Digital Foundry: It's Too Late For PS4 NEO

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#201  Edited By PraetorianMan
Member since 2011 • 2073 Posts

@Phazevariance said:
@Pedro said:
@Phazevariance said:

Xbox exclusives are now MS exclusives. Amazing that you can buy on PC or Xbox and get it for both platforms. You still can't play those games on a PlayStation console. Then you have the choice, spend $2000-2500 for a high end computer with gtx 1080 cards and the latest CPU/RAM combo, or $400-500 for a high end console (scorpio). Meanwhile, PS4Neo will still have it's precious exclusives, but they will be made for an under powered console for whatever that's worth. MS has a good strategy on this cross buy plan, and in a way it's getting Sony back for their last minute upgrades when the PS4 came out.

A high end PC is $500 less than your price range.

Sure, but a $1500-2000 PC is still many times more than $400-500 console.

Why are you trying to build such hideously overpriced PC's?

You can do pretty damn well for way less than $1K.

@bunchanumbers said:

MS only needs to do 2 things now that Scorpio sent Sony running for the hills.

1. Knock the price of the OG Xbox 1 to $199 and the price of the S model to $249 at next years E3. This will be excellent entry point prices to enter the xbox ecosystem and I bet that it would sell like hot cakes.

2. Wait until Sony announces the price of Neo and the day after, announce the same price point for Scorpio. MS could price out Neo before it launches and kill the one advantage Neo could have over it.

That begs the question of how much more the entire Microsoft corporation is willing to hemorrhage on just the Xbox brand?

The Scorpio is shaping up to be a damn fine, damn powerful, and DAMN EXPENSIVE piece of hardware. Intentionally trying to match the Neo's price point means taking huge losses on each console sold, and people need to remember that Microsoft as a whole has other concerns to pour money into other than the gaming division.

This is made far worse by the fact that the Neo is supposedly launching several months earlier. By the time the Scorpio launches, the Neo could very well drop even further in price, meaning that we could end up seeing a $300-$350 Neo vs a $500-$600 Scorpio.

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#202 GameboyTroy
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#203  Edited By bunchanumbers
Member since 2013 • 5709 Posts

Having Neo skip E3 was a brilliant move. If they showed Neo and Scorpio was announced at the same conference, Sony woulda been destroyed. People are already trying to destroy it for only having 4TFs of power. This is a prime example of how skipping E3 can be a brilliant move. Yes, its outclassed by Scorpio. But a 4TF console is nothing to sneeze at. And this can still be countered by a October release (if rumor is true). Are people really going to wait for another year for Scorpio when Neo is sitting there? Most people will say no.

Sony has something going for it that will be hard to shake with raw power. Brand trust. As long as it says PlayStation on the console, people will buy it. I really think that Sony has nothing to worry about. They'll just have inferior multiplats and will have to upscale to 4K resolution. In the end, the differences will be minor at worst.

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#204  Edited By Desmonic  Moderator
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Yeah, makes sense. At a certain point you can't really make much more than some overclocks here and there. They need to manufacture the machine in a finalized state well before they can actually sell it to anyone.

That said, the PS4 didn't sell like it did solely on power alone. Pricing made a big impact early on. The XB1 was quite a bit more expensive when they launched, and as the PS3 showed before, regardless of the hardcore bunch that buy machines at ludicrous prices (said PS3 sold a few million units BEFORE the first price drops) the market as a whole has shown that 299$-399$ is more or less the sweetspot for brand new hardware.

Wonder if MS are really willing to sell it a that price point and lose money on the hardware (of the Scorpio)... the hardware they want in the machine is quite expensive. Then there are other issues like power consumption, heatsink size, general cooling, the mentioned increase in memory...I mean none of these things are impossible, not even today, but they cost money and aren't necessarily friendly on the consumer (power consumption). Interested to see how this turns out in the end.

