[QUOTE="AM-Gamer"]. Yes you are a hermitTessellationthe kettle calling the pot black, you're a cow and a massive one plus stop ban-dodging ban-dodger.
WTf is ban dodging. and stop stalking me troll.
This topic is locked from further discussion.
1. I'm not a fanboy.[QUOTE="mitu123"]
LOL crappy pics from a demo , you fanboys do this everytime and everytme you get owned when the game comes out. Compressed textures and bluriness is common in lowquality screenshots. I got to see the HD video demo directly off the PS3 the game looks outstanding.
2. That's a direct feed shot.
3. Games typically look better in motion.
4. It still has jaggies you know.
5. It's not going to look 100 times better either.
1. Yes you are a hermit
2. From off screen footage
3. yes they do
4. Yes it does but with 2xMSAA im guessing its not horrible
5. I never said it would but in motion it looks closer to the so called bullshots that hermits say look nothing like the game.
1. Nope, I'm a manticore.2. How was that off screen, it would had looked way worse.
4. Game uses MLAA actually, that means it only uses AA when possible, just like Uncharted 3.
5. A bullshot would be jaggie free and that's not possible, if you are talking about the overall graphics then you have a point.
BF3 looks better than Arma 3 so far if you ask me.[QUOTE="parkurtommo"][QUOTE="Mozelleple112"] GTAIV destroys ANY console game, in fact any PC game too except for the elite: Crysis, Crysis 2, Metro 2033, Arma III, Shogun II: Total War and The Witcher 2. seanmcloughlin
Hells naw. Arma III looks outstanding
Not better than BF3 though. (graphically)[QUOTE="AM-Gamer"]
[QUOTE="mitu123"] 1. I'm not a fanboy.
2. That's a direct feed shot.
3. Games typically look better in motion.
4. It still has jaggies you know.
5. It's not going to look 100 times better either.
1. Yes you are a hermit
2. From off screen footage
3. yes they do
4. Yes it does but with 2xMSAA im guessing its not horrible
5. I never said it would but in motion it looks closer to the so called bullshots that hermits say look nothing like the game.
1. Nope, I'm a manticore.2. How was that off screen, it would had looked way worse.
4. Game uses MLAA actually, that means it only uses AA when possible, just like Uncharted 3.
5. A bullshot would be jaggie free and that's not possible, if you are talking about the overall graphics then you have a point.
Well thats pretty much my point, the fact that we got people counting Jaggies and Scren resolution at this point on 6 year old hardware is pathetic. The game is 720p and if it uses the same MLAA that UC3 did it will be one of the cleanest looking game on consoles. By pc gaming standards 720p is a low resolution but as I said the game matches the teck specs of any other console game while providing superior assets so im not sure how thats not impressive. If people want far higher resolution and AA they are going to have to wait for the next batch of consoles.
the kettle calling the pot black, you're a cow and a massive one plus stop ban-dodging ban-dodger.[QUOTE="Tessellation"][QUOTE="AM-Gamer"]. Yes you are a hermitAM-Gamer
WTf is ban dodging. and stop stalking me troll.
lol TheSterls the ban-dodger is mad.[QUOTE="AM-Gamer"][QUOTE="Tessellation"] the kettle calling the pot black, you're a cow and a massive one plus stop ban-dodging ban-dodger.Tessellation
WTf is ban dodging. and stop stalking me troll.
lol TheSterls the ban-dodger is mad.TheSterls is my gamertag fool , on both PSN and XBL so i will ask you again what is bandoding, I know you have nothing better to do so answer the question.
lol TheSterls the ban-dodger is mad.[QUOTE="Tessellation"][QUOTE="AM-Gamer"]
WTf is ban dodging. and stop stalking me troll.
