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Wonder what game it will be next week, stay tuned.SaltyMeatballs
Hey guys! Ocarina of Time is the greatest game ever made!
Ever played Titan Quest? There's 9 classes and you choose two of them every playthrough. Takes a while to beat the game, and plenty of awesome bosses. Also looks about as good as Diablo 3 which is sad considering it came out 5 years ago or so.The game is the best iso ARPG I have ever played. Others like Torchlight 2, have less classes, less acts, worse graphics, and to be quite straight forward, are less revolutionary.
How are they nerfing XP and loot farming? THey are making the looting system better and are not changing anything about XP, which is already rather easy to max your char (as intended), if you play enough.
Ever played Titan Quest? There's 9 classes and you choose two of them every playthrough. Takes a while to beat the game, and plenty of awesome bosses. Also looks about as good as Diablo 3 which is sad considering it came out 5 years ago or so.[QUOTE="NaveedLife"]
The game is the best iso ARPG I have ever played. Others like Torchlight 2, have less classes, less acts, worse graphics, and to be quite straight forward, are less revolutionary.
How are they nerfing XP and loot farming? THey are making the looting system better and are not changing anything about XP, which is already rather easy to max your char (as intended), if you play enough.
Played it for a little bit and it felt wrong, looked pretty bad (nowhere near as good as DIII, though maybe not far off technically), and just...wrong. Nothing matched Diablo II for me. Then I played Torchlight and it was the closest thing, though SP and not as good in ways. Path of Exile is also a great contender, but lacks severely in aspects. DIII once again impresses me the most. If I ever play another (by ever I mean within the near future) it would probably be Grim Dawn. GD looks way better than TQ.
I recently played TQ through with the expansion that included hades with an oracle and it looks better than D3. especially from a pure technical perspective.
That game had the best "After Life" world ever, it was really well done.
A major Pro was that It didn't look like a copy and paste of the protoss tech :P
I should play it again... Just sucks I lost my save game data over the years. Game is epic.I recently played TQ through with the expansion that included hades with an oracle and it looks better than D3. especially from a pure technical perspective.
That game had the best "After Life" level ever, it was really well done.
just for **** and giggles some screens from TQ.
Was a **** finding screens that were of any quality, blizzard must of went through google to protect D3's integrity.
Game actually looks much better than d3.
If any of you haven't played TQ really you should pick it up it's extremely cheap now and alot of great fun. Still has a strong community even.
Who the hell is Batman?
You're going to get flamed by a bunch of contrarians in here. Blizzard is a magnet for contrarians, because they're the undisputed best game developers in the business, and it's cool to hate the top.
I think Titan Quest just looks awful in pictures but great in motion. I agree that it looks pretty good, but every picture I've taken of it looks like crap.just for **** and giggles some screens from TQ.
Was a **** finding screens that were of any quality, blizzard must of went through google to protect D3's integrity.
Game actually looks much better than d3.
If any of you haven't played TQ really you should pick it up it's extremely cheap now and alot of great fun. Still has a strong community even.
I think Titan Quest just looks awful in pictures but great in motion. I agree that it looks pretty good, but every picture I've taken of it looks like crap. Yeah I can't find any screens that look nearly as good as I remember playing it a year ago. in motion it's a beast.[QUOTE="ReadingRainbow4"]
just for **** and giggles some screens from TQ.
Was a **** finding screens that were of any quality, blizzard must of went through google to protect D3's integrity.
Game actually looks much better than d3.
If any of you haven't played TQ really you should pick it up it's extremely cheap now and alot of great fun. Still has a strong community even.
First off those inferno first kills all used the skip mission bug, they didn't actually clear all the chapters. Second I'm talking about your average gamer here. How many WD or barbs do you know that have cleared act 3 or 4, or even killed a boss with 5 stacks? SS is still completely overpowered, even more so if you have a 48+ disc pool. Even then you get your ass handed to you in the higher acts. Any class can death walk/skip chapters there way through inferno. I'm talking about actually killing elite packs on your way. Right now the only class that can do this is DH, and maybe Wizards if they are super geared.[QUOTE="FPSfan1985"][QUOTE="SRTtoZ"]
You're making stuff up. Ive seen Barbs, DH's, Wizards (first to clear inferno btw) and Witch doctors clear inferno. The only class I havent seen beat Diablo in inferno is a monk but ive already said they need a buff. Please stop making stuff up, plus SS got nerfed big time. It went from 3 seconds to 1.5 seconds which makes it much more accurate IMO.
