Not sure what you are getting at, 8xMSAA is playable also at stock, i could even prove that right now with the game modded...
I wrote 4xMSAA because you stated the game would be in single digits with a GTX 480 with MSAA.
You are fully wrong in what you said, now just accept it.
All depends what you call playable. What do you want me to accept? I said you needed a 7870 to max crysis out at 720p. You having lower standards than me isn't the same as me being wrongÂ
Which is a blatant lie^
A 7770 can max Crysis at that res.
"You only get 50 fps in the menus
40 fps when aiming at someone, can't imagine what happens with explosions in a firefight.
Besides your crysis looks like crap"
"These are average framerates, add the extra 4xAA (which would max it out..) and it slaughters the card in a firefight
And the 7870 xt isn't that much faster than the gtx 480 especially at stock."
"if the min fps goes into single digit framerates, then that's not really running it is it ocn member or not, you don't know what you're talking about"
When you use the build in fps meter you will see what I mean
You will see single digit framerates and it will hiccup and lag.
If the gtx 480 doesn't (at stock) then it must simply run the game better than my 7870 xt (at stock),
which would make your initial comment on my post kinda weird
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