[QUOTE="ogvampire"]a personal computer.and what console uses this?
heh. i dont know anybody that has that kind of HD in their PC.
its more expensive and holds less data...
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or i buy a new hard drive, sign in to live and redownload. what would happen if your cases and manuals caught fire and burnt down then you really do have toast.[QUOTE="wayne_kar"][QUOTE="789shadow"]
Until your hard drive breaks, whereby you are toast.
Why would just my cases and manuals catch fire? It would probably be a house fire, in which case everything would be toast, including your hard drive.
but id still be able to download my games again on my new 360[QUOTE="Ross_the_B0SS"]
BioshockOwnz covered what I was going to say so I'll just add to that:
- Millions of jobs will be lost if gaming goes all DD.
- How can we recover our DL'd games if our system breaks (Sony/Microsoft will probaly be too greedy to let use download twice)
I thought downloaded games were tied to your XBL account. Can't you recover arcade games?
You can only recover your downloaded games once a year, right? That's how it was when I had to get a new 360 last winter. Which is completely lame, I might add.
and once the console or service ends good bye to that also.[QUOTE="ogvampire"]
[QUOTE="Hewkii"] a personal computer.Hanass
heh. i dont know anybody that has that kind of HD in their PC.
its more expensive and holds less data...
But it's about 10 times faster than Blu-Ray.
How many more times expensive is it?
heh. i dont know anybody that has that kind of HD in their PC.
its more expensive and holds less data...
But it's about 10 times faster than Blu-Ray.
How many more times expensive is it?
The prices are dropping very fast, but Blu-Ray's prices aren't going anywhere. Just a matter of time before SSD's are as cheap as HDD's.
[QUOTE="ogvampire"]...and? does it not have better reliability rates? does it not hold more than a single disc?heh. i dont know anybody that has that kind of HD in their PC.
its more expensive and holds less data...
holds more than a disc, alot less than a HDD...
i have never had a problem with any of my HDD's. i would much rather have a bigger cheaper priced hdd than a smaller more expensive one.. thanks
[QUOTE="shadowcat2576"][QUOTE="IndigoSunrise"] Why?wayne_karI know that this wasn't directed at me, but since this is also my main reason for taking physical media over DD. Call me old fashioned, but I still want something tangible for the money I spend. This is also why I buy dvds rather then rent or use Netflix. Also I do get a bit of satisfaction over seeing a large library of games that I would not get from saying "I have 57 games downloaded on my harddrive." One thing very few people mention about DD is price. Now I know a lot of people say, "It can be cheaper because of no need for box, manual, shipping, retail space etc... but that hasn't happened yet has it? The downloadable PSP games like Patapon 2 are the same price. Also, I don't see too many PSN, XBLA, or VS sales, but I see Best Buy, Target and TRU sales every week letting me buy games cheaper than MSRP. Or what about that $10 copy of Mass Effect I bought because the store had it on clearance? These things are not happening with DD games, at least from the big 3. your old fashioned I'm old fashioned too, if old fashioned means I don't like to waste money. I also like physical copies because they cost less and are more convenient.
But it's about 10 times faster than Blu-Ray.
How many more times expensive is it?
The prices are dropping very fast, but Blu-Ray's prices aren't going anywhere. Just a matter of time before SSD's are as cheap as HDD's.
I didn't ask if the price was falling. I want to know how much it cost!
How many more times expensive is it?
The prices are dropping very fast, but Blu-Ray's prices aren't going anywhere. Just a matter of time before SSD's are as cheap as HDD's.
I didn't ask if the price was falling. I want to know how much it cost!
Which would be pointless because you and I both know that SSD's are extremely expensive now.
Here is why you are wrong:
Eliminating the used game business means that publishers will have more incentive to to make shorter games with less content and less replay value and then charge you whatever they want for them.
You can't rent a digital download. You'll never have th option to rent a game ever again if we went all digital.