Thats your problem. Inferno isnt supposed to be easily cleared by your 'average gamer'. This is end game content! Its like saying the average gamer should be able to clear Deathwing content within the first few weeks, its not supposed to be that way. You're supposed to farm and grind (or pay your way) to inferno gear over weeks/months. I admit that I dont play a barb or WD but I group up with people all the time in Acts 3/4 in inferno and run across barbs, wizzies and WD's all the time. This game is far from perfect and it needs tweaking no doubt, but saying inferno is impossible for anyone but DH's is a straight up lie.
Once you learn to stutter step quickly during your shot cycle time and get a fair amount of runspeed (and IAS), DH can blast through quite a bit. There is certainly challenge in not getting hit, but between immunities, DH mobility, and DH damage, people do it every day. I've been plowing along right through A3 in mediocre gear and barely knowing the class. It certainly takes more skill than a monk, but monks mechanics don't allow much room for evasive play. If you are playing a melee, you will get hit, you will have terrible DPS, and you will spend millions of gold more than a DH needs to to progress.
Skill aside, your difficulty in Act 3 and 4 shouldn't really change for DH. If you are a glass canon (like 99% of DHs are) then you won't notice any difference. You'll still get one shot in 1 player, 2 player, 3 player, and 4. If anything, it's going to be HARDER for the DH after the patch due to IAS nerf and its potential to crap all over DH dps and mobility. So melee will have a better time in co-op, players can actually get the gear needed to complete act 2 in act 2, and every class will probably suck more due to IAS nerfs. Everyone wins, right?
[QUOTE="FPSfan1985"] First off those inferno first kills all used the skip mission bug, they didn't actually clear all the chapters. Second I'm talking about your average gamer here. How many WD or barbs do you know that have cleared act 3 or 4, or even killed a boss with 5 stacks? SS is still completely overpowered, even more so if you have a 48+ disc pool. Even then you get your ass handed to you in the higher acts. Any class can death walk/skip chapters there way through inferno. I'm talking about actually killing elite packs on your way. Right now the only class that can do this is DH, and maybe Wizards if they are super geared.juno84
Thats your problem. Inferno isnt supposed to be easily cleared by your 'average gamer'. This is end game content! Its like saying the average gamer should be able to clear Deathwing content within the first few weeks, its not supposed to be that way. You're supposed to farm and grind (or pay your way) to inferno gear over weeks/months. I admit that I dont play a barb or WD but I group up with people all the time in Acts 3/4 in inferno and run across barbs, wizzies and WD's all the time. This game is far from perfect and it needs tweaking no doubt, but saying inferno is impossible for anyone but DH's is a straight up lie.
Once you learn to stutter step quickly during your shot cycle time and get a fair amount of runspeed (and IAS), DH can blast through quite a bit. There is certainly challenge in not getting hit, but between immunities, DH mobility, and DH damage, people do it every day. I've been plowing along right through A3 in mediocre gear and barely knowing the class. It certainly takes more skill than a monk, but monks mechanics don't allow much room for evasive play. If you are playing a melee, you will get hit, you will have terrible DPS, and you will spend millions of gold more than a DH needs to to progress.
Skill aside, your difficulty in Act 3 and 4 shouldn't really change for DH. If you are a glass canon (like 99% of DHs are) then you won't notice any difference. You'll still get one shot in 1 player, 2 player, 3 player, and 4. If anything, it's going to be HARDER for the DH after the patch due to IAS nerf and its potential to crap all over DH dps and mobility. So melee will have a better time in co-op, players can actually get the gear needed to complete act 2 in act 2, and every class will probably suck more due to IAS nerfs. Everyone wins, right?
