The title implies that Diablo III is better than Diablo II . Which just isn't the case , right?
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Sad thing is... There are no mobs in the game that look like that. Even that level section isn't even in the game. Bliz pulled a bait and switch. They gave us a water down broken POS. Already quit the game. Just as all my friends have. No point to play something so boring and you can't even farm it because they remove all the spots. It's all about the AH.Oh yes this is the best game ever.. yay looks so much fun :roll:
you sure this isnt a PS1 game?
[QUOTE="inb4uall"]It means very little when a game like Deus Ex got a 8.2 here and it´s not only considered one of the best games of all time but often seen at the top of many lists everywhere,same with Diablo 2 that got a 8.5 here,and yet,look at the difference that made,both of those also won countless industry awards,so the GS score means nothing really lol. so yeah, its a good game, but not the greatest game ever by a long shotlol an 8.5 greatest game ever? lolno just no.
It means very little when a game like Deus Ex got a 8.2 here and it´s not only considered one of the best games of all time but often seen at the top of many lists everywhere,same with Diablo 2 that got a 8.5 here,and yet,look at the difference that made,both of those also won countless industry awards,so the GS score means nothing really lol. so yeah, its a good game, but not the greatest game ever by a long shot Never said it was,but certainly it´s a lot better than some say it is,great game.[QUOTE="Arach666"][QUOTE="inb4uall"]
lol an 8.5 greatest game ever? lolno just no.
[QUOTE="finalstar2007"]Sad thing is... There are no mobs in the game that look like that. Even that level section isn't even in the game. Bliz pulled a bait and switch. They gave us a water down broken POS. Already quit the game. Just as all my friends have. No point to play something so boring and you can't even farm it because they remove all the spots. It's all about the AH.That level IS in the game. That's right after you fight that spider boss and untangle the chick from the web. Foo.Oh yes this is the best game ever.. yay looks so much fun :roll:
you sure this isnt a PS1 game?
That level IS in the game. That's right after you fight that spider boss and untangle the chick from the web. Foo.NAPK1NSElements of the level are in the game... Not "that" level. Just as they showed crypt back in the day with a siege breaker shadowing you. Not in the game. Showed the epic siege breaker fight.... Not in the game. Game is a joke.
[QUOTE="Truth_Hurts_U"][QUOTE="finalstar2007"]Sad thing is... There are no mobs in the game that look like that. Even that level section isn't even in the game. Bliz pulled a bait and switch. They gave us a water down broken POS. Those enemies are not tho, after that section it was nothing but goatmen and bugs, bull guys. Already quit the game. Just as all my friends have. No point to play something so boring and you can't even farm it because they remove all the spots. It's all about the AH.That level IS in the game. That's right after you fight that spider boss and untangle the chick from the web. Foo.Oh yes this is the best game ever.. yay looks so much fun :roll:
you sure this isnt a PS1 game?
That's a good point FF Once again. You set my brain straight[QUOTE="Animal-Mother"][QUOTE="freedomfreak"] Is it on ps3?finalstar2007
Yes because i only play and purchase games only if their on PlayStation :roll:...Even if it were on PS3 i wouldnt bother with it
Besides i stopped playing PS1 games few years ago :cool:
But you never actually answered my question :| Also who gives a flyin rats ass if you stopped playing PS1 games. That's shallow bro. Especially if your concern is graphics :lol:Game was really good then got really boring really quickly. I laugh at people who told me not to judge from beta. This game isn't in the same realm as D2 for re playability and fun. Game play D3 >>> D2 Everything else D2 >>>>>>>>>>>D3Human-after-allExactly. Loot system is terrible. I farmed almost all my own loot in D2 and had a decent character that solo cleared hell 8 player Baal. Now in D3 you get in inferno and there is nothing to do but buy items off AH (whether it's gold or real money). This a loot based dungeon crawler and somewhere in development Blizzard forgot about the part where you crawl through dungeons, kill things and collect awesome loot....