Bluray disks barely scatch so that point is moot.
Not everyone has high speed internet and those who do may not want to bog down their service downloading games.
What's to stop a company from charging more for for propritary storage mediums? MS for example charges $100 for a 60 GB HD for the 360. One game like MGS4 or lost odyssey would fill that whole thing.
Some people actually like having physical copies of the games they download. How are you going to put a digital download under the Cristmas tree?
Digital downloas are good for small games or low quality music and video files. For everything else physical storage is the way to go.
It would give dev's more incetive to make better games, every game sold they'll get all the money. you can already rent DD stuff, its just playable for a certain amount of time there's nothing stopping M$ from over charging for storage already, but, its a one time investment, so its not like yhou have to spend it everytime you buy a new game. they could be creative, but more importantly how can i borrow a game from a friend so i don't have to spend anything at all?[QUOTE="Burning-Sludge"]
The prices are dropping very fast, but Blu-Ray's prices aren't going anywhere. Just a matter of time before SSD's are as cheap as HDD's.
I didn't ask if the price was falling. I want to know how much it cost!
Which would be pointless because you and I both know that SSD's are extremely expensive now.
I could see games being put on flash drives, its getting cheap and by the time new consoles come out then, well, 8gb ssd drive is 15 bucks now any way...Theres one thing console gamers dont like.
Now for me to buy a game from town, if I just go for the game and I get there by car, will take me 20 mins if I get a parking space fine.
Now if that said game is Killzone 2, which is a big game, for me to download that would take HOURS.
Wipeout HD took me an hour to download. so what will MGS4 be like???
No, no, and no! A physical copy of any type of medium be it a movie, game, or music (esspecially music) is better than that of a Digital Distributed one.
The prices are dropping very fast, but Blu-Ray's prices aren't going anywhere. Just a matter of time before SSD's are as cheap as HDD's.
You do know that pressing a disk is many times cheeper then buying one to burn, right?
When you look at a blueray disk and see that, to a publisher, it has 50GB of data for (i'm operating on old figures) that it's $1.05 for the whole 50 gigs, as opposed to to about the same amount per GIG on an cheep SSD...
Also, where have you been the past two years?
Blueray price has been steadily declining.
There is no way SSD will come close to the price per gig of optical medium.
Anyway, i much rather have a pressed disk then a DD for archival reasons.
Theres one thing console gamers dont like.
Now for me to buy a game from town, if I just go for the game and I get there by car, will take me 20 mins if I get a parking space fine.
Now if that said game is Killzone 2, which is a big game, for me to download that would take HOURS.
Wipeout HD took me an hour to download. so what will MGS4 be like???
I could see them doing something like steam, you can predownload stuff so if its a day one purchase then it will be unlocked the day it comes out.-No need for used/new gamesIndigoSunriseHow exactly is that a good thing?
And no. Discs will always win because they are more useable. DD would eliminate rentals, and like you said (in a less than unbiased way) you can lend physical copies of games to people so they don't need to buy their own copy of a game they may not like.
And if a game is taken off the virtual store for any reason, it's gone forever. When the media is physical, it may go out of print, but you can always find a copy somewhere if you look for it.
I hate the trend to DD.
Theres one thing console gamers dont like.
Now for me to buy a game from town, if I just go for the game and I get there by car, will take me 20 mins if I get a parking space fine.
Now if that said game is Killzone 2, which is a big game, for me to download that would take HOURS.
Wipeout HD took me an hour to download. so what will MGS4 be like???
I could see them doing something like steam, you can predownload stuff so if its a day one purchase then it will be unlocked the day it comes out. Thats quite good but I dont but all my games day one, in fact mist I get a month or 2 after release... I just dont like the idea of waiting all that time becuase I am one of those people who will keep thinking about it whilst it downloads, every 10 mins I'll be checking the downlaod willing it to speed up :P When i can get into town so easily it just seems silly to download. Now when BT and virgin decide to give all of the UK those 50mb download speeds theyre going on about, I'll fully support DD.[QUOTE="DarkGamer007"]ah, that's cute. you think that digital media has a 'physical form'.No, no, and no! A physical copy of any type of medium be it a movie, game, or music (esspecially music) is better than that of a Digital Distributed one.
