@ronvalencia said:
I estimate Scorpio to be around $399 since SoC is not large i.e. it seems to be smaller than PS4's SoC.
I also expected a price like that until i read this..
“Scorpio is for the person who's got a 4K television, who's really focused on 4K gaming. It's going to be a premium price over what we're selling this one for, and both of them will exist in the market at the same time. Scorpio is for your 4K gamer. And that's what we designed it for.”
It was speculated yesterday that while it seems Xbox Scorpio will have a quite significant power advantage over PS4 Neo, that advantage will come at a cost – that literally being the cost, which could be some $100 more than Sony’s new machine.
$100 over Neo is game over from launch to Scorpio.
Also they way they are marketing 4k,it look as if they on purpose would not make the visuals better at 1080p,so that you get an xbox one S instead if you want 1080p,while 4k is getting popular by the day,the standard is 1080p,so not seeing improvement in 1080p TV is a joke and clearly shows MS is pushing 4k only with Scorpio which still is a niche market.
@wizard said:
Still very skeptical of a "4k console" in the next couple years. Even at 6TFLOPs it's going to struggle in demanding titles. By 2017, who knows what the graphical demands will be? 2018? 2019? Forget about it, barring an architectural miracle. PCs struggle enough.
It could do 4k just not at 60FPS like MS was implying or without compromises either.
But i am sure it can most benchmarks you see running 4k with 30 or lower frames are on Ultra,which consoles are not running,so medium setting at 4k just to brag about 4k is achievable,i see neo as well hitting it.
@gago-gago said:
What a disaster the NeO have been and it's not even out yet. Lol. In all seriousness, I still rather get a NeO than get my PS4 back and play PS4 games on the NeO instead. Who cares if NeO is not the most powerful console any longer, that sucks but oh well. Depending on the price and actual power, it will still be a decent PlayStation console. I still hope gaming journalists are digging and asking Sony questions about it and getting answers during E3 week. Almost all the stuff they showed I'm interested in will release next year and beyond so I'm guessing the NeO will hopefully be out by then.
How is neo a Disaster.? Does MS has Scorpio NOW ready to launch this year.? Hell even early next one.? NO...lol
There is a reason why it will be probably 1 year behind Neo,and will be probably more expensive to,unlike the PS4 that was release 1 week before the xbox one was stronger and cheaper,the XBO was a total fiasco in all ways possible,Scorpio with just power will not change that.
That is funny the PS4 has more games coming this year than the xbox one and has release already more games to,this year the PS4 is on fire and delivering the xbox one not so much,but you are use to play nothing but 1 game every holiday right,so just hope Gears doesn't end flopping to like Halo 5 did..lol
It would be a blast seeing Neo outsold Scorpio even with a power advantage..lol
@Phazevariance said:
Then you have the choice, spend $2000-2500 for a high end computer with gtx 1080 cards and the latest CPU/RAM combo, or $400-500 for a high end console (scorpio).
Meanwhile, PS4Neo will still have it's precious exclusives, but they will be made for an under powered console for whatever that's worth.
WTF... Hahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...
From where in hell you pull that you need even $1,000 have something better that Scorpio let alone 2k or 2.5k...lol
The RX480 stock is 5.83TF just by OC you landed over the Scorpio without problems.,and is a $200 dollar GPU,so buy a $200 CPU and you probably won't hit $750,that is if you don't have already a PC with a fast enough CPU already.
Scorpio will be cheaper but to claim you need 2k is a joke.
Meanwhile Neo will play the best version of its exclusives,while PC get the superior version of Scorpio exclusives..
Is a win win for sony from were i see it,because Scorpio can come with a 1080,on PC you can use 2 no matter what it would always be inferior to PC,so prepare to play those inferior console exclusive games on scorpio..lol
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