In any case I'm 100% sure the gaming market will be heading into an exciting year! NX, PS4K/Neo, XB Scorpio all in 2017! Predicting loads of SW meltdowns and debates too hehe :P

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#205  Edited By Legend002
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And on top of that the Scorpio is a "safe" console for MS. It builds off the Xbone instead being it's own thing requiring you to abandon the games you bought previously. It does nothing gimmicky and really the console we've been asking for. *stares at Nintendo*

Sony is definitely in an odd situation.

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#206  Edited By Desmonic  Moderator
Member since 2007 • 19990 Posts

@Legend002 said:

And on top of that the Scorpio is a "safe" console for MS. It builds off the Xbone instead being it's own thing requiring you to abandon the games you bought previously. It does nothing gimmicky and really the console we've been asking for. *stares at Nintendo*

Sony is definitely in an odd situation.

You don't know that yet. We've only been told about flops and "uncompressed pixels"....whatever that actually is :P Though, considering it's MS and Kinect is dead, I'd say there is 0.0000000000001% chance of a dumb "required" gimmick.

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#207  Edited By Legend002
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@Desmonic: MS days of doing gimmicky is probably over. Or at least put on a halt for a little while. The strategy of supporting existing VR instead of creating their own hardware is quite telling. They do have AR but they haven't talked much about it at all.

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#208 tormentos
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Just about the only option available to Sony is the route Microsoft chose for Xbox One in the face of PS4's higher specification - overclocking the processor. It could inch the Neo a little closer to the target Scorpio spec, but hitting 6TF there is off the table:

The GPU inside Neo is RX480 which at stock clock 1266mzh can reach 5.83TF basically a hair under scorpio,the PS4 has 500+gflops over the xbox one.

A little is saying nothing at 1266mhz it can land Neo at the door of Scorpio.

But look who makes the article Richard xbox Leadbetter,this is the same guy who claim there was a massive difference between 1080p vs 900p when it was PC vs PS4,but when it was XBO vs PS4 some how it was minimal.

But it has to be said that we have seen developers start to extract more from Xbox One and PS4 than we see on equivalent PC parts - something borne out from the E3 demos of Gears of War 4 and Forza Horizon 3, which are - remarkably - running on hardware equivalent to AMD's £80 R7 360 graphics card. So maybe - maybe we will indeed see 4K native titles.

This alone is very telling we all know how the xbox one has fall consistently all generation even behind a 7770 and even the PS4 as well has fall under the 7850.

The argument about Vega doesn't make sense at all.

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#209  Edited By ronvalencia
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ZEN's core area size = ~4.1 mm^2 14 nm or 8.2 mm^2 at 28 nm (about similar size to 28 nm Steamroller module)

Jaguar's core area size = 3.1 mm^2 at 28 nm.

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#210 mems_1224
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#211  Edited By dynamitecop
Member since 2004 • 6395 Posts

Sorry Sony.

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#212 aroxx_ab
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Yeah Neo is doomed, see how bad the weaker Ps2 did against the stronger Xbox

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#213 dynamitecop
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@aroxx_ab said:

Yeah Neo is doomed, see how bad the weaker Ps2 did against the stronger Xbox

Xbox was a new and unestablished brand that ran its course over 4 years, the PlayStation 2 was already at the forefront of console gaming and in a position of huge success following the PlayStation, it was also commercially available until 2013, that's 13 years.

The bulk of people who bought it were post PS2 relevant from third world countries who couldn't afford anything else.

Context is everything.

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#214 deactivated-5cf0a2e13dbde
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I'm watching all this as a pc gamer. Up until the new Xbox was announced, it was looking like the ps4 neo would take a huge lead over Xbone, especially with so many Xbone games being on pc. But then BAM!! We have a more powerful processor! Msoft replies with. Wonder what Sony will do to combat this latest turn.

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#215 dynamitecop
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@hillelslovak said:

I'm watching all this as a pc gamer. Up until the new Xbox was announced, it was looking like the ps4 neo would take a huge lead over Xbone, especially with so many Xbone games being on pc. But then BAM!! We have a more powerful processor! Msoft replies with. Wonder what Sony will do to combat this latest turn.