TheSterls is my gamertag fool , on both PSN and XBL so i will ask you again what is bandoding, I know you have nothing better to do so answer the question.
sure brah ''TheSterls'' is your banned account here aswell ,you admitted to have been banned also..so quit your bullcrap mr bandodger.[QUOTE="AM-Gamer"][QUOTE="Tessellation"] lol TheSterls the ban-dodger is mad. Tessellation
TheSterls is my gamertag fool , on both PSN and XBL so i will ask you again what is bandoding, I know you have nothing better to do so answer the question.
sure brah ''TheSterls'' is your banned account here aswell ,you admitted to have been banned also..so quit your bullcrap mr bandodger.This has been my only active account in over a year troll. Calmdown bra , whipe the twinkys and drool off your mouth and go post in more pro sony threads.
sure brah ''TheSterls'' is your banned account here aswell ,you admitted to have been banned also..so quit your bullcrap mr bandodger.[QUOTE="Tessellation"][QUOTE="AM-Gamer"]
TheSterls is my gamertag fool , on both PSN and XBL so i will ask you again what is bandoding, I know you have nothing better to do so answer the question.
This has been my only active account in over a year troll. Calmdown bra , whipe the twinkys and drool off your mouth and go post in more pro sony threads.
lol you even admitted that CaseyWegner banned you.. you weren't saying this few days ago :lol:...how is this your only account bandodger? :lol: you mad cos you got busted :lol:[QUOTE="AM-Gamer"]
[QUOTE="Tessellation"] sure brah ''TheSterls'' is your banned account here aswell ,you admitted to have been banned also..so quit your bullcrap mr bandodger.Tessellation
This has been my only active account in over a year troll. Calmdown bra , whipe the twinkys and drool off your mouth and go post in more pro sony threads.
lol you even admitted that CaseyWegner banned you.. you weren't saying this few days ago :lol:...how is this your only account bandodger? :lol: you mad cos you got busted :lol:Yes he banned me over a year ago , this is my only active account . I had one account that was banned by a mod who is no longer a mod because he was a troll . What do you do once you get banned you never post on SW again? If they had the same rules they had a year ago you would have been banned now 10x.
lol you even admitted that CaseyWegner banned you.. you weren't saying this few days ago :lol:...how is this your only account bandodger? :lol: you mad cos you got busted :lol:[QUOTE="Tessellation"]
This has been my only active account in over a year troll. Calmdown bra , whipe the twinkys and drool off your mouth and go post in more pro sony threads.
Yes he banned me over a year ago , this is my only active account . I had one account that was banned by a mod who is no longer a mod because he was a troll . What do you do once you get banned you never post on SW again? If they had the same rules they had a year ago you would have been banned now 10x.
not everyone that was banned is back,few selected users and most of them guys that been in here years and years.Most people who were banned under the old TOU have been brought back FYI Tesselation.
lol you even admitted that CaseyWegner banned you.. you weren't saying this few days ago :lol:...how is this your only account bandodger? :lol: you mad cos you got busted :lol:[QUOTE="Tessellation"]
This has been my only active account in over a year troll. Calmdown bra , whipe the twinkys and drool off your mouth and go post in more pro sony threads.
Yes he banned me over a year ago , this is my only active account . I had one account that was banned by a mod who is no longer a mod because he was a troll . What do you do once you get banned you never post on SW again? If they had the same rules they had a year ago you would have been banned now 10x.
Your account was made in March this year. How have you had this account for over a year? :lol:
[QUOTE="Tessellation"] lol you even admitted that CaseyWegner banned you.. you weren't saying this few days ago :lol:...how is this your only account bandodger? :lol: you mad cos you got busted :lol:
Yes he banned me over a year ago , this is my only active account . I had one account that was banned by a mod who is no longer a mod because he was a troll . What do you do once you get banned you never post on SW again? If they had the same rules they had a year ago you would have been banned now 10x.
Your account was made in March this year. How have you had this account for over a year? :lol:
LOL if i was him i go under a rock and never post here again :lol:Tbh, these pics are not great, even for a PS3 standard. The trees and vines in this pic are especially bad, looks like a PS2 game. Ofc I know this is early build, I'm confident when it's released, this game will be one of the best looking games on consoles, maybe it will be the new console graphic king.mitu123
OMG at all the jaggies in Mitu's pic.
LOL crappy pics from a demo , you fanboys do this everytime and everytme you get owned when the game comes out.
