Well its personal opinion to some degree? but ok I'l humour you :)
I'd like to add some of my own?
Really Slow movement speed - i get shocked on how ofte people miss on Halo, everyone moves so slow, even when jumping.....
What does this have to do with a game being shallow. Could be a function of the skill of the players you've encountered, the inherent level of inacuracy of analog sticks, or both.
No it could be that the default weapon is a simple case of aim at your apponent, hold it down and they have no way to dodge if your any ind of competant aimer....
Unless, of course, you're using this strategy against a skilled player, in which case you'll be five-shotted with the pistol or DMR before your spray-and-pray pays off.
No sprint - A simple mechanic like Lean, yet adds so much to the skill of shooters.
Sprint is in Reach. I don't think it necessarily adds skill, though. Sure, hitting a sprinting opponent is more difficult, but sprinting also makes it easier for losing players to escape times they'd otherwise be killed. The effect cancels out.
Now see thats just bad logic, there is as much skill in aiming at a fast moving target as there is evading death, sprint adds to both. Halo Reach has it yes, its about time.
Sorry, but there's nothing skillful about mashing the sprint button to avoid imminent death when you're taking fire.
No lean - same as above.
Kind of nitpicking. A game contoller only has a certain number buttons, and leaning isn't sufficiently important to justify wasting any of them.
Hence the words limited and shallow.... it does add alot, you clearly havnt played the earlier CoDs or MoHAA? something as simple as lean makes a shooter more immersive and realistic, since you know, in combat soldier dont run in the open, they camp corners and use cover correctly. console shooters have started substituting this with cover systems .... that go into 3rd person, which is an around the corner hack ... and is totally out of the games ****
I played MOHAA a ton. I don't remember using lean with any frequency at all. It's just not a consequential gameplay mechanic. If you want to argue that it adds complexity to games, I can't disagree, but it does so to same degree that a drop of rain adds water to the ocean.
No Prone - Same as above
Again, nitpicking. Prone wouldn't even make sense in the context of a Halo game, since your character is wearing thousands of pounds of armor. You'd also get murdered instantly by grenades due to your immobility.
The armour that allows him to moon jump, 1 hit people, have no recoil, jump on tanks and planes.... yet he cant prone? again your logic just seems like your looking for reasons based on very short straws to disagree with me... that one especially. and erm... proning vs grenades? doesnt stop proning being useful in any other shooters :S the fact that you even think it would in HAlo shows how way to accessable grenades are to the point where they break another mechanic?
I agree that pronation and emphasized grenade mechanics don't mix well. I prefer the grenade mechanics currently present in Halo, so I don't see how adding pronation to the formula would improve gameplay at all. You're arguing here that prone works well in other games, not that it would work well in Halo. Sure, Bungie could completely revamp their formula to make pronation a worthwhile mechanic, but they'd need to sacrifice some of the elements that distinguish Halo and make it great. The net change would be a negative.
Half-assed-mini-game-modes - the stupid mixture of mini games like king of the hill , oddball and domination, something so much more interesting could be made.
There are 17 playlists on Halo 3 matchmaking (link). If you don't like objective games, you can easily find something else.
No my point is these "objective" games are very very minor compared to campaign push,defend ****objectives that are prevelent in older games such as ET:wolf and JK2:JAcademy, where the maps were individual designed and not generic points on already existant maps. Not halos fault as such.
I don't have any experience with the games you cite, so I can't comment. Invasion mode fits with what you're describing, though.
Forced Matchmaking - Great, but at least give us the option to have our own servers?
You can make custom games. Not sure what the complaint here is.
ITs not dedicated server ****though is it?
This is a general criticism rather than one that concerns complexity. Judging from the beta, though, there was so little lag that dedicated servers are unnecessary.
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