Take it up the tail pipe.

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#216 Wizard
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Still very skeptical of a "4k console" in the next couple years. Even at 6TFLOPs it's going to struggle in demanding titles. By 2017, who knows what the graphical demands will be? 2018? 2019? Forget about it, barring an architectural miracle. PCs struggle enough.

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#217 hrt_rulz01
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@SecretPolice said:

Poor cows, they just can't catch a break these dayzzz. Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch. lol :P


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#218 ronvalencia
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@dynamitecop said:
@bunchanumbers said:

There's nothing wrong with being a weaker console. Sony just won't be able to make that claim anymore. I think that this will affect the fans of PlayStation more than Sony themselves. Although the not being able to do native 4k and doing upscaled 4k does hurt. But if Sony can pull off rock solid 1080p and 60 fps then they have nothing to worry about.

With Scorpio it would be nice if they coded resolution/framerate and graphics presets into the games, not exactly like a PC where you have 20 options but like a few presets, a 4K one at 30/60 FPS with X settings depending on the framerate you want to target, or 1080p at 60 FPS with topped out settings etc.

Refer to dynamic resolution scaling features. Rendering resolution is dynamically reduced or increase based on workload and target frame rate.

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#219 Phazevariance
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@PraetorianMan: because, if you're going to build a PC to match Scorpio, you will need out to handle gaming at 4k. No PC under $1000 will do that. Don't forget you need hard drives, case, power supply, and all those accessories. Just saying, PC is great but Scorpio will j be cheaper.

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#220 eNT1TY
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If Neo drops within the slim xbox launch window ms is screwed and will continue to lag behind in sales. Scorpio vs Neo was probably never the fight but rather scorpio vs ps5. Sony have a year and a half to say and/or overpromise ANYTHING (true or otherwise) about the ps5 and it would be just as valid as MS's claims about Scorpio. Scorpio specs can also increase in this time frame. The only concrete thing so far is the slim xbox 1 and that's still sadly just the same xbox1 that's been getting its ass kicked by the ps4 without Neo.

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#222  Edited By Shawty_Beatz
Member since 2014 • 1269 Posts

@ShepardCommandr said:
@shawty_beatz said:

This gon be gud.

edit: You just gotta love the hypocrisy of ps fanboys

first there were like:"PC sucks you have to upgrade every year" then ps neo gets announced and they are like: "progress,60fps we must upgrade".After the scorpio announcement they are like: "specs don't matter it's all about the quality exclusives" even though ps4 has only 2 great exclusives and everything else has been delayed until 2017

Why are you singling out PS fanboys? The same can be said about lems and hermits as well.

When the PS4k was announced lems claimed ownage because Sony milks us, then the Scorpio gets announced and it's suddenly the best thing ever for lemmings.

Not to mention that lems said the same crap about having to upgrade on PC, you sound just as much as a fanboy by leaving all these details out.

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#223  Edited By gago-gago
Member since 2009 • 12138 Posts

What a disaster the NeO have been and it's not even out yet. Lol. In all seriousness, I still rather get a NeO than get my PS4 back and play PS4 games on the NeO instead. Who cares if NeO is not the most powerful console any longer, that sucks but oh well. Depending on the price and actual power, it will still be a decent PlayStation console. I still hope gaming journalists are digging and asking Sony questions about it and getting answers during E3 week. Almost all the stuff they showed I'm interested in will release next year and beyond so I'm guessing the NeO will hopefully be out by then.

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#224  Edited By boaconstricta
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LOLpio, a year late, $599 and no exclusives. "But tha powwa!" Sounds like another PS3 situation.

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#225 bunchanumbers
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@boaconstricta said:

LOLpio, a year late, $599 and no exclusives. "But tha powwa!" Sounds like another PS3 situation.

No price is announced. It could be anywhere from $399 to $599.

