I've posted many times before in other threads about Digital Distrobution, and now I'm going to elaborate more on why I don't like Digital Distrobution.
1) Internet Speeds: Not all gamers are hooked up to the internet and those who are some of them don't have broadband internet or simply fast enough broadband to download full games. It takes me about an hour or more sometimes depending if my sister or my mother are using their laptops or not to download a 1.0 GB demo. So it would take me more than six or more hours depending on how many people were trying to A} Download the game, B} Who else is using our internet connection besides me. In that six or more hours it would take me to download Gears of War, I could have spent 20 minutes driving to GameStop, 10 minutes to buy the game, and 20 minutes driving back home, and then beat the game entirely before I could have downloaded it. Now games are getting larger, and larger, and while Metal Gear Soild 4 is the exception to the rule and not the rule to the exception, it did take nearly a full 50 GB of Blu-Ray Disc space (not because the game was that large but because of the 7.1 uncompressed audio) just imagine trying to download THAT. Imagine how big games are going to be next generation, they could be 15-30 GB in size. People will also run into problems with Bandwidth caps. Internet Services to get more money are putting Bandwidth caps on internet connections only further limiting the ammount of games you could download and access in a month.
2)What happens if the service I am using goes under? Now the problem of the PC of "Which service do I use?" is eliminated on consoles because it make sense for each company to provide a game download service for its console, but what happens if one of the companies goes under? Not only will you be not able to access the games you paid for, but you cannot enjoy a backlog of games you missed or have yet to download. This would also render your console virtually worthless as nobody would be able to use it for playing video games.
3) Theft. Now it is true that someone could break into your home and steal all your video games, however stealing someones password and login information would be much easier than actually finding out where a person lives, going there, and breaking in their home to steal their video games. If someone steals your account that has all of your downloaded games on it....too bad, you would have to repurchase all of those games over again.
4) Pricing: Look at Games on Demand on Xbox Live, Perfect Dark Zero costs $20 on the service where I can run to Gamestop and pick up the game for $5. Publishers would have complete control over a games pricing in a 100% Digital Distrobution world. You would have no other way of obtaining your games. The used market, and renting services would be useless and out of buisness, meaning that Activision could finally get its wish of charging $100 for a blockbuster game.
I have more reasons, which I don't feel like typing because I've disscussed this issue so much in other threads, but I think what I've typed should be enough to get my point across.
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