOTE="Vaasman"]There's quite a difference between being computer illiterate and being computer utterly-braindead. If you don't know by now that you can adjust the control settings in the options menu, then just give up on all forms of gaming, forever.
if they're used to console games then they're used to pushing the start button and going to settings. all console games i can think of have this. it's absolutely no different from what you do with pc games.
Expect we get more options to play with. Everytime I start a game, I hit up the options menu to rebind my keys, crank the graphics up to max and turn on subtitles.[QUOTE="AMD655"][QUOTE="Slimmin360"] Fine battlefield 4 on PS4 will be 60fps, and online play will have every bit the amount of players as PC.Slimmin360
Nope, it is confirmed 60fps/720p.
Enjoy your low res gaming.
So you think this news is unusual for first release new console launch titles,,,game and framerate performance always improves the longer the dev's have the dev kits,, and a few months into the Xbox-One and PS4's life cycle and there won't be and difference between the console and PC versions of a multiplat games.Yet another load of BS lol.
A 7850 in a PC can't handle BF3 on Ultra at 1080p with playable FPS, so what you going to do on a locked down console??
BF3 is also heavily CPU heavy on some maps such as B2K ones.
Good luck pal.
So you think this news is unusual for first release new console launch titles,,,game and framerate performance always improves the longer the dev's have the dev kits,, and a few months into the Xbox-One and PS4's life cycle and there won't be and difference between the console and PC versions of a multiplat games.[QUOTE="Slimmin360"][QUOTE="AMD655"]
Nope, it is confirmed 60fps/720p.
Enjoy your low res gaming.
Yet another load of BS lol.
A 7850 in a PC can't handle BF3 on Ultra at 1080p with playable FPS, so what you going to do on a locked down console??
BF3 is also heavily CPU heavy on some maps such as B2K ones.
Good luck pal.
Let's cut the crap and make it as simple as can be for you PC fanboys...okay ya' we go... Find me a PC for $400 that can out perform the PS4.[QUOTE="AMD655"][QUOTE="Slimmin360"] So you think this news is unusual for first release new console launch titles,,,game and framerate performance always improves the longer the dev's have the dev kits,, and a few months into the Xbox-One and PS4's life cycle and there won't be and difference between the console and PC versions of a multiplat games.Slimmin360
Yet another load of BS lol.
A 7850 in a PC can't handle BF3 on Ultra at 1080p with playable FPS, so what you going to do on a locked down console??
BF3 is also heavily CPU heavy on some maps such as B2K ones.
Good luck pal.
Let's cut the crap and make it as simple as can be for your PC fanboys...okay ya' we go... Find me a PC for $400 that can out perform the PS4. Have fun playing that PS4 without a TV.[QUOTE="AMD655"]
[QUOTE="Slimmin360"] So you think this news is unusual for first release new console launch titles,,,game and framerate performance always improves the longer the dev's have the dev kits,, and a few months into the Xbox-One and PS4's life cycle and there won't be and difference between the console and PC versions of a multiplat games.Slimmin360
Yet another load of BS lol.
A 7850 in a PC can't handle BF3 on Ultra at 1080p with playable FPS, so what you going to do on a locked down console??
BF3 is also heavily CPU heavy on some maps such as B2K ones.
Good luck pal.
Let's cut the crap and make it as simple as can be for you PC fanboys...okay ya' we go... Find me a PC for $400 that can out perform the PS4.Â
LOL, buys a PS4 for 400 doll hairs, forgets to buy games/internets and TV..
The IQ is not strong with this one.
[QUOTE="Slimmin360"] So you think this news is unusual for first release new console launch titles,,,game and framerate performance always improves the longer the dev's have the dev kits,, and a few months into the Xbox-One and PS4's life cycle and there won't be and difference between the console and PC versions of a multiplat games.Slimmin360
Yet another load of BS lol.
A 7850 in a PC can't handle BF3 on Ultra at 1080p with playable FPS, so what you going to do on a locked down console??