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#226  Edited By ronvalencia
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@eNT1TY said:

If Neo drops within the slim xbox launch window ms is screwed and will continue to lag behind in sales. Scorpio vs Neo was probably never the fight but rather scorpio vs ps5. Sony have a year and a half to say and/or overpromise ANYTHING (true or otherwise) about the ps5 and it would be just as valid as MS's claims about Scorpio. Scorpio specs can also increase in this time frame. The only concrete thing so far is the slim xbox 1 and that's still sadly just the same xbox1 that's been getting its ass kicked by the ps4 without Neo.

Due to lower cost structures, consoles has strict chip size e,g.

PS3 RSX = 258 mm^2 (NVIDIA G7X)

PS4 GCN = ~212 mm^2 (AMD Pitcairn)

NEO GCN = ~232 mm^2 (AMD Polaris 10)

Have you notice the pattern?

Consoles doesn't have the luxury for PC's increase GPU performance via chip size growth.

Scorpio also has similar cost structures to Sony's 2xx mm^2 size GPUs, but the difference is clock speed and PCB memory bus width i.e. MS is willing to sustain additional cost for higher clock speed/higher TDP/better cooling and higher cost PCB.

MS is maximizing 2xx mm^2 size GPU chip for 14 nm FinFET generation. Sony should try little harder to maximize their 2xx mm^2 size GPU chip for 14 nm FinFET generation.

The next shift for 2xx mm^2 size GPU is with 10 nm FinFET.

Is Sony willing to pay for ~300 mm^2 Vega 10 (performance increase via chip size growth)? GTX 1070/1080 has 317 mm^2 GPU size chip..

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#227  Edited By emgesp
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Microsoft isn't going to outsell Sony by being the most powerful. The Playstation brand is just more popular worldwide even if its the weakest console per generation. Don't get me wrong a more powerful Xbox won't hurt, but its not gonna make the Xbox become the leading platform.

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#228  Edited By emgesp
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@howmakewood said:

Interesting that DF still claims both NEO and Scorpio would be using Jaguar instead of zen/zen lite, if that proves to be true it's a huge disapointment.

No way in hell is the Scorpio still using Jaguar cores. That's just an assumption on their part.

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#229  Edited By ronvalencia
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@emgesp said:

Microsoft isn't going to outsell Sony by being the most powerful. The Playstation brand is just more popular worldwide even if its the weakest console per generation.

Xbox 360 vs PS3 install base is similar with similar effective performance.

Scorpio is nearly a generation jump from the original XBO.

Scorpio's 6 TFLOPS vs XBO's 1.3 TFLOPS = 4.5X

XBO's 1.3 TFLOPS vs XBox 360's 0.24 TFLOPS =5.5X

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#230 boaconstricta
Member since 2015 • 224 Posts

@bunchanumbers: They didn't announce most of it. Phil must have panicked and announced it early cos he got scared. With the specs posited, it'll be at least $599.

@emgesp said:

Microsoft isn't going to outsell Sony by being the most powerful. The Playstation brand is just more popular worldwide even if its the weakest console per generation. Don't get me wrong a more powerful Xbox won't hurt, but its not gonna make the Xbox become the leading platform.

This. MS had a year's head start and better reputation with the 360 and the PS3 still overtook it in the end.

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#231 emgesp
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@ronvalencia said:
@emgesp said:

Microsoft isn't going to outsell Sony by being the most powerful. The Playstation brand is just more popular worldwide even if its the weakest console per generation.

Xbox 360 vs PS3 install base is similar with similar effective performance.

Scorpio is nearly a generation jump from the original XBO.

That's because Sony dropped the ball early on with the $599.99 price point while releasing a full year after the 360.

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#232  Edited By SolidTy
Member since 2005 • 49991 Posts

I saw the headline and I knew which longtime writing x-dude came out of the woodwork...

By Richard Leadbetter

He's just been waiting and waiting all generation for this opportunity, what a riot.