Sounds like someone never played the previous Diablo games.... Dablo III is a disgrace to the franchise. Still fun though.dracolich55
I played the first two games religiously back in the day. I don't view the streamlining of skills and stats as a flaw like some fans do. The new system is more convenient than in D2's. It's a natural evolution from the old character progression. In Diablo 2 most people would use the same character builds anyways.
Considering I actually like the lore and the storytelling of the other two games I expected more of the same. Everything was presented in a well thought out setting that tied up most of the loose ends for Diablo and Diablo 2.
What I got in Diablo 3 was Scooby Doo villians and a game with more holes in the plot then swiss-cheese. Ignoring Maghda, there was the issue of Diablo never shutting up when it goes against his character, Belial being a terrible liar despite being the lord of lies, and Azmodan being a terrible commander by telling the player his moves despite being the most cunning tactician of the burning hells.
In terms of the plot why did they spend half of Act 2 establishing Kulle as an immortal who cannot be killed when we kill him 10 minutes after bringing him back to life..? Or how about the fact that Act 2 + 3 focus on getting all of the evils into a soulstone that you can destroy when that obviously didn't work in Diablo 2? Why have such a minor character kill Cain when the same thing could have been done by Belial in Act 2 before you find him? It would have accomplished the same thing of getting rid of Cain so Adria could do her plan without basically throwing an important character to the way-side for no good reason.
add me too master Raskullibur#1610My Blizz ID is MasterShake#1132
If anybody wants to bro-op with the master let him know.
Exactly. Loot system is terrible. I farmed almost all my own loot in D2 and had a decent character that solo cleared hell 8 player Baal. Now in D3 you get in inferno and there is nothing to do but buy items off AH (whether it's gold or real money). This a loot based dungeon crawler and somewhere in development Blizzard forgot about the part where you crawl through dungeons, kill things and collect awesome loot.... I agree but thats changing in 1.0.3.[QUOTE="Human-after-all"]Game was really good then got really boring really quickly. I laugh at people who told me not to judge from beta. This game isn't in the same realm as D2 for re playability and fun. Game play D3 >>> D2 Everything else D2 >>>>>>>>>>>D3juno84
[QUOTE="NAPK1NS"]That level IS in the game. That's right after you fight that spider boss and untangle the chick from the web. Foo.Truth_Hurts_UElements of the level are in the game... Not "that" level. Just as they showed crypt back in the day with a siege breaker shadowing you. Not in the game. Showed the epic siege breaker fight.... Not in the game. Game is a joke.
So what? You do know that this happens in pretty much every game right? Yeah I was a little sad the place in the dungeon with the water pooling over at all sides and tons of mobs climbing up over...this part...
You have to understand that not every part makes the cut. They have plenty of awesome areas and events. As Napk1ns said, the game is not perfect, but it does so much right and is so addicting. Diablo II has its points that it is better with, but overall DIII is the better game, refining many elements and evolving gameplay to the best in iso ARPG's.
Elements of the level are in the game... Not "that" level. Just as they showed crypt back in the day with a siege breaker shadowing you. Not in the game. Showed the epic siege breaker fight.... Not in the game. Game is a joke.[QUOTE="Truth_Hurts_U"][QUOTE="NAPK1NS"]That level IS in the game. That's right after you fight that spider boss and untangle the chick from the web. Foo.NaveedLife
So what? You do know that this happens in pretty much every game right? Yeah I was a little sad the place in the dungeon with the water pooling over at all sides and tons of mobs climbing up over...this part...
You have to understand that not every part makes the cut. They have plenty of awesome areas and events. As Napk1ns said, the game is not perfect, but it does so much right and is so addicting. Diablo II has its points that it is better with, but overall DIII is the better game, refining many elements and evolving gameplay to the best in iso ARPG's.
The problem is that D3 promo video looks better than anything that's in the game right now.. seriously, that's just lol.Didn't make the cut because they are fat and lazy. Just the truth. Game is a cut and paste bore fest. All they cried about was takes to much time... Yet it took them freaken forever to make the game we have now.... Joke. Any dev out there can do it with less time... They didn't show me anything I havent seen in other games of what they released. They didn't even finish the classes... That's how freaken lazy they are. There to busy nerfing XP and loot farming to give a crap about how sad the game is.So what? You do know that this happens in pretty much every game right? Yeah I was a little sad the place in the dungeon with the water pooling over at all sides and tons of mobs climbing up over...this part...