Crit hit dmg is already better than ias anyway so I don't think it will be that big a deal. The issue with Act 3 and 4 is all the ranged mobs. I get one shot by bow man and when there is a group of 10 of them dodging becomes quite difficult. Monks are already great in groups if they build super tanky. The dude I farm with has 60k health and 900 resist to all. He can't kill crap but thats why I'm there. This game just isn't fun on inferno if you play solo, it's extremely hard, but in a cheesy way.I am loving the game too!! Was a big fan of Diablo1 back on PS1 and Diablo 2 (along with baldurs gate) got my to go back to PC gaming , and I stayed a die hard PC only gamer all last gen because of D2... D3 is incredible too. I will be playing for a long long time!!! How did your account get hacked. I don't get how these people do this, or why. Did you use the auction house alot, I have only played multiplayer once in my 60+ hours and haven't used the auction house yet.I am loving the hell out of it.
I am in Act II of Nightmare mode now.
This is the first game in I don't know how long that I actually enjoy playing through a second time. I know I will enjoy Inferno and Hell mode as well.
I just find it incredibly addictive.
While it is a great game, it is a bit laggy sometimes.
Also, I certainly did NOT enjoy having my account hacked and all of my items and gold stolen when I was a level 25 in normal mode.
Blizzard needs to get their sh!t together and secure their servers. People are getting hacked left and right in this game.
Diablo 3 tries to present a hardcore experience, but it fails to understand the definition of difficulty. (PS: bigger numbers =/= harder) Games such as Severance: BoD, Demon's Souls and Dark Souls have implemented difficulty much better. Diablo 3 is just faceroll until hitting a gear check, grind/buy gear, then resume facerolling until hitting a gear check.GhoX
Diablo 1/2 were exactly the same, its all about grinding for gear, dont compare them to DS/DAS, they are different games
Wonder what game it will be next week, stay tuned.SaltyMeatballsMy bet is "Sleeping Dogs is open world GOTY even if GT5 releases!!!" or "Darksiders 2 is action adventure GOTY, Assassins what?!?!?" or "Far Cry 3 wins the universe!!!"
[QUOTE="GhoX"]Diablo 3 tries to present a hardcore experience, but it fails to understand the definition of difficulty. (PS: bigger numbers =/= harder) Games such as Severance: BoD, Demon's Souls and Dark Souls have implemented difficulty much better. Diablo 3 is just faceroll until hitting a gear check, grind/buy gear, then resume facerolling until hitting a gear check.HaloinventedFPS
Diablo 1/2 were exactly the same, its all about grinding for gear, dont compare them to DS/DAS, they are different games
D1/2 are indeed all about grinding gear, but those games didn't even bother pretending to be difficult. D3 on the other hand is pretending to be the next big thing in terms of difficulty and challenge with the Inferno mode. Rather than bringing in innovation or interesting mechanics it brought in a lot of bigger numbers and gear checks. I'm not really surprised, since D3 was made by the WoW team.[QUOTE="Master_ShakeXXX"]
[QUOTE="Animal-Mother"] Do I NEED TO FACE PALM AGAIN SHAKE.worknow222
Alissa White-Gluz
[QUOTE="GhoX"]Diablo 3 tries to present a hardcore experience, but it fails to understand the definition of difficulty. (PS: bigger numbers =/= harder) Games such as Severance: BoD, Demon's Souls and Dark Souls have implemented difficulty much better. Diablo 3 is just faceroll until hitting a gear check, grind/buy gear, then resume facerolling until hitting a gear check.HaloinventedFPS
Diablo 1/2 were exactly the same, its all about grinding for gear, dont compare them to DS/DAS, they are different games
Diablo 1 was yes, but Diablo 2 had much deeper character customization options. I've level 60 wizard and tell me, what reasons do I have to roll a new wizard? None. In D2 I had level 99 sorceress, but I could still roll a new one and be completely different. I could choose to focus on ice, fire or lightning. I could choose to be a melee sorceress or support sorceress etc. There were plenty of choises that also changed how that character class plays. They simplified way too much with D3 and I don't see playing D3 for years to come.