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#233 ronvalencia
Member since 2008 • 29612 Posts

@bunchanumbers: They didn't announce most of it. Phil must have panicked and announced it early cos he got scared. With the specs posited, it'll be at least $599.

@emgesp said:

Microsoft isn't going to outsell Sony by being the most powerful. The Playstation brand is just more popular worldwide even if its the weakest console per generation. Don't get me wrong a more powerful Xbox won't hurt, but its not gonna make the Xbox become the leading platform.

This. MS had a year's head start and better reputation with the 360 and the PS3 still overtook it in the end.

Note that XBO can be considered to be X360 since it can run Xbox 360 games.

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#235  Edited By emgesp
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@ronvalencia said:

@bunchanumbers: They didn't announce most of it. Phil must have panicked and announced it early cos he got scared. With the specs posited, it'll be at least $599.

@emgesp said:

Microsoft isn't going to outsell Sony by being the most powerful. The Playstation brand is just more popular worldwide even if its the weakest console per generation. Don't get me wrong a more powerful Xbox won't hurt, but its not gonna make the Xbox become the leading platform.

This. MS had a year's head start and better reputation with the 360 and the PS3 still overtook it in the end.

Note that XBO can be considered to be X360 since it can run Xbox 360 games.

The XBO's BC for 360 games is still limited, so no you can't consider it to be a 360 just yet.

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#236  Edited By deactivated-60c3d23d2738e
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@eNT1TY said:

If Neo drops within the slim xbox launch window ms is screwed and will continue to lag behind in sales. Scorpio vs Neo was probably never the fight but rather scorpio vs ps5. Sony have a year and a half to say and/or overpromise ANYTHING (true or otherwise) about the ps5 and it would be just as valid as MS's claims about Scorpio. Scorpio specs can also increase in this time frame. The only concrete thing so far is the slim xbox 1 and that's still sadly just the same xbox1 that's been getting its ass kicked by the ps4 without Neo.

Sales? MS ownes Sony in equity they can play cat and mouse with Sony about money. Bottom line is MS and whatever they deliver from now on will own Sony's ass. They learned from their mistakes. Xbox slim will be released in 4 months, the Neo? What the hell is it? No launch date or info because they want to be a back seat driver so they can try to one up MS which is a bitch ass move imo. Oh, and the Xbox slim has 4k Bluray so that is that. Have a good one misinformed!

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#237  Edited By ronvalencia
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@boaconstricta said:

@bunchanumbers: They didn't announce most of it. Phil must have panicked and announced it early cos he got scared. With the specs posited, it'll be at least $599.

I estimate Scorpio to be around $399 since SoC is not large i.e. it seems to be smaller than PS4's SoC.

PS4's SoC.

Notice SoC size relative to GDDR5 modules.

You haven't got around 14 nm FinFET's bang per buck.

RX-470 is the same Polaris 10 as with $199 RX-480 with around $149 price tag...

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#238 Fairmonkey
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I dont know why people are comparing Neo and scorpio. Thats like comparing a 360 slim to a ps4. Neo is just a slight, budget upgrade. Scorpio is a generation leap. It wont matter though cause the PS5 and PC will destroy Scorpio

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#239 dynamitecop
Member since 2004 • 6395 Posts

@Fairmonkey said:

I dont know why people are comparing Neo and scorpio. Thats like comparing a 360 slim to a ps4. Neo is just a slight, budget upgrade. Scorpio is a generation leap. It wont matter though cause the PS5 and PC will destroy Scorpio

What? Neo is 2.28 times more powerful than the PlayStation 4, it's not a slight anything, that's a 128% increase in compute power. Scorpio is 3.26 times more powerful, so essentially an entire PlayStation 4 more powerful than Neo, Scorpio is not a generational leap, Sony was simply outdone in the revision game.

There isn't going to be a PlayStation 5, generations are over, it's all incremental upgrades from here on out, both companies have adopted this model.

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#240 deactivated-5d6bb9cb2ee20
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@dynamitecop said:

There isn't going to be a PlayStation 5, generations are over, it's all incremental upgrades from here on out, both companies have adopted this model.

