[QUOTE="enterawesome"]DD sucks. If your Hard Drive goes corrupt, you lose it like "that". Can you bring a DD game over to friends house to play? No. Do you get the satisfation of buying something in the box? No. Just wait 24 hours for a download, and there, you just wasted five times more space then you would with a disc.Also, Blu-rays don't scratch.enterawesome
"If your Hard Drive goes corrupt, you lose it like "that"
LOL, what?!?!?
I've lost digital downloaded games on both my wii and 360 for one reason or another and it took only a couple minutes to replace them! All these DD games are purcashed on an account so if you lose these games you can simply redownload them in a sec as the system knows you already bought it!
HOWEVER, will they replace a DISC if its stolen, damagedor lost? NOPE! And if by some stranged wonderous miracle they did it would probably involve calling them up, answering a ton of question, mailing stuff back and forth, ect, ect!
"Can you bring a DD game over to friends house to play?"
Why not? If I want to play an XBL arcade game at my freinds house I simply pop out my HDD and bring it with me! And with the wii I can just unplug the system and carry it along (since ninty still doesnt have a HDD :( )
"Just wait 24 hours for a download"
Out of all my downloads on LIVE the longest I think I've had to wait was MAYBE 20 minutes! The wii is alot slower but still never even came close to 30mins!
"Also, Blu-rays don't scratch"
Yet they can still crack and get damaged in other ways!
I have to wait hours just to download a demo for Batman AA, I wouldn't even attempt to try downloading it. Also, you would have to be a clueless idiot to crack a Blu-ray. Yes, I was wrong on two things, sue me (however bringing a game to a friends house instead of an entire system or a hard drive is waymore conveniant), but there is no denying how awesome it is to open the box of a new game after waiting months for it, and popping the disc in. You also can't get used DD games. ;)"Also, you would have to be a clueless idiot to crack a Blu-ray."
I guess you could say the same about scratching a disc but it happens! But like I said damages are not all you have to worry about, theirs still losing the game or having it stolen! All of these can be fixed by dimply re-downloading a digital game while with a disc your kinda screwed!
"however bringing a game to a friends house instead of an entire system or a hard drive is waymore conveniant"
Not really when you think about it! HDD are getting smaller all the time, the 360 HDD is rather big yet is still roughly the size of a single gamepackage, maybe a little thicker but definetly slimmer, so when you couple that with the fact your holdingyour entire game collectionon that single HDD its really rather conveniant!
I can see how ppl might still want to have their games on discs as that is simply what they are used to and that is easily compensated for in a DD era! I would assume if all systems next gen are DD they will STILL have a disc drive for backwards compatibilty! And their is a good chance that you will be able to burn your DD games to a disc in one way or another as STEAM allows that now! So if discs are your thing I'm sure they'll be around at least for the next couple gens ;)
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