You have to understand that not every part makes the cut. They have plenty of awesome areas and events. As Napk1ns said, the game is not perfect, but it does so much right and is so addicting. Diablo II has its points that it is better with, but overall DIII is the better game, refining many elements and evolving gameplay to the best in iso ARPG's.
[QUOTE="NaveedLife"]Didn't make the cut because they are fat and lazy. Just the truth. Game is a cut and paste bore fest. All they cried about was takes to much time... Yet it took them freaken forever to make the game we have now.... Joke. Any dev out there can do it with less time... They didn't show me anything I havent seen in other games of what they released. They didn't even finish the classes... That's how freaken lazy they are. There to busy nerfing XP and loot farming to give a crap about how sad the game is. We are still beta testing man, that's what people don't realize. D3 really releases in 2014.So what? You do know that this happens in pretty much every game right? Yeah I was a little sad the place in the dungeon with the water pooling over at all sides and tons of mobs climbing up over...this part...
You have to understand that not every part makes the cut. They have plenty of awesome areas and events. As Napk1ns said, the game is not perfect, but it does so much right and is so addicting. Diablo II has its points that it is better with, but overall DIII is the better game, refining many elements and evolving gameplay to the best in iso ARPG's.
So what you are saying is only graphics matter right? The game is really fun. I have put almost 60 hours into it. Aside from that, yeah the graphics are not top-notch, but they are not bad at all either. It is obvious that this is either not your type of game or that you prize visuals over gameplay, which this game has tons of. Strange thing is, for the PS1 graphics you speak of it uses over 500MB of my VRAM at all times. There are parts of the game that look beautiful and parts that are just average. Anyhow, you have already made your mind up about the game. I know you can tell alot about the game by looking at 1 crappy screenshot right?Oh yes this is the best game ever.. yay looks so much fun :roll:
you sure this isnt a PS1 game?
[QUOTE="finalstar2007"]So what you are saying is only graphics matter right? The game is really fun. I have put almost 60 hours into it. Aside from that, yeah the graphics are not top-notch, but they are not bad at all either. It is obvious that this is either not your type of game or that you prize visuals over gameplay, which this game has tons of. Strange thing is, for the PS1 graphics you speak of it uses over 500MB of my VRAM at all times. There are parts of the game that look beautiful and parts that are just average. Anyhow, you have already made your mind up about the game. I know you can tell alot about the game by looking at 1 crappy screenshot right? Honestly I'm passed the graphics being less than impressive at this point, but if he would have said the game was Akin to a ps2 game, I wouldn't disagree.Oh yes this is the best game ever.. yay looks so much fun :roll:
you sure this isnt a PS1 game?
Akin to a PS2 game? That's fvcking ridiculous. Just proves how much SW loves hyperbole.
Seriously. It's not a graphical masterpiece, but it's certainly not Ps2.
I feels more like Xbox graphics I would say, but with the potential to run at 60 FPS.Akin to a PS2 game? That's fvcking ridiculous. Just proves how much SW loves hyperbole.
Seriously. It's not a graphical masterpiece, but it's certainly not Ps2.
alright prove me wrong.Akin to a PS2 game? That's fvcking ridiculous. Just proves how much SW loves hyperbole.
Seriously. It's not a graphical masterpiece, but it's certainly not Ps2.
Not another Master_ShakeXXX thread...themajormayorHell, I'd rather have an ispeakfact thread than another one of Shakes Flavor of the Week threads.
Look at the best looking Xbox games, and the best looking PS2 games. Compare them to Diablo 3 and you'll see.