But there are three companies...

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#241 tushar172787
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@Phazevariance said:

1. Sure you can shown over $2000 on a high end PC

2. but why spend that much when one quarter if the price gets you a decent set of console hardware? Lol

1. $2000 on a high end PC? lol

2. A quarter of a price nets you more than a decent upgrade if you are already a PC gamer. Let us not forget the fact that you are upgrading from another console (XB1 at launch= $500), which adds to the price.

@Antwan3K said:
@b_rich84 said:
@Antwan3K said:
@b_rich84 said:
@dynamitecop said:

This is a stupid and uninformed view based upon bullshit, if most people didn't know these things the Xbox One would be outselling the PlayStation 4 right now in the United States nearly 2:1 like the Xbox 360 was, that's not happening because people are aware of the current state of affairs.

You make the consumer populous appear dumber than they actually are, most people know what they're buying when they walk into a store, most have researched these things.

It's not uninformed. I had the unfortunate pleasure of working part time at Gamestop for 2 years while in college. My best friend was a manager at Best Buy. Only 1 in 10 people might even ask about "hardware" power. They always ask "where are the games and which ones are good" and "how much". The new Xbox will undoubtedly cost more as well making it fall even further behind. Just because you frequent this forum which is much less than 1% of gamers the opinions of these people and what they know about the overall gaming world do not reflect reality.

I game almost exclusively on PC even tho I own every system. The fact is when PS4 Neo comes out and Scorpio which might as well not even be Xbox One as it's a whole new system the PS4 will still own it for this reason alone. People will not want to spend that type of money on a system that doesn't have any games of it's own. They've lost almost every game series that made people want the system. They no longer have Fable, Mass Effect, Gears of War, Froza. All they have left is Halo and the way MS is going they will put that on Windows 10 as well. MS is the destroyer of video game studios. They have ran everyone they have bought into the ground. It's a shame. They cannot hope to compete with the strong exclusives that Sony constantly pumps out.

So a casual gamer that walks into Gamestop and wants Halo 6, Gears 4, Forza Horizon 3, Sea of Thieves, Scalebound, Recore, Crackdown 3, and other Xbox/Windows10 exclusives will buy a PS4 instead of an Xbox One S or Xbox Scorpio?.. Why?..

As I stated above I'm talking exclusives. Gears and Forza are not exclusives they are coming to PC as well. Scalebound and Halo are the only things you have going for you. Crackdown 3? It's release date is probably almost 2 years away can't comment on it. It's announced to release in 2017 which means 2018. Microsoft has already said don't rule out Scalebound or Crackdown 3 from PC. So I would say to all people considering an Xbox to "Invest in PC gaming as it's clear that if you are a Microsoft fan they are starting to release all titles on Windows 10 and by adopting the PC not only do you get your MS first part titles you get access to over 8000 games, the most exclusives and Steam. For your secondary platforms i recommend Sony and Nintendo since they release that 100% staying on their platform".

Even the Scorpio will likely cost much less than a 6 teraflop PC build

Depends on the price of scorpio. $199 RX 480 is around 6 TFLOPS.

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#242 Sollet
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@dynamitecop said:
@Fairmonkey said:

I dont know why people are comparing Neo and scorpio. Thats like comparing a 360 slim to a ps4. Neo is just a slight, budget upgrade. Scorpio is a generation leap. It wont matter though cause the PS5 and PC will destroy Scorpio

What? Neo is 2.28 times more powerful than the PlayStation 4, it's not a slight anything, that's a 128% increase in compute power. Scorpio is 3.26 times more powerful, so essentially an entire PlayStation 4 more powerful than Neo, Scorpio is not a generational leap, Sony was simply outdone in the revision game.

There isn't going to be a PlayStation 5, generations are over, it's all incremental upgrades from here on out, both companies have adopted this model.

That's something MS is pushing for, doesn't mean Sony or Nintendo will follow suit.