The Uncharted games suffer from the same graphical inconsistencies as in those pics. This is what console games look like. Get over it. Yeah and display and insane amount of physics not found on game like Gears of war 3,it also boost incredible animation,more complex gameplay,and better graphics,that anything on 360. nit piking screen is sad we all know how those games look in motion.LOOl the game doesn't come out till 2013, how about we have a gigantic thread on that up to date version then a version from E3 hmmmm?
can't anyone just make a damn good looking tree already?VideoGameGuy
I thought the trees here looked good:
Wow, look at the great graphics!
Damn you,I was going to do that,but forum was complaining about "maintenace"!
Stupid Glitchspot :(
Well,looks fairly solid for console standards,when you take into account that PS3 is 6 years old,but yeah,lots and lots of noticeable flaws...
I'm going to get this game, but I really wish they did a PC port. Then I'd definitely wait for that.[QUOTE="Rocker6"][QUOTE="mitu123"]
Wow, look at the great graphics!
Damn you,I was going to do that,but forum was complaining about "maintenace"!
Stupid Glitchspot :(
Well,looks fairly solid for console standards,when you take into account that PS3 is 6 years old,but yeah,lots and lots of noticeable flaws...
I'm going to get this game, but I really wish they did a PC port. Then I'd definitely wait for that. You'll be waiting forever then.[QUOTE="VideoGameGuy"]can't anyone just make a damn good looking tree already?jun_aka_pekto
I thought the trees here looked good:
the game runs at 540p with inconsistent frame-rate and screen-tear. That's the difference, almost standard resolution. If you want to sacrifice all that and have a blurry game just for the sake of a better looking tree then you're crazy.
[QUOTE="VideoGameGuy"]can't anyone just make a damn good looking tree already?Gue1
I thought the trees here looked good:
the game runs at 540p with inconsistent frame-rate and screen-tear. That's the difference, almost standard resolution. If you want to sacrifice all that and have a blurry game just for the sake of a better looking tree then you're crazy.
there's also a pc version , u know?[QUOTE="jun_aka_pekto"]
[QUOTE="VideoGameGuy"]can't anyone just make a damn good looking tree already?Gue1
I thought the trees here looked good:
the game runs at 540p with inconsistent frame-rate and screen-tear. That's the difference, almost standard resolution. If you want to sacrifice all that and have a blurry game just for the sake of a better looking tree then you're crazy.
Runs at 1920x1080/60 fps with no screen tear on my PC.[QUOTE="Gue1"]
I thought the trees here looked good:
the game runs at 540p with inconsistent frame-rate and screen-tear. That's the difference, almost standard resolution. If you want to sacrifice all that and have a blurry game just for the sake of a better looking tree then you're crazy.
Runs at 1920x1080/60 fps with no screen tear on my PC.:roll:
anyway, another thing is that the tree is fully animated and it moves with the wind, a little detail that you can't see on a picture but that makes the world feel alive unlike the static environments on Alan Wake. On top of it it cast a shadow in real time: http://youtu.be/8ZYkj0glnqs?hd=1
"What interests us most about The Last of Us are the technical elements that aren't immediately apparent from the limited amount of canned footage we have, specifically in how Naughty Dog has set out to achieve its "wide linear" gameplay - the notion of tackling the game via multiple routes and adopting different game styles to suit.
This sounds terrible in comparision to say, STALKER C.O.P. where everything is 100% real time. I spawned six of the toughest class of pseudogiants inan army base full of many army mans with tough guns. That was hard. This is just the idea we've seen countless times in other games. It's not as though the weather will change, radically altering the experience, or anything of that sort.
At its most basic level, a lot of this comes down to level design. In the walkthrough video, we see protagonist Joel taking one route through the building, but it's clear to see that there are multiple entry points, suggesting different strategies for handling the Hunters.
Alan Wake, Witcher 2, Max Payne 3, Binaryt Domain, Jet Set Radio Future and Killer 7 are video games that puts me constantly awe of their surroundings. Why, then, does The Last of Us get its praise? It forces you to memorize environments. You HAVE to pay attention to things, rather than just run right through them.