Halo 2 for example, looks terrible compared to Diablo 3
SoTC is an jaggy mess compared to Diablo 3
It really wears on you if you didn't realize before when you get your 3rd character into inferno. The games really lacking in content.Diablo III best game ever made? Not by a long shot, its not even in my top 100 :P
I'm still playing the game trough, but it gets boring really fast. I'm currently in act 2 and I can barely get myself to play any further
SOTC on pc looks worlds better than d3 breh. Yes I said pc because you can upscale the res just like d3's. We gotta play fair here breh breh.Look at the best looking Xbox games, and the best looking PS2 games. Compare them to Diablo 3 and you'll see.
Halo 2 for example, looks terrible compared to Diablo 3
SoTC is an jaggy mess compared to Diablo 3
Diablo III sucks.
Damn that's some quality gameplay right there. This is not to mention getting hacked and then being blamed by Blizzard, only being able to play a single player game on their time-table, and a game that is designed with a major focus to coerce players as much as possible to use the RMAH when in higher difficulties. Hell, at higher difficulties the game is borderline broken. Diablo III is one of the worst PC releases in years.
[QUOTE="Ross_the_Boss6"][QUOTE="FPSfan1985"] I am a DH, and inferno is anything but easy. Easy if you have a Monk to tank for you, but solo everything will one shot you. And you will die 20 times to one elite pack.FPSfan1985
It sounds like either you suck or your build sucks. You have a solid DPS, you should be able to solo the game just fine with a DH...
You sound like someone who hasn't spent much time in act 3 or 4 inferno. No one solos these acts just fine. They all die and die alot.okey dokey. Have fun.:)
I wouldn't exactly call it carebearing. If you are a class getting one shot in solo now, you'll still get one shot. I play both DH and monk and co-op is an entirely different experience on each class. On my DH, I still die in one hit, mobs have more HP, but provided I'm playing with another ranged class, the added HP makes no difference. Now playing on my monk, a friend joins my game and now mobs take longer to kill and I can no longer tank any hits. I don't know what options they had other than deleting melee classes.120 hours into it, I agree that its great, but not the greatest ever. It kind of bums me out that they are going to carebear it up and make inferno easier.
[QUOTE="NaveedLife"]Didn't make the cut because they are fat and lazy. Just the truth. Game is a cut and paste bore fest. All they cried about was takes to much time... Yet it took them freaken forever to make the game we have now.... Joke. Any dev out there can do it with less time... They didn't show me anything I havent seen in other games of what they released. They didn't even finish the classes... That's how freaken lazy they are. There to busy nerfing XP and loot farming to give a crap about how sad the game is.So what? You do know that this happens in pretty much every game right? Yeah I was a little sad the place in the dungeon with the water pooling over at all sides and tons of mobs climbing up over...this part...
You have to understand that not every part makes the cut. They have plenty of awesome areas and events. As Napk1ns said, the game is not perfect, but it does so much right and is so addicting. Diablo II has its points that it is better with, but overall DIII is the better game, refining many elements and evolving gameplay to the best in iso ARPG's.
The game is the best iso ARPG I have ever played. Others like Torchlight 2, have less classes, less acts, worse graphics, and to be quite straight forward, are less revolutionary.
How are they nerfing XP and loot farming? THey are making the looting system better and are not changing anything about XP, which is already rather easy to max your char (as intended), if you play enough.
I'd try it out if there were a demo. I don't know if therre is or not .
But, definitely apprehesive about plunking down the cash for it when the only people I see hyping the game are hardcore hermits, who tend to hype some pretty mediocre games, and yourself, as your gaming tastes tend to run at odds with my own.
Naveed, consider that Torchlight 2 is $20 (or $15 in the 4 pack) and that it has 3 acts and 4 player co-op.
It seems like a decent competitor to Diablo 3 if you ask me. I'm definitely going to pick it up.
The fact that the first act of the game is said to be bigger than the WHOLE of the first Torchlight seems pretty good if you ask me
I'd try it out if there were a demo. I don't know if therre is or not .
But, definitely apprehesive about plunking down the cash for it when the only people I see hyping the game are hardcore hermits, who tend to hype some pretty mediocre games, and yourself, as your gaming tastes tend to run at odds with my own.
Me, 5 friends, a random equantience at work, other random people who are friends of my brother, and more all love the game...I don't think half of them are hardcore hermits.
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