BF3 is also heavily CPU heavy on some maps such as B2K ones.
Good luck pal.
Let's cut the crap and make it as simple as can be for you PC fanboys...okay ya' we go... Find me a PC for $400 that can out perform the PS4.find me a PS4 that lets me skype, browse the web and play a game at the same time.
Let's cut the crap and make it as simple as can be for you PC fanboys...okay ya' we go... Find me a PC for $400 that can out perform the PS4.[QUOTE="Slimmin360"]
Yet another load of BS lol.
A 7850 in a PC can't handle BF3 on Ultra at 1080p with playable FPS, so what you going to do on a locked down console??
BF3 is also heavily CPU heavy on some maps such as B2K ones.
Good luck pal.
LOL, buys a PS4 for 400 doll hairs, forgets to buy games/internets and TV..
The IQ is not strong with this one.
I already have my 50-inch Plasma TV, my internet, my Playstation Plus, and my PS4 and two games are bought and paid for, so i'm not missing anything. Had my TV, Internet and PS-Plus for years, just had to pay for my PS4 and games this year..... So again i ask you go and try to buy a $400 PC that can out perform a PS4.......and don't try to change the subject this avoid the question you can't answer.I for one am impressed that the OP managed to piss off so many hermits. 3SidedSquareWhen your gaming platform of choice is constantly in last place like the PC, it's not hard to aggravate the hermits.
[QUOTE="AMD655"][QUOTE="Slimmin360"] Let's cut the crap and make it as simple as can be for you PC fanboys...okay ya' we go... Find me a PC for $400 that can out perform the PS4.
LOL, buys a PS4 for 400 doll hairs, forgets to buy games/internets and TV..
The IQ is not strong with this one.
I already have my 50-inch Plasma TV, my internet, my Playstation Plus, and my PS4 and two games are bought and paid for, so i'm not missing anything. Had my TV, Internet and PS-Plus for years, just had to pay for my PS4 and games this year..... So again i ask you go and try to buy a $400 PC that can out perform a PS4.......and don't try to change the subject this avoid the question you can't answer. But I already have my PC thats already bought and paid for, that $400 will do me a nice new video card that will shit over the PS4.[QUOTE="3SidedSquare"]I for one am impressed that the OP managed to piss off so many hermits. Slimmin360When your gaming platform of choice is constantly in last place like the PC, it's not hard to aggravate the hermits.
you seem to have misspelled "first".
[QUOTE="3SidedSquare"]I for one am impressed that the OP managed to piss off so many hermits. Slimmin360When your gaming platform of choice is constantly in last place like the PC, it's not hard to aggravate the hermits.
LOL yeah right, the only thing the PC gets last place for is lowest price. :lol:
[QUOTE="lostrib"][QUOTE="clyde46"] Isn't it obvious? clyde46
it's been so long i can't remember :P hmm, maybe if we insult israel and zionism...