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#243  Edited By tushar172787
Member since 2015 • 2561 Posts

@Phazevariance said:


1. if you're going to build a PC to match Scorpio, you will need out to handle gaming at 4k. No PC under $1000 will do that.

2. hard drives, 3. case, 4. power supply, and all those accessories.

1. Can you provide proof of this?

2. $50-60 for a 7200RPM drive which is faster than XB1's 5400RPM HDD.

3. $50-70 for a case which has much better airflow than XB1.

4. $50-80 for a higher quality PSU than XB1

Add $200-220 for RX 480 (GPU in Scorpio, according to 6 TFLOPs)

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#244 emgesp
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@charizard1605 said:
@dynamitecop said:

There isn't going to be a PlayStation 5, generations are over, it's all incremental upgrades from here on out, both companies have adopted this model.

But there are three companies...

Only two of them are relevant in the home console market.

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#245 deactivated-60bf765068a74
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@Sollet said:
@dynamitecop said:
@Fairmonkey said:

I dont know why people are comparing Neo and scorpio. Thats like comparing a 360 slim to a ps4. Neo is just a slight, budget upgrade. Scorpio is a generation leap. It wont matter though cause the PS5 and PC will destroy Scorpio

What? Neo is 2.28 times more powerful than the PlayStation 4, it's not a slight anything, that's a 128% increase in compute power. Scorpio is 3.26 times more powerful, so essentially an entire PlayStation 4 more powerful than Neo, Scorpio is not a generational leap, Sony was simply outdone in the revision game.

There isn't going to be a PlayStation 5, generations are over, it's all incremental upgrades from here on out, both companies have adopted this model.

That's something MS is pushing for, doesn't mean Sony or Nintendo will follow suit.

but didn't nintendo and sony start it?

Nintendo did it with the New 3DS, Sony already sent developers PS4.5

Microsoft is the only one who didn't do it and might even skip it with the scorpio all they made was a slim.

MICROSOFT IS FOLLOWING what they already are doing if anything.

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#246 tormentos
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@ronvalencia said:


I estimate Scorpio to be around $399 since SoC is not large i.e. it seems to be smaller than PS4's SoC.

I also expected a price like that until i read this..

“Scorpio is for the person who's got a 4K television, who's really focused on 4K gaming. It's going to be a premium price over what we're selling this one for, and both of them will exist in the market at the same time. Scorpio is for your 4K gamer. And that's what we designed it for.”

It was speculated yesterday that while it seems Xbox Scorpio will have a quite significant power advantage over PS4 Neo, that advantage will come at a cost – that literally being the cost, which could be some $100 more than Sony’s new machine.

$100 over Neo is game over from launch to Scorpio.

Also they way they are marketing 4k,it look as if they on purpose would not make the visuals better at 1080p,so that you get an xbox one S instead if you want 1080p,while 4k is getting popular by the day,the standard is 1080p,so not seeing improvement in 1080p TV is a joke and clearly shows MS is pushing 4k only with Scorpio which still is a niche market.

@wizard said:

Still very skeptical of a "4k console" in the next couple years. Even at 6TFLOPs it's going to struggle in demanding titles. By 2017, who knows what the graphical demands will be? 2018? 2019? Forget about it, barring an architectural miracle. PCs struggle enough.

It could do 4k just not at 60FPS like MS was implying or without compromises either.

But i am sure it can most benchmarks you see running 4k with 30 or lower frames are on Ultra,which consoles are not running,so medium setting at 4k just to brag about 4k is achievable,i see neo as well hitting it.

@gago-gago said:

What a disaster the NeO have been and it's not even out yet. Lol. In all seriousness, I still rather get a NeO than get my PS4 back and play PS4 games on the NeO instead. Who cares if NeO is not the most powerful console any longer, that sucks but oh well. Depending on the price and actual power, it will still be a decent PlayStation console. I still hope gaming journalists are digging and asking Sony questions about it and getting answers during E3 week. Almost all the stuff they showed I'm interested in will release next year and beyond so I'm guessing the NeO will hopefully be out by then.