Aww, that's so cute ^_^
Blatenting ignoring widely accepted terms under pretense of literal analysis to undermine an opposing opinion!
i could just eat you up < 3
[QUOTE="DarkGamer007"]ah, that's cute. you think that digital media has a 'physical form'.No, no, and no! A physical copy of any type of medium be it a movie, game, or music (esspecially music) is better than that of a Digital Distributed one.
Music has a physical form. :|
I also like going to the occasional midnight launch. They can be really fun when you got friends to hang out with. I doubt it's the same crowding around in a house for the midnight download release...
disks don't last forever either.[QUOTE="VideoGameGuy"][QUOTE="bubbleboyii"]
You... can keep saying that when your hard drive craps out on you. I'll hang on to my discs.
your harddrive is likely to go out way sooner than a disk that is taken care of
And if a disc breaks, you've lost 1 game. If you hard drive breaks, you've lost everything.I also like going to the occasional midnight launch. They can be really fun when you got friends to hang out with. I doubt it's the same crowding around in a house for the midnight download release...
not only that, but when a big game would arrive, everybody would be trying to download it...
it would take ALOT longer trying to download it on the first day.... that would suck
I also like going to the occasional midnight launch. They can be really fun when you got friends to hang out with. I doubt it's the same crowding around in a house for the midnight download release...
not only that, but when a big game would arrive, everybody would be trying to download it...
it would take ALOT longer trying to download it on the first day.... that would suck
Or the servers would crash and nobody would have access to the game.
I also like going to the occasional midnight launch. They can be really fun when you got friends to hang out with. I doubt it's the same crowding around in a house for the midnight download release...
not only that, but when a big game would arrive, everybody would be trying to download it...
it would take ALOT longer trying to download it on the first day.... that would suck
Or the servers would crash and nobody would have access to the game.
basically exactly what would happen.
Just less intentionally malicious.
- "Doesnt take space"? wth? :lol: If i have a 20GB harddrive and install a 8GB game im now left with 12GB (and yes i know what you meant by it).
I will never support full DD because it makes the pre-owned market obsolete. 80% of my purchases are pre-owned so DD is a big no no for me.
some oof the reasons i dont like DD is because its not really like you own the game...its like your paying for access to the game. you cant take it to a friends house....it holds no monetary value after your purchased it because you cant sell it. name anything else that you can buy but not sell? also i could see them attatching the game to your gamertag or account...to only allow that account to access the game...so if you sell your xbox 360, the next person cant play the games at all. the thing that scares me is that im sure the movie industry will move to this and well just have set top boxes to download everything. i just dont like that i dont really feel like i OWN these things and the no monetary value that they have.
[QUOTE="DarkGamer007"]sheet music, maybe.Music has a physical form. :|
That is strange... *Goes to turntable, puts on a record, and drops the needle*
Kids these days are their digital media.
Most Audiophiles would tell you that Vinyl sounds better than CD's or MP3s. And yes Vinyl is still alive and kicking today, even artists like 50 Cent, Eminem and Lady GaGa have had Vinyl releases of their albums.
sheet music, maybe.[QUOTE="Hewkii"][QUOTE="DarkGamer007"]
Music has a physical form. :|
That is strange... *Goes to turntable, puts on a record, and drops the needle*
Kids these days are their digital media.
Most Audiophiles would tell you that Vinyl sounds better than CD's or MP3s. And yes Vinyl is still alive and kicking today, even artists like 50 Cent, Eminem and Lady GaGa have had Vinyl releases of their albums.
But... he said digital media.... Vinyl records are analog.
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