@kingtito said:
Every console has "games" but the PS3 had shit for games. I know because I owned one and the games were subpar at best. RFOM was average at best and yes I played it. It was a poor mans Halo.
Oh you mean like cows claiming the X1 has no games right now? Or that the 360 had no games after 2009? You mean that BS?
No it didn't. Exclusives are a small part of a consoles success and last gen more so than any other gen was dominated by multiplats. Remember the cows clamoring to the "WW sales" argument the entire gen and that had NOTHING to do with exclusives.
Sorry buddy but your opinion is filled with Sony stink. You're incapable of being objected with anything MS and Sony related and you've proved it time and time again so excuse me if I strongly disagree.
Resistance has freaking shit from halo which take place in the future and out in space,in other planets,Resistance is based on world war 2 time but instead of nazis you have monsters.
Resistance was a great game and i own it to by the way,huge battles 20 vs 20 make Halo shit maps look small,smooth as butter,and incredibly selection of weapons,the only reason Resistance didn't get a freaking 9 is because it came around Gears of war with its flashy graphics,fact is Gears of war didn't even work properly online it was a lag fest plague by bugs and host advantage issues disconnect,and i also owned Gears by the way 1,2 and 3.
I remember how MS send reviewers $800 dollars worth of Halo 3 crap basically to buy reviewers.
I wonder in what you base your theory of Resistance being average at best...lol wait your biased opinion what more can you use..lol
The 360 shifted to Gears,Halo and Forza mary -go round after 2009,fact is before that date and on the first 3 years the xbox 360 had a barrages of great games,mind you i played Mass effect,bioshock on 360 didn't like Oblivion much,since i wasn't a fan of the series never the less it was a great game.
Fact is the xbox one is not a dust particle compare to what the 360 was,and even the PS3 had higher rated games by its 3rd year than the xbox one has.
That is funny because TLOU sold more than 8 million copies on PS3,more than each chapter of gears ever did,and Uncharted sold more or less what Gears sold,GT 5 sold like Halo 3.
Never the less many bough consoles for exclusives,you can deny it all you want.
You telling people that they can't be objective is like a fu**ing kick on realities face,you can't be objective the fact that you call RFOM a poor mans Halo say it all those 2 fu**ing game the only thing they have in common is being FPS and health regeneration.
Other wise they are as different as they can be from story to attention to detail which Resistance trounce Halo 3 without even trying,i could blast even Chimera cooling hose on their back and they would swing wildly in the air,spilling refrigerant chimera use to keep their bodies cooler enemies would not banish in front of you like Gears or other games you went back to a part you pass and you would still see the bodies of enemies adding to the level of reality,RFOM is basically one of the most hated games on PS3 without there being a reason.
@dynamitecop said:
Yet you can't see the idiotic introduction of a fallacy where you think that every console gamer owns a gaming PC, or think that they're going to get one because of Microsoft expanding the Xbox brand to PC, I wouldn't even wager 15% of the console community overall own a gaming PC, and what percentage of them are Xbox One owners? And then what percentage of them will actually be affected by this?
Microsoft is hardly cutting into their existing or future user base, sure there are users with crossover, however the overwhelming majority of people that do and were going to buy consoles will continue to do so without interruption. This massive percentage of people don't buy consoles because 4-5 big exclusive games release per year, they do it because the platform has a great level of simplicity, it's user friendly, it's ignorance friendly, it's cheap and frankly most don't care enough to do or get anything else, it's amply sufficient for them.
You're basing your entire point on a biased and completely irrational state of thinking that doesn't exist in the real world because you're obsessed with Sony and simply want to demean the Xbox brand in any capacity you can, it's pathetic. What you're saying isn't even reaching, reaching implies plausibility, it's simply and completely false.
The Xbox One didn't lose a selling point, it lost a selling point to a percentage of a niche sect of the shared market between PC and console gamers, in other words a percentage of the small percentage of people who are console and PC gamers.
Funny thing is there are way more people with a gaming PC than XBO which is the point here,as sony games are not the ones landing on PC.So again who needs and xbox one.? I don't since i have a PC probably would be getting Gears 4 on PC if it turn out good..
There you have it proof it self that no one need an xbox one any more specially if they got a PC already.
Oh really how it doesn't exist on the real word you blind biased lemming I HAVE A PC WITH A R270 I DON'T NEED AN XBOX ONE ANY MORE TO PLAY XBOX ONES GAMES.
Winner Me..
Loser MS..
I don't have to pay on PC to play online you know..lol
It loss a selling point were ever you have the gust to admit it or not,fact is you wanted Gears of wars you bough a 360 there was no way around it,you want gears of war now you yeah you can get it on PC no need for XB any more.
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