How is neo a Disaster.? Does MS has Scorpio NOW ready to launch this year.? Hell even early next one.?

There is a reason why it will be probably 1 year behind Neo,and will be probably more expensive to,unlike the PS4 that was release 1 week before the xbox one was stronger and cheaper,the XBO was a total fiasco in all ways possible,Scorpio with just power will not change that.

That is funny the PS4 has more games coming this year than the xbox one and has release already more games to,this year the PS4 is on fire and delivering the xbox one not so much,but you are use to play nothing but 1 game every holiday right,so just hope Gears doesn't end flopping to like Halo 5

It would be a blast seeing Neo outsold Scorpio even with a power

@Phazevariance said:

Then you have the choice, spend $2000-2500 for a high end computer with gtx 1080 cards and the latest CPU/RAM combo, or $400-500 for a high end console (scorpio).

Meanwhile, PS4Neo will still have it's precious exclusives, but they will be made for an under powered console for whatever that's worth.

WTF... Hahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...

From where in hell you pull that you need even $1,000 have something better that Scorpio let alone 2k or

The RX480 stock is 5.83TF just by OC you landed over the Scorpio without problems.,and is a $200 dollar GPU,so buy a $200 CPU and you probably won't hit $750,that is if you don't have already a PC with a fast enough CPU already.

Scorpio will be cheaper but to claim you need 2k is a joke.

Meanwhile Neo will play the best version of its exclusives,while PC get the superior version of Scorpio exclusives..

Is a win win for sony from were i see it,because Scorpio can come with a 1080,on PC you can use 2 no matter what it would always be inferior to PC,so prepare to play those inferior console exclusive games on

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#247 ni6htmare01
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Now that I read Scorpio is a 4k only machine and that really turn me off. I have a very nice 1080p TV and will not upgrade to 4k until it break on me, so I'll just pick up the neo instead.

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#248 no-scope-AK47
Member since 2012 • 3755 Posts

@ni6htmare01 said:

Now that I read Scorpio is a 4k only machine and that really turn me off. I have a very nice 1080p TV and will not upgrade to 4k until it break on me, so I'll just pick up the neo instead.

The scorpio is not 4k only. What he was saying was the scorpio was overkill for 1080p. The scorpio is stronger than the ps4+neo combined. If all you need is 1080p just get the xbox 1 S he said.

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#249  Edited By deactivated-5bda06edf37ee
Member since 2010 • 4675 Posts

@SecretPolice said:

Poor cows, they just can't catch a break these dayzzz. Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch. lol :P

Poor cows? PC + PS4 is all you need until Scorpio is released. Xbox One is officially dead, since everything is now coming to PC too from Microsoft. Lems are left deserted for +1 year. Even then it's not guaranteed that there will be good, if any, exclusive titles out on it's release.

Yes, Scorpio does look very promising, but while you are jerking off to it, you forget to see that you got screwed with Xbox One.

Sony will respond to Scorpio, though. How and when? We'll see, but Neo is obviously not going to be enough. Scorpio could be my first MS console ever, depending on whether they can deliver epic exclusives on it. Until then, PC+PS4.

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#250 SecretPolice
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@groowagon said:
@SecretPolice said:

Poor cows, they just can't catch a break these dayzzz. Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch. lol :P

Poor cows? PC + PS4 is all you need until Scorpio is released. Xbox One is officially dead, since everything is now coming to PC too from Microsoft. Lems are left deserted for +1 year. Even then it's not guaranteed that there will be good, if any, exclusive titles out on it's release.

Yes, Scorpio does look very promising, but while you are jerking off to it, you forget to see that you got screwed with Xbox One.

Sony will respond to Scorpio, though. How and when? We'll see, but Neo is obviously not going to be enough.

Man the smell of fear and cow manure is in the air after Scorpio.. Good stuff. :P