>Comes up with vague excuses to trash the PC >Claims not to see the difference between 720p and 1080p >Avoids questions Sure looks like ShadowMoses in here. LOL what a joke you hermits are....just man up and face facts already.....You've been defeated, beaten down, KO'ed, tossed aside like yesterdays garbage. All anyone cares about is console gaming, there are no media shows on TV or internet surrounding PC gaming it's all for consoles, magazines whether in print or online have more console variations than PC. No one goes to E3 to hear about PC systems or games, and no one cares. Gamestop, Best Buy and Target line the majority of there walls and shelves with console games, the stock in there stores is an 80 to 20 ratio in favor of console games. So please stop embarrassing yourselves and admit defeat already, so all little hermits can retreat quietly beaten into there caves and play there over priced, poorly controlled PC monstrosities in the seclusion of there own humiliating little hovels.When your gaming platform of choice is constantly in last place like the PC, it's not hard to aggravate the hermits.[QUOTE="Slimmin360"][QUOTE="3SidedSquare"]I for one am impressed that the OP managed to piss off so many hermits. menes777
LOL yeah right, the only thing the PC gets last place for is lowest price. :lol:
LOL lowest price on what planet? sure isn't this one...last time i checked a descent gaming rig was $900 plus.....before LED monitors and wireless keyboards and mouse, and upgrades....ha--ha your dreaming.[QUOTE="menes777"][QUOTE="Slimmin360"] When your gaming platform of choice is constantly in last place like the PC, it's not hard to aggravate the hermits.Slimmin360
LOL yeah right, the only thing the PC gets last place for is lowest price. :lol:
LOL lowest price on what planet? sure isn't this one...last time i checked a descent gaming rig was $900 plus.....before LED monitors and wireless keyboards and mouse, and upgrades....ha--ha your dreaming.learn to read
[QUOTE="menes777"][QUOTE="Slimmin360"] When your gaming platform of choice is constantly in last place like the PC, it's not hard to aggravate the hermits.Slimmin360
LOL yeah right, the only thing the PC gets last place for is lowest price. :lol:
LOL lowest price on what planet? sure isn't this one...last time i checked a descent gaming rig was $900 plus.....before LED monitors and wireless keyboards and mouse, and upgrades....ha--ha your dreaming. Controllers, extra mics, camera etc. I can play this game too you know ShadowMoses.[QUOTE="menes777"][QUOTE="Slimmin360"] When your gaming platform of choice is constantly in last place like the PC, it's not hard to aggravate the hermits.Slimmin360
LOL yeah right, the only thing the PC gets last place for is lowest price. :lol:
LOL lowest price on what planet? sure isn't this one...last time i checked a descent gaming rig was $900 plus.....before LED monitors and wireless keyboards and mouse, and upgrades....ha--ha your dreaming.I'm going to include a Movie theater with the price of PS4 now. 100,000 dollars just for PS4! What horrible pricing![QUOTE="clyde46"][QUOTE="lostrib"]>Comes up with vague excuses to trash the PC >Claims not to see the difference between 720p and 1080p >Avoids questions Sure looks like ShadowMoses in here. LOL what a joke you hermits are....just man up and face facts already.....You've been defeated, beaten down, KO'ed, tossed aside like yesterdays garbage. All anyone cares about is console gaming, there are no media shows on TV or internet surrounding PC gaming it's all for consoles, magazines whether in print or online have more console variations than PC. No one goes to E3 to hear about PC systems or games, and no one cares. Gamestop, Best Buy and Target line the majority of there walls and shelves with console games, the stock in there stores is an 80 to 20 ratio in favor of console games. So please stop embarrassing yourselves and admit defeat already, so all little hermits can retreat quietly beaten into there caves and play there over priced, poorly controlled PC monstrosities in the seclusion of there own humiliating little's been so long i can't remember :P hmm, maybe if we insult israel and zionism...
Also, buying retail :lol:
LOL lowest price on what planet? sure isn't this one...last time i checked a descent gaming rig was $900 plus.....before LED monitors and wireless keyboards and mouse, and upgrades....ha--ha your dreaming.[QUOTE="Slimmin360"][QUOTE="menes777"]
LOL yeah right, the only thing the PC gets last place for is lowest price. :lol:
learn to read
Point taken it's still in last place aside from price though.[QUOTE="clyde46"][QUOTE="lostrib"]>Comes up with vague excuses to trash the PC >Claims not to see the difference between 720p and 1080p >Avoids questions Sure looks like ShadowMoses in here. LOL what a joke you hermits are....just man up and face facts already.....You've been defeated, beaten down, KO'ed, tossed aside like yesterdays garbage. All anyone cares about is console gaming, there are no media shows on TV or internet surrounding PC gaming it's all for consoles, magazines whether in print or online have more console variations than PC. No one goes to E3 to hear about PC systems or games, and no one cares. Gamestop, Best Buy and Target line the majority of there walls and shelves with console games, the stock in there stores is an 80 to 20 ratio in favor of console games. So please stop embarrassing yourselves and admit defeat already, so all little hermits can retreat quietly beaten into there caves and play there over priced, poorly controlled PC monstrosities in the seclusion of there own humiliating little's been so long i can't remember :P hmm, maybe if we insult israel and zionism...
ever hear of something called digital distribution? did you know that last gen alone the pc had more high scoring exclusives than all three consoles combined? did you notice that even non-hermits (despite what you call them) are arguing against you?
