The day that Full DD arrives on gaming consolesis the day that I quit gaming. Period.
Physical media has worked in the past, present, & will continue to work in the future.
Physical media>>>>>>>>Full DD.
People said the same thing during the transition from horses to cars, and guess what happened? They got used to it.
LOL. But there are things to think about, should gaming goes full DD.
1.) What happens if the games that you like, & bought (such as Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo HD Remix & Mega Man 9), becomes obsolete once a company deletes them somewhat, someday? What happens if your favorite console maker goes under? Then all those games that you bought are gone forever. With physical media, etc. (such as discs), they'll always be around.
2.) With buying games on DD, you don't technically own the game, the companies does. But with a physical copy, you do own it legally.
3.) You can't sell games from DD, nor can you take them over to your friend's house. That certain friend has to download that same certain game in order to play with you. With a physical copy, you can play that game with your friend automatically.
4.) You won't have the option to rent DD games. With physical games, you can. What happens when you get tired of playing that certain game from DD? You can't ever sell it/take it back.
5.) It would take an eternity to download certain games. Just imagine how long it will take to download larger games, like MGS 4? Especially when you don't have a great internet connection/speed?
6.) Not everyone has internet, nor has the internet has super-duper speeds as of now. At least with physical media (such as games/movies), people can buy them. They're always around.
7.) What would happen if your hard drive goes corrupt? At least you'll be able to fix scratched discs.
8.) Now it is true that someone could break into your home and steal all your video games, however stealing someones password and login information would be much easier than actually finding out where a person lives, going there, and breaking in their home to steal their video games. If someone steals your account that has all of your downloaded games on it....too bad, you would have to repurchase all of those games over again.
There's probably more, but I'll stop here. Would you like any of that to happen? Think about it. But those are the reasons why I'd prefer physical media over DD. DD is only good if there's a certain game that you like (as a side option for gaming, with physical media being the mandatory feature for gaming), & would want to take a shot at. But DD should never take over physical media, & that's the bottom line.
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