[QUOTE="GhoX"]Diablo 3 tries to present a hardcore experience, but it fails to understand the definition of difficulty. (PS: bigger numbers =/= harder) Games such as Severance: BoD, Demon's Souls and Dark Souls have implemented difficulty much better. Diablo 3 is just faceroll until hitting a gear check, grind/buy gear, then resume facerolling until hitting a gear check.Icarian
Diablo 1/2 were exactly the same, its all about grinding for gear, dont compare them to DS/DAS, they are different games
Diablo 1 was yes, but Diablo 2 had much deeper character customization options. I've level 60 wizard and tell me, what reasons do I have to roll a new wizard? None. In D2 I had level 99 sorceress, but I could still roll a new one and be completely different. I could choose to focus on ice, fire or lightning. I could choose to be a melee sorceress or support sorceress etc. There were plenty of choises that also changed how that character class plays. They simplified way too much with D3 and I don't see playing D3 for years to come.
I haven't wanted to play it for a week now, I only do so because I have a friend who is an achievement whore. LmaoFar from it
I can at bring up at least 10 things about Diablo 3 that ticked me off.
Story: Diablo 3's story is one of the worst I have ever endured in gaming, the story was offensively bad with stupid characters, plenty of plot holes and extremely predictable and cheesy. Not to mention, Tyrael. Thankfully, Story isnt a big part of the Diablo series.
Combat: Combat is still crappier than what the isometric ARPG Nox had a dozen years ago.
ArtstyIe:While visually appealing, I don't feel that this artstyIe belongs in a Diablo game.
Runes and Skills: Very poorly balanced, especially the runes.
Pacing:Normal is insultingly easy, and as a result, just isnt fun. So that means a few hours until you can actually have fun.
Bosses:With the exception of Belial, none of the bosses were any fun to fight. They completely butchered the butcher.
Class balance (or the lack of it): There is a reason monks and especially barbs are complaining.Thankfully this might be fixed soon.
Service:Online is laggy and the fact that you are forced to be online makes matters only worse.
Lack of Permanency: All that seperates your char apart from the other is his/her name, gender, class, level and itemization.
The Killing Blow, the Itemization: To say that Diablo 3 has a bad loot system would be a compliment to it. The itemization in Diablo 3 is by far the worst system I have ever seen in a loot based game. Gone are the interesting items and bonuses for you to collect, gone is the sense of any form of customization via gear. Not to say there aren't plenty of affixes around, but only a few of them are actually worth it. Unless said item has the class stat, vit, resist all and resist X... don't bother. The gearing up and itemization in this game is so insultingly linear and so simplistic so that getting new gear just wasn't any fun. Seriously, there are shooters with more sophisticated loot systems than what Diablo 3 has.
Diablo 3 is a mediocre game, a terrible diablo game and a poor lootan game. It is addicting, but it isn't very fun to play. Path of Exile and Torchlight 2 are way better.
Man gamers are crazy these days. I don't see how any self proclaimed Diablo fan could be let down by this. D3 is as good as it's predecessors if not better. You guys are just making stuff up in your head due to some kind of misplaced need to defend the "honor" of the classics.
Greatest? Nah, but it's definitely a great game. Probably gonna be GOTY but knowing Gamespot they'll just give it to Max Payne 3 since they have a hard-on for Rockstar.
Who gives a **** about honor? Bottom line is it's not even the best RPG of the generation much less best game ever.Man gamers are crazy these days. I don't see how any self proclaimed Diablo fan could be let down by this. D3 is as good as it's predecessors if not better. You guys are just making stuff up in your head due to some kind of misplaced need to defend the "honor" of the classics.
Probably won't even be RPG of the year.
. Will you shut up alreadyOh yes this is the best game ever.. yay looks so much fun :roll:
you sure this isnt a PS1 game?
Last week it was batman now it's diablo
I was thinking the same thing. I wonder what it will be next week :lol:
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