[QUOTE="menes777"][QUOTE="Slimmin360"] When your gaming platform of choice is constantly in last place like the PC, it's not hard to aggravate the hermits.Slimmin360
LOL yeah right, the only thing the PC gets last place for is lowest price. :lol:
LOL lowest price on what planet? sure isn't this one...last time i checked a descent gaming rig was $900 plus.....before LED monitors and wireless keyboards and mouse, and upgrades....ha--ha your dreaming.LOL not very smart are you? Â I figured for a 44 year old reading comprehension wouldn't be a problem but it seems it is. Â Last place in lowest price means it's not lowest priced there ace. Â :lol:Â :lol:Â :lol:Â :lol:
[QUOTE="clyde46"][QUOTE="lostrib"]>Comes up with vague excuses to trash the PC >Claims not to see the difference between 720p and 1080p >Avoids questions Sure looks like ShadowMoses in here. LOL what a joke you hermits are....just man up and face facts already.....You've been defeated, beaten down, KO'ed, tossed aside like yesterdays garbage. All anyone cares about is console gaming, there are no media shows on TV or internet surrounding PC gaming it's all for consoles, magazines whether in print or online have more console variations than PC. No one goes to E3 to hear about PC systems or games, and no one cares. Gamestop, Best Buy and Target line the majority of there walls and shelves with console games, the stock in there stores is an 80 to 20 ratio in favor of console games. So please stop embarrassing yourselves and admit defeat already, so all little hermits can retreat quietly beaten into there caves and play there over priced, poorly controlled PC monstrosities in the seclusion of there own humiliating little's been so long i can't remember :P hmm, maybe if we insult israel and zionism...
LOL you must be a sad individual where the only time you get attention is by trolling. Â It's funny though how lack of advertising equals last place. Â :lol:
LOL what a joke you hermits are....just man up and face facts already.....You've been defeated, beaten down, KO'ed, tossed aside like yesterdays garbage. All anyone cares about is console gaming, there are no media shows on TV or internet surrounding PC gaming it's all for consoles, magazines whether in print or online have more console variations than PC. No one goes to E3 to hear about PC systems or games, and no one cares. Gamestop, Best Buy and Target line the majority of there walls and shelves with console games, the stock in there stores is an 80 to 20 ratio in favor of console games. So please stop embarrassing yourselves and admit defeat already, so all little hermits can retreat quietly beaten into there caves and play there over priced, poorly controlled PC monstrosities in the seclusion of there own humiliating little hovels.[QUOTE="Slimmin360"][QUOTE="clyde46"] >Comes up with vague excuses to trash the PC >Claims not to see the difference between 720p and 1080p >Avoids questions Sure looks like ShadowMoses in here. CaseyWegner
ever hear of something called digital distribution? did you know that last gen alone the pc had more high scoring exclusives than all three consoles combined? did you notice that even non-hermits (despite what you call them) are arguing against you?