However, what is the most intriguing element about the game is the dynamic AI, where characters move, talk and act in a highly contextual manner."
No. I can garuntee you it's not as impressive as a lot of people seem to claim from any amount of preview videos they've shown.
In STALKER, characters are alive. They have lives. They move from place to place, with things like weather, time of day (certain mutants are more active at night or in dark places; controllers never leave their caves, etc), number of anomalies present (imagine, if you will, a ball of flame that just flies around at random and sets you on fire, or a shimmering spot of air that is nearly invisible but will rip you to shreds if you step in it), and so on and so forth.
They make decisions. They have tactics and plans. STALKER has no pattern recognition element at all. You can get a general idea for how an enemy will behave, but that's about it. This makes the game a significantly harder experience, particularly if, like me, you decided to spawn a bunch of extra monsters just to see what would happen.
LOU = Everything you've seen before, but with 10x the "Cinematic" approach forgetting the point of a video game to begin with. Then again, that's most of Sony's exclusives anyway lol.
Runs at 1920x1080/60 fps with no screen tear on my PC.[QUOTE="DragonfireXZ95"]
the game runs at 540p with inconsistent frame-rate and screen-tear. That's the difference, almost standard resolution. If you want to sacrifice all that and have a blurry game just for the sake of a better looking tree then you're crazy.
anyway, another thing is that the tree is fully animated and it moves with the wind, a little detail that you can't see on a picture but that makes the world feel alive unlike the static environments on Alan Wake. On top of it it cast a shadow in real time: http://youtu.be/8ZYkj0glnqs?hd=1
a lot of games do the above things even alan wake has them crysis had them in 2007 ... only better :P[QUOTE="mitu123"]Tbh, these pics are not great, even for a PS3 standard. The trees and vines in this pic are especially bad, looks like a PS2 game. Ofc I know this is early build, I'm confident when it's released, this game will be one of the best looking games on consoles, maybe it will be the new console graphic king.Zensword
OMG at all the jaggies in Mitu's pic.
LOL crappy pics from a demo , you fanboys do this everytime and everytme you get owned when the game comes out.
The Uncharted games suffer from the same graphical inconsistencies as in those pics. This is what console games look like. Get over it.The Uncharted games suffer from the same graphical inconsistencies as in those pics. This is what console games look like. Get over it.[QUOTE="princeofshapeir"][QUOTE="AM-Gamer"]
LOL crappy pics from a demo , you fanboys do this everytime and everytme you get owned when the game comes out.
[QUOTE="Gue1"][QUOTE="DragonfireXZ95"] Runs at 1920x1080/60 fps with no screen tear on my PC.
anyway, another thing is that the tree is fully animated and it moves with the wind, a little detail that you can't see on a picture but that makes the world feel alive unlike the static environments on Alan Wake. On top of it it cast a shadow in real time: http://youtu.be/8ZYkj0glnqs?hd=1
a lot of games do the above things even alan wake has them crysis had them in 2007 ... only better :PAlan Wake scarifice tons of stuff for the sake of illumination and shadows. The game runs at 540p, the frame-rate is bad, the environments are static (trees have shadows but are static) and the animations are terrible. Just look at this: http://youtu.be/ww-Nv6iGAQg?hd=1 jump to 9:45 where he has a conversation with someone and see the running animation, is really bad.
And Crysis is a PC game, so who cares? Here we are talking about consoles which have a limited amount of resources.
I posted the Alan Wake screenshot to show there are games with nicely rendered trees (along with the SW favorite: Crysis). Since I do have the PC version which runs great and looks quite nice at 1080p, I leave to the rest of SW to figure out whether or not the 360 version is subpar. To me, the upscaled image quality of Alan Wake 360 screenshots (IGN) looks decent enough; certainly enough too see the nice trees. I like conifers and other evergreen trees.
While the trees and environment in Alan Wake may seem static, they really aren't. Fog banks roll in and out. There's a light breeze that rustles lighter vegetation from time to time.
As for TLOU, wouldn't it be more prudent to wait until the final release is out before dismissing it? Looking at ND's track record, I would think TLOU would at least look as good as past ND games.
I still have to finish UC2 and have UC3 lined up until I can get to TLOU. But, it's definitely on my list of games to buy.
The fact that you even name Jet set Radio on the same context of this game say it all... Are you Jelly.?"What interests us most about The Last of Us are the technical elements that aren't immediately apparent from the limited amount of canned footage we have, specifically in how Naughty Dog has set out to achieve its "wide linear" gameplay - the notion of tackling the game via multiple routes and adopting different game styles to suit.
This sounds terrible in comparision to say, STALKER C.O.P. where everything is 100% real time. I spawned six of the toughest class of pseudogiants inan army base full of many army mans with tough guns. That was hard. This is just the idea we've seen countless times in other games. It's not as though the weather will change, radically altering the experience, or anything of that sort.At its most basic level, a lot of this comes down to level design. In the walkthrough video, we see protagonist Joel taking one route through the building, but it's clear to see that there are multiple entry points, suggesting different strategies for handling the Hunters.
Alan Wake, Witcher 2, Max Payne 3, Binaryt Domain, Jet Set Radio Future and Killer 7 are video games that puts me constantly awe of their surroundings. Why, then, does The Last of Us get its praise? It forces you to memorize environments. You HAVE to pay attention to things, rather than just run right through them.
However, what is the most intriguing element about the game is the dynamic AI, where characters move, talk and act in a highly contextual manner."
No. I can garuntee you it's not as impressive as a lot of people seem to claim from any amount of preview videos they've shown.
In STALKER, characters are alive. They have lives. They move from place to place, with things like weather, time of day (certain mutants are more active at night or in dark places; controllers never leave their caves, etc), number of anomalies present (imagine, if you will, a ball of flame that just flies around at random and sets you on fire, or a shimmering spot of air that is nearly invisible but will rip you to shreds if you step in it), and so on and so forth.
They make decisions. They have tactics and plans. STALKER has no pattern recognition element at all. You can get a general idea for how an enemy will behave, but that's about it. This makes the game a significantly harder experience, particularly if, like me, you decided to spawn a bunch of extra monsters just to see what would happen.
LOU = Everything you've seen before, but with 10x the "Cinematic" approach forgetting the point of a video game to begin with. Then again, that's most of Sony's exclusives anyway lol.
[QUOTE="Davekeeh"][QUOTE="princeofshapeir"] The Uncharted games suffer from the same graphical inconsistencies as in those pics. This is what console games look like. Get over it.delta3074
a lot of games do the above things even alan wake has them crysis had them in 2007 ... only better :P[QUOTE="kickass1337"][QUOTE="Gue1"]
anyway, another thing is that the tree is fully animated and it moves with the wind, a little detail that you can't see on a picture but that makes the world feel alive unlike the static environments on Alan Wake. On top of it it cast a shadow in real time: http://youtu.be/8ZYkj0glnqs?hd=1
Alan Wake scarifice tons of stuff for the sake of illumination and shadows. The game runs at 540p, the frame-rate is bad, the environments are static (trees have shadows but are static) and the animations are terrible. Just look at this: http://youtu.be/ww-Nv6iGAQg?hd=1 jump to 9:45 where he has a conversation with someone and see the running animation, is really bad.
And Crysis is a PC game, so who cares? Here we are talking about consoles which have a limited amount of resources.
You consolites. :lol: I love how you guys completely ignore PC games just to try to win your argument.[QUOTE="delta3074"][QUOTE="Davekeeh"]the fact is that neither console can keep up with the PC in terms of graphics, to think they can is really deluded thinking,look at BF3 or crysis 2 DX11 on Pc's, nothing on consoles even comes close to that level of graphical fidelity. Yet Uncharted 3 won several graphics award and port some physics that many PC games don't even have. Imagine what ND could do if the hardware was top of the line with tons of Ram like PC. Like what PC games?
LOL like that over the top grainy sky? The Last of Us will be in the top 3 of best graphical games in 2013, Beyond: Two Souls will be nr.1tormentos
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