Oh we're going to count digital distribution too? Well then you better look up Xbox Live Arcade and PSN sales, which will also add to the PC humiliation as well.LOL what a joke you hermits are....just man up and face facts already.....You've been defeated, beaten down, KO'ed, tossed aside like yesterdays garbage. All anyone cares about is console gaming, there are no media shows on TV or internet surrounding PC gaming it's all for consoles, magazines whether in print or online have more console variations than PC. No one goes to E3 to hear about PC systems or games, and no one cares. Gamestop, Best Buy and Target line the majority of there walls and shelves with console games, the stock in there stores is an 80 to 20 ratio in favor of console games. So please stop embarrassing yourselves and admit defeat already, so all little hermits can retreat quietly beaten into there caves and play there over priced, poorly controlled PC monstrosities in the seclusion of there own humiliating little hovels.[QUOTE="Slimmin360"][QUOTE="clyde46"] >Comes up with vague excuses to trash the PC >Claims not to see the difference between 720p and 1080p >Avoids questions Sure looks like ShadowMoses in here. menes777
LOL you must be a sad individual where the only time you get attention is by trolling. Â It's funny though how lack of advertising equals last place. Â :lol:
LOL No the lack of sales and inventory demand in retail stores equals last place.LOL lowest price on what planet? sure isn't this one...last time i checked a descent gaming rig was $900 plus.....before LED monitors and wireless keyboards and mouse, and upgrades....ha--ha your dreaming.[QUOTE="Slimmin360"][QUOTE="menes777"]
LOL yeah right, the only thing the PC gets last place for is lowest price. :lol:
LOL not very smart are you? Â I figured for a 44 year old reading comprehension wouldn't be a problem but it seems it is. Â Last place in lowest price means it's not lowest priced there ace. Â :lol:Â :lol:Â :lol:Â :lol:
Yes i already admitted i glanced over that too quickly earlier and it was pointed out to me, but as i just recently stated last place also equates to lack of sales and demand for inventory in all retail stores.[QUOTE="menes777"][QUOTE="Slimmin360"] LOL lowest price on what planet? sure isn't this one...last time i checked a descent gaming rig was $900 plus.....before LED monitors and wireless keyboards and mouse, and upgrades....ha--ha your dreaming.Slimmin360
LOL not very smart are you? Â I figured for a 44 year old reading comprehension wouldn't be a problem but it seems it is. Â Last place in lowest price means it's not lowest priced there ace. Â :lol:Â :lol:Â :lol:Â :lol:
Yes i already admitted i glanced over that too quickly earlier and it was pointed out to me, but as i just recently stated last place also equates to lack of sales and demand for inventory in all retail stores. Funny how PC gaming can be getting bigger every year when they have very little retail sales. Conclusion my dear Watson, Digital Download.Fine battlefield 4 on PS4 will be 60fps, and online play will have every bit the amount of players as PC.[QUOTE="Slimmin360"][QUOTE="AMD655"]
Oh lord...
You deserve a real face shatteringly hard slap for that.
Comparing COD to BF.
You are a disgrace.
Nope, it is confirmed 60fps/720p.
Enjoy your low res gaming.
1080p 60FPS..:lol:
[QUOTE="Slimmin360"] Fine battlefield 4 on PS4 will be 60fps, and online play will have every bit the amount of players as PC.tormentos
Nope, it is confirmed 60fps/720p.
Enjoy your low res gaming.
1080p 60FPS..:lol:
that's not a confirmation
[QUOTE="CaseyWegner"][QUOTE="Slimmin360"] LOL what a joke you hermits are....just man up and face facts already.....You've been defeated, beaten down, KO'ed, tossed aside like yesterdays garbage. All anyone cares about is console gaming, there are no media shows on TV or internet surrounding PC gaming it's all for consoles, magazines whether in print or online have more console variations than PC. No one goes to E3 to hear about PC systems or games, and no one cares. Gamestop, Best Buy and Target line the majority of there walls and shelves with console games, the stock in there stores is an 80 to 20 ratio in favor of console games. So please stop embarrassing yourselves and admit defeat already, so all little hermits can retreat quietly beaten into there caves and play there over priced, poorly controlled PC monstrosities in the seclusion of there own humiliating little hovels.Slimmin360
ever hear of something called digital distribution? did you know that last gen alone the pc had more high scoring exclusives than all three consoles combined? did you notice that even non-hermits (despite what you call them) are arguing against you?
Oh we're going to count digital distribution too? Well then you better look up Xbox Live Arcade and PSN sales, which will also add to the PC humiliation as well.why wouldn't we count digital distribution. way to ignore everything else i